Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 15

by Eli Lowe


  I just could not sleep properly, last night, as I was so much worried thinking about the consequences that she might have to face due to the incident that happened between the three, Adrian, Markus and Summer. And something inside me was telling me strongly that she was going to be blamed this time as well, while no one was going to stand as the witness of the incident so that she could prove her innocence. Though it was not at all her fault, I was afraid that she might end up becoming the victim this time too. I was indeed afraid that she might be charged for other's misdeed.

  The fate was going to play unfair to her once again and I was scared for my best friend.

  I had decided to visit her place as soon as the night ends. I wanted to make sure if she arrived safely or not, after meeting her mate last night. There was a lot of possibilities I wanted to discuss with her, for which both of us must prepare ourselves to deal with rationally.

  But little did I know that I was way too late than I could have ever imagined.

  The sky lit up announcing the arrival of another morning and with that, the morning sun declared the fact that it was time already to go and check on Summer, at last.

  No, I did not want to waste any second, so I jumped out of my bed in no time and went straight to the bathroom to wash myself up before I leave the packhouse and go to Summer's place. Just like I said, I was all ready in just a few minutes and was already on my way out.

  And just when I step out of the front door of the packhouse, I became completely shocked after seeing the only thing before my eyes, for which I was afraid all this while.

  Yes, he was there standing alone in the front yard of our pack, like some enraged mountainous beast, together with his sharp and pointed swords in both of his hands. His eyes were as dark as pitch black and were waiting for someone specific to burn the person down into ashes with his fuming blaze like intense and vicious gaze.

  He was no other than Kazan.

  And we all were very aware of his ability to do someone justice in his own way. It did not take much time for me to realize, for whom he came to our pack early in the morning with this kind of hatred.

  It was Markus for whom he came to seek justice and I did not have to guess at all that he was waiting for none but Summer.

  Exactly what I was afraid of.

  Adrian, that brute, must have manipulated the truth with all lies for his own sake.

  What else could I have expected from someone like him?

  No, no, I did not have any time to waste thinking about all those things which I already knew, not at least when the one and only Kazan was already standing at our pack to make someone innocent pay the price for other's sin.

  I must look for Adrian, only to beat him up to make him blurt out the truth in front of everyone before its too late. And for that, I need to know where the hell he was hiding like some coward.

  Without wasting another second to know what was going to happen next at our pack, I ran to get my bike and pulled it out of the parking with some tremendous speed to hunt down the real culprit.

  ****End of flashback****

  Time kept running out of my hand but I could not see a glimpse of that coward yet.

  I went to each and every place to talk to each and every person to know the whereabouts of that prick, Adrian. But it seemed as if he just vanished into the thin air without leaving any trace of him behind.

  At last, seeing no other option left there for me anymore, I went straight to the pack hospital, hoping that Markus might have already woken up by the time. And if so, I could persuade him to say exactly what happened last night. I wondered if he would even agree to do save Summer from such accusations.

  But most importantly, he must be conscious to clarify the truth in time.


  Hoping for the best to happen, I reached the pack hospital in no time and parked my bike outside in a hurry, only to rush inside to see if Markus was awake or not.

  But, as if my hopes were meant to be if I was meant to return empty-handed. Cause when I went inside the cabin where Markus was staying in the finest care of the pack doctors, I saw him lying on the bed in the exact same way just as I had left him last night.

  Yes, he was still unconscious, though his wounds seemed better than before. I meant way better, like it was almost healed. But then again, why was he not waking up any sooner? He was needed the most right now. If not me, Summer needed him ever so desperately and no one but only he could save her from such blame and humiliation of being called as the traitor.

  Wake up. Please.

  I begged, but it seemed for nothing. Even when I waited for quite some time only to witness Markus's one and single movement, nothing changed. He was still lying unconscious.

  There was no more reason to stay here at the pack hospital anymore. Instead, I should be attending somewhere else and I needed to fight together with my best friend, Summer, to help her get justice. No, I did not have any proof, neither did I find any witness, still I felt as if I must stay by her side.

  And with that thought, I opened the door of the cabin as I was about to go out. But,

  But, little did I know that the luck was still in my favour.



  Just when I opened the door of the cabin where Markus was lying unconscious, the one whom I was trying to hunt down ever so desperately for quite a while now, came to stand just in front of me, but of course accidentally, as he was attempting to come inside, maybe to check on Markus.

  Yes, Adrian.

  I saw Adrian standing before my eyes and was completely dumbfounded.

  But even before he could realise and run to save himself, I strangled him by his neck so that he could not even dare to escape.

  “At last. Fate did compel you to come to me strangely. Isn't it?

  As if the entire universe wants to make you pay for what sin you had done. And I will make sure that you pay no less than you have caused.” I spat in utter rage and ultimate disgust for him because I had never seen such a boneless fellow as the beta. He was indeed the insult of our prestigious status.

  “Let me go. I did not do anything.” Adrian kept struggling to breathe while he did not think twice to lie once again, as if he was quite used to manipulate any kind of truth with no effort at all.

  Seeing such audacity, my grip on his neck tightened even more without much of my consciousness.

  “How did you not do anything while you are the only one who had caused such chaos today?

  You are the one who stabbed Markus, no matter if it was intentional or not, but you just can not deny that you were indeed intended to stab Summer instead of Markus. Didn't you?

  Then why Summer was being accused of whatever crime you had done?

  What lies did you say to Kazan that he did not even hesitate to come to fight Summer, even bothering to dugout any kind of evidence?” I kept asking, rather I kept listing up all those things that Adrian had caused and for which I needed to make sure he pays just enough.

  “ I did nothing.” Even when the truth was at the verge of being exposed, Adrian just did not accept anything that he had done and even dared to deny. And that was enough to lose my sanity for today.

  With a little effort, I dragged Adrian out of Markus's cabin only to come out of the hospital without wasting any time further.

  I was determined to take him back to the pack to make him confess the truth by hook or crook.

  He did not have any other options left now, at least not when he had already been caught right into my hands.

  “You did nothing right?” I asked for the last time as I wanted to give him a chance to correct whatever lies he kept saying. But it seemed futile.

  “No.” Came his answer.

  And I did not wait further to slap him with all my strength while he could not even hide the fact that he trembled with the intense force that I put in just one slap. The vicious noise echoed in the air, forecasting the
fact that there was many more to come.

  I did not even let him stand straight to fight back as I kept smacking his face until it turned red and got deformed in some way.

  No, I was not finished yet.

  I lifted him up by his throat only to throw him hard on the ground and kept punching until he shuddered. Even then I did not stop cause I was intended to smash him under my feet and beat him until he becomes unconscious.

  And I did exactly what I promised. Adrian's limp body way lying on the ground before my eyes just what I had planned.

  Without wasting a single time, I threw his nasty body on the back seat of my bike and tied him up like some sack. I sat on the front right after and turned the wheels towards the Lunar High pack only to ride the bike with some tremendous speed on the very familiar road that would lead me to the one, to Summer.

  But it seemed that I was a bit late indeed. Cause when I reached the packhouse, the war had already started to engulf the two of them ever so menacingly. Yes, Summer and Kazan.

  Kazan was indeed devastated without any doubt, whereas Summer...well I could not even recognise her anymore. She had turned into a completely different being. I had never ever seen her in such state that she was in right now.

  Her skin was all tainted with filth and blood while Kazan's threatening sword did not even spare her clothes, as they were all torn from here and there and was hanging ever so cruelly, giving Kazan enough opportunities to cut her flesh deep, even more than before. Her eyes were no more warm as usual. And she seemed no human as well.

  Even though Summer was injured and bleeding, she did not bother to let the pain overtake as she kept attacking Kazan with the same force as him, but it seemed at least to me, that she was determined not to harm him at all. She was lifting her sword for sure but as if only to give Kazan a great fight and nothing else.

  Summer seemed different.

  She was acting like some fighting machine with no trace of life.

  What could have happened to her? I just could not see her like this.

  I needed to interfere in order to stop such a horrible fight where none of the two showed any kind of sign to ever back down and it looked like I was not wrong at all. They were not at all intended to stop, until,

  “Stop the fight.

  Right now.” I shouted with all my might, causing everyone to turn around and look at me. Even the vicious clanking noise of two swords colliding together, had stopped as well, just when both Kazan and Summer ceased the fight to look at me.

  “Don't you want the proof? Don't you want to know who is the real traitor? Don't you want to know who lied actually?

  Well, I have brought someone, who got all the answers to your questions.” Without a delay, I dragged Adrian's body from my bike only to throw him at Kazan's feet, leaving him absolutely stunned with eyes all widened.


  Yes, indeed.

  Episode 25

  Summer's P.O.V

  I could not breathe, neither could I relax even for a bit all this while, as the only thing which I kept going on with during this brutal combat, was to move my sword ever so fast and ferociously, no... not to cut and made my mate bleed but to prevent Kazan from getting a single hint about who I was actually to him... who was he fighting with.

  I wondered, even if he got to know the truth, would he have bothered to act otherwise?

  Would he have even cared to look into the matter, before coming to fight against me due to some vague suspension? Would he have still believed others over his own mate?

  Or nothing would have changed because to him, it was still me, at the end of the day.

  The most hated.


  Looking at the heartless Kazan in front of my eyes, I just could not wish for the best to be the reality. So, I guess, I was left with the only option to accept my unfortunate destiny and stay detested for the rest of my life. And of course, I needed to make sure that I could end everything between us, even before Kazan could realise. I just could not allow him to get enough time and space for himself to think and feel all those pains which I kept feeling, because I knew that I was fighting against no one but my own mate. But it was not the same case with him.

  Cause Kazan did not know yet.

  And he must never know.

  My body became all scarred by the vicious sword of my mate during the fight but I bothered the least as I was more concerned about the fact that I must stay hidden, at least until everything ends.

  No, I did not have any kind of expectations from him anymore. Neither I wanted to blame him for accusing me wrongly. I just wanted to end all these.


  I was tired. I was tired of my life.

  But my eyes did not fail to observe that Kazan could not look into my eyes anymore, the same way as before when he came to get justice for Markus only by hurting me in the exact way that he thought I had hurt Markus.


  Why could he not look at me now?

  What changed?

  Was this some kind of hint that he was feeling guilty somehow?

  What was the new reason which had occurred to him only now, that made him feel guilty unlike before? Was I not the criminal in his eyes since the very beginning of all these?

  I wanted to scream.

  Why? Why did he want to stop now? Why was he hesitating to assault me with his vicious blade even more than before? Why only now his hands were trembling?

  At least when I was all ready to bleed even more.

  Or was it only because I was looking like some pathetic girl begging for his mercy to stop as I was all covered with slashes?

  No, that was not going to happen.

  I would never back down.

  I did not need anyone's mercy.

  My body and soul was never intended to stop until Kaith came to interrupt and in no time I saw Adrian was thrown at the ground brutally in front of our feet.

  I freaked out.

  What the hell did Kaith do?

  I had clearly asked him not to do anything, then why did he not even bother to listen to me?

  I was shocked indeed, more like I was worried to anticipate what it would cause us next.

  But it seemed that I was not the only one with such a shocking impact.

  Kazan went completely confused and shocked by Kaith's sudden arrival with Adrian, and also when Adrian was in such a deformed condition once again.

  Even before I could ask Kaith what was he up to, he came to grab Adrian's neck, stopping him from standing up on his already broken feet, right after he got back his consciousness.

  “Do you want to tell the truth now? Or do you want me to work hard once again?” Kaith spat like some savage at Adrian, who was now struggling under Kaith's sturdy and inescapable grip. But it seemed that Adrian's efforts were all futile before the inevitable Kaith.

  I really doubted that Adrian would say the truth now when he cared the least to say the same before. But it seemed that someone else had already decided to wait for his words ever so eagerly, even more than me.

  Yes, I saw Kazan who did not say a single word in the favour of his own friend Adrian, neither did he try to defend him against Kaith's savage confrontation, instead he was like, more devoted to get the truth out of that prick, no matter how.

  But, just as I had expected.

  “I have already told exactly what happened last night. Or do you want to force me to say the lie in your favour now? Do you?” Adrian's words indeed appeared the most horrible and disastrous, who did not even care about the consequences that someone else had to suffer from, only because of his cold-blooded lies.

  How cruel he was.

  And I was almost convinced that Kazan would definitely believe him once again but to my surprise, he did not move to vent his anger on me. Rather he kept standing with his blazing gaze fixed on Adrian while his grip on the sword tightened, even more, making his knuckles turn all white.

  Was he waiting for something else to hear from Ad

  I could not understand him now.

  Even though he did not move an inch, neither to me nor to Adrian...Kaith did.


  He waited for not even a second and smashed Adrian's head violently, causing his nose to break and blood came out of his nose with no intention to halt.

  I thought Kaith would stop there. But no. The very next second proved how wrong I was. Cause Kaith's fist did not stop even for once to punch his face ever so brutally, letting Adrian grapple under his hold and struggle for just one breath.

  The sight was extremely malicious.

  And Kaith was acting like some heartless savage as if he was almost at the verge of losing his own soul in order to trade justice for me.

  “Stop. Stop I say.

  Kaith!!!!! Let him go. Now.

  I accept.

  I did all this.

  It was no one but me who stabbed Markus last night.” I said out loud, as I just could not see Kaith being robbed of his soul in this way, and that too for someone like me, who would be always charged no matter how much anyone tries to prove me not guilty. I just could not see his brutality anymore.

  And even if I did not accept all the accusations and let Kaith beat the hell out of Adrian until his last breath, nothing would change for any of us, as I could already see that Adrian would never dig his own grave by blurting out the truth, no matter what. It would only create another havoc if Adrian dies because of Kaith. And I just could not allow that. I could let Kaith lead an unfortunate life just like me.

  “No!!!! Do not do that Sam. If you accept the lie just like that, it won't affect people like them at all, but you will be ruined, even when you did nothing. They will be free to roam with their heads held high all they want, but you will have to suffer for the sin that you never did. And I just can not let that happen.” Screamed Kaith as he was reluctant to stop trying to prove me innocent, in front of everyone.

  I looked around to see that the other people of my pack just standing there and watching the scene to please their eyes seeing me getting blamed. Uncle Benjamin seemed no different than them, surprisingly. And there was no one to stand by my side except the one who was now turned into something inhuman. There were no other eyes in which I could see a little bit of concern, except Kaith's which was now turned into red in the utmost rage.


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