Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 34

by Eli Lowe


  Why my own body was betraying me in such a situation?

  What was I supposed to do?

  “I do not love you. Let me go. Now.” I could not help but scream, trying to break free from his tight grip around me.

  “But, I do. I love you so much, Summer. I know that I gave you enough reason to hate me, but I had my reasons. And I will never complain even if you hate me all your life. But please, don't harm our pup, Summer. I am begging you. I will do whatever you want me to do. But please, believe me for once that I want you like crazy, I want both of you even at the cost of my own life. So, cut me, harm me, or kill whatever you want to do with me, I will never stop you, but till then, let me take care of you both. I want to hold my pup, Summer...together with its mom. I promise, I will never ask for anything more. Please, just allow me this much, or I will surely die even before you get to kill me. Please, I am beginning you. Please.” While he kept saying all those words, keeping his head buried on my shoulder, the warm stream did not fail to flow down on my back, letting the fact very clear to me that it was nothing but tears. I knew that Kazan was crying and I was indeed afraid to look at him as I had never imagined to see someone like him cry like this and that too for me?

  His grip around me kept getting tightened while I became absolutely clueless about what to do. I just could not understand why my heart kept sinking right at this moment.

  And there was no doubt that I was becoming more and more frustrated with each passing second while all I wanted right now was to run away from everyone, as far as I could.

  “If you really want me to keep this pup unharmed and if you really want to hold it, at least for once later, then let me go now. Right now.” I said, keeping my voice as stern as possible, making sure not to show any kind of sign about how badly my heart was shuddering deep within me.

  But it seemed that Kazan was still reluctant to let me go, as he pulled me back to his chest even closer than before, while one of his hands trailed down to my belly only to rub around all he wanted, as if he was trying to feel the little one which was not at all possible at this early stage. Only if this fool knew anything about it.

  “Kazan, let her go now. Give her some time. Cause, you are making this situation even worse and nothing will be solved in this way. Listen to me. You need to calm down.” At last, Markus came to interfere, seeing both of us doing nothing good to each other, except harming one another in some distinct ways.

  “Kaith! Could you please take her back?” He asked Kaith, who was absolutely stupefied until now seeing such raging battle between us irrespective of the fact that we were mates, but came back to his senses once again in an instant, after hearing Markus.

  He ran to us, while Markus made sure to persuade Kazan to let me go, at last, loosening his grip even when Kazan was still reluctant to do so.

  And just when I got to be free from Kazan, I did not bother to wait for another single second before rushing out of their sight as I had no intention to attain the classes anymore. But it seemed that Kaith did not stop following me at all as he made sure to stay by my side all this while.

  Markus's P.O.V

  The crowd was now gone, and it was just me and Kazan who kept standing at the school ground.

  “What did you do to her, Kazan? It seems that I am not the only reason behind such turmoil between you two. Tell me, please. Maybe I might be able to help a bit.” I said, seeing Kazan this much hurt for the first time in my life. I knew that somewhere I was guilty too, for coming in between him and Summer, but I could not change what I did. So, I needed to make everything right for the sake of these two.

  “None of your business.” Instead of relying on me to speak his heart out, once again Kazan chose to stay silent like he always does. And I realised very well that today was not the right time to provoke him to say any further against his wish, as Kazan seemed furious for not being able to hold his mate back to stay with him. His eyes were now turned blood red, declaring it very clear that he was absolutely against the fact that he had to let Summer go along with the little one which was growing inside her, bit by a bit.

  But what was I supposed to do when I could clearly see that both of them would make the situation no better if none of them was ready to back down. That was why I had to interfere.

  “Okay. So, do you want to go to the class now?” I asked, leaving the matter behind, but it seemed that it was not that easy to make Kazan calm down.

  “No. Leave me alone.” With that, I watched him turn around only to disappear from my sight in no time, leaving me behind. But I had no intention to stay back this time, as I decided to follow Kazan, even when I clearly heard him before.

  So, I kept trailing behind him with my bike, making sure not to alert him at all about my presence, while I saw that Kazan was riding his bike with a tremendous speed only to take a sharp turn to a road which he should never take, ever again.

  I had no other choice except following him, as he kept going forward on the familiar deserted road which was taking both of us to nowhere but to the shelter where he was keeping the rogues captive after our last mission.


  That was the mission for which we were gone for a while as Kazan wanted to take all of them down for some reason that he did not tell me yet. And after taking so many risks and embracing ourselves with some extreme danger for days, we finally succeeded to captivate a few of them along with their leader, while Kazan made sure to kill the rest, without any mercy.

  But, now the main question was what he wanted to do with the rogue now? Why did he even bother to keep some of them alive, while he could have killed them very easily just like he did to others?

  What was it that he was not telling me?

  Even though all these questions did bother me for a long time, still I chose to stay by his side without any words, hoping that he might tell me one day when the time comes. But now, I was feeling that I waited enough.

  So, today I must find out.

  Just as I expected, Kazan did stop in front of the old and shabby house in between the forest at the outskirts of our town. Even when the house looked like it would fall down at any time, no one could ever guess that there was a hidden dungeon underneath. And that was where he was keeping all the rogues since when we managed to take their while pack down at the cost of several injuries, which was nearly fatal.


  I waited for Kazan to go inside first and after some while, I finally decided to go in.

  It was quite dark inside the house even though the rays of light did find their way to come inside through the holes and the cracks of the roof and the walls.

  Leaving the door closed behind me, I carefully made my way towards the basement in no time. But it seemed that I did not even have to go down the stairs all the way, as the bone-chilling screams started to appear, shaking the air all around the place.

  It did not take much time for me to realise that Kazan had already started to vent his anger on all of them, but the curiosity to know more made me continue going down further until I reached the corridor which would lead me to the nasty dungeon, only to be engulfed by the air filled with the stinky smell of sweat and blood along with the deathly screams.

  Episode 56

  Kazan's P.O.V

  I did not have much time to waste now, not at least when I want to get both of them back. My mate, Summer and our pup. I wanted to be by her side always. I always longed to have a warm and loving family, but it seemed that I was not that fortunate to have one, as my mom and dad were snatched away from me when I was so young, ever so cruelly, leaving me behind to grow up as an orphan without the love and warmth. And not only that, I was left to struggle alone only to grow up fast to take the responsibility as an alpha of my pack.

  Even though I always envied others who have their family by their side, I could never dare to call anyone my family any more, after what happened to Jacob, who was the only one close to me after mom and dad. He was the one I w
anted to depend on for the rest of my life but it seemed that I was never destined to have the parental love ever. And this also made me stay distant from the others as well, cause I was afraid that if I get close to someone, I might bring trouble to that person, without much of my awareness.

  So, I was always reminded not to get too close to anyone as I kept growing up. And even when I was turned into someone who could fight for the right, it seems that my fears did not leave me at all. I was afraid indeed.

  But now, things came to stand at a little complicated turn of my life. I was willing to break free of my fears after long, but it seemed that I could not even dare to do that. Cause, I was shown the most beautiful dream with my open eyes which could turn into a reality as well, only if I dare to show a bit more courage.

  All the fears were now started to get replaced with the sudden greed to have my own little family, to love and cherish until death.

  I still can not believe that I am going to have a pup of my own.

  And the enticement to have someone whom I can call my own is way bigger than anything else to me, and I just can not get myself free from the sudden greed of having Summer and our yet unborn pup with me always. I just can not wait to hold the little one in my arms, as I was dying to see our pup grow up. May be Summer and I might increase our family later but for now, I was more than happy to have them two back in my life.

  To make my new dream come true, I need to act fast now. I must put an end to all these what had once started at our past, but now it was the time for the justice which was never asked for.

  It was time for some warm-up now. So, I went straight to the place where I believed that I might find some of my answers. If not, I might definitely get to know whether my assumptions are right or not. All the information what I had, was the truth or there was even more to it, was about to reveal soon.

  And for that, I had to see the rogues whom I made sure to keep alive. As they were the only clue and evidence left for me right now.

  Today I was determined not to return without anything useful.

  Without wasting any time to look around, I went down the stairs to the basement, and after crossing the dark and a bit narrow corridor, I finally reached the door of the dungeon, behind which those vicious nasty brutes were kept tied up by me, only to starve for days.

  And now it was time to feed them with my own bare hands and fists.

  I slammed the door and went inside without bothering much about the fact that I was making a few of them a bit terrified with my sudden visit. Just because, I had no mood to play around, I wasted no time with others and grabbed the one who was the leader of them all. I dragged his body out of his cell in no time only to throw him on the hard and cold floor of the dungeon.

  “Tell me, who let you stay in this town? Who even granted you a land? If I am not wrong, without anyone's help who has to be an Alpha, it is quite impossible for someone like you all to keep hiding inside this town, which is full of so many packs all around the area. So, let me ask you again, what have you done to get a land for yourselves?

  It would be less painful for you, if you decide to speak now.” I waited for some time, giving him enough time to reconsider the fact that if it was good for him to open his mouth or keep them sealed. But it seemed that he did not utilize the opportunity at all what I gave him, as he kept lying down on the floor with his nasty eyes on me along with a menacing smirk on his face.

  He might have been thinking that I was not at all any kind of threat to him cause he had the backup of some Alpha. But little did he know what I was going to do with him now. The smirk which he even dared to put on his face would not look any good when I would make sure to make his face all deformed.

  Seeing that the rogue was not at all convinced to blurt out the answer to what I had just asked him, I waited no more to start with my own way to make others speak.

  First I cut the ties without bothering about the fact that now he might also be able to attack, cause that was what I wanted so that I could show him how inferior he was before that I could crush him down in front of his companions who were now completely terrified.

  And just when he stood up from the ground and was about to jump on me to get me strangled, I dodged ever so effortlessly only to grab him by his neck and slammed him on the floor once again. A treacherous loud thud resonated through the whole place, making the gloomy air quiver all around us with the ear-piercing screams of that brute. I clearly heard the sound of some bones cracking, but I had no intention to spare him any time to shift in his wolf form when I was still present here.

  I clenched his hair in an instant and kept smacking his head on the floor until the crimson fluid came out only to make a pool underneath his body. I did not stop there as he had to suffer even more than that. I lifted him up on the air once again, causing him to struggle with his feet to break free but that was not easy to do when I made sure to grasp him viciously to leave him out of breath. That brute could not even scream in the tremendous pain from before as I caused him another one, even severe than the last one. With all my strength I threw his almost limp body on the wall, causing him to fall down back on the ground without any mercy. My fists did not miss to get in contact with any spot on his body, making sure that he did not get the time to heal as blood never stopped flowing out of his face, his head, his arms and each and every other place.

  I kept beating him up like insane as I was feeling the beast inside me during the whole time. My hands did not tremble, neither my mind was feeling any mercy. It was just that I was determined to make him confess his deeds.

  “You know what? Even if you do not tell me what you have done in the past, I know very well about what you did. Who you were working for...who exactly is behind all of you like your back up. It is just that I was hoping you might make the right decision this time by confessing everything for the sake of your own life. Because he, the one you are trying to save at the cost of your own life, does not even care if you live or die. So, if you really do not feel to talk about it, I will gladly kill you all as you are of no use to me, and also killing a rogue is always the right thing to do, as you do nothing except creating a mess for us all. So, tell would you like to die?” I said while my hands did not stop punching his face, turning him into a shade of red, blue and green all at once.

  Except me, there was no one who could even dare to speak a word right at that moment, fearing that they all might end up like their leader who was now already at the verge of losing his consciousness.

  But to my surprise, he spoke all of a sudden,

  “I will tell you... I will tell you everything. But please spare my life.” The rogue even struggled to speak properly but it seemed that he chose to confess finally.

  Better late than never.

  Or he might have ended up dying in my hands.

  Anyway, his words, at last, made me stop throwing punches at him. I lifted him up once again, but this time only to make him sit on the wooden chair, which was lying on one of the corners of the dungeon the whole time.

  “Now, speak.” I said while cleaning the blood which was tainting my hands due to all these messes. I carefully cleaned each of my fingers with my shirt and went to stand in front of that brute only to stay prepared for beating him up again if he dares to say any bullshit this time.

  “Yes. But, what exactly do you want to know? Cause we, rogues are quite used to breaking rules for years after years, as we have no pack to protect, neither we being to anywhere. We need to kill and trespass in order to survive. So, what do you want to know? And who are you? Why are you behind us all?” He even dared to speak.

  “It seems you did not recognise who I am, right? Let me help you with that.

  I am Kazan. Alpha of the Blood Bay Pack. And I am planning to take down the alpha of the Lunar High pack. So would you like to guess, why I decided to do such a thing? I believe you know very well, what I am talking about. Isn't it?” As soon as I said, his face turned even paler, after realisi
ng what exactly made him beat up like this after all these years.

  “It was not us who dared to mess with those two packs, back then. We just followed orders.” He replied with utter fear. But he had no other choices than accepting the crime he did once.

  “Then who was the one to order you for such crime? “ I asked, keeping myself ever so impatient, as I realised that the time was not so far when I will be able to prove what actually happened in the past.

  But just when I asked, another shade of horror came down to cover his face, as if he was more terrified to name the person.

  And seeing the rogue hesitating, how can I hold myself back from punching his face once again with quite a good force. With a loud thud, he fell miserably from the chair only to hit the ground hard.

  “Name. I do not have the whole day for you.” My voice might have made him shiver in fear and just when I was about to begin all the beatings like before, he shouted the name only to make me stop from whatever I was planning to do.

  “Benjamin. It was Benjamin, who asked us to captivate the alpha and luna of the Lunar High Pack that night years ago, whom he himself manipulated somehow to come to us and that too alone, strangely. But we could not kill them at all. We just harmed them enough, so that they can not come at us ever again, until Benjamin came himself. All I remember that he mentioned that he needed to take care of some beta who could be a real threat to him which might reveal everything that he did another few years ago.” His voice trembled once again, but I had no intention to allow him to stop and that too when he was so close to revealing all that which I wanted to know.


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