Blackstone Ranger Scrooge: Blackstone Rangers Book 6

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Blackstone Ranger Scrooge: Blackstone Rangers Book 6 Page 3

by Alicia Montgomery

  And now, the need continued to grow inside him—as did other parts—but, he let his logical, human side take over. You can do this. Straightening his shoulders, he cleared his throat. “My apologies, miss.”

  “I think we’re way past formalities at this point, don’t ya think?” A blonde brow raised at him. “But knowing your name might be nice.”

  “Right.” He paused. “Um, I’m Cameron. Dr. Cameron Spenser. But you can call me Cam.”

  “I’m J.D. McNamara.”

  He frowned. “Like Jade with a y?”

  “No, no. Like the letters.” Holding her hands up, she shaped them with her fingers. “J. And D.”

  “Oh, I see.” Americans, he grumbled silently. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned names like Linda or Anne or Emma? “It’s, uh, lovely to meet you.”

  Those haunting eyes regarding him, the dominant colors shifting from light brown to steel gray before she burst out laughing. “That was one hell of an introduction, huh?”

  Heat crept up his cheeks, and he ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t mean to … I mean, obviously I did, but …” Cam had always prided himself on his control and discipline. He had learned from a young age to control his polar bear all on his own. After all, Mum had died young before she was able to pass the lessons shifter parents were supposed to teach their young. And his father? Well—

  “It’s all right, I was kidding. What? You don’t get jokes where you’re from?” Her pert little nose wrinkled. “Say … where’re you from, anyway?”

  “Surrey. In England.”

  “Oh, like London?”

  He wanted to roll his eyes, but tamped down the urge. Of course, Americans only knew of London whenever England was mentioned. His polar bear slashed at him, as if warning him not to be rude to their mate. Like I would ever. “Yes, just outside London,” he said, using his standard answer.

  “Oh, cool. You have such a sexy accent,” she purred.

  Normally, commenting on his accent was another thing that irritated him about the people of this country, but coming from her, he felt enormously flattered, especially when she looked at him with such naked desire. But speaking of naked … “Um, perhaps we should get dressed? And leave before the chief comes back?” Bloody hell, did they really have sex in his boss’s office? Damon was going to have his hide.

  “Comes back?” She guffawed. “Unlikely, but yeah, we should probably get dressed.” Bending down, she picked up her discarded trousers. He couldn’t help but watch her shapely backside and her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

  “I did notice it was empty and dark in the building.” He glanced around and found his own khaki uniform pants and hopped into them. “Damon usually works until seven. I was hoping to catch him before he left, but that’s when I ran into you.” What was she doing in here? She wasn’t a ranger or employee; he certainly would have recognized her weeks ago if that was the case.

  “Well, yeah,” she chuckled. “It’s Thanksgiving.”


  “Yeah. You know. Turkey. Stuffing. Football and—oh!” Realization dawned on her face. “Of course you wouldn’t know. You’re not American.”

  “I know about Thanksgiving,” he countered. Still, that was today? “But it’s only Wednesday.”

  “Yeah, but today is the Blackstone Rangers Thanksgiving party.” She dashed toward the door and grabbed something from the floor—her hat and jumper he’d discarded earlier. “You’re a ranger, right?” Shaking it off, she slipped the top over, then her head popped out from the neck. He noticed tattoos down her left arm, but before he could make out what they were, she had tucked it under the sleeve. “Didn’t anyone invite you?” Combing her hair with her fingers, she pushed her blonde curls under the hat.

  He picked up his shirt from the floor and slipped it on. “I’m … not sure.”

  Technically he was part of the Blackstone Rangers, and he did his shifts and duties as required. However, he preferred to keep to himself and didn’t socialize with any of the other rangers or employees because he couldn’t afford to be distracted. After all, he didn’t move to a different continent to make friends. As one of the largest, privately-owned preserves in the United States, the ecology in the Blackstone Mountains was lush and nearly pristine. No one had yet done any research in the area. This was a chance afforded to no one else, and he couldn’t get distracted. Especially not with such a limited timetable.

  “Hello? Cam?” She waved a hand at him.

  “Yes. Damon did mention something the other day, if I recall correctly.” Initially, Cam didn’t think Damon would be interested in his scientific work, but he was taken by surprise. Damon sought him out every now and then and liked to hear his findings, and once in a while even asked his opinions about how they could improve with their operations and conservation efforts. That had earned Damon his respect and admiration. “However, I didn’t realize that was this week.” He finished buttoning up his uniform shirt and took his glasses out of the front shirt pocket.

  She raised a brow. “Do you even need those? I mean, I’m digging the sexy professor look, but you’re a shifter, right? A … bear?”

  “I don’t,” he said. Shifters had enhanced senses after all, but he’d had them for a long time now. Keep those on, Cameron, his father had instructed when he dropped him off at boarding school. They make you look more human and normal. Swallowing the unexpected lump in his throat, he added, “And, yes. Polar bear, actually.”

  “You’re shitting me!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Like for real?”

  “Of course, why would I lie?”

  Her hands clapped together. “Polar—oh my God, you really are my mate.” She hugged him and squeezed tight. “I can’t believe … oh the guys will never—” Her arms dropped to her sides, and she stepped back. “Wait—we are mates, right?”

  “Yes.” His bear did not like the way she shrank back apprehensively. And neither did he. What could she be thinking?

  “And that means … you and I …” She gestured between them. “I mean, are you going to … we should …”

  “We should what?” he asked, exasperated. “Spit it out, will you?”

  Her hands curled at her sides. “You’re not going to fight it, are you?”

  “Why the bloody hell would I do that?” His bear, too, roared in defiance.

  Her jaw dropped, then her shoulders relaxed. “Oh. Thank God. I thought you were having some kind of post-nut clarity, and you realized you didn’t want this.”

  “Post-nut … what do you mean?”

  “I’ve seen this dance before. My friends, well most of them anyway, they had their reasons for not wanting to be with their mates and made up all kinds of excuses when it’s obvious to everyone they’re right for each other.”

  “That seems illogical.” This was biology they were talking about. If something—whether pheromones or chemistry or shifter physiology—had deemed them compatible, then why should they ignore it? His bear agreed heartily. “It’s in our nature. Our instinct. We couldn’t possibly defy it any more than newly-hatched sea turtles stop themselves from crawling into the sea.” Besides, it was an interesting prospect. To be able to discover and observe the mating of shifters firsthand would be a fascinating thing indeed.

  Her hands planted on her hips. “Did you just compare me to a sea turtle?”

  “I, uh …” He never was good with women, unfortunately. While they were initially attracted to him for whatever reason, it was difficult to figure out what things to say that wouldn’t make them angry. Or vexed. Or generally annoyed. So, he just kept silent most of the time. It seemed easier, so as not to dig himself into a bigger hole. “It’s not that—”

  “Because sea turtles are adorable,” she finished with a laugh.

  He relaxed. “Yes, they are.” And now his curiosity was piqued—what was she? Was he supposed to know already? He remembered trace scents of fur, but he’d been distracted by … other parts of her. His ga
ze lowered to her lips, and he took a step forward, hands reaching out. “J.D. …”

  “Yes?” Her lips parted, her voice low and husky.

  Christ, he wanted her again. And again. This new sensation of lust and want was exhilarating, but also distracting. But he had to control himself, even though he could already smell her arousal, along with the sweet, female scent. “I think we should … explore this … between us.”

  Her hands planted on his chest as her eyes darkened. “Oh, I agree … we definitely should explore.”

  “And do things the right way.”

  “You’ve definitely done things the right way.” Moving closer to him, she pressed her body up against his. “But I’m open to trying other things too.”

  “I …” His cock twitched in his pants. But his own learned instinct from his human side quickly fought to shut down his need. “What I mean is … perhaps we should slow down.”

  “Slow down? Didja want me to buy you some flowers or something? Ask your father for permission to take you out?”

  He snorted. Like his father would have given a damn—oh. It was another joke. “No, not at all.” He pushed his glasses up his nose by habit. “What I meant is, perhaps we can get to know each other. Spend more time together before we … uh … again …”

  Hazel eyes narrowed at him. “Before we what?”

  “You know.” He harrumphed. “Do I have to spell it out?”

  “Ohhh. You mean, take a one-way ride to pound town? Make the beast with two backs? Do the bedroom rodeo? Burp the worm—”

  “Yes,” he interrupted. “Don’t get me wrong, J.D., I enjoyed what transpired between us.”

  “But you don’t want to do it again?” Confusion and hurt crossed her face.

  “I do.” Bloody hell, if she only knew how much, she’d probably run in the opposite direction. “But this is all new to me. And to you, too, I imagine.”

  “Yeah … I don’t do this kind of thing, just so you know.”

  Not knowing what else to say, he decided to just tell her the truth. “It’s overwhelming, and I … I don’t want to make a mistake.”

  Her hazel eyes looked up at him. “That’s so … so sweet of you.”

  “I want to do this the proper way.”

  “I guess that makes sense. When my friends talk about the bond, they say it’s something special, but we have to be open to it if we want it to form.”

  A sudden, inexplicable fear gripped him. What if this didn’t work out with J.D.? Their animal sides were in tune, but what if their human sides didn’t get along? Could they just go their separate ways? Form relationships with other people? His bear didn’t like that one bit.

  “I wish I could peek into that mind of yours,” she said slyly. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he said, brushing those thoughts away. He knew he had a tendency to overthink things, but talking to himself helped assess any situation. Most people mistook his silence for coldness or indifference which made it difficult for him to act normally in social situations. He’d been like that most of his life, preferring his inner musings. His father’s voice broke into his thoughts from out of nowhere. Why can’t you just act normal, Cameron?

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Wait, are you trying to tell me you want to start dating first?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Huh.” She tapped a finger on her chin. “It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I suppose we could give it a try.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good.”

  “So.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Are there gonna be rules? Like only up to second base until the third date?”

  “I, uh … how about we just play it by ear? But of course, I would respect your boundaries and your limits.”

  She burst out laughing. “If we respected my boundaries, we’d be horizontal right now.”

  A fresh surge of lust rose in him. “You’re trying my patience, love,” he warned.

  “Oh yeah?” The corners of her lips turned up. “I’d try more than your patience. Whatcha gonna do about it?” Her fingers walked up his chest. “Are you gonna spank me, Dr. Spenser?”

  Bloody hell. He wrapped his hand around her wrist and brought her closer. The fire in her eyes emboldened him. “Perhaps I will, if you continue to be a naughty girl.”

  “Oh geez,” she groaned, taking a step back. “C’mon, Christian Grey, let’s get outta here. You’re making my kitty all riled up. And I’m not talking about my inner animal.”

  When Damon had mentioned there would be some kind of party, Cam hadn’t quite expected such an elaborate affair. The normally bare dining hall had been done up in brilliant autumn colors and fall-themed decor. It was also packed with people, and not just the rangers and employees. There were many faces he didn’t recognize and several children running around and screaming like banshees.

  “Oh, they already started!” J.D. exclaimed as they walked through the door. “Let’s go to our table.”

  “Our table?” Perhaps he should have thought this part through. He didn’t even know who J.D. McNamara was exactly and how she came to be here. Was she someone’s daughter or sister?

  She dragged him along, waving and chatting to several people, many of them his workmates. It was almost comical the way their faces cheered up when they looked at her, and then turned confused or downright unpleasant when their gazes turned to him. To say that he hadn’t made many good impressions around here was an understatement, but he was never really good at small talk or congeniality. He tended to be too direct and stiff, especially around gregarious and overly-friendly Americans.

  But she didn’t seem to mind, and now that they were under better light, he couldn’t help but stare down at her.

  Objectively speaking, J.D. was attractive. Blonde. Hazel eyes. Slim build with the right amount of curves. Who wouldn’t give her a second glance?

  But un-objectively speaking? She was the most exquisite creature he’d laid eyes on. The tendrils of hair coming loose from under her hat were the color of wheat. She had a pert nose, clear, milky skin, and thick blonde lashes framing her unusual eyes. Eyes that were now looking up at him, amused.

  “Something the matter?”

  “Uh, no,” he said quickly, realizing he’d been caught. “Apologies. I didn’t mean to stare.”

  “You can stare all you want, champ,” she purred. “No one’ll make a fuss. Me least of all.”

  “J.D.!” a feminine voice called them. “Where have you been?”

  “Uh, busy.” They stopped in front of a pretty blonde woman. “Hey, Anna Victoria, have you met Cam? Cam Spenser?”

  Cam recognized the woman as Anna Victoria Cooper, Damon’s mate and wife. “Why yes, we met briefly at the Blackstone Rangers anniversary ball,” she said. “Nice to see you again, Dr. Spenser.” Her gaze zeroed in on him, then down to their linked hands, then back up to his face. She lifted a brow at J.D. “And how are you two acquainted?”

  J.D. gave a nervous laugh. “Funny you should ask—”

  “Where’d you go off to, J.D?” A man with dark blond hair came up from behind Anna Victoria. “I thought you’d be the first one lining up for the turkey. Oh, hey.” Friendly blue eyes regarded him. “Have we met? Gabriel Russel.”

  Gabriel seemed familiar, then Cam recalled he’d been on the other side of their table during the Blackstone Rangers ball. He offered his hand anyway. “I think we did meet briefly at the ball as well. But it’s nice to meet your acquaintance again. Dr. Cameron Spenser.”

  “Right. You’re the doctor who took my place on the roster,” he said, taking the hand Cam held out. “Hope the job’s treating you well. Are you—” He stopped short when he noticed he and J.D. were holding hands. Instead of releasing his grip, Gabriel tightened it. “So, Doc, how exactly do you and our dear old J.D. know each other?”

  Our J.D.? His bear did not like that possessive word one bit, and so he returned the shake with equal strength and positi
oned himself between Gabriel and his mate.

  “Oh please.” J.D. rolled her eyes. “Drag your knuckles off the ground and quit with the male posturing shit. Cam is—”

  “Anna Victoria, I thought you were just going to get dessert?” Damon said as he sidled up to his wife.

  Cam mentally slapped his head. Perhaps I should have thought this through. “Chief,” he greeted his boss tersely.

  “Cam?” Damon looked as if Cam had grown a second head. “You decided to join us for this all-American tradition after all. Did you—” His jaw tensed and brows furrowed as his green gaze ping-ponged between Cam and Gabriel, whose hands remained locked in a death grip. “Somebody want to explain?”

  Gabriel huffed. “Yeah, somebody better.”

  Cam’s head snapped toward Gabriel, noting the way the other man’s jaw hardened and his gaze blazed. Who was this male? And why was he being overprotective of his mate? His bear let its disapproval known with a growl. It was answered with an equally fierce roar from the other man’s animal.

  Damon stepped in front of them. “Let. Go.” The dominant force of his Kodiak bear cowered both his and Gabriel’s animals, and they both released each other at the same time.

  Damon crossed his arms over his chest. “Explain.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Relax, guys.” J.D. scrubbed a palm down her face. “Cam is my mate.”

  Three jaws simultaneously dropped.

  “Mate?” Anna Victoria said, breathless. “J.D. that’s wonderful?” She pulled J.D. in for a hug, and since the blonde was already mated, Cam allowed it.

  “You’re mates?” Gabriel looked utterly stunned. “Holy shit, McNamara!” he laughed, and the tension broke in the air. “Congratulations.” Then he turned to Cam and mouthed, I’m sorry.

  “Hey!” J.D. protested. “I saw that.”

  “Congratulations, both of you,” Damon said, clapping him on the back. “I … can’t say I expected this. But, I’m glad for you both. Finding your mate is a special thing.” He wrapped an arm around Anna Victoria and smiled at her, perhaps the first time Cam had ever seen Damon show any tender emotion.


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