Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 4

by Eli Lowe

  “Yes. And it is good that we got to meet today. Because I wanted to thank you for the last night.” Her voice sounded so gentle as she spoke.

  “No, it's alright. I wanted to intervene cause seeing such men from the other night, my blood boils and I just can not mind my business, when someone is already becoming a victim of those nasty brutes before my eyes.” I said continuously remembering the moment from last night.

  She didn't say anything for some moment, only looked at me intensely.

  “I am Jennifer. And Jenny for you, because only my friends can call me that, and that is you are to me now.” She extended her hand towards me in a friendly way.

  I was taken aback by her sudden action. I wondered if she really wanted to be my friend. I mean, I know that I am the most hated person around the school, but my instinct said otherwise this time, when I saw that she was still waiting with her hand for me to grab, without any intention to take it back.

  “Summer, you can call me Sam.” I took her hand after thinking for some time, cause I didn't want to disappoint someone who is willing to be my friend out of all the odds.

  “Yes, I know you. I mean everyone does, and I am no different.” Jenny said smiling.

  “Then, you shouldn't be asking me to be your friend I guess. I mean, if you are well aware of, why everyone knows me.” Yes, I saw that coming. Because it's the same every time.

  “No, no, you are getting me wrong, Sam.” She said quickly without giving me time to assume further.

  “I know what others think about you, but to me, you were always someone to admire.

  Yes, I never got to know you any better before today, but I saw you most of the time, when you were unaware of my presence. Obviously, you didn't know me that's why.

  And I also never got to talk to you, even when I wanted to. Cause, you see, I am nothing like you. I am not strong to stand against my bullies. I am pathetic. So yeah, the fear of being bullied always kept me a step behind.

  But last night, when I saw you as my saviour, I wanted to be like you, I didn't want to stay as the fragile girl anymore.

  So what do you think? Do I hate you like others?” When she stopped, I was already stunned at my place. Yes, I was left speechless after hearing her long speech. This was the first time to hear something good about me from others.

  “Umm.. Well, I wasn't prepared for the whole thing that you have just said, Jenny. But you didn't have to say all this, and yes, I believe that we could be friends.” I was overwhelmed, for the first time in my life.

  “But, Jenny... If you don't mind may I ask you something?” I said cautiously, as I didn't know what her reaction would be.

  “Of course, and you don't need my permission to ask. You can ask me anything, you know?” She said with a smile. I must say, her smile is surely something that could easily take one's breath away. And her dimples were enchanting, that I never realized she had before.

  “Well, I was curious about you. I mean what were you doing at the dark alley that late last night?” With my words, I saw her dimples faded away along with her smile. Her beautiful brown eyes looked down for a moment to get lost in her thoughts, only to look up at me again.

  “It's my fate, you can tell. I have to work at night clubs to earn my living.” Jenny answered in her low voice, and I realized in an instant that fate is not only cruel to me but it has other victims as well, one like Jenny.

  Even though I wanted to know more, I decided to let it be for this moment. I mean we just met, so it is not good to ask for everything at once.

  “I see. But you better make sure of your safety first. Okay?” I said only to earn myself a nod from her.

  “Okay. See you then. Otherwise, I will be late for work.” She said with a sigh, maybe for the realisation that she had to go back to the trash world of her again.

  I sighed too.

  “Yeah, take care.” I bid her goodbye just before she left... left only to engulf herself with another kind of darkness of her own world.

  Right after Jenny went out of my sight I heard a familiar voice coming from behind,... So I turned back to meet him.

  “Hey!!! What are you doing here? I was looking for you outside.” Kaith said in between his breaths as he was almost running while coming to me.

  “Are you even a wolf? Look how weak your respiratory system is. You are struggling to breathe after running this little distance? Seriously?” I made fun of him of course, though I knew why he was that tired today.

  “Yeah yeah,... Take one class from my coach and then say that again.” He retorted back immediately.

  “Ha ha... Let's go.” I started walking towards my bike with Kaith, and just when we reached the parking area, I saw his bike. It was indeed in a pathetic condition.

  “What would you do with it?” I pointed towards his bike.

  “I can't get it out today. So I'll leave the bike here, and bring someone with me tomorrow, so that he could take it to the garage.” His words were unable to hide the fact that he was very frustrated to see his dear bike in its present condition.

  “Okay. Get on. Let's get out of here.” I asked him to sit at the back of my seat quickly. Because the longer we stay, the more frustrated we would become to see his broken bike in front of us.

  So, yeah... as soon as he settled himself on the bike, I hit the accelerator pulling my bike out of the parking area only to let those sexy wheels run straight on the road with quite a speed.

  We felt the wind sped up too to keep up with our pace, making our hairs all messy with its aimless wandering. But I least bothered, because I was quite enjoying the ride. Kaith didn't say anything, neither did I. It was a peaceful ride, but just then I remembered something that I forgot to tell Kaith. So, I broke the silence.

  “I'll get off at the cafe, and you take the bike back home. Okay?” Yes, it was time for my part-time job.

  “Okay. I will come to take you back home then. Text me when you are done.” Just when he said, I pulled my bike aside, in front of the cafe. Yes, we had reached already, as it is on my way back to home from school. So, without a delay, I get off the bike and Kaith slid himself to the front.

  “Well, about that. You don't have to come all the way here. I want to walk back home.” With my words, Kaith looked at me for a while but couldn't get enough energy to argue this time I guess. So, he just nodded, while his face stayed expressionless.

  “Okay, bye then. I don't wanna be late.” With my words, I earned another of his nod just before I saw him disappear with the bike in no time.

  But I think my day never completes without declaring itself as the worst day if my life. Each day, worse than the day before. And why did I say that? Well well...

  Cause just when I entered the cafe, my eyes met with the familiar four pair of eyes which I always try to avoid but fail every time. But today they had company. Yes, bitches with the dogs. Those girls were eyeing each of the boys as if they were licking all of them in mind.


  Keeping the disgusting sight aside, I made my way to the counter in an attempt to make myself ready for work.

  “Go, attain table number three.” As soon as I finished changing, I was assigned to take orders immediately.

  “Right away.” But as soon as I made my way out I realized that the table that I was assigned this evening was the table that I wanted to avoid.

  Yes, me and my pathetic destiny, you see. But what could I do, it was my job for which I get paid, so I had to do it no matter what.

  So, without hesitating any longer, I went straight to the table.

  “Hi, I am Summer, and I will be taking your orders if you have decided anything yet?” Yes, I was acting according to my job, because it says to be always polite with the customers.

  “Yes, Four coffees and take the rest of the orders from the girls.” Jeremy said, letting one of the girls place the rest of the order, and believe me it was long, cause I kept writing and writing. Anyway, when the girl was done I made my way out of the
re instantly.

  In no time I had to face them again to serve their orders. I just kept wishing not to lose my temper. But no... This stupid Adrian had to open his mouth.

  “You know what Summer, this is what you are born for. To serve. And as I can see, you are pretty good at it.” All the girls laughed at his cruel words without thinking for themselves.

  “Yes, I am good at so many things, nothing to be ashamed about. And if I am not wrong, you are also aware of my capability very well by now. Isn't it?” I scoffed and gave myself a pat in my mind for making the stupid mouth of Adrian shut, for once.

  “Is that how you should talk to your customers?” Markus said out loud.

  Oh no. I am done today. I'll lose this job definitely. But this is no reason to tolerate their nuisance. Never.

  “Yes, sir. But only if the customers start to humiliate the workers first.” Not bothering about the others who were watching us, I said out loud.

  The manager came running to the spot, attempting to control the situation.

  “We are extremely sorry for all these, sir. This won't happen again. And you don't have to worry about today's bill sir, it would be taken care of. I would suggest you to enjoy your time here with your friends. Sorry for the chaos once again.” My manager said cautiously with which I definitely didn't want to agree at all.

  And most of all, what the hell did she mean by ' bill will be taken care of?' ... Was she saying that I have to pay for what they did?


  I kept looking at my manager sternly as I couldn't believe her words, and just when I heard Kazan.

  “Don't bother. We will pay for what we have ordered.” With that, the discussion was over. At least I didn't have to pay for them. But I didn't know what will come next, as I was yet to face my manager.

  “Summer. My office. Right now.” I sighed as soon as I was called for what I was afraid about.

  Episode 8

  Summer's P. O. V “I am fired, aren't I?” My manager looked up with my sudden words, only to stare at me intensely for some moment. She was sitting in her chair while I was standing in front of her desk in the quiet office room, ready to take my butt out of here with her single word any time soon. At least I thought so. But to my surprise she proved herself to be the exact opposite of what I had imagined her as before. She was in her mid-fifties with a grumpy face though, but she wasn't like that at all from inside, and I can say that now. “And why do you think that?” Mrs Brown, my manager asked, keeping her eyes on me. “Because I had just created chaos out there with one of your customers, which is strictly prohibited.” I muttered under my breath. “Did you?” She asked again, but this time I couldn't understand what she was trying to say actually. “I mean, they started first of course, so I answered them back in the exact way that they deserved.” Though I was still confused, I didn't hold myself back from saying what I was actually thinking. “So, if they started first, then it was definitely not a mess that you should be responsible for. Isn't it?” Mrs Brown said with a sigh while taking her gaze away from me. “Yes, that is exactly what I feel, but I was really expecting you to think otherwise.” I didn't wait to open my mouth again, gaining her attention back to me. “Not every manager has to be bad as they show on TV, Summer. I have eyes to see who is wrong and who is not. And you are definitely not wrong to give a lesson to those who dare to look down on others.” Her words absolutely made me stunned. I mean, isn't she my angel? I was really really surprised. But then again I had other worries too. “I don't understand, if you feel that I am not wrong, then why am I still here, standing in your office?” As soon as I asked, she gave a nod and said... “Because you indeed violated our law. You see,.. 'Always be polite with our customers' is definitely one of our rules here, and you surely know that as well.” Yeah, she was right. I sighed. “So? What do you want me to do, to make up for my mistake?” I waited quietly for her next words, as I acknowledged that woman before me already. She was really something that I wanted to admire. “Two more days this week.” I wasn't surprised at all, cause I already saw what was coming. It was good though, at least I was not fired. “Okay, ma'am.” With that, I returned to my work. But when I get back to the cafe area, the familiar faces were already gone, and they did pay their bills. Anyway, I didn't wait long to make myself busy again for the next few hours, until it was my time to end my shift for that day. Even though I was wearing my jacket, the night felt a bit colder than yesterday. Putting my hands into the warmth of the pocket, I started walking on my way back home. It was around eight at the night, but the surrounding seemed quite deserted as if it was past midnight. The lamps at the side of the street were definitely making the way brighter, but at the same time, were casting the darkest shadow behind them. As I kept walking, I passed by so many buildings, the drunkards who were lying at the side of the dark alley. The barking of dogs came from a distance, while I saw a few of them were sleeping peacefully at some corner of the road. I thought about last night when I found Jenny. All of a sudden I wanted to make sure if she is okay. I guess, she has to face things like last night every now and then due to her job. What if the man from last night try to harm her again? I panicked. But then I recalled that I don't have her number. What do I do now? I can not even call her. So, without thinking much, I turned to go to the exact alley where I found them last night. I thought, that if I go there I could easily check the night clubs nearby. And there are high chances that I might find Jenny too. So yeah, that was pretty much my plan. But never did I imagine that I might have to return empty-handed tonight for my stupid plan. Why? Well, because when at last I was standing at the gate of the first night club that I found nearby, I was struck by a thought that had never come to me before. “Show your ID” The man at the entrance asked. Fuck. How could I forget that I am still underage? This is so not good. “I am sorry, I am not carrying my ID right now. Is it still possible to get an entry?” I asked politely, but I guess, that was not my day. “No.” The man said strictly, keeping a scowl on his ugly face. Realising that there is no other way to enter the club, I decided to find out if there are other clubs nearby or not, without wasting further time. So I roamed around in the dark for quite some time, cause I had plenty in my hand. But thank goddess, I found no other clubs nearby except that one from which I was already denied to get an entrance once. So, that means, club 'A-live' is the one that I was looking for, it has to be. But the main question was how would I get in? I looked at the phone screen, and it showed past ten at night, which means there was still time for Jenny to get off from her work. So what do I do now? Should I wait? I kept thinking about all those, during my walk back to the street of the night club. The streets were still dark and quiet. It was like no matter wherever I go, the darkness never fails to accompany me. But still, it could never scare me with all the cruel realities that night keeps in its deepest and the darkest pit. But suddenly a weird noise pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked around but saw nothing except the turning of the road ahead of me. So, I tried to follow the noise which led me forward on my path. With each of my steps, the noise was becoming clearer and even stronger, which seemed like someone was getting beaten up brutally. I increased my pace with rapidly increasing screams, so that I could see better. Just when I took the last turn, I was stunned at my spot. The noise was coming from nowhere else but the street in front of the club. To be precise, a huge and hulky man was beating up a few others in front of the entrance of the club. Though I was still standing in the shadow, the light from the club made the street in front quite bright. Bright enough for me to recognize the man. Yes, the mysterious and strange guy from last night. I mean, I couldn't see his face though but I remember his appearance clearly. And it was him indeed. He was standing with his back against me while the others were lying on the ground and begging for his mercy. No, actually they couldn't even beg because they were so drunk. I wondered what could have happened this time. And the most important thing... Who is he? Just when I was about to take another step ahead
to get a better look at his face, my phone rang out of the blue. So, I hurried to pick it up quickly before I got into others attention, and yes, I succeeded. They didn't even bother to look around to find another presence in the dark other than themselves. “Hello” I whispered on the phone. “Where the hell are you?” Kaith from the other end of the call shouted at me with his full volume. “Don't shout or I'll go deaf.” I yelled back but in a low voice. “Umm,.. I am out and will be back home soon.” But I think my words failed to assure Kaith enough as he kept on yelling. “Out? Did you even come back for once today? Tell me where are you. I am coming to get you.”No no. Don't. I am fine. I am telling you I will be back soon. Don't worry. And I gotta go now. Bye.” With that, I quickly hung up the call. But during the whole time, when I was busy conversing with Kaith over the phone, I didn't realize that the commotion before me which was going on a minute ago, had already ended. And my mysterious strange guy was already out of my sight, but the other men were still lying on the exact place they were before. Ughhhh... I felt quite frustrated. I missed my chance to see his face this time too. Anyway, this was not the reason I came here for. Yes, Jenny. And I need to wait for her. It felt like an eternity but still time passed and I saw Jenny at last, who was making her way out of the club, with her head low and eyes were nowhere else but on the road which would lead her to home. Seeing her after all my efforts, I felt a bit relieved and quickly moved only to walk behind her. “I realized that you didn't give me your number.” I announced my presence in no time from behind, which made her jump in ultimate shock. Aahh... I should have guessed, that my sudden appearance would definitely scare her. Anyway, I couldn't change what I just did. “Did I scare you?” Though I knew the answer, still I preferred to ask. “Hell yes.” She confirmed with her wide eyes but still was laughing at her own reaction. “Sorry.” I went to her side so that we could walk back together. “So, what are you doing here at this hour?” Jenny asked, showing that she was not feeling lonely and unsafe anymore, which was the only thing I wanted the whole time. “I was worried about you after thinking about what happened last night, and then I realized I don't have your number. So I had to chase you down.” I gave out a smirk just before Jenny exchanged our numbers with lots and lots of apologies. “So, are you planning to protect me forever from all the bad?” Her words did stir my mind with the reality that, even though I want to, but how can I protect her.., let alone the fact that I would not be allowed to enter into the club. “Let's see, what can I do about that.” I uttered shortly. “Hey, Jenny... Do you remember the guy from last night, who came to our rescue?” I don't know why but I felt that I should ask her about the mysterious strange guy. “Yes. Why?” She turned to look at me with her curious eyes, as we kept walking towards her home. “Umm... Do you know who that was? I mean did you see his face?” With a slightest hope, I enquired. “No, Sam. I don't know him and neither could I see his face last night. Did anything happen? Sam?” Jenny replied and I pretty much expected that too. “No, nothing happened. I was just asking, because when I was waiting for you outside, I saw that guy again tonight. He was beating up a few people outside the entrance. So I thought, he was a regular there at your club.”Do you think he could be dangerous?” Said Jenny with lots of worries. “No, I mean, I don't know.” Just when I said, a bike stopped with a loud screeching noise in front of us, blocking our way ahead.


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