Texas Blaze

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Texas Blaze Page 5

by Cooper McKenzie

  “Yes, Master Wyatt.”

  “You are, however, new to having two men.”

  That was not a question. Therefore Blaze remained silent but continued to watch the man whenever possible without having to spin her head like an owl. He walked around the table several times, studying her from every angle before eventually settling on the couch beside Levin.

  “For now, you will address me as Master Wyatt. You will address Levin as Sir Levin or Sir. Levin will continue to call me Master, as he has done for the past five years,” Wyatt said as he met Blaze’s gaze squarely. “Is this acceptable?”

  “Yes, Master Wyatt,” Blaze answered softly.

  “Levin and I are clean and healthy. The club office has our medical reports on file. Gunnar had a club health form filled out while you were in the hospital, so we know you are also free of disease, though a bit battered. Before we meet here next Friday, you will fill out the club’s membership paperwork and the limits and interest forms. I’m scheduled to do a bondage demonstration in a few minutes, and I would like to use you for some basic wraps and ties. Nothing too elaborate and nothing that will cause you any additional pain. A chest harness and some simple arm and leg bindings. Can you trust me, trust us, enough to be bound like that? There will be an audience, and there will be no hanky-panky while we’re on exhibit.”

  Blaze blinked. Everything in her demanded she hobble to the nearest bathroom and lock herself in until the club closed. But she hesitated long enough to think.

  Could she allow this man, these men, to control her? Tie her up? Make her helpless and dependent on them?

  Could she trust these two men, who were little more than strangers?

  She thought about the calm she always felt when Master Z had tied her up. She had always been able to let go of worries, release stress, and find a place of stillness when he had her bound and unable to move.

  She missed the peaceful, floaty feeling she had not experienced in much too long.

  Taking a deep breath to settle her break-dancing nerves, she slowly shifted her head up and down. “I’d like to try, Master Wyatt,” she answered honestly.

  “And once again, what’s your safe word, pet?”

  “Red, Master Wyatt.”

  He checked his watch before brushing a kiss on her head. “Good girl.”

  Chapter Seven

  As he assisted Master Wyatt wrapping a chest harness on Blaze, Levin kept a close eye on the healing woman. She seemed okay, though tense. She didn’t look like she would panic or have an anxiety attack. Then Master Wyatt nodded, and Levin began tying her legs using a soft deep red rope. His tying skills weren’t on par with his master’s, but he was pleased with the finished effect. Blaze’s reaction to being immobilized concerned him, though.

  Whenever he was bound, he fully relaxed and slid effortlessly into subspace. He then floated out into a universe all his own until well after the ropes were removed from his body.

  Blaze did not seem to be having the same experience. Instead of relaxing, she grew more tense as they wrapped the ropes and tied the harness around her shoulders and chest and continued down to her waist. But she did not move. Did not fight. Did not even blink when Master Wyatt softly praised her.

  The tension in her grew as he tied first her right leg and then her left leg to the stool she sat upon. By the time he finished the last knot, she began trembling. He glanced at Master Wyatt, but the man was busy answering questions from the audience.

  “Breathe, little one,” he ordered when he noticed she wasn’t.

  She pulled in a single breath but did not release it. Her attention seemed to be somewhere far away from where they were currently.

  Instead of continuing the leg ties as they had discussed, Levin leaned down and got nose to nose with the woman. “Look at me, little one,” he ordered gently.

  She blinked, but her eyes remained out of focus. Her mind was somewhere else. When her vivid green eyes grew glassy with tears, Levin cupped her cheek with one hand. “Come back to us, Blaze. Look at me,” he said with a little more force.

  She blinked, her gaze cleared, and she finally focused on him. She then took a deep, shaky breath, laid her forehead on his shoulder, and began to sob. Without consulting Master Wyatt, Levin acted. Scooping Blaze up, stool and all. He then walked away from the patio and headed inside. As he approached one of the doors into the building, a pair of submissive women opened it, stepping out into the evening air.

  He nodded to them as he swept into the building, the woman in his arms tense and stone still as her hot tears splashed on his shoulder and ran down his chest. Everything around them disappeared as his focus remained on getting Blaze to a safe space where he could find out where she had gone. Moving as fast as he could, he headed back upstairs to the isolated seating area they had used before.

  He gave no thought to Master Wyatt or what punishment he might have earned for walking away in the middle of a demonstration.

  He would take a hundred lashes if it meant keeping Blaze safe.

  He was not surprised when Master Wyatt joined them before he could do more than grab a blanket from the stack on a nearby shelf. The dominant studied him, making Levin wonder if he would be able to wear jeans the next day or if he should go ahead and break out the kilt he had bought a couple years earlier.

  “I don’t know what happened, but she checked out, and not in a good way,” Levin explained as she continued crying so hard that he was afraid she would make herself sick.

  Master Wyatt nodded as they set to work taking off the ropes that bound her. They then settled side by side on the couch. “I had a feeling this might happen,” he said, accepting the woman and cuddling her into his body. “Now we just have to figure out how to bring her out of it and convince her that being with us is a good thing.”

  * * * *

  Blaze thought she was doing okay as Master Wyatt and Sir Levin began tying a harness around her body. Then her thoughts went to Master Z and how he would have done things differently. Though she normally enjoyed being a demonstration dummy, she could not find that place where her brain shifted into neutral. Instead, her thoughts began racing faster and faster, making her dizzy at the spinning sensation as they finished and Levin began tying her legs to the stool she sat upon. The deep red rope reminded her of the blood of the woman whose assailant had then turned his anger on her two weeks before.

  But she couldn’t relax. Couldn’t let go of the past. Couldn’t release the guilt of moving on and allowing these two men to bind her. Her thoughts swirled and overwhelmed her, and though her eyes were open, she could not see anything but Master Z’s disappointed expression.

  She grew dizzy just sitting there, lost in sad thoughts of the past.

  “Breathe, little one,” Levin said, touching her hand.

  That was when Blaze realized she had stopped breathing and her lungs were screaming for air. Taking a deep breath, she released it slowly. Then she forced herself to take another one. And another one. The spinning sensation eased, but she remained unable to focus on anything beyond her thoughts.

  “Look at me,” Levin said in a voice that sounded surprisingly Dom-like.

  She blinked, and suddenly her gaze was filled with a pair of worried golden-brown eyes, not Master Z’s deeper brown ones. Her emotions began to once again swirl as fast as her thoughts, and all at once she was in the middle of an F5 tornado emotional shitstorm.

  She began sobbing as every emotion she had not dealt with over the past half-year bubbled up and overwhelmed her. Not just losing Master Z and getting fired from her job but also all the fears that she refused to acknowledge. The fear of moving halfway across the country, of not being able to find a home and job here so she wouldn’t end up living under a bridge somewhere. The fear of remaining without a man who would understand and be able to deal with her needs. The fear of being alone, unclaimed, and unloved for the rest of her life.

  All the negative emotional pus and infection bubbled up and out with ea
ch tear that fell. By the time her tears slowed and stopped, leaving her snot-nosed and hiccupping, she felt about a hundred pounds lighter.

  “Feeling better?” Master Wyatt asked, his voice soft and gentle.

  Where had he come from? Where were they?

  Instead of answering the man’s question, Blaze buried her face in his cloth-covered chest, embarrassed at her wild reaction to being bound by these new dominants in this new place. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, though having dealt with an overprotective dominant in the past, she knew the apology would not be enough.

  Lifting her head, she looked around. They were no longer outside on the patio in front of twenty or more people who had been watching the demonstration. They were back in the conversation corner on the balcony where they had begun the evening.

  Master Wyatt’s arms tightened around her. “No need to apologize, pet, but we would like very much to know what brought it on. What were you thinking about?”

  He reached down and cupped a hand under her chin, gently forcing her head back from his chest and up so he could see her eyes. After a moment studying her, he sighed. “Well, do you at least feel better after your cry?”

  She could not help but smile, even as she sniffed the last of her tears away. “Yes, Master Wyatt, I do feel better.”

  He nodded then exchanged a speaking look with someone standing behind her. “I think she may finally be on the road to recovery,” he said.

  “So it would seem.” Gunnar’s voice broke into the happier place she was floating in due to the emotional release. “We’ll try the demonstration again next week, if you’re up to it.”

  Wyatt looked back at her. “What do you say, pet? Think you’ll be able to let us tie you up again next week?”

  Blaze took a deep breath and nodded but didn’t look away from Wyatt’s probing gaze. “I’ll try, Master Wyatt. Hopefully there won’t be a repeat of tonight. I’m sorry I ruined the demonstration, Master Gunnar.”

  “Shhhh, girl,” Master Wyatt said before brushing a kiss on the top of her head. “Now we’re going to talk, and this time, I need real answers, no matter how painful they are for you to share. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master Wyatt. I understand.”

  And she did. “I’ll have someone pack your bags and have them waiting for you at the front desk,” Gunnar said before walking away.

  Blaze looked at the two men, who were studying her with serious, solemn gazes. “I really am sorry,” she said.

  Chapter Eight

  Wyatt listened closely as Blaze shared all the thoughts that had run through her head—good, bad, wild, and completely inappropriate. As a dominant, his belief was that no topic was off-limits between partners when discussing a scene. As she talked, he found himself falling for her more and more with every word she spoke. Looking over her head at Levin, he could tell his boy felt the same way.

  He just wasn’t sure how to move things forward or if he should even try. Yes, his cock had been hard as a cedar post all evening, but would pushing the woman for sex after such a dramatic breakdown during a demonstration do more harm than good in building trust between them? Or would the sexual release be a healing balm for all the emotional rawness she had experienced of late?

  When she was all talked out and lying limp in his arms, he lifted his head and met Levin’s solemn gaze. His partner in life looked as concerned as he felt, even as he continued gently massaging Blaze’s feet.

  “We need to take her home now, Master,” his boy said softly. “We can come back tomorrow night and try again.”

  “No, no, no. You were going to scene tonight. Please, go ahead and do it. I’ll see if Gunnar can find someone to give me a ride back to his house,” Blaze said, her words sounding a little drunk and slurry around the edges.

  “Hush, pet. Your Doms are talking,” Wyatt said, touching a finger to her lips.


  “Shhhh,” Levin hissed at her. “The last thing you need right now is a spanking.”

  “I agree with you, boy.” Wyatt had to agree. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  There was already so much tying them to the woman in his arms, and she didn’t even realize it. Yet. At least Levin did not seem too upset that their evening had been cut short. They had gone through similar emotional scenes early in their relationship as well, so if anyone understood Blaze’s reaction, it would be his boy.

  When they’d entered the lifestyle as a couple, Levin had had a problem with being tied though he took a flogging, caning, or whipping without hesitation. It had taken time and patience to deal with the man’s fear of bondage, but nowadays Levin had no problem being confined in his ropes.

  “All right, little Blaze. It’s time to go home,” Wyatt said. He rose from the couch with her cradled in his arms and headed toward the staircase that would land them closest to the front desk.

  By the time they collected his rope bags as well as Levin’s clothing and Blaze’s shoes, Blaze assured him she could stand and walk on her own. He dropped the hand from around her upper back to swat her ass several times. She immediately rolled her lips over her teeth and clamped her mouth shut. Then she dropped her head to his shoulder and snuggled closer to his chest

  “Better,” he said, carrying her out the front door and toward their truck.

  After depositing her onto the front seat of the truck, he climbed in, forcing her to slide to the middle of the bench seat. Levin stopped beside the driver’s door long enough to pull on his jeans and shoes before climbing in. Neither man was surprised when Blaze drifted off to sleep between them.

  It took just a few minutes before Levin turned them onto their own ranch road and pulled to a stop in front of their home.

  Only after they were out of the truck and heading to the house did Blaze open her eyes and look around. “Where are we?”

  “We’re home, little one. Relax and let us take care of you,” Levin said as he took her from Wyatt’s arms and carried her into the house.

  Wyatt was not surprised to see his boy had the red bag Jillian had packed for her friend slung over his shoulder. Their club bags remained in the truck, but Wyatt didn’t bother retrieving them. He had enough toys in the house to get through the evening. If not, he could always send Levin out for the bags later.

  * * * *

  Carrying the still slightly drowsy Blaze into the house, Levin stopped just inside the front door just long enough to toe off his sneakers. He then headed for the master bedroom. He continued through the large room into the attached bathroom and set Blaze on the counter.

  “Don’t move while I get a bath started,” he said, making sure she was awake enough that she wouldn’t topple off the counter to the floor once he moved away.

  She nodded and remained silent as he moved across the room to the tub. After turning on the water, Levin retrieved a pile of towels from the linen closet, which he placed on the floor beside the oversized bathtub, which would easily seat four or more.

  Once the water was flowing warm enough, he began opening the buttons of his jeans.

  “Why didn’t you just drop me off at Jillian’s house? Why did you bring me here?”

  Though he had expected the question, Levin paused. He looked from her to the doorway where Wyatt leaned against the doorjamb looking pleased about something.

  “Go ahead and tell her,” Wyatt said as he pulled his shirt off. He then stepped back and moved out of view. Levin smiled when he noticed his man’s feet were bare and the top button of his jeans was already open.

  With a quick nod, Levin turned his attention back to Blaze. “Let’s get you in the tub, and then we’ll talk about why you’re here.”

  Moving slowly and carefully, Levin stripped Blaze out of her clothes. He winced in sympathy when she made small sounds of discomfort as she lifted her arms or shifted in certain ways. Once she was naked, he lifted her from the counter and carried her to the tub, easing her into the still-rising water. After turning off the taps, he finished stripping of
f his own clothes before stepping into the tub and sitting down beside her.

  Together, they watched as Wyatt entered the room, as naked as they were. The man’s long, thick erection led the way as he crossed to room to join them. Instead of climbing into the tub with them, Wyatt knelt on the floor beside the tub. Picking up her braid, he lifted the end out of the water and wound and tucked the rope of hair so it became a sizeable knot at the base of her skull. He then reached for a washcloth and the bottle of liquid soap.

  As he wet and soaped up the small square, Wyatt looked from Blaze to him and back again. “I’m waiting, boy,” he said, a thread of Dom power laced through his tone. “Tell her why she’s here and not back at Gunnar’s.”

  While Wyatt began to wash the silent and complacent woman, she turned her full attention to him. It was time to verbalize what he and Wyatt had not really discussed between themselves. He could only assume that by putting this on his shoulders that Wyatt was good with whatever he said.

  He then hoped he didn’t fuck up the next few minutes.

  “When Gunnar told us you were moving here, he thought we”— he waved a hand in a triangle between the three of them—“might be a good fit, both at the club and in life. Wyatt and I have wanted to add a woman to our family, and while I’m not sure about him, after meeting you, I’d like to see where things lead between us.”

  Levin looked at his man and raised an eyebrow in query. Wyatt dropped his chin with a small smile, assuring him he had guessed right. After five years together, he rarely screwed up these days when guessing what his master thought.

  Once he finished dropping that bombshell, he picked up the plastic cup on the shelf over the tub and began to rinse away the suds that now covered Blaze’s shoulders, arms, and upper body. He ignored the long, thick erection in his lap, breaking the water’s surface.

  “So, what do you think, Blaze?” Wyatt asked when the woman did not react for a full ten seconds. “Would you be willing to see what develops between the three of us?”


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