Blackstone Ranger Scrooge: Blackstone Rangers Book 6

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Blackstone Ranger Scrooge: Blackstone Rangers Book 6 Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

  Her eyes narrowed at his selection, and she tapped a finger on her chin as she contemplated on it. “Hmmm.”

  “What does hmmm mean?” he asked, impatient.

  “It is the right height. And the right bushiness. But it’s too … piney.”

  “Too piney?” he exclaimed, throwing the axe on the ground. “It’s a pine tree. They’re all bloody pine trees! Of course they’re going to be piney! What else would they be?”

  “Jesus, Cam, I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears.” She laughed out loud. “You look like you’re going to have a heart attack.”

  “Confound it, woman, you’re going to give me one if you don’t choose a damn tree!”

  She sighed and walked over to him, then reached up to touch the side of his face. “Please Cam, it has to be perfect. This is a special tree.”


  “Yeah. It’s our first tree together.”

  “Our tree?” He blinked.

  “Yeah, I mean … first one we’re getting as mates.” Her lips curled up into a smile. “If you’ll just be a little more patient with me, I’ll give you something you want.”

  Now she was talking. “Oh really? What would that be?”

  “Well … how about I show you my animal?”

  His bear very much liked that idea. And frankly, so did he. It felt like a step in the right direction. “All right. But I want payment first.”


  He crossed his arms over his chest. “You heard me. I’ve been mucking about the woods looking for your tree for an hour. I want to see it. Your animal. Time to pay the piper.”

  “Fine.” She shoved the sleeves of her jumper up to her elbows. “Stand back.”

  Obeying, he took a step back. His polar bear stood up on its hind legs, excited. He, too, felt the crackle of electricity in the air as he waited with bated breath, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Fur sprouted on her face as her long hair receded under her cap. He expected her limbs to stretch and grow, but to his surprise, they began to shrink instead. Moments later, she was gone, and only a heap of clothing and her trucker cap were left on the ground. “J.D.?” he called. His polar bear paced, feeling uneasy that their mate was gone.

  Something moved from under the pile of clothing. Bending down, he pulled the cap away. “J.D.?”

  Two hazel blinked up at him, gray specks twinkling in the moonlight. A small feline padded out from the neckline of J.D.’s Christmas jumper, revealing more of itself. It had vertical horizontal stripes along its neck, front paws, and tail, but spots all around its body. "Felis nigripes,” he whispered. “The African black-footed cat. Hello,” he greeted, giving it a scratch on the head. “Oh!”

  The little creature—measuring less than fifteen inches tall—crawled up his arm, then rubbed its little head against his chin. “There, there … aren’t you a pretty thing.” He stroked its soft fur. “What a beautiful creature you are,” he whispered. He loved that she was one of the rarest cats in the world. Hell’s bells, he didn’t even know there were shifters of her kind. It made him feel special, knowing she was his mate, and she trusted him enough to show her.

  His bear, too, glowed with happiness. He could practically feel it begging to be let out. J.D.’s cat let out a mewl. “You can feel my bear,” he stated. “It wants to meet you too.”

  The cat purred.

  “All right then.” He set the cat down gently, then took two steps back, and began to undress. The initial touch of the chilly air made gooseflesh rise on his skin, but his body quickly adjusted. And then he let his animal out.

  They must have looked quite a sight, a humongous ten-foot polar bear and the tiny feline. The bear lay down, then went still, waiting for the cat to approach. After a few wary blinks, J.D.’s cat padded over and gave the bear a few sniffs. Eventually, it purred and rubbed its body around the bear’s side.

  To Cam’s surprise, the tiny creature climbed up its flank, sharp claws digging in with pleasure as it meowed. The bear stiffened and bore the pain, allowing the cat to explore its back. Eventually it reached the bear’s head, then crawled down to the ground, stopping in front of him. Turning its face around, it gave a ‘come hither’ look, then darted into the trees.

  The bear chased after their mate. With their excellent shifter senses, they were able to catch up, though Cam had no doubt in his mind that if J.D. wanted to, she and her cat could have easily evaded them.

  The cat zoomed up a tree, but not far enough that the polar bear couldn’t reach it. It swiped its mighty paws up, trying to coax the cat to come down. Eventually, the feline relented and climbed down the polar bear’s arm and body, then jumped and landed on its feet.

  The bear was about to lumber around to face the feline, but to Cam’s surprise, a pair of slim, fully human arms wrapped around his bear’s torso.

  “You know what I am,” J.D. said as she rubbed her cheek on his fur.

  I need her, Cam told his bear. Please.

  The polar bear hesitated but released its hold on their body. Soon, he, too, was fully human. Turning around, he pressed her close. “Of course,” he murmured against her silken hair. “It’s my job. I study animals.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, then cupped her face to stare into those gray-flecked hazel eyes. “You’re gorgeous. Both of you. Why would you hide it?”

  Hesitation crossed her face. “I’m not … it’s not that I’m ashamed of it. But you know. People don’t know, and they always think I’m just a cat.”

  “Just a cat?” he asked incredulously. “How could anyone call you just a cat? You’re the deadliest feline in the world. Sixty percent success rate when hunting. That means you can hunt more prey in a night than most apex predators can in a month. That’s—mmmm!”

  Her arms came around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. “You’re amazing,” she moaned against his mouth. “I knew there was a reason we were mates.”

  She arched her body against his, and the sudden awareness that they were both naked hit him at full force. “J.D.,” he groaned as his cock twitched when it rubbed against her stomach. “Will you let me touch you? Everywhere? Just for a bit.” Just a taste for now.

  “You don’t even have to ask,” she panted.

  He captured her mouth again, tasting her sweetness, then released her lips so he could step back and look at her. Her skin glowed in the moonlight, her hair like a halo around her flushed, aroused face. His gaze traced down to the ink on her arm—delicate vines of ivy curling around her bicep—before moving to her breasts.

  Oh, fuck me.

  Her breasts weren’t overly large, just right for her slim frame, but her nipples—they were large and perfectly round, the pink areolas stiff and puffy.

  He couldn’t help himself as he bent his head and took one in his mouth. Fingers dug into his hair, nails scraping down his scalp as his tongue lashed against her right nipple. He sucked in her breast, while his other hand teased the left. Her scent flooded his nose, and he remembered tasting her last night, wanting that again. Slowly, he trailed kisses down over her stomach, getting down to his knees.

  “Cam,” she said. “Cam!”

  His inattention got him a yank on his scalp, which sent his desire deflating. Among other things. “What?” he asked in an annoyed tone, looking up at her.

  “Look!” She pointed to something behind him.

  “Is there someone here?” Turning his head, he focused his sight to detect any movement in the tree.

  “No, silly,” she said. “There. That’s it.”

  “What’s it?”

  “My—our tree,” she squealed, pulling away from him and then dashing toward a lone Colorado blue spruce about six feet behind them.

  He groaned as he got to his feet, then trudged toward her. “Are you sure?” It looked like any other tree in the forest, but then again, he couldn’t exactly focus on it, not when she was right beside it, fully naked, her gorgeous nipples on display as her breasts bounced delicious
ly when she jumped up and down in excitement.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” Her eyes lit up. “C’mon, let’s get dressed and grab the axe.”

  They went back to where they first shifted, retrieved their clothes and the axe, and retrieved the tree. Though he grumbled the entire time, it was worth it, seeing his mate so happy. And despite his feelings toward this holiday, he knew he could endure it, if it meant seeing her all aglow like this.

  They dragged the tree back to the cabin, where they loaded it onto the back of Damon’s truck. The chief had promised to deliver it first thing in the morning since there was no way they could safely bring it down in the Range Rover. When it was secure, they got into his vehicle and made their way back into town.

  J.D. must have been exhausted, because she drifted off to sleep halfway through the drive. When they reached her home, he stopped outside her driveway, got out and went to her side to open the door for her. “J.D.?” He gently shook her awake.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “What—oh!” She blinked and sat up. “Sorry,” she yawned. “Must have fallen asleep. Are we back?”


  “You should have woken me to keep you company.”

  “I didn’t mind.”

  “Finally got some silence, huh?” she teased. “That’s okay, I know I can be a bit … loud.”

  A bit was an understatement. “I don’t mind you being yourself.” And he meant that. J.D. was like a force of nature, but one he couldn’t turn away from. “Besides, you’re beautiful when you sleep.”

  “Oh yeah? Wanna come in and watch me sleep some more?”

  “Don’t tempt me,” he warned, though he kept his tone lighthearted. “Back there, I almost lost control.”

  “Would it be so bad?”

  His bear agreed with her. But he still wasn’t sure. “I thought we agreed—”

  “I know. Get to know each other more.” With a sigh, she slipped out of the seat. “And I guess it would be nice to have you on a real bed at some point.”

  “Agreed,” he said. “Now, let me walk you to your door.”

  “Such a gentleman,” she teased, but put her hand in his as they walked together. “So,” she began. “How about you come over in the morning, and we can decorate our tree?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Leaning down, he gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead. “Thank you for showing me your animal, love.”

  “My cat’s crazy about you,” she said. “And that’s a big compliment, believe me. It can be a bitch when it wants to.”

  “And my bear adores you both.” A happy rumble emanated from his chest, as if to prove his point. “I’ll come by with breakfast.”

  “All right. Good night, Cam,” she said as she unlocked her door. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night.”

  He waited until he heard the click of her lock before turning back and heading to his car, slipped in and drove back to his flat.

  When he first came here, he had arranged to rent a fully furnished penthouse in the newer development of South Blackstone. He’d only glanced at the photos online and snapped up the first available one, not really caring what it looked like. When he moved in, he only had one suitcase and his backpack with his laptop and research.

  The building was modern, which he appreciated, so everything was electronic and automatic, from the garage gates that picked up the RFID sensor on his Range Rover, to the sensors in the elevator and door lock that activated via his key fob. As soon as he got into his flat, he walked over to the plush sofa and sat down on it, heaving a long sigh.

  If he really wanted to—and he did—he could run back and knock on J.D.’s door, and she’d welcome him into her bed. He’d practically begged her tonight and he almost gave in. Surely if he had tasted her again, he would have taken her right then and there. But still—

  His phone ringing jolted him out of his thoughts, and he quickly fished it out of his pocket. When he saw the name on the caller ID, he let out another sigh. He contemplated ignoring it or sending it to voicemail, but that wouldn’t stop her. So, he picked it up.

  “Hello, babushka,” he greeted his grandmother, his brain immediately switching to Russian. “How nice of you to call. What time is it over there?”

  “Aleksandr.” Natalia Dashokov preferred using his Russian middle name. His real name, as she would call it. “How are you, lyuba? Why have you not called me?” The tone in her voice was just the right amount of sweetness, pouting, and guilt-inducing reproach.

  “Forgive me.” He flinched inwardly. “I have been busy these past few days. There was a nest of rare red-tailed grouses that I’d been observing from the early hours of the day until evening, when the parents go out and hunt.…” Cam was pretty sure there were no such thing as red-tailed grouses, but this was his usual distraction tactic whenever Natalia called. She would either get bored or impatient, but eventually forgive him.

  “Bah!” she interrupted. “That is no excuse for ignoring your frail old grandmother.”

  Frail was not a word he would use to describe her. For a human, she could be even more tenacious and pugnacious than any shifter or animal. “Again, my apologies.” He shifted the phone to his other ear. “And to what do I owe this call, babushka?”

  “You know why I am calling.”

  His chest tightened, making it hard to speak.

  “Your time in America is at an end. I want to know when you intend to fly back to London.”

  Had he forgotten his promise to her? And his obligations?

  When he had seen her on New Year’s Eve, he had begged Natalia for one just one more year of unfettered study before he took on his family “obligations.” After completing his second PhD, the opportunity came up to study the flora and fauna of the famed Blackstone mountains. When he had moved out here, all he wanted to do was devote his time to his research for his last months of freedom. He had never expected to meet his mate, much less in America of all places.

  And now, with J.D. involved in the mix, things were about to get more complicated.

  Should he tell his grandmother about her? While that would send Natalia over the moon, it would make things even more difficult. He loved Natalia, but she meddled too much.

  And then there was J.D., who knew absolutely nothing about his background and his promise to his grandmother. How would she react? Would she want to leave Blackstone and everything and everyone she knew to start a new life with him in a new country?

  “Lyuba?” Natalia’s voice broke his train of thought. “Thinking with that big brain of yours again?”

  He swallowed. She was one of the few people who understood how his mind worked, who didn’t mind if he was too absorbed in his own thoughts. “I … I’m just finishing up some things here.” This was not a conversation he should be having with her on the phone. “I … there are a few things I need to take care of and then … then we can speak. Perhaps in January, when I fly back?” Yes, that would give him some time to weigh his options and think on things.

  “January?” she said incredulously. “But that is so far away. Next year, even. You told me last year when your final term began that all you needed was one year. And the year is almost over.”

  “I know, babushka, but you can’t expect me to fly out right before midnight on December thirty-first. I’m not Cinderella, and I won’t turn into a pumpkin.” He sighed. “I promise … I’ll be back, all right? Don’t you fret. And I may have good news for you too.” Like those great grandchildren you’ve always wanted.

  And that was one reason he couldn’t tell her about J.D. yet. Natalia would probably fly out here and lock them in a room together until J.D. popped out a cub or two.

  “Good news?” Now she sounded even more intrigued.

  “Yes, babushka. It’s a surprise. And don’t you even try to guess,” he warned. “I don’t want to ruin it.”

  “Hmmm … all right. But I want you to keep me abreast of your move back. Do not forget to call your dear gra
ndmother, eh?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  “I shall speak and see you soon, lyuba,” she said before hanging up.

  Bloody hell.

  Tossing his phone aside, he sank back into the cushions and massaged the pressure building between his eyebrows. He had been hoping his grandmother wouldn’t take their one-year bargain so literally, but it seemed she was determined to have what she was owed. Or rather, delivery on what she owed.

  Everything would have to progress much faster, now that the clock was ticking. Goddammit. He really wanted to get to know J.D. and ease her into things. And from what little he did know of her, it wasn’t going to be an easy transition.

  The life he had been prepared for—no, bred for—was light years away from what she knew. It might crush her spirit, the obligations and the rigidity of it all. And then there was the question if she would even want it. She had no idea what being his mate would be really about.

  He needed some time to think. Some space away from her and figure out what to do next. This situation needed some analysis, and he needed time to figure out the pros and cons, and how exactly he was going to tell her the truth of who he was.

  Chapter Six

  “Thanks guys!” J.D. waved goodbye to Anna Victoria and Damon as they pulled out of her driveway. As promised, they delivered the Christmas tree that morning. “Have a great breakfast!”

  “You too!” Anna Victoria shouted back, then winked. “And if I don’t see you for yoga class tomorrow, I won’t be surprised.”

  J.D. grinned as the truck drove off. Oh yeah. Last night had been so close. If she hadn’t seen the perfect tree, she would have let Cam touch her everywhere for definitely more than “just a little bit.” True, it had only been three days now since they had met, but for God’s sake, how much slower could they go? If they counted the party and yesterday, then that would mean today would be their third date.

  Even if we didn’t go all the way, there were other things we could do, she thought. It sounded like Cam would be open to at least get to second or third base.

  However, that would have to wait, as she already had the day planned. Put up the Christmas tree. Decorate it while drinking hot chocolate. And then cuddle on the couch with some of her favorite holiday movies. Then snuggling could lead to more. She licked her lips in anticipation.


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