The Thirty-Year Genocide

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by Benny Morris

  371 / 3403).

  5. See, for example, General G. F. Milne, Commanding in Chief, Army of the Black Sea, to John de Robeck, 18 October 1919, attached to de Robeck to Curzon, 30 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4160.

  6. Lt. Col. Ian Smith, untitled memorandum, 4 March 1919, attached to Heck to SecState, 20

  March 1919, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 7. Of course, the Turks had suffered greatly; hundreds of thousands had died in combat and from disease.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 97. French rule there was in line with the 1916 Sykes- Picot Agreement that had allotted them Cilicia.



  Ottoman Endgame, 424.



  Ionian Vision, 35.



  Ionian Vision, 69.



  Peace to End All Peace, 400. An alternative take uses the phrasing: “. . . with only a child to take notes . . .”



  Ionian Vision, 77–79.

  13. C- in- C Mediterranean to Admiralty Intelligence, 15 June 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5050.



  From Empire to Republic, vol. 1, 153, 155.

  15. Barton to Bristol, 4 June 1919, USNA RG 59, 860J.01 / 520–860J.4016 / 49, Roll 4. Barton noted that “race hatred” toward the Turks was also “not lacking among the Armenians and Greeks.”

  16. Aktar, “Debating the Armenian Massacres,” 248.

  17. Aktar, “Debating the Armenian Massacres,” 251–252.


  Meclisi Mebusan Zabıt Ceridesi [Parliamentary Minutes], 110, as quoted in Aktar, “Debating the Armenian Massacres,” 253.

  19. Aktar, “Debating the Armenian Massacres,” 255–259.

  20. George Rendel, “Turkish Massacres and Persecutions of Minorities since the Armistice,” 20

  March 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7876.

  Notes to Pages 270–275

  21. Security Directorate to governor of Konya, 2 January 1919, BOA, DH. EUM. 2 Şb, 66 / 24; and 20 January 1919, BOA, DH. EUM. 2 Şb. 66 / 31.

  22. Rumbold, “Turkey, Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28. Rumbold served on the British Peel Commission in Palestine in 1936–1937.

  23. Julian Gillespie to Bristol, 10 January 1922, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 10.

  24. General Staff Intelligence, Army of the Black Sea, “Weekly Report No. 69,” 19 May 1920, conveying part of Kemal’s speech before the Grand National Assembly, Erzurum, c. 2 May 1920, UKNA FO

  371 / 5168.

  25. Bristol, “Part Four, Report of Operations for Week Ending 18 May 1919,” LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  26. Capt. L. LeBouvier to GS “I,” GHQ, BritForce, 29 March 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.


  Zürcher, Turkey, A Modern History, 140–141.



  Armenian Genocide, 716–718.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 61–65. See also Mango, Atatürk, 207–209; and Kevorkian, Armenian Genocide, 715–720.

  30. Capt. L. LeBouvier to GS “I,” GHQ, BritForce, 29 March 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.



  Adventures in the Near East, 180–182.

  32. W. (?) Gordon Campbell, “Memorandum on the Situation in Asia Minor,” 17 February 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5402. Toynbee misrepresented the situation, claiming that Allied “control was working effectively until the news of the Greek landing arrived. The Turkish civil and military authorities were obeying the orders conveyed to them, troops were being disbanded, arms and ammunition called in”

  (Toynbee, Western Question, 145).

  33. Rumbold, “Turkey Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  34. Webb to Curzon, 7 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4158.

  35. Lt. Patrick Slade, “Kastamouni,” undated, UKNA FO 371 / 4158.

  36. J. S. Perring, Samsun, to ?, 29 July 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4158. General Staff “Intelligence,” Army of the Black Sea, Constantinople, “The Nationalist Movement in Turkey,” 6 January 1921, UKNA FO

  371 / 5041.



  Armenian Genocide, 717.

  38. Webb to Curzon, 10 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4159.

  39. Quoted in Dobkin, Smyrna 1922, 98.



  Atatürk, 214.

  41. GHQ Constantinople, to War Office, 29 January 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6465.

  42. De Robeck to Curzon, 18 November 1919, quoted in Smith, Ionian Vision, 107.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 341.



  Armenian Genocide, 805.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 362.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 354.

  47. Lt. E. S. Dunn, “Interview with Mustapha Kemal Pasha and Submission of Formal Questions,”

  1 July 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 440.

  48. Lt. Col. A. Rawlinson, “Note on the Situation in Eastern Anatolia at Time of Erzerum Conference 11th August 1919,” undated but with covering letter, DMI to Acting Under Secretary of State, FO, 4 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4158.

  49. Bristol, “Part Four. Report of Operations for the Week Ending 20 July, 1919,” LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  50. Commander C. Heathcote- Smith to British High Commission, 24 July 1919, UKNA FO

  371 / 4158.

  Notes to Pages 276–281

  51. Committee of the Congress, “Manifesto of the Congress of the Vilayets of Eastern Anatolia at Erzerum,” 7 August 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4158. See also Atatürk, Speech Delivered by Ghazi Mustapha Kemal, 58.

  52. Mustapha Kemal, “Exhibit ‘C,’ Condensed Memorandum Concerning the Organ ization and Points of View of the League for the Defense of the Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia,” undated, USNA RG

  59, Unindexed Rec ords (Central Files) Box 1, 1910–1919. Both charges were clear instances of the pot calling the kettle black.

  53. “Declaration of the Congress of Sivas,” USNA RG 59, Unindexed Rec ords (Central Files) Box 1, 1910–1919.


  Zürcher, “Renewal and Silence,” 312.

  55. Text of “Turkish National Pact,” 28 January 1920, USNA RG 59, Unindexed Rec ords (Central Files) Box 2, 1920–1924.

  56. Rumbold, “Turkey Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  57. Rumbold to Harington, 5 June 1923, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 31.

  58. De Robeck to Curzon, 1 March 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5044.



  Ionian Vision, 163–164.

  60. Churchill, “Military Policy in Asia Minor,” 9 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4159. See also McMeekin, Ottoman Endgame, 435.

  61. Stamfordham, the king’s private secretary, to Rumbold, 2 April 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  62. Kemal, “High Commandment of the Ottoman Nationalist Movement and Forces,” 19 March 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  63. For example, Wratislaw to FO, 1 May 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5047.

  64. Turkish Branch of General Wrangel’s intelligence ser vice, “International Situation,” c. January 1922, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 459.

  65. MI6 (?), “Psychologic,” 16 November 1922, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 459, based on information / analy sis by the NER’s “Miss Billings, an American lady who has lived in Angora for the past year and a half.”

  66. Rumbold to Curzon, 20 January 1921, UKNA FO 371 / 6464.

  67. General Staff “Intelligence,” Army of the Black Sea, Constantinople, undated but reproducing essence of Col. Vitali to Italian High Commissioner, 22 April 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5049.

; 68. De Robeck to Rumbold, 22 November 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 29.



  From Empire to Republic, vol. 3, part 2, 1386–1387.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 270.

  71. See, for example, “Translation from the Yeni Gun issued January 12th, 1920, Speech Delivered by Mustapha Kemal Pasha at Ankara,” USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  72. General Staff Intelligence, Army of the Black Sea, “Weekly Report No. 69,” 19 May 1920, conveying part of Kemal’s speech before the National Assembly, Erzurum, c. 2 May 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5168.

  73. Quote in de Waal, Great Catastrophe, 99.

  74. Bristol to Jackson, 21 June 1920, LC, Bristol Papers 32.

  75. Armenian Patriarchate, untitled memorandum, undated, attached to Gates to Belin, 17 February 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  76. Bristol to SecState, 18, 28, and 29 March 1920, all in USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 8.

  77. Kemal, untitled proclamation, 19 March 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5046; and “Weekly Summary of Intelligence Issued by M.I.1.c. Constantinople Branch for the Week Ending 25th March, 1921,” UKNA FO 371 / 5166. For descriptions of the occupation of 16 March see de Robeck to Secretary of the Admiralty, 7 April 1920, and attached letters by unit commanders, UKNA FO 371 / 5048; and unsigned letter

  Notes to Pages 282–286

  from an American missionary, Bursa, to Parsons and Peet, 20 March 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol.


  78. “Treaty of Peace with Turkey,” Sèvres, 10 August 1920, Treaty Series No. 11 (1920).

  79. Bristol to Howard Heinz, 4 May 1921, LC, Bristol Papers 34.

  80. Robeck to Curzon, 9 March 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5106. But others believed that the Turks were

  “in a minority” in “Thrace and Smyrna” (see Vansittart, untitled draft response, 13 July 1920, UKNA FO

  371 / 5109).

  81. Webb to Curzon, 8 May 1920, quoting Perring, Samsun, UKNA FO 371 / 5048.


  Zürcher, Turkey, A Modern History, 158–160.

  83. See General Garnier Duplessix (Beirut) to Paris, no. 162–164, 15 March 1921, SHD, GR N7, 4165.

  84. Rumbold to FO, 5 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7899; Rumbold, “Annual Report for Turkey for 1921,” May 1922, p. 3, UKNA FO 371 / 7947.

  85. Rendel, “French Attitude toward Minority Question,” 9 August 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7881.

  86. Quote in Smith, Ionian Vision, 245.

  87. Nevile Henderson, “Turkey Annual Report 1922,” c. November 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9176.

  88. Harington to War Secretary, 20 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 9175.

  89. Henderson, “Turkey Annual Report 1922,” c. November 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9176.

  90. Lamb to Rumbold, 8 March 1922, Bodl. MS. Rumbold Papers 29.



  Ionian Vision, 273.



  Ionian Vision, 276.


  Atatürk, Speech Delivered by Ghazi Mustapha Kemal, 566.

  94. Rumbold to Ryan, 6 March 1922, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 29.

  95. SIS, “Eastern Summary, Kemalist Plans Regarding Constantinople and Thrace,” 28 September 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7896.

  96. Rumbold to FO, 2 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7897.

  97. “Draft Minutes of a Conference of Ministers held at 10 Downing Street . . . on Wednesday, 27th September, 1922 . . . ,” UKNA FO 371 / 7896.

  98. “Draft Conclusions of a Conference on Ministers . . . 28th September, 1922 . . . ,” UKNA FO

  371 / 7896.

  99. Merrill to Bristol, 10 October 1922, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 12.

  100. Rumbold to FO, 6 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7899.

  101. Henderson, “Turkey Annual Report 1922,” c. November 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9176; and Bristol to Belin, 9 October 1922, LC, Bristol Papers 37.

  102. Rumbold to FO, 15 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7903.

  103. See Kemal’s description of Mudanya, Atatürk, Speech Delivered by Ghazi Mustapha Kemal, 569–571.

  104. “Cabinet. The Near East Situation. Terms of the Mudania Convention,” GHQ Constantinople to War Office, 12 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7903; Rumbold to FO, 11 October 1922, UKNA FO

  371 / 7902; and Henderson, “Turkey Annual Report 1922,” c. November 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9176.


  Shakir Bey, vali of Edirne, to Commandant Emery, President of the Allied Mission, 13 November 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7964.


  E. K.

  Venizelos to Curzon, 13 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7905; and Harington to WO, 22

  October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7956.

  107. G. S. Hatton, “French Troops of Occupation in the Gallipoli Peninsula,” 30 November 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7964.

  108. Rumbold to Curzon, 17 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7906.

  Notes to Pages 286–292

  109. Rumbold to Curzon, 17 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7906.

  110. Rumbold to Frank, 28 October 1922, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 30.

  111. Henderson, “Turkey Annual Report 1922,” c. November 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9176.

  112. “The Armenian Question before the Peace Conference,” USNA RG 59, Unindexed Rec ords (Central Files) Box 1, 1910–1919.

  113. “British Statements,” UKNA FO 371 / 6561.

  114. Harbord, “American Military Mission to Armenia,” 16 October 1919, USNA RG 59, Unindexed Rec ords (Central Files) Box 1, 1910–1919.

  115. “Message from the President of the United States,” 24 May 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421; and Barton to Bristol, 2 June 1920, LC, Bristol Papers 32.

  116. Quoted in de Waal, Great Catastrophe, 85.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 234.

  118. “Declaration of the Armenian Patriarch,” attached to Bristol to SecState, 28 April 1923, and Bristol to Secstate, 29 October 1923, both in USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 484.

  119. Charles Moser, US consul, Tiflis, to SecState, 20 December 1920, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 10.

  120. Entry for 6 November 1922, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  121. Henderson to Rumbold, 12 December 1922, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 30.

  122. For Kemal on Lausanne, see Atatürk, Speech Delivered by Ghazi Mustapha Kemal, 606–625.

  123. “Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Foreign Office Ministers at the Quai d’Orsay at 3 p.m., March 23, 1922,” UKNA FO 371 / 7858.

  124. Rumbold to Curzon, 17 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7906.

  125. Rumbold to Henderson, 2 January 1923, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 30. After his death, Bonar Law’s ashes were interred in Westminster Abbey, of which Lord Asquith said: “It is fitting that we should have buried the Unknown Prime Minister by the side of the Unknown Soldier” (Taylor, En glish History, 42).

  126. “Memorandum by the General Staff on the Proposed New Treaty between the Allies and Turkey,”

  19 October 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7952.

  127. Bristol to Charles Crane, 8 January 1923, LC, Bristol Papers 38.

  128. Curzon to FO, 13 January 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9059.

  129. Rumbold to Henderson, 30 January 1923, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 30.

  130. Rumbold to Wingate, 27 February 1923, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 30–31.

  131. Curzon to FO, 5 February 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9064.

  132. “Report by Mr. Bentinck,” 7 February 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9065.

  133. Rumbold to Curzon, 28 April 1923, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 31.

  134. E. G. Forbes Adam and Edmonds, “Comparison of Sevres Treaty with Last Draft of Lausanne Treaty,” 16 June 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9083. See similar comparison by Atatürk, Speech Delivered by Ghazi Mustapha Kemal, 606–625.

  135. Lloyd George, “Turkey’s Success at Lausanne,” Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1923.

  136. W. G. Smart, UK con
sul, Aleppo, to Foreign Secretary, 17 January 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9129.

  137. Lindsay to Ramsay MacDonald, 29 September 1924, and attached documents; and Lindsay to Austen Chamberlain, 26 November 1924, and attached enclosure, Allied Juridical Commission, “Expose des Infractions commises par la Turquie aux Clauses conernant la Protection des Minorites,” 24 November 1924, both in UKNA FO 371 / 10228.

  138. Henderson to Curzon, 18 August 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9131, conveying text of Kemal’s speech at the Grand National Assembly, Ankara, 13 August 1923.


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