Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 39

by Eli Lowe

  Where are you, Kazan?

  Please, hold on for a while. I am coming. No matter what I am going to find you tonight. I have to.

  I shifted into my wolf in no time, ever so desperately, so that I could better track him down even before others could. The night once again reminded me of the past as I got so much scared just like that vicious night years ago, and the only thing that I could think for now was that I must never let the past repeat ever again. I can not lose Kazan, never ever, like once I had lost mom and dad for my one single mistake.

  Even though Kazan was not someone who could be defeated that easily, still, no one was enough against the whole army of wolves and that too when the one is all on his own. And most of all, I was totally aware of how uncle Benjamin was able to deceive others in order to get what he wants.

  So, I needed to stay by Kazan's side, no matter what.

  I howled ever so loudly in the middle of the night, hoping that my desperate call would be answered by Kazan for sure no matter where he was.

  But, it seemed that no one was there to respond while it was just the sound of my own desperate howls which kept echoing in the cold night air which was surrounding me cruelly, right now.

  And I could not help but panic even more, thinking that it was not a good sign at all.

  What should I do now?

  Kazan!!!! Where the hell are you now?

  Episode 64

  Kazan's P.O.V

  I was walking on the empty streets in the middle of the night once again, as I had no idea where I should go now. I just did not want to go back to my cold and empty room tonight, when I knew that there was no one waiting for me.

  Even though I had a shelter, I always felt that I had no home to go to. And now, when I finally decided to make my own home with the one I love the most, I was left to feel homeless once again, cause she did not want me anymore.

  How cruel my fate could be.

  But the pathetic thing was that I just can not fully blame my fate for today, cause I was very aware that it was only me who ruined each and every chance to be happy ever again in my life. It was me who made Summer this way, how she acted tonight.

  Maybe I deserved to be thrown out of her house, and even from her life. Maybe I was never destined to have the love that I craved for long.

  And this time I knew that if not for me, I needed to stay by her side cause I do not want to leave my mate alone when she is carrying my pup. Even if she does not let me stay near her, I must find out some way to do that.

  But now, when I know that all my happiness is waiting just in front of me, how can I not become greedy enough to take away each and every ounce of that happiness, so that I can cherish them forever. It was just that some kind of thick wall was standing in-between me and my happiness as the inevitable barrier and no matter how much I tried I just can not break through this time.

  What did I do?

  I always knew that I will surely regret for hurting Summer, but I never knew that my life would become absolutely impossible to spent without her when we are already blessed with a pup as a proof of our love which is now growing inside her already. I still can not believe that a few months later I will become a father. There will be someone who will call me daddy and Summer will be the mommy.

  Oh, I just can not wait for the day to come. I want to hold the little one in my arms as soon as possible.

  Will Summer ever agree to marry me? I want her to become the luna of my pack. She is the only one who could make a rightful luna of my people of the Blood Bay pack.

  I think I should ask her first to marry me. Yes, I need a ring for that. Maybe tomorrow I will go and buy one for her. I hope she would say yes.

  What if she does not? Even though the chances of hearing a big No from her is higher, but still I must try. Even if she says no, I must not lose hope and keep trying. I believe she will agree someday. Yes, I can do that.

  Oh!!! I just can not wait for tomorrow to come.

  I always knew that only she could bring me the happiness that I had lost once, but I was a fool that I could not even see that one day it would be me who was going to become the sole reason for my unfortunate fate and why I would have to wander lonely like a homeless fellow.

  Tonight, even after getting thrown out of her house, I still wanted to go back to her, I was really dying to go where all the warmth was...where she was. Cause she is my home. But I just could not go back, or I would definitely make her angry at me, even more.

  Even if she does not love me anymore, I believe that my love for her will be enough for us three.

  Anyway, I kept walking aimlessly here and there in the dark for quite some time.

  The night which was quiet before was not the same anymore right now, as the wind was already howling for some time with no intention to slow down before the storm which was already on its way, I suppose. The trees had already started to sway their branches along with the heavy wind, creating some kind of rumbling sound.

  Even though the wind was gaining more speed, declaring the fact that the storm was about to start, I did not want to go back this soon. So I kept going on with my late-night stroll.

  Lighting crashed in no time, within a little distance, making the whole place bright for the slightest span of time, only to let the dark invade the surrounding once again.

  Soon, I realised that I was not alone right now, as I saw a silhouette of someone, who was standing in the middle of the road within a few steps of distance from the spot where I was.

  The darkness of the night did deprive me of seeing his face though, so I thought of going near him to take a look.

  And just after a few steps, I clearly realised who he was.

  “Adrian? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” I asked sternly, cause it was quite unusual for him to wander around at such a late hour, unlike me. And also when I had already warned him to stay away, how could he dare to show up before my eyes, just like that? It seemed that he grew a lot of courage these days.

  “Kazan. What a coincidence. You are here too. But it is a good thing that you are here. Cause I was looking for you anyway.” His vicious voice appeared ever so menacing while his smirk declared that he definitely had more to surprise me tonight.

  “Why are you looking for me? Did you not get enough of your lessons before, that you had to come running to me once again?” Even though I asked Adrian about his reasons, I was already aware of what was going to happen next. Cause I got to realise in an instant, that this time he did not come alone unlike before, as the smells of a whole lot of wolves were already in the air, which I did not fail to sense. There was no doubt that he brought a whole army tonight. And it did not take much time for me to realise who could provide him with such a number of wolves only to attack me like some boneless fellow, when I was all alone.

  Of course, Benjamin. Or else who could it be?

  “You are wrong, Kazan. This time I have brought some friends along with me, cause they really wanted to meet you.” Just when he uttered the words finally, I started to see the shadows of the innumerable amount of wolves kept coming forward from the dark, and soon they all surrounded me, leaving not a single space for me to break free from such trap.

  Yes, I was expecting this to happen, now or later.

  “And why would they want to meet me?” I enquired while trying to figure out how many wolves I had to take down altogether.

  The night was becoming even scarier as the storm had now started to rage on even more. The harsh wind was indeed making it difficult for me to sense each and every danger that I was entrapped in right now.

  And all of a sudden, a loud and desperate howl came to my ears from a far distance, even though it was hard to hear anything clearly in such a stormy night. It did not take much time for me to feel who was that, even though I was expecting it to happen the least at such a moment.

  In fact, I did not at all want the one to come here right now who was calling for me ever so desperately in this massive st

  No no no.

  I just can not respond to her call.

  How foolish you could be, Summer? Yes, I always wanted you to come and look for me, but not now. This is not the right time. You need to go back. You need to stay safe. Please do not come here.

  But strangely, when I once again looked at those vicious wolves and Adrian who was standing before me right now, it seemed that they were totally oblivious of the very thing about which I was absolutely worried at this moment.

  I wondered if they could even hear Summer's howl just like I did, cause none of their expression changed at all, unlike me. They kept surrounding me just like before while preparing themselves to pounce on me at any time soon.

  Or was it just me who can hear my mate's call?

  I did not know. Neither I was in any kind of situation to figure that out.

  The only thing I kept praying right now, that Summer must not come here, no matter what.

  But it seemed that my wish was not going to be fulfilled this time as well, just like every other time before. Cause, I kept hearing her desperate howls, irrespective of the immense rattling sound of the storm. And it was becoming closer and closer with each passing second.

  No, this is bad.

  I must take down all of them right now, or else I do not know what they would do to my Summer and my pup. Even though I was not sure if I alone can handle them all single-handedly or not, but I must try until my last breath.

  In no time, all the wolves started coming at me one by one, and I had left with no other choice except fighting with them without even shifting into my wolf, cause I did not get enough time to do so.

  Lightning struck the earth once again, and the terrifying sound of thunder followed right after, making the whole place tremble in such wrath of nature tonight. Soon, the rain started to pour heavily, making it even more difficult to see through the haze which was now surrounding us, ever so menacingly. In such downpour, I was really struggling to see from where they were coming at me.

  Still, I kept dodging the attacks of the wolves as much as I could and went on with ripping the bodies apart with my bare hands whom I could manage to get in my reach while fighting them off. But still, I was not enough against all those.

  I was feeling like my whole body was already falling apart due to all those claws which already got a way to slash me innumerable times by now, but I was never going to back down. Even when I was already covered in my own blood, I made sure to make a much bigger pool of the thick crimson fluid that I had squeezed out of those wolves who dared to dig their vicious claws into my skin.

  Suddenly, I heard another horrifying growl from somewhere near me, when I was still busy to avoid getting killed by that vicious army of Benjamin.

  Soon, under such a heavy rainfall a huge black wolf just like mine, appeared in front of my eyes, and started to take down the army along with me.

  No, it was not Summer thankfully.

  It was Markus. And he came to help. As if I gained even more strength realising that, at least now I had someone to help me with the fight. Cause I knew, when I and Markus are together, both of us are enough against a whole army.

  Anyway, we kept killing them all one by one, even though I got badly injured by now.

  And then, it happened exactly what I was afraid of.

  I smelt Summer all of a sudden and that too when we were not yet done taking the army down entirely. They were everywhere and was waiting to get a chance to attack and during such a crucial time, what I am I supposed to do if someone tries to harm her?


  You fool.

  You should not have come here.

  Go back.


  Episode 65

  Kaith's P.O.V

  It is good that I decided to take my bike with me tonight. Cause when I reached Sam's place, I found out that she was not there, not was Kazan.

  I just could not understand where they could be right now, even when I had already warned her to stay inside for this night. But I should have guessed even earlier that she was never going to listen to me ever.

  The moment her phone got disconnected, I knew that something bad was about to happen. I did not know what exactly she was thinking, but I was so sure that Kazan was not with her at all, or else she would not have reacted in such a way. And the very thought of what was going to happen next if both of them got caught by Benjamin's army tonight, freaked me out totally.

  Even though, I was pretty much sure that I might not find both of them at her place, still, I chose to go there first, in case I was wrong. But it seemed that I was not.

  So, I did not wait for any more seconds and took my bike out once again only to run the wheels on each and every road, so that I could find them out, before it becomes too late.

  The sky was rumbling tonight like never before, as the darkest clouds were already covering the vastness, casting the darkest shadow upon us. The wind was blowing ever so harshly tonight, announcing the possibility of a big storm which was about to start in no time, only to give rise to some great havoc in all our lives without any mercy.

  And now, the only thing I needed to do was to find them as fast as I could. So, I speeded up my bike even more than before, while I made sure to keep my eyes alert on each and every little movement around me, so that I do not miss any kind of hint to look for them tonight.

  But it seemed that I did not have to struggle for long, cause in no time I heard the most desperate howl from a particular direction, and I realised in an instant where I had to go.

  And after covering a little bit of distance, the sight of a huge black wolf, running with some tremendous speed towards a particular direction, caught in my eyes. And it did not take much time for me to realise what was happening.

  Cause, I knew very well that it was no other than Sam. But she was alone, and that was what I was afraid of, the most.

  “Sam!!!! Sam!!!!” I called for her with all my might, while riding my bike with the highest speed, in order to keep up with her pace. But the enraging storm, the terrifying sound of the thunder and the continuous howling of the wind was making it far more difficult for me to reach Sam, as she did not bother to stop even for a while.

  I tried to go faster to catch up with her and shouted once again,

  “Sam!!!!! Where the hell is Kazan?” This time, I think she heard me, cause even though she did not stop running but I clearly saw her taking a quick glance over her back where I was right now. And seeing me coming behind her, she might have got more strength as she was desperately running to go to her mate, even when the storm had already started.

  She kept howling helplessly while running on her way, that even I felt her distress at such a crucial moment.

  Soon, the rain started to pour ever so heavily, making both of us completely drenched, but little did we care, cause for now she was more than impatient to find her mate while I was determined to follow her, so that I could stay by her side to protect her from the danger, even though I was nothing compared to her.

  It did not take much time when the vicious sight started to become visible in front of our eyes, irrespective of the massive storm and the heavy rainfall which was going on right now, with no intention to stop.

  And then I saw the one, whom I was looking for at the first place to make him aware of aloha Benjamin's nasty plan to kill him tonight. But it seemed that we were already late, as the huge army that alpha Benjamin had sent, already found Kazan, even before us.

  The whole place was trembling with the menacing noise of bones cracking and bodies ripping apart, while the air all around us was filled with the smell of rich iron, declaring the fact that so much blood had been shed tonight, already.

  All the wolves were pouncing on Kazan who was still in his human form, while he was trying his hard to save himself and in the meantime, he was ripping their bodies apart as much as possible. But fight alone against so many was not at all a matter of joke, as Kazan too got injured so badly but s
till, he did not let himself fall down.

  What kind of devil's strength this does man possess?

  How come he was still able to fight off the entire army of trained wolves even when his whole body was all tattered and slashed without any mercy? I could clearly see that blood was not at all stopping to flow out from his body, even when the heavy rain was there to wash off the old cuts, only to make space for the new ones. He was not at all getting enough time to get healed on his own.

  How the hell did he survive for this long in such a condition?

  Seeing Kazan in such a brutal way, now I knew what kind of beast he was. He was the alpha whose strength can not be compared.

  In no time, I realised that there was another one to help in his fight, tonight. Another huge black wolf, same as Kazan's, was ripping the wolves into a million pieces, and was roaring ever so viciously in the utmost rage.

  It did not take much time for me to realise that he was none other than Markus. Cause he was also there to fight off the rogues with Kazan, the other night as well.

  I was good that he came here to help.

  And Summer?

  Well, I totally forgot about her after seeing such a vicious battle before my eyes for the first time.

  And now, when I looked around, I saw that she had already started her own wrath, finding her mate in such a condition. Her body which was drenched in the rain a while ago was now dripping with the nasty blood, as she kept pouncing on her prey only to kill all those whoever dared to harm her mate.

  She was fearless tonight, and I was really worried about her pup, about whom she might have already forgotten, at least it seemed so after watching her reacting his such a ferocious way.

  I did not want to waste any more time, even when I was still in utter shock. I took out the swords that I had brought along with me, thinking that in case I might need them. And now it looked like I did a good job. So without delaying much, I lifted up my blades in both of my hands and jumped right in, where everyone was trying hard to kill each other.


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