Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 30

by Eli Lowe

  So, the only thing I knew now, that I need to stop her. If not, I need to tell her the truth at least, so that she could decide on her own about who is wrong and who is not.

  I do not know what she talked with dad that day, as she never told me after she met with him later, neither did dad say any word about it. But with no doubt, I was afraid to see her suffer like before.

  So many fears started to engulf my mind already as I was going to meet Sam once again, hoping that I might get to talk to her today at least.

  But just when I came out of the pack-house early in the morning, I found out that there was no reason any more to go to her house, cause she was standing there at the pack-yard, quite unlikely.

  As far as I knew that Sam never bothered to come to this place willingly, since that night years ago when her mom and dad died. But I was obviously startled to see her here today as I kept thinking what made her do something against his usual self.

  Just like me, other members of our pack was also confused too, and kept glaring at her with their hateful gaze, which was nothing new to me though, but still, I could not stop feeling that there was something going on in her mind for a long time now.

  “What are you up to, Sam?” I asked as soon as I went to her, without bothering much about to keep all my doubts to myself.

  “What? No Hi? No good morning? Are you sure that you are alright, Kaith?” She even cared to make fun of me when I was least in the mood to take her jokes.

  “What happened to you today, Sam? Where were you when I wanted to talk to you for so many days? Whenever I wanted to talk to you, either you were always so busy or you were nowhere to be seen, to listen to any of my words? So, you tell me...what changed suddenly?” I yelled as I just could not hold back my anxiety and attacked her with all my questions at once, even though I was feeling like she was not going to answer any of them today as well, just like before.

  “What about we begin with combat? I will answer all your questions only if you can defeat me in a fight. What do you say?” Sam threw one of her swords towards me in one swift move, only for me to catch. I never realised before that she came here with her arms, as I was so involved in confronting her for her sudden change in character.

  But then again, I realised what just she proposed right at this instant. Did she just tell me that she would tell me everything only if I could make her loose? And how is that even possible? She is always meant to be an alpha and her powers are not so ordinary, while I am just a lowly beta. Then how can I even win? How can I make her talk?

  This is just not fair.

  She knows too, but why?

  Still, I would never back down. I have to try my best to make her loose and that too for her own sake. But I wonder if that is even possible.

  No worries. We would see.

  “Do keep that in your mind what you have just promised.” I said and moved the sword in the thin air only to stand in a proper defending position just before the beginning of our combat.

  “Yes. Definitely.” As soon as she replied, the sword in her hand made a vicious noise just when the tip of her blades came into contact with the ground, declaring the fact that she was all ready for me to attack.

  And I had no reason to wait for any time further. I took a quick glance around the whole pack-yard, only to find out that all those people who were training on the ground till now, had stopped only to watch me and Sam fighting against each other.

  And little did I care about them all.

  I swayed the sword in the air with all my strength and made my first strike just when the whole surrounding shuddered with the treacherous clanking sound of the two metals crashing with each other.

  But even though I moved fast, Sam dodged my attack even faster and that too without any need to move from the place where she was standing right at the moment.

  And I already knew what was going to happen next. I kept attempting to take her down but as if that was even possible for me. She did not yet start to come at me with her own sword skills as she just kept dodging my each and every strike till now, but even then, I was feeling like already defeated.

  I did not have to exhaust myself any longer, cause soon she moved to come at me with her very first strike and it seemed the end of our combat as well, just like that.

  Yes, in no time, the vicious tip of her sword was hanging just an inch away from my throat while I was completely trapped in-between her blade and mine, even before I could realise what just happened.

  I lost.

  And with that, all my hopes to know about her possible answers was gone too.

  “How is that, Kaith? Don't you think my skills have improved way more than before?” She smirked at me at last, taking back the sword which was trying to cut through my flesh a while ago, declaring the fact that she is way stronger than anyone.

  “Yes, I can see that.” I answered just when I was assured enough that my throat was now safe from the threat of her sharp blade.

  I did not know what to say next cause I was really annoyed for not being able to get what I wanted. But surprisingly, she asked all of a sudden,

  “Do you want to go to a place?” Just when her words fell on my ears, I looked up to see the whole new Sam, who was now standing in front of me. Her eyes did not fail to convey that she was excited for some unknown reason.

  “Okay.” I agreed fast as I had no reason to wait for a few more seconds to think whether I should go with her or not. Cause being her beta I was destined to follow her as well as protecting her from every danger.

  “Then get some clothes and take your bike too. I have mine with me as well.” Sam uttered right after.

  And without any further delay, I ran into the pack-house and packed a change of clothes with me only to rush outside once again.

  Sam was already waiting for me on her bike while I took out mine as well only to run the wheels of our bike on some unknown roads together, to get closer towards some unknown destination with each passing second.

  The wind was unruly today as it did not stop to fondle our hairs, coming from every way possible only to create a whole new mess, while we were already dealing with the other miseries of our lives.

  After quite some time, Sam stopped her bike at the side of the road but to me, it looked like we were in the middle of nowhere. Cause, the twirled road did not end at all but it definitely took us near some kind of forest, I assume, as all those tall and huge trees were seen at both of the sides of the road.

  The place was absolutely quiet that one can even hear the sounds of all the leaves which had never ceased to murmur in the wind.

  “What is this place? Sam?” I asked as I just could not hide my curiosity for the time being.

  “You will know, very soon.” With that, she kept going inside the woods by foot and I had no other option left except following her closely from behind, leaving the road deserted once again.

  We kept going through the woods as there was a narrow passage which allowed us to get inside with no effort at all.

  But then, I did not have to wait any longer to know where we were exactly. Cause in no time the huge lake came to my sight, on the other side of which there was the enormous park of our town, where she was almost caught by Kazan once.

  “Why are we here Sam?” I asked again, with a lot of anxiety, as I just could not find any reason behind her coming to such a place, instead of going to Kazan.

  “Do not worry. I am not planning to kill and bury you here.” She made fun once again, strangely.

  “I am serious, Sam.” I had to yell as she was behaving completely against her nature.

  “Yes, I get it. Now come and sit here. Isn't this place so serene and ever so soothing?” Sam took a nice long breath after closing her eyes just for a moment.

  Without saying a single word further, I went to sit on the ground, just beside her, letting my mind get free from all those worries, at least for this while.

  The place was indeed peaceful.

  At least it ap
peared to be one for now, under the bright daylight, but little did I know that my each and every perception was about to change later today, just when the night started to fall, replacing the last bit of the sunlight with the pitch-black darkness, ever so menacingly.

  Cause, just when the last ray of the sun went to hide behind the horizon, leaving us only to be engulfed in the dark and cold night, the glowing red eyes started to come out from behind the trees all of a sudden, about which we were totally oblivious till now.

  At least I was, for sure.

  Episode 50

  Summer's P.O.V

  The night appeared even darker right at this moment, as all the trees of the wood which were standing high and close to each other, were making the forest look like even denser at night than it actually was. It was like the whole universe was conspiring to snatch away each and every possible chance from both of me and Kaith tonight, by not allowing us to get ourselves out of the danger which we found ourselves in, right now.

  Yes, as soon as the night fell, all those glowing red eyes from behind those huge trees had started to come to our vision one by one, which we failed to realise before when there was light.

  But, we were no longer oblivious about all those unwanted presences tonight, right here right at this moment.

  And their glowing red eyes were enough for me to know who they were.


  And they were many.

  But the main question was what they were doing here when they were not supposed to enter the territory of any pack at all. I remembered that once I was trying to find one of their kind ever so eagerly and that too at a very young age, which caused me to lose everything from my life at once. My one single attempt to take down a rouge on my own, only to prove that I was worthy enough to become the alpha of my pack apart from the fact that I am a girl, snatched away my mom and dad from me ever so cruelly in just one treacherous night, mysteriously. And I could not even do anything back then.

  But things have changed now.

  I am no more the same Summer what I was a few years ago.

  And this time, I will never let anything happen to any of those whom I love and adore. Cause this time I do not need to prove myself to anyone but I know that I need to fight for those who is my own. And nothing in the world could stop me from doing so ever.

  In no time all the glowing red eyes kept coming closer to where I and Kaith were standing.

  Although I had expected them to come to take me down, since I decided to get back to all those who took part to turn my life into a burning hell. But what I could not assume at all, that they would be fast enough to act even before me.

  Still, not a problem at all. Cause now or later, I had to face such kind of situation. So, it is better to deal with the rogues now than later, as I was always prepared to cut their throats into pieces with my bare hands.

  I could not realise when Kaith had shifted into his wolf form already, as I just kept my eyes fixed on those glowing red eyes all this while with no intention to turn my gaze away even for the slightest second, leaving a chance for them to attack. No, that was never going to happen.

  But even then, if I think rationally, only two of us were not enough against all those rogues who were coming to get us in quite a good number, but I had no other choices except fighting till my last breath.

  The big grey wolf of Kaith came forward in no time only to stand before me as the very shield, seeing that the rogues had no intention to stop as they all kept enclosing the distance between us, ever so slowly and menacingly.

  They were taking their time which was quite frustrating for me. It appeared as if they wanted to let us know how great a threat they all were for the two of us right at this moment. But I cared the least.

  The horror of the night could not even make me shiver as I had left no space in my heart to have mercy, cause I had already foreseen how I was not going to spare a single life tonight.

  It did not take long for the rogue-wolves to increase their pace, seeing me not at all scared by their malicious presence.

  I took out both of the swords without wasting any further moment, as I did bring those blades along with me today, coincidentally, after the combat with Kaith earlier in the morning and I am now thankful for that.

  I swayed my blades with both of my hands, cutting the thin air around me only to get myself into the defensive position. The metals of my blades made a vicious threatening noise which resonated throughout the forest and did not fail at all to fall on their ears as well, declaring that I was so ready to either kill or die tonight.

  Kaith's horrifying growl made me even more aware of the fact that they were now running towards us with such a great speed only to take a huge leap, attempting to dig their claws deep inside our flesh which would definitely force us to bleed ever so mercilessly.

  But, that was never going to happen.

  In no time, one of the rogues who had already come the closest, took the very leap just as I had expected. My swords did not bother to wait any longer as my hands moved on their own and swayed with such a tremendous motion within a flash of a second, and the next moment the head and the body of the rogue-wolf fell down on the ground one by one at two different spots.

  Just when the rest of the rogues saw such a doom of one of their fellow members, all of them tried to stop themselves from coming near, but they became a bit late. The inevitable was not going to turn its way now. Cause, now Kaith had started his own wrath in a whole new way, from which it was quite impossible for the rogues to get out unharmed.

  Lots of growls started to overtake the whole surrounding of the forest which was absolutely serene even a while ago, but not any more. And I had no reason to stay back, as I started to move my swords as fat as I could with all my might, so that I could help Kaith in his new kind of slaughter tonight.

  My blades did not at all show mercy to any of them before cutting their bodies in two or more pieces. Neither Kaith stopped ravaging, all he wished.

  The two of us kept taking down the rogues but soon it seemed that we were still not enough, cause their numbers kept increasing as more of the rogues started showing up, mysteriously. As if an entire army was sent to emit each and every trace of us, tonight.

  “Kaith!!!!...” I screamed with all my might just when I saw that one of the rogues pounced on him from behind when he was all busy with grabbing and biting the neck of the rest of the nasty wolves while ripping everything apart. But in no time I saw Kaith's body was dragged by the very same wolf which even dared to sink his nasty teeth on my best friend and that too coming from the back.

  My blood boiled in an instant and I could not see anything around, except the one and only rogue who was now trying to harm Kaith.

  Without waiting for any second, I swayed my blades once again, cutting the one into two who was trying to block my way, and ran to help Kaith get out of his hold.

  And the next moment, I was again drenched with the thick crimson as I did not hesitate to crush that daring wolf under my feet after cutting him into two perfect half.

  Only I was satisfied enough, I turned around to see that more of the rogues were now surrounding us, while I was standing in the middle together with the injured Kaith, right at this moment.

  I saw my end in a second.

  Of course, I was no fool to believe that I was enough against all those, cause it was absolutely impossible for anyone, not just me. But still, I knew that I would never stop fighting.

  Even though my head was spinning like crazy, I lifted up my swords once again, but this time my hands betrayed me as well. The blades in my hands were trembling while my vision had already started to turn bury bit by a bit.

  I did not realise what happened next as all the rogues who were surrounding the two of us till now, had started to run away in different directions with extreme fear, as if they all were running for their own lives.

  Ferocious growls started to shake the whole place in no time, as I saw with my already hazy sight, t
hat a huge black shadow of another wolf was ravaging the whole place down by biting and ripping every one of the rogues with no mercy at all.

  It did not take much time for me to realise that, it was no shadow but a huge black wolf itself. His eyes were glowing like crystal blue, even in the dark. But soon, I got confused once again when I realised that there were not just one but two pair of blue eyes, which kept going on with their whole new destruction in the dark.

  The extreme rage did not even fail to make me shiver, causing my knees to feel weak all of a sudden. Cause, by then I had started to realise who they were.

  Those terrifying black shadows of two huge wolves with the same blue eyes were no one but Kazan and Markus.

  They had come to save us.

  But how?

  How did they know that we were here?

  How did they know that the rogues were trying to kill us tonight?

  Even though, all those questions did raise in my mind but it was no time to get any possible answers, as my body did not stop to turn ever so weak, surprisingly.

  Blood was everywhere and those nasty smell of the iron did not cease to mix with the air around us, for the whole night.

  I just kept standing right at my spot, completely unable to move after witnessing the vicious slaughter of the two brothers right before my eyes. But at last, it stopped.

  All of the rogues were now lying lifeless on the ground, some were ripped while others were smashed ever so brutally.

  I could not move as I started to feel sick already seeing such a ruthless side of them.

  And when they were all done with their killing for tonight, both of the huge black wolves turned around to see me at last. One of them even started to come towards me, slowly and carefully.

  But I knew who it was.

  I tightened my grip on the sword once again even when I was still trembling. But it seemed that he realised my intention very well. Cause, after seeing my swords lifted up only to point at him without any hesitation, he stopped on his track in an instant and after watching me for a good while, he turned back and went out of my sight in no moment, leaving Markus behind.


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