The Thirty-Year Genocide

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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 103

by Benny Morris

  Atkinson, Tacy, 194

  order, 457; on French takeover, 324–25, 332,

  341, 347; on Greek occupation of Smyrna,

  Baas, Ahmed Moukhtar, 173, 178, 184–85, 257

  271, 430; on Greek sovereignty, 383; on Kemal

  Bafra, massacre in, 408, 409–10

  and Maraş, 343; on Merzifon missionaries,

  Bahri Pasha, 73, 76

  412; on population exchange, 468, 471; racial

  Balakian, Grigoris, 226, 250

  views of, 9; on recovery efforts, 315–16; on

  Balfour, Arthur, 268

  repatriation, 309, 311, 397; on Smyrna, 442,

  Balkans, loss of, 138

  445–46, 449; Toynbee claims and, 481; on

  Balkan Wars, 15, 16, 16–17, 18, 34, 142,

  Treaty of Sèvres, 282; on Ward- Yowell

  147, 454

  allegations, 427

  Ba’quba camp, 310, 380

  Britain: Ba’quba camp and, 310; Christians and,

  Barnes, Maynard, 438, 440, 450, 451

  279, 294–95; on conduct of France, 360;

  Barnham, Henry D.: on Armenian rebellion,

  Constantinople and, 281; Greece and, 284;

  92–93; on arrests, 95; on boycotts of Greek

  Greek deportations and, 400–401; in Maraş,

  businesses, 152; on communications, 71; on

  333; Nationalists and, 277–79, 283, 285–86,

  massacres, 79; on religious character of

  290, 401–2, 455; perpetrators of war crimes

  vio lence, 118; on Zeytun, 98–99, 100, 101

  and, 317–21; recovery of women and children

  Barnum, Herman Norton, 79–80, 81–82

  and, 311–17; return of deportees and,

  Barton, James, 269, 306, 455–56

  300–302, 307, 308, 327, 393–96; Sykes- Picot

  Barutjibashian, Victoria, 177–78

  agreement and, 323, 324; Turkey and, 277–79,

  Bayar, Celâl, 150–51


  Bekir Bey, 231

  Brock, Osmond de Beauvoir, 434–35, 444

  Bentinck, Charles, 484

  Büge, Eugen, 228


  Bulgarians: response to rebellion by, 16–17, 60; in

  in Urfa, 87–88; persecutions of in republican

  Thrace, 453–54

  years, 493; protection of, 109, 110–11; rural,

  Bulman, Philip, 123–24, 127, 133–34

  24–25, 34–36, 45–46; in Sason, 54–55, 65–66;

  Bursa: deportations from, 219–20, 388, 428;

  Treaty of Berlin and, 18; treaty to end WWI

  economy of, 497; Greek army in, 268, 283,

  and, 282; Turkish complaints and allegations

  402; Nationalist takeover of, 277; in nineteenth

  against, 330–32; Turkish views of, 3, 492–94;

  century, 21–24; persecutions in, 152

  urban, 21–24. See also Assyrians (Syriacs,

  Chaldeans, Nestorians); Priests, torture and

  Cambon, Paul, 68, 71, 76

  killing of

  Catholics in Ottoman Empire, 29, 31

  Christian missionaries: in Adana, 227; aid for

  Catoni, Joseph, 325

  returnees from, 306; in Aleppo, 234–35; in

  Celal Bey: in Aleppo, 166, 168, 171, 175, 231; in

  Antep, 346; Armenian community and, 29–30;

  Konya, 223–24

  blame for, 44; Bristol and, 427; documents of,

  Celaleddin Bey, 368

  9, 10; emigration and, 128; on evacuations,

  Cemal Azmi Bey, 181, 185

  362; fear of influence of, 115; in Harput,

  Cemal Pasha: in Adana, 227–28; in Aleppo, 234;

  80–81; in Maraş, 338–40; in Merzifon, 411;

  assassination of, 560n2; Balkan Wars and, 147;

  murder of, 337; orphanages of, 428; recovery

  Dashnaks and, 146; genocide and, 500;

  of women and children and, 314–16; in

  ideology of, 137; refugee camps of, 229–30;

  Samsun, 464; Talât and, 194; teachers in

  Sahag and, 250; trial in absentia of, 318;

  schools of, 225; Turkish animosity toward,

  Zeytun and, 167

  411–12; in Van, 161–62, 164; Western ideas

  Cemeteries, desecration of, 116, 190, 302, 365,

  brought by, 31

  367, 454

  Christie, Thomas, 122, 294

  Cevdet Bey, 161–62, 163, 377, 459

  Chrysostomos (bishop of Smyrna), 27, 434,

  Chakerian, Anita, 446

  435, 437

  Chakrian, Arakel, 313

  Chukri, Abdullah, 404

  Chaldeans. See Assyrians (Syriacs, Chaldeans,

  Churchill, Winston, 277–78, 430, 449


  Cilicia: British troops in, 296–97; deportations

  Chambers, William Nesbitt, 228, 360

  from, 247; evacuations from, 363; fear of

  Children: abductions of, 256; Armenian, return

  Armenians of, 296; France and, 279–80,

  of, 302; attempts to save, 183, 185; Christian,

  323–24, 325–26, 341, 347, 350, 354, 358;

  recovery of, 311–17; in convoys, 424;

  guerrilla war in, 329; massacres in, 143–44,

  deportations of, 419, 420; as entrusted to

  300; migration of Armenians to, 326;

  Muslims, 257; Nazi kidnapping of, 499; rapes

  population of, 293; returnees in, 305–6,

  of, 257; as refugees, 418; selling of, 236, 301.

  310–11; Turkish officers in, 300. See also

  See also Orphans


  Christian communities: in Anatolia, 299; attitude

  Clemenceau, Georges, 267–68, 280, 323, 326

  and policy toward after WWI, 266, 269; as

  Collective guilt, notion of, 319, 505

  blamed for massacres, 460; Bristol on, 365–66;

  Commissions of inquiry into massacres, 62–63,

  Britain and, 279, 294–95; depictions of

  64–65, 83–84, 134

  atrocities of, in schools, 146–47; destruction of,

  Committee of Union and Pro gress. See CUP

  5, 485–88; disarmament of, 160, 167, 191,

  Confiscation law, 265

  217, 224–25, 247, 250; evacuations of,

  Constantine (King), 477

  360–73; exemptions to deportation law for,

  Constantinople: Allies and, 281, 285, 292, 297,

  171–72, 202; expulsions of, to Greece,

  342, 454–55; deportations from, 213; Greek

  456–65; fear of, 48, 492; foreign nationals in,

  exodus from, 454; Greek population of,

  206; France and, 284, 327–28, 354;

  469–71, 473, 474; massacres in, 67–71, 105–6,

  Franco- Turkish war and, 359–61; hatred of,

  112; in nineteenth century, 21–24; occupation

  116–17; Kurds and, 35, 36–37, 38–39, 45, 46,

  of, 266, 267; policy regarding returnees of,

  65; in Middle East, 494–95; Muslim majority

  302–4; recovery of women and children in,

  and, 3, 19–20, 109, 110–11, 257; Nationalists

  313; refugees in, 463–64, 465

  and, 271, 272, 280–81, 289–90; non- Armenian,

  Constitution of 1876, restoration of, 137


  Conversions to Islam: between 1914 and 1916,

  De Lamothe, Marie C. M., 343, 346

  255–62; after massacres, 90; in Birecik, 97;

  De Nogales, Rafael, 162–63, 203, 232

  coerced, 45, 75, 79, 83, 84, 86–87, 102,

  Deportations of Kurds, 621n13

  118–21; deportations and, 217, 225–26;

  De Robeck, John, 279
, 282, 299, 300, 311,

  expulsions and, 458; Fitzmaurice on, 87, 90,

  341, 342

  120–21; imprisonment to coerce, 95;

  Disarmament: of Christian communities, 160,

  massacres after reversions to Chris tian ity, 121;

  167, 191, 217, 224–25, 247, 250; of Turks,

  as redeeming potential victims, 494, 499; treaty


  to end WWI and, 282; in Urmia, 378

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 18

  Convoys for deportations of Greeks, 421–29

  Diyarbekir: Assyrians in, 377; deportations from,

  Crathern, C. F. H., 336, 337, 338–39

  198–204; ethnic composition of, 204;

  Crawford, Lyndon, 186

  expulsions from, 473–74; Greek deportees in,

  Crete: Muslims under Greek rule in, 483; Turkish

  603n286; massacre in, 90–92; Syrian

  officials in, 460

  Christians of, 202

  “Crimes against humanity,” 197, 248, 318

  Djennani Hanoum, Sabiha, 289–90

  Crow, Francis, 132

  Djordian, Garabed, 362–63

  Crowe, Eyre, 483

  Dobson, Charles, 441

  Cumberbatch, Henry Arnold, 51, 126, 128, 131

  Documentation: evidence in, 485–86;

  CUP (Committee of Union and Pro gress): Balkan

  Naim- Andonian collection, 555n119;

  Wars and, 147; British occupation and,

  sources of, 6–11

  296–97; Central Committee of, 251, 318–19,

  Dodd, William, 218, 222–23, 258, 344

  377; counter- coup against, 226; coup by, 138;

  Dragomans, 21–22

  founding fathers of, 172; genocidal program

  Dufieux, Julien, 343, 352, 354, 359

  and, 138–39; ideology of, 137–38; massacres

  Dunaway, John, 313

  and, 143, 144, 178–79; officer corps and

  Dündar, Fuat, 173, 249, 486

  recovery of, 272, 273; Ottoman Greeks and,

  385; partnership between sultan and, 151;

  Eastern provinces: deportations in, 173, 386–91;

  postwar court- martial of, 242, 251; purges of

  massacres in, 70–73; Trabzon, 73–77, 181–86,

  documents of, 7–8; radicalization of, 141–48;

  419–21. See also Antep; Diyarbekir; Harput;

  repatriation of deportees and, 301; restoration

  Maraş; Urfa

  of constitution and, 137. See also Cemal Pasha;

  Eastern Thrace, 18, 268, 282, 286, 291,

  Enver, Ismail; Nâzim Bey, Selanikli Mehmet;

  453–54, 483

  Special Organ ization; Talât, Mehmed

  Eckart, Franz, 209

  Currie, Philip, 52, 54, 67, 115, 119

  Economic rationales for genocide, 497

  Curzon, George: on Armenian legionnaires,

  Edip, Halide, 235

  323; on Kemal and Maraş, 343; Lausanne

  Edirne: deportations from, 214–17; in nineteenth

  negotiations and, 289, 290; on massacre in

  century, 21–24

  Maraş, 340; on meeting with Poincaré, 454–55;

  Eğin, massacre in, 108–10

  on population exchange, 470–71; Rumbold

  Ehmann, Johannes, 192

  and, 278; on Turkey, 317; Yerevan and, 310

  Ehneche, massacre in, 349

  Cushman, Emma, 316

  Elliott, M. C., 441

  Enver, Ismail: on allied interference with

  Dadrian, Vahakn, 130, 159

  deportations, 388; on Armenian soldiers, 158;

  Daghmatian, Mihran, 56

  Balkan Wars and, 147; coup led by, 138; death

  Dashnak Party, 40–41, 142, 145–46, 175, 247

  of, 560n2; on holy war, 495; Jackson and, 238;

  Davis, C. Claflin, 438, 444

  on Kurds, 621n13; offensive against Rus sia of,

  Davis, Leslie, 1–2, 180–81, 192, 193, 194–97,

  156–57; on Rus sian Armenians, 162; trial in


  absentia of, 318; War Ministry meetings

  Death marches, deportations as, 174–75

  chaired by, 453. See also Special Organ ization

  De Caix, Robert, 350

  Erzurum, deportation from, 175–81

  Defrance, Albert, 281

  Essad Bey, 75

  Deir Zor camp, 212, 236–43

  Ethnic cleansing. See Genocidal program


  Euphrates River, massacres along, 238–40, 239,

  249–55; as state plan, 1–3, 244–45, 252–55.

  241, 255

  See also Holocaust; Special Organ ization

  Exemptions from deportations, 223, 250

  German Foreign Ministry archive, 10–11

  Exile: internal, 126; of Ottoman Greeks, 141–42

  Germany and deportations, 177. See also


  Faik, Süleyman, 159, 189, 250

  Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 420

  Faisal (Prince, Damascus), 313, 323, 350, 351

  Gladstone, William, 17, 496

  Fakhri Pasha, 208

  Gough- Calthorpe, Somerset, 203, 265, 318, 319,

  Fenanga, Agnes, 360

  392, 429, 430

  Ferid Pasha, Damat, 319

  Gouraud, Henri, 338, 352, 353, 354

  Fethi Bey, 269, 405, 409, 426

  Graffam, Mary, 188

  Final Solution, origins of, 245–46

  Graves, Robert Windham, 48, 56, 64, 102, 107,

  First Balkan War, 138

  119, 127–28, 130

  Fitzmaurice, G. H.: on conversions, 87, 90,

  Great War. See World War I (WWI)

  120–21; on emigration, 128; on fanat i cism,

  Greco- Turkish war: armistice for, 448; emigration

  116; on massacres, 72, 85–86, 88–89, 96–97

  and, 361; major battles of, 384; mistreatment of

  Fontana, Raphael, 73, 81, 108, 109, 116, 123,

  Greek prisoners of war during, 428–29; views

  124, 133

  of Anatolian Greeks during, 381–82. See also

  Foreign observers, condemnation by, 76

  Greek army

  France: Adana and, 352–53; Antep and, 345–48,

  Greece: Armenian refugees and, 365; cession of

  349–50, 353–55; Cilicia and, 279–80, 323–24,

  Eastern Thrace and Smyrna to, 282; as cultural

  325–26, 341, 347, 350, 354, 358; evacuations

  beacon for Ottoman Greeks, 25–27; exodus of

  and, 364, 366; Franco- Turkish war, 297;

  Christians to, 450–55; expulsions to, 456–65;

  guerrilla war against, 328, 329, 332, 333–35,

  Nationalists and, 284; population- exchange

  337–38, 344; handover of territories to, 321;

  agreement between Turkey and, 467–72, 474;

  Legion Armenienne and, 321–23; Nationalists

  refugees in, 463–64, 465–67, 470, 472; Treaty

  and, 279–80, 283–84, 288–89, 290, 328,

  of Berlin and, 18–19; Turkey and, 292; in

  358–59, 361; occupation by, 271, 327–28,

  WWI, 385. See also Greco- Turkish war

  332–45; return of deportees and, 300–301,

  Greek army: atrocities against Turks and, 475–81;

  327; as source of documentation, 9–10; Tarsus

  defeat of, at Afyon Karahisar, 434–35; eastward

  and, 324–25; Turkey and, 279–80, 288–89;

  advance of, 283; massacres by, 430–33;

  Urfa and, 348–49; withdrawal by, 367

  occupation by, 267–69, 271, 272, 320, 391,

  Franklin- Bouillon, Henry, 283–84, 285,

  394, 429–35; retaliation for destruction caused

58–59, 360

  by, 441; scorched- earth tactics of, 482

  Franklin- Bouillon— Y. Kemal agreement, 358–59,

  Greek deportees, return of, 300–301, 307, 383,

  360–61, 363


  Fuat Cebesoy, Ali, 383

  Greeks: fear of, 382; Pontic movement, 381–84;

  Fuller, Americus, 93–94, 95, 128

  as prisoners of war, 428–29. See also Anatolian

  Greeks; Greek army

  Gallipoli campaign, 158, 215, 244, 252, 273, 277

  Grescovich, Paul, 445

  Garo, Armen, 104

  Gümüşhane, massacre at, 184–85

  Gates, Caleb F., 80–81, 82, 123, 308, 313,

  Gurun, Kamuran, 33

  322, 456

  Gurun, massacre in, 96

  Gehri, Maurice, 478–79

  Gust, Wolfgang, 11

  General Revolutionary Organ ization of the

  Islamic World, 272

  Hacin, siege of, 355–57

  Genocidal program: cumulative- radicalization

  Hadir Pasha, Ali, 430

  approach to, 246–48; CUP and, 245;

  Hakkari area, Assyrians in, 374, 375–76

  deportations as, 248–49; differential treatment

  Hakki Bey (ambassador to Rome), 149–50

  in, 488–90; number killed during, 44, 130–32,

  Hakki Bey, Ismail (Adana), 228

  486–88; periods and evolution of, 4, 491–99,

  Halil Bey (foreign minister), 216

  505–6; plan for, 141, 248–49; preparation for,

  Halil Pasha (military officer), 162, 163


  Hallward, Cecil: on abductions of women, 122,

  Hunchak Party, 40–41, 67, 69, 93, 98–99, 103–4,

  124; on Diyarbekir, 91, 92, 121; on fanat i cism,

  142, 145

  65; in Muş, 61; on Turkish explanations for

  Hurst, L. J., 307

  massacres, 64; on Van, 60, 101–2, 113

  Husni Bey, 480–81

  Hamdi Pasha, 73, 76

  Hussein Pasha, 89

  Hamid (Hamit) Bey, Kapancızade (Samsun),

  382–83, 395

  Iffet Bey, 99

  Hamid Bey (Diyarbekir), 199

  Ihsan, Ali, 272

  Hamid Bey (Nationalist, Red Crescent Director),

  Imperial bounties, 69

  367, 450, 451, 469–70

  Inebolu bombardment, 407

  Hamidiye Light Cavalry Regiments, 42, 57, 94

  Investigations of massacres of 1894–1896, 62–63,

  Hampson, Charles, 72, 111, 119, 121

  64–65, 83–84, 136

  Harbord, James, 288

  Iraq: British mandate of, 290; Christian

  Harington, Charles, 285, 455, 483

  communities in, 494–95

  Harlow, Ralph, 146

  Islam: CUP and, 147–48; Kurds and Sunni

  Harput: arrival of deportees in, 180–81; convoys

  tribesmen and, 37; in Maraş, 46; role of, in

  passing through, 425–26; deportations from,


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