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A Coyote Ridge Christmas (The Walkers of Coyote Ridge, 7)

Page 3

by Edwards, Nicole

  V snuggled closer. “I won’t say no to either. The nap or the food.”

  As V got to her feet and headed out of the living room, Zane’s eyes caressed every inch of her. Still the most beautiful woman on the planet.

  Chapter Three

  Sunday, December 22, 2019

  WHILE GAGE WASN’T ONE TO DOUBT TRAVIS or his various schemes, he had to admit, he’d had some concerns on whether or not they’d be able to pull off a Christmas vacation that would live up to Travis’s expectations.

  Now as he stood overlooking the main recreation area, he was glad to say his concern had been unnecessary. Should’ve known the Walker brothers would give two hundred percent to this endeavor. They always did. Without a hitch, at that.

  Well, that wasn’t exactly true. There’d been a couple of glitches they’d dealt with, but luckily they’d hit the ground running from the minute Travis decided to go forward with his modified version of Sawyer’s idea. After they’d smoothed out the rough edges, everything had come together perfectly. The decorations were pretty damn close to perfect throughout the resort, including the restaurant they would be taking over for their formal meals. All twenty of the rooms that would be occupied had been given a holiday face-lift and hopefully would meet the standards of the twenty-five kiddos who’d be participating in the festivities.

  Come tomorrow morning, this place would be filled, and Gage couldn’t wait to see his kids’ faces. And Kylie’s.

  How they’d managed to keep the details from the wives and husband—in Ethan’s case—Gage would never know. The only positive was that they’d only had eleven days to plan and get the gears moving. Any longer and he doubted they’d have kept it under wraps.

  Gage’s cell phone rang, so he tugged it out of his pocket.

  “Hey, baby,” he greeted Kylie.

  “Just wonderin’ when y’all’ll be home. Figured I’d make shepherd’s pie for dinner.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Not to mention, it was one of the few meals that all the kids ate. Most nights they were preparing at least three different entrees, catering to the kids’ varied tastes. “We should be outta here in half an hour.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you then. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  After tucking his phone away, Gage headed to Travis’s office, worried that his husband had buried himself in work when they’d agreed to go home and surprise Kylie and the kids with their official invitations to the holiday escape.

  “You about ready?” he asked when he stepped inside.

  “Yep. Two seconds.”

  Gage knew that Travis’s time was in football minutes, so he perched on the arm of the oversized leather chair and waited while the man finished typing.

  “You know Kylie’s waitin’ for us,” Gage told him after a good five minutes had passed.

  “Yep. Two seconds.”

  Gage smiled. “She’s naked.”

  Travis’s eyes shot up. “No she’s not.”

  Chuckling, Gage got to his feet. “You’ll never know unless we go home and find out.”

  With a huff, Travis tapped a few more keys, then closed the lid on his laptop. He tucked it into the leather bag he used to carry it to and from the office, then got to his feet.

  “She’s gonna be naked before the night’s over,” Travis mumbled as they headed out the door.

  Gage sure as hell hoped that was the case.

  Four hours later, Gage was stepping out of Kade’s room, easing the door closed behind him.

  It had taken a good half hour to get the three-year-old to stop talking about what he was going to do on their vacation, but finally, he’d talked himself out. Travis had tackled getting the girls settled for the night, which likely took as much effort, if not more, than getting Kade down. Kylie had tucked Haden in when the boy had nearly fallen asleep in his mashed potatoes and peas two hours ago. And seven-month-old Maddox had conked out roughly an hour ago, which was a surprise considering he was their night owl.

  Now, if the five of them would sleep through the night, they’d have it made.

  As he passed all the bedrooms on the way to his, he noticed all the doors were closed, which was a good sign the kiddos were finally asleep.

  But someone was up based on the sounds coming from the master bedroom.

  The door was open a crack, so Gage paused to peek inside. Sure enough, Kylie was on the bed, Travis’s much bigger body covering her as he worked to strip her. Not wanting to be left out, he slipped inside, closing and locking the door behind him. Last thing they needed was Kate walking in on them, which had happened before. Not the most comfortable feeling in the world to realize your five-year-old was getting an eyeful of something she didn’t need to know about until she was thirty or so.

  Gage didn’t interrupt the make-out session, choosing instead to move around to his side of the bed, never looking away from Travis and Kylie. Although he enjoyed the hell out of being the filling in their sexy sandwich, he could admit he had a bit of a voyeuristic streak. Moments like these, when he could observe, were a rare treat.

  Of course, he didn’t go unnoticed. The moment Travis inched down Kylie’s body, her cornflower-blue eyes settled on him. She smiled as Travis worked her leggings down her hips before tugging them off and tossing them across the room. Their husband settled between her spread thighs, used his fingers to part the glistening folds of her sex before he leaned down and licked her.

  Gage’s cock kicked behind his fly, the damn thing going rock hard at the sight of them together.

  “You’ve got on too many clothes,” Kylie said on a moan.

  As he worked to remedy that, he continued to watch Travis feasting on her pussy, his tongue working her into a frenzy. Before he could send her over the edge, Gage intervened.

  “My turn,” he said as he lay on the bed beside Kylie. “Come sit on my face.”

  She didn’t hesitate, getting to her knees before she straddled his chest. He loved the rich scent of her arousal. Even more than that, though, he loved the taste of her on his tongue. Giving her full control, Gage teased her clit as she fucked his face. The only time he paused was when Travis took his cock into his blazing hot mouth. He moaned, then slid his arms around Kylie’s thighs, pulling her onto his mouth. It took effort to concentrate, but somehow he managed.

  When Kylie cried out, he released his grip on her thighs, allowing her to shift down his body.

  “I want both of you tonight,” she said, her voice loud enough for Travis to hear.

  A rough growl came from behind her at the same time Gage groaned. He fucking loved being buried to the hilt inside her at the same time Travis was.

  “Put me inside you,” he commanded.

  She didn’t hesitate, inching down on his cock, her silky heat enveloping him.

  With his eyes on her, Gage watched as Kylie rode him. She didn’t rush, giving Travis time to prepare himself to take her tight little ass.

  Gage felt the mattress shift seconds before Kylie was leaning forward, her beautiful tits crushed to his chest. He took her mouth then, his tongue delving inside as he rocked his hips. She moaned softly into his mouth when Travis’s cock pushed inside her ass. Gage could feel the hard ridge of his erection as he slowly inched in deeper.

  As they’d done many times over the years, they found their rhythm, the two of them alternating as they fucked their beautiful wife, crushing her between them. She moaned and sighed, whimpered and begged, driving them higher and higher until they were in a race to the finish line. Gage held back as long as he could, wanting both of them to come before he did. Kylie detonated first, her pussy milking his cock. A ragged groan escaped him, followed quickly by Travis’s deep grunt of release.

  Only then did Gage give in.


  TRAVIS WOKE TO THE SOUND OF MADDOX’S faint whimper coming through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He hurried to turn it off so that it didn’t wake Kylie or Gage as he slipped out of bed.

from sleep, he stumbled a few steps on his way to the baby’s room. By the time he got to the door, he was wide-awake and smiling. Most people wouldn’t understand the excitement he felt when he had a few minutes to spend with his sons and daughters alone. These days the one-on-one time was limited. Usually, when Maddox woke up, Haden wasn’t far behind. And in half an hour or so, the rest of the kids would be bouncing around the house, eager for the day to get underway.

  “Hey, little man,” Travis greeted his son when he peered down into the crib to see Maddox staring up at him.

  When the baby smiled, his heart turned over in his chest.

  “You hungry?” he asked as he reached for a diaper and went through the motions of getting Maddox’s butt into something more comfortable.

  By the time he was finished, his seven-month-old was grinning wide, giggling every so often as Travis kept up the running monologue.

  “All right. You’re good to go.”

  Travis lifted the little guy into his arms, then carried him down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  “Scrambled eggs?” he asked the squirmy boy before settling him into his high chair. “You got it.”

  After peeling a banana and giving Maddox pieces of it, Travis moved on to preparing scrambled eggs. Breakfast for eight required finesse and Travis had long ago mastered the art. With Kylie’s help, of course. She was a natural, while Travis still fumbled around on occasion. So maybe mastered wasn’t the right word.

  Of course, bacon was a requirement when scrambling eggs, so he started that process and grabbed some bread, slipped it into the toaster. It took roughly half an hour for him to get it all prepared, and by then, he’d already carted Haden down. He figured Kate, Avery, and Kade would be along shortly. His kids had a keen sense of smell and they always knew when breakfast was ready.

  “Hey, shorty,” Travis greeted Kate, the last of the five to make her way down to the kitchen. “Do me a favor?”

  “What, Daddy-O?”

  “Go wake up Mom and Dad.”

  “I wanna wake ’em up!” Kade squealed.

  “All right. Go on.”

  While Kate and Kade shot up the stairs like a stampede of buffalo, Travis got Avery settled with a glass of orange juice.

  “Are we gonna go to vacation today?” she asked, beaming up at him.

  “We are. Just as soon as we pack our stuff.” Before Avery could launch out of her chair, he settled her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Not yet, baby girl. Let’s eat breakfast first.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she countered as she snagged a slice of bacon off the plate in the center of the table.

  “Then humor me,” he told her. “Daddy-O wants you to eat one piece of bacon and three bites of eggs. Can you do that?”

  Her mouth was already full when she added, “Mm-hmm.”

  Kate and Kade returned a minute later, Gage following close behind.

  “Mornin’,” Travis greeted, making his way over and kissing Gage on the mouth. Of course, he lingered a bit too long and earned a snicker or two from Kade and Avery.

  “You two need to get a room,” Kate said.

  Travis chuckled as he pulled away. “I really think we should limit her time with Zane.”

  Gage laughed, pouring three mugs of coffee when the pot gurgled its completion.

  Three hours later, after baths and showers were taken, suitcases were packed and repacked, and they’d returned to the house only once to grab Avery’s security blanket, they were making the five-minute trek to the resort. By the time they’d pulled up to the front doors, the kids were making more racket than a daycare full of toddlers.

  Gage hurried off to grab a luggage cart, returning so they could pile everything on while Kylie led the kids inside. Travis noticed Kennedy’s Lexus and Zoey’s SUV already parked in the lot, so he figured they’d be entertained for a while.

  Since everything had been prepped last night, they simply had to retrieve the key cards to their room from the concierge desk, then make their way up the elevator to their floor.

  “Adjoining rooms,” Travis mused as Gage led the way inside. “Smart thinking.”

  “Doesn’t mean we won’t have a bed full of kids, but I figured maybe Maddox would get some sleep this way.”

  Yeah, Travis wasn’t sure sleep was on the agenda. Then again, after a full day of excitement, he figured they might surprise him.

  Rather than head back down, Travis worked alongside Gage to get their clothes unpacked, toiletries moved to the bathroom, portable cribs set up for Haden and Maddox. While they’d brought an extra one for Avery—just in case—Travis tucked it into the closet. Their youngest daughter was very independent and he figured she’d balk at the idea of not sleeping in the big bed with Kade and Kate. He figured they’d learn through trial and error whether it needed to be dragged back out.

  “All right,” Gage said, hands on his hips as he surveyed the room. “I think we’re ready to kick this thing off.”

  “Yeah?” Travis moved toward him. “I was thinkin’ perhaps we could steal a few minutes.”

  Gage’s eyes glittered with heat. “What did you have in mind?”

  Travis proceeded to show him the best way to steal those minutes.

  Chapter Four

  Monday, December 23, 2019

  “THIS IS INCREDIBLE,” KENNEDY SAID, HER VOICE full of wonder and awe.

  Sawyer couldn’t hide how pleased he was to hear her say that. The past couple of weeks had been chaotic, to say the least, and now that the day had finally arrived, he wasn’t sure it was going to settle much. But it helped to get her approval.

  “You came up with this idea?” she said, turning to face him.

  He peered down into her smiling face. “Oh, no. Not this,” he admitted. “I simply planted the seed about a vacation. This sprouted in Travis’s head all on its own.”

  Kennedy glanced back to where Matthew was hovering over Brody as the boys interacted with the other kids. Big brother was always on the lookout for little brother. Kind of reminded Sawyer of Travis.

  “Well, nonetheless, it’s rather impressive. He went all out, huh?”

  “That he did.” Hell, if it hadn’t been for the rest of them reining Travis in a bit, they would’ve likely had Santa and his elves taking up residence for the duration. Luckily for them all, Santa would only be joining them for a short time tomorrow.

  Catching the sight of his father-in-law moving toward them, Sawyer put his arm over Kennedy’s shoulder and tugged her into his side.

  “This is right out of a fairy tale,” Jeff Endsley said, nodding toward the area where all the kids were currently in the process of various creative endeavors. “How tall is that tree, anyway? As big as the Rockefeller tree?”

  Sawyer laughed. “Not quite. But that’s because Braydon and Brendon picked it out. Not Travis.”

  “Where is he, anyway?” Kennedy peered up at him. “I haven’t seen him or Gage.”

  “They’re around here somewhere.” Probably snuck off to have a little quality time. Something Sawyer intended to do in the very near future.

  As though reading his mind—although that would’ve been extremely creepy—Jeff turned to face them. “Figured I could spend a couple of hours with the boys. Then I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Did you at least get settled in your room?” Sawyer inquired.

  “I did. I’ll be in and out, though. Still on duty for the week, but figured I’d hang out to see the munchkins.”

  “I know they’ll be happy to know you’re here,” Kennedy told him. “Matthew’s been tellin’ Brody all about how Papa’s comin’ to play at the vacation.”

  Jeff grinned, more than a little pride on his face.

  “Would you mind keeping an eye on them for a bit?” Sawyer asked, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity, of course.

  Jeff’s all-knowing eyes scanned his face. “Sure. But don’t go far.”

  “Thanks. I just want to show Kennedy around.”
  Jeff shook his head as he walked away. “Sure you do.”

  “Show me around?” Kennedy chuckled. “You forget that I stop by this place once a week.”

  Oh, no. He would never forget how his amazing wife brought him lunch once a week here at the resort. In fact, he looked forward to Tuesdays for that very reason.

  “So what are you plannin’ to show me, Mr. Walker?”

  “Remember how Travis wanted to lock up all the theme rooms?”


  Sawyer dipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. “I have this.”

  His sexy wife smiled as he’d hoped she would.

  A few minutes later, Sawyer had snuck them into one of the private rooms on the second floor.

  “An office?” Kennedy asked as she peered around.

  “Pretend office. Won’t find anything in the desk. Well, except condoms and lube.”

  “What about the printer?” She motioned toward the far corner.


  Kennedy turned to face him as she took a seat on the top of the desk. “Do you have this office fantasy often?”

  Sawyer didn’t miss a beat, moving to stand between her legs, brushing her long auburn hair back over her shoulders. “Every now and then.” He leaned down and kissed the soft skin of her neck. “Remember that time in your office? Back when you were trying to pretend you didn’t like me?”

  Kennedy chuckled as she tilted her head to give him better access. “Oh, I remember. That was a lifetime ago.”

  “Sometimes it seems that way.” Sawyer trailed his lips over her jaw, her cheek, until he was hovering over her mouth. “I figured we could reenact that day.”

  “My memory’s not that good,” she said on a laugh.

  “Then we’ll make it up as we go along.”

  Sawyer licked her lower lip before sliding his tongue inside her mouth. Kennedy leaned into him, a move he’d gotten used to over the years. Though they didn’t happen nearly as often as he would’ve liked. Kennedy was going full-steam at her veterinary clinic and Sawyer spent roughly fifty hours a week right here at the resort. When they finally made it home at the end of a long day, they were wrangling two little monsters and Buster. By the time they were ready for bed, one or both of them usually conked out before the lights dimmed all the way.


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