Roping Ms Impossible

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Roping Ms Impossible Page 2

by Loni Ree

  Megan sighs behind me, and I watch as Libby looks between us. “What kind of fib?” Libby wants to know.

  “I’m Natalie, not Celine.”

  “Holy shit. The flighty one?” Outrage flows through me, and I turn to glare at Megan as she shrugs.

  “That’s uncalled for,” I screech, but a part of me realizes I’ve done this to myself.

  As Libby blows out a breath, I’m calculating in my head how I’ll pay them back for the plane ticket and then have enough to live on until I find another job for the summer. Libby shocks the hell out of me when she starts laughing. “This is just what my stick-in-the-mud brother-in-law needs. Something to shake him up a little.” Holy shit. She isn’t firing me on the spot? Libby glances at me out of the corner of her eye. “You’re going to need to try to learn to cook. The poor man has been living on peanut butter and jelly for months.”

  Shaking my head, I hold up my hand. “I’ve been practicing, and I’m getting pretty good.” Megan looks at me doubtfully, but I smile and continue. “You won’t regret giving me this chance.”

  Libby smiles and is about to respond when Nacho decides to give a pathetic little bark. Damn. Libby and Megan both stare at me in shock before I confess, “I have one more little surprise.”

  Megan groans in the backseat as Libby laughs. “Oh yeah. This one is made for the job.”

  Chapter Four


  I’m fucking happy we made it home a few days early. If I had to shake one more sweaty hand or laugh at another cheesy joke, I might have strangled someone. Mitchell dropped me off at my front door and raced home to see Libby. By the time I shower and change into sweatpants, it’s after midnight, but I’m wound tight and decide to relax by the pool.

  I’m sitting on a lounger with a drink in my hand when I see the ugliest animal I’ve ever seen. Harden must have added something to this shit because I could swear there’s a green, sparkly bow around that skinny ass rabbit’s neck. After blinking several times, the image doesn’t change, and I stumble out of the chair right before the earth shifts beneath my feet. Standing at the edge of my patio is the most spectacular woman I’ve ever seen. I run my hand down my face, sure stress and exhaustion have caught up with me and I’m imagining her.

  The vision is wearing see-through night shorts and a tiny tank top that shows off a colorful tattoo stretching across her smooth back. My cock thumps in my sweats as I stare at the perfect globes of her ass. Fuck. No matter how hard I try, I can’t force my eyes away. The beauty turns and suddenly yips. “Oh. I didn’t see you there. Nacho needed to potty.” Even her husky voice is perfect. She walks closer to me and smiles. As my heart beats in a funny rhythm, my cock drips cum into my sweatpants. Groaning, I try to control my reaction but fail. God, she’s even more stunning up close. There are little specks of green floating in the deep blue of her sparkling eyes. I force myself to look into them while my cock is begging me to glance down at her spectacular figure.

  My sluggish brain finally catches up with my cock. “Who are you?” That was smooth, asshole. I scold myself.

  “Natalie. You’re housekeeper.” She smiles brightly and holds out her dainty hand for me to shake. When our palms meet, I feel the connection from the tip of my toes all the way to the top of my head. Her perfect little white teeth bite into her juicy bottom lip before she smiles and points at the ugly dog dancing around her feet. “And my little sweetie is Nacho.” She lights up the night, and I realize I’m in big fucking trouble. This girl is way the fuck too young for me, but neither my heart nor my cock give a fuck. They both declare she’s mine.

  Dragging my eyes away from hers, I look down past her perfect, curvy hips and those long, silky legs to find the brown, shaggy mop glaring up at me. I try to hold in the shudder that runs through my body when the little shit snarls and shows off his snaggle-tooth underbite. While I’m bombarded from every direction by these crazy emotions, I try to corral the thoughts whirling through my mind and find it’s impossible. Between the exhaustion and the amount of alcohol I’ve consumed tonight, everything is a jumbled mess in my brain. I do know this girl makes me feel things I’ve never felt before, and I’m not sure I’m fond of these new feelings. It’s too late to go back, though. My heart and cock are already too far gone for this girl.

  The useless little animal whines and dances until my girl picks him up and smiles. “Since you’re home early, what time do you want breakfast tomorrow?”

  Suddenly, I want to kiss my sister-in-law for coming up with this idea. She’s a genius. “I just got back from an unexpected trip, so I’ll take it easy tomorrow. Why don’t we meet in the kitchen at nine and go over what I’ll expect?” That should give me some time to jack-off five or ten times and figure out how I’m going to keep her working for me way more than she works for Mitchell and Libby. My plans have changed drastically in the last few minutes. Libby no longer needs to look for someone to fill the permanent position in my home. Tonight, I found the woman I want in my life forever. Now, it’s time to do a lot of convincing. Then it hits me. Libby told me my new housekeeper would be named Celine.

  “Hey, Libby told me your name was Celine,” I call to her before she gets too far.

  The stunning girl blushes and bites her lip. “Celine is my twin sister. There was a mix-up over who was taking the job.” Her explanation sounds plausible, so I shrug and call goodnight to her.

  After watching her walk away carrying the little mutt, I stand at the back French doors and stare at the pool for the longest time, wondering what the fuck just happened to me. When I stepped through the door tonight, my life was normal. Then a few hours later, I feel like I’ve lived through a tornado, and my life has turned upside down and sideways. As I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, my dick refuses to let me rest. Memories of Natalie run through my mind, causing the fucker to hungrily thump against my stomach. I growl in frustration before storming into the bathroom. Hopefully, a cold shower and a little jacking off will help me salvage some of the night.

  The cool water runs down my overheated body as I think about Natalie. Groaning in the back of my throat, I wrap my hand around the impatient fucker and squeeze. Her luscious curves flash through my mind, forcing me to tug a little harder than I usually do, and the slight pinch of pain brings my orgasm blasting through me. I watch as my cum mixes with the cold water and runs down the drain. Laying my head against the hard marble wall, I bring my breathing under control and sigh. I’m counting the hours until I see the real thing again. Thoughts of her just don’t cut it.

  I manage to fall asleep after my late-night shower-slash-jacking off session and nearly miss our nine o’clock meeting in the kitchen. Since I’m definitely clean, I jump out of bed and throw on jeans and a polo shirt. Racing downstairs, I make it to the kitchen seven minutes before Natalie knocks on the door.

  “Good morning. I hope this isn’t too early for you.” I smile and force myself not to stare at the gorgeous brunette.

  “Not at all. I love mornings.” Natalie follows me into the kitchen and sits at the breakfast bar. While I’m making us coffee, she tells me a little about herself and tons about Nacho, the mutt. Thankfully, I discover she’s a few years older than I originally believed. I’m still thirteen years older than her, but not the twenty years I had imagined.

  Controlling my fucking cock is nearly impossible as she waves her hands around while excitedly describing the little animal. “He loves soap operas, so I’ll bring his little basket over and put him right in front of the TV if that’s okay?”

  As Natalie waits expectantly for my answer, I try to picture the ugly little shit sitting in a basket in front of my seventy-seven-inch television. If my brothers ever find out the ugly little dog is watching soap operas on my pride and joy, they’ll give me shit. A few seconds later, I realize how much I care for Natalie. “Sure. You’ll need to set him up on the leather sofa, though.” When her mouth falls open and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow, I explain, “So he’s high
enough to see the TV clearly.” Did that shit just come out of my mouth? Fuck. I’ve lost my mind.

  “How sweet of you! I’ll make sure he doesn’t shed on your beautiful furniture.” After she comes around the counter and throws her arms around my neck, shock and desire blasts through. I feel her soft breasts crushed against my chest through the thin layers of material separating us and groan in the back of my throat as my cock turns to stone in my jeans. “Sorry.” Natalie pulls back, and there’s an adorable blush covering her face and neck. “I got so excited; I attacked you.”

  I watch Natalie bite her bottom lip and force myself to close my eyes and take deep breaths to regain some control. As sweat trickles down my back, I realize I’m ten steps ahead of this girl. I need to slow my ass down if I’m going to win her for life.

  Chapter Five


  I spend another night missing Natalie and planning how I’m going to get her moved into the ranch house with me. Forgetting her is impossible, so I’m making her mine. I figure, if I play my cards right, it shouldn’t take more than a month to have her tied to me for life. It’s the same timeframe all my brothers worked with, and they’ve all had successful marriages.

  I walk into the kitchen the next morning to find Libby making coffee. “Hey.”

  She spins around and smiles at me. “Good morning. I thought I’d come by and introduce you to Natalie.”

  Oh, I forgot to call Mitchell and Libby and let them know I met Natalie by accident the other night. They were planning to introduce us. After grabbing a cup out of the cabinet, I pour my coffee and smile at my sister-in-law. “I actually already met her.”

  Libby pours her own cup and sits at the breakfast bar. “Did she come by?”

  “We actually met by accident the other night.” Libby raises her eyebrow, and I know she won’t be happy until I give her the entire story. Well, most of it at least. “She was out walking the dog.”

  “Oh. Yeah. I was going to tell you about Nacho. I hope he isn’t going to be a problem for you. Mitchell didn’t think you’d mind.” Libby scrunches up her nose, and we both know she’s already got plans to use Mitchell to convince me to see things her way.

  I’m too tired from my sleepless night spent thinking about Natalie to mess with my sister-in-law, so I tell her honestly, “The dog isn’t a problem. Natalie and I already worked it out.”

  Libby sighs in relief, then smiles brightly. “Great. I really think you’re going to like her a lot.” That’s an understatement, I think to myself.

  Moments later, we hear the sound of little nails clicking on the hardwood floors before Natalie and Nacho come around the corner. Libby looks shocked for a second that Natalie used the side door without knocking, but then she schools her features. Natalie smiles at both of us. “Good morning.”

  Libby gets up and offers Natalie coffee before we all sit down to work through how we’ll split Natalie’s time. Figuring out a schedule takes a few hours, but we’re able to come up with a plan for Natalie to work at my house every morning until noon during the week, then a couple of hours three times a week at Mitchell and Libby’s.

  “Okay, we’ve got that all squared away. Do you want to ride into town and visit Megan at Sweet Beginnings?” Libby looks over at Natalie and smiles, and then her smile turns into a smirk. “She’s got some fresh-baked Harden Cakes.” I groan quietly at the mention of Megan’s famous “cakes.” My other sister-in-law famously makes these cakes in the shape of tiny penises and names them after the men in her life who have pissed her off. It seems Harden must be on Megan’s shit list again.

  “What did my poor brother do to piss his wife off this time?”

  Libby snorts before explaining the whole story of the cakes to Natalie. When Harden and Megan first met years ago, he treated her poorly, and she started the tradition. Now, anytime a Mackenzie man, usually Harden, gets out of line, Megan makes the tiny dick cakes in the bakery and keeps them stored in the back. She lists them in the front window as “Harden Cakes” or whoever was the other poor sucker, and the entire town knows a Mackenzie has screwed up again. Any adult can buy the cakes by asking for them, and all the cakes left at the end of the day come home for us to eat. Megan’s best friend, Tricia, married my older brother, Devin, not long after Megan and Harden married. After a while, Tricia and Devin moved back to Sweetbriar, and Tricia became Megan’s partner in the bakery. The family has embraced my two quirky sisters-in-law and their crazy ways. In the back of my mind, I know they’ll soon welcome Natalie into the fold.

  Chapter Six


  After dropping the dog off at Natalie’s apartment, I signal for my sister-in-law to let Natalie sit up front next to me for the ride into Sweetbriar. Libby raises her eyebrow at me, then gives me a thumbs-up as we hop in the truck. At least one family member won’t be shocked when I make Natalie mine.

  We pull up in front of Sweet Beginnings Café, and I realize Libby never explained Harden’s horrible sin. Oh well, I’ll find out soon enough. I laugh to myself when I see the bright pink and lime green “Available today—Harden Cakes” sign prominently displayed in the front window. By now, the entire town knows my brother screwed up spectacularly.

  I help Natalie from the truck and keep hold of her soft hand. She looks up at me shyly for a second. I nearly come in my pants when she bites her bottom lip as a light blush moves over her chest and face. Libby breaks up the silence and chatters along, telling Natalie the story of our town and pointing out interesting sights.

  The old-fashioned bell jingles when we push through the front door, and Megan rushes around the counter to throw her arms around Natalie. “I’m so happy you could come to town and see my bakery.” Megan glances at Natalie’s hand still held in mine and winks at Libby, then turns and points at Tricia, who’s standing behind the counter. “Do you remember Tricia? She went to school with Sally and me.” I watch as Natalie’s mouth drops open. Everyone in the family has heard the story of Tricia’s first marriage and bad break-up. I’m guessing Natalie is realizing who Tricia is right about now.

  “Oh. Hi, it’s been a long time.” Natalie schools her features and smiles at Tricia.

  “Honey, it’s okay. I know everybody back home still talks about me making my ex-husband a dick cake for our anniversary. Megan’s crazy will wear off on you after a while, too.”

  When Tricia shrugs, Megan swats her on the shoulder before loudly whispering, “Don’t scare her off.”

  As Natalie looks back and forth between Megan and Tricia, I decide it’s time to change the subject and ask Megan, “Why are you selling Harden cakes?”

  “Urgh. Don’t get me started on your brother.” She turns and glares at me. Another trait of the Mackenzie women, they tend to blame all the men when one screws up. “He decided to take my baby in for his shots and check-up without telling me. Something could have gone wrong, and I never would’ve known.”

  My confusion must show on my face because Tricia explains, “Megan nearly has a nervous breakdown when it’s time for Schutzy to get his check-up and shots every year.” Tricia is talking about Harden and Megan’s Rottweiler. Megan treats the dog like a baby. Hell, she even dresses the poor animal in sweaters and bows. A shudder runs through me at the thought as Tricia continues. “This year, Harden decided to move the appointment up by a week so Megan wouldn’t know about it until after it was over. She’s a little pissed.” Tricia scrunches up her nose and makes a gesture with her thumb and index finger.

  “He had no right to take that risk with my baby without telling me.” God, my sister-in-law is crazy about the dog.

  My thoughts about poor Harden’s dog issues are interrupted when the bell jingles over the door. I glance out of the corner of my eye to see a little asshole strolling toward us. Fuck. This little creep is nothing but trouble.

  A sleazy smile crosses the fucker’s face before he attempts to slide between Natalie and me. At the last minute, I’m forced to release her hand as I step in front o
f my girl. Looking down at the fucker, I growl, “You aren’t welcome in here. I’m sure my brother has told you more than once not to come back.”

  Rodney sneers at me. “It’s a free country, asshole.”

  Before I can reach for the little shit, Natalie wraps her soft hand around my arm and quietly whispers, “Don’t.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I see the worry darkening her eyes, so I take a deep breath and then turn back to Rodney. “Your scumbag brother went to jail for hurting Megan. If Harden finds either one of you near this bakery, he’ll make sure you suffer.” His eyes narrow for a second, and I’m wondering if the shit is stupid enough to take me on when the bell jingles again as Harden storms through the door.

  “Get the fuck out.” Harden’s roar fills the room, and Rodney pales before kicking over a chair and thundering out the door.

  Harden doesn’t waste any time rushing over and pulling his wife into his arms. Megan resists for a second before Harden growls, “You can be pissed at me later. Right now, I need to know you’re okay.”

  Libby sighs and points her head at the door. We head out to let Megan and Harden work out their little issue. On the way back to the ranch, I’m looking for any excuse to keep Natalie with me a little longer when Libby suggests a barbeque on my patio later. I would kiss my sister-in-law if it wouldn’t get me murdered by my oldest brother. After dropping Libby off at her house so she can change and grab Mitchell, I take Natalie back to the garage apartment to let Nacho out, and then head home to prepare for the barbecue. The time away from her kills me, but I tell myself to be strong. Soon, I’ll find a way to keep her with me all the time.


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