The Nexus Mirror

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The Nexus Mirror Page 27

by Noah Michael

  “Suria!” a Shadow cried.

  “I shall not lose to this Reader!”

  Maximus stood back on his feet. His arm dangled loosely from his shoulder.

  Each man held the sword of his opponent.

  Raiden relaxed, removing his hand from his waist. It wasn’t over yet. He looked beside him, to where the woman had been standing.

  She was gone.


  “Thank you, Raja. That shall be it for tonight. Warriors, please escort him back to his chambers immediately.” The Chief sat in his throne room, bodyguards at his side, including Arias, who had finished his work regarding the hole but had yet to debrief his findings.

  “Thank you, my Chief, for giving me this second chance. I promise to take full advantage of it.” Raja bowed respectfully.

  “I hope you will, Raja.” As they concluded, there was a loud knock.

  “My Chief, may I come in? It is urgent!”

  “Enter,” the Chief said. Two Shadow warriors hurried Raja out as Atara rushed into the room.

  “My Chief, there are strangers in the valley. Suria is in the midst of a duel with one of them. He is not faring well. They say they have come to take something you stole from them.”

  “Something I stole from-” The Chief realized what was happening. He turned towards Arias. “Get the girl, now!”


  Raja watched as the Chief burst out of the throne room, followed closely by his bodyguards and Atara. Arias headed off in a different direction. This was his chance. It was time to jump ladders.

  As soon as the Chief and his guards were out of sight, Raja turned to the warrior next to him.

  “Excuse me, can you help me for a moment?”

  The warrior looked at him. Raja grabbed the unsuspecting Shadow’s sword from his waist and lunged it into the stomach of the warrior on his left. Before the first Shadow could react, Raja sent a spinning kick into his face, knocking him unconscious. He grabbed the warriors by their arms and dragged them to his chambers. He threw them in and closed the doors.

  “Free at last...” he hissed.


  Suria swung the sword with all his might, landing only a light blow to Maximus’s chest. The victory was short lived. Suria was growing slower by the second. Maximus lunged his sword forward. As Suria parried the blow, Maximus kicked swiftly at his stomach, sending him toppling to the floor. Suria reached for the sword but Maximus stepped down on the blade.

  Suria looked up at Maximus, his face seething in pain and rage.

  “Do you have it in you to kill me, Reader?” Maximus looked him in the eyes and lifted the sword.

  “STOP!” came a voice. He plunged the sword down with all his might.

  And planted it deep within the earth, an inch from Suria’s head.

  Raiden turned towards the voice. “Sarah!”

  Her eyes lit up. She bolted into Maximus’s arms. He closed his eyes, holding her close.

  “Maximus, I missed you!”

  “I missed you too, Sarah. You are safe now.” He put her down, and she went to Raiden.

  “I found something a few days ago. Do you happen to know who this belongs to?” Raiden said, holding Sarah’s kaza out.

  Sarah smiled and gave Raiden a big hug. “I knew you would find me.” When she let go, he handed her the kaza.

  “Take him to the infirmary, at once!” They turned towards the voice as the Chief of Shadows emerged from the darkness. “Was it necessary, what you did to my warrior?”

  Maximus stepped towards him. “Was stealing Sarah necessary? Was ordering our assassinations? What crime did we commit?”

  “I was not in command of the man who blew up the orphanage. The rest were given strict orders not to harm.”

  “They did not listen well!” When the Chief stepped closer Maximus stood between him and Sarah. “Stay back! We are leaving now. Do not try to stop us.”

  The Chief looked at them, completely calm. “I won’t stop you. She will.”

  Sarah stepped away from Maximus and walked towards the Chief.


  “Just give him a chance,” she said. “Listen to him.”

  Maximus looked from Sarah to the Chief.

  “What is this about?”

  The Chief looked at him. “My tribe is threatened. In fact, the whole world is threatened, by an enemy we both share.”


  “Correct. Within the walls of my kingdom lies an object known as the Nexus Mirror. It is a door from which only a Surger can return alive. My sister was thrown into the mirror many years ago, and ever since I have been searching for one of Sarah’s kind to help me bring back my sister. Roko contacted me, offering me a deal. If we worked together to find Sarah, I would in turn allow him to use the mirror. It did not take long to realize my error though. Roko is a wicked man, and whatever he wishes from that mirror is bound to be destructive. He has already threatened me with war once. If he finds out I have Sarah, he will declare war immediately. It is only a matter of time. Sarah has agreed to enter the mirror with me. Perhaps if we can find what Roko seeks, we can use it against him. And I am hoping we can find my family on the way.”

  Maximus carefully watched the Chief.

  “Is he lying?” Raiden asked.

  “He speaks the truth.”

  The Chief nodded.

  “I do not approve of Sarah going alone. If she insists on helping you, then I am coming.”

  “Me too,” Raiden said, stepping up beside Maximus.

  The Chief held out his hand. “Shall we shake on it then?”

  “I do not shake hands with a man whose name I do not know.”

  “Yuran, Chief of the Shadows.”

  “Maximus, son of Armolin.” The men clasped their arms together. The four of them, Raiden, Maximus, Yuran, and Sarah, each projected a shadow onto the ground.

  But instead of four shadows at their feet, there were five.

  Chapter Twenty

  Heart of Stone

  The Silver Tower

  July 22

  2:00 p.m.

  “Bella!” Alia woke with a start, her chest heaving up and down. Her eyes shot open, staring straight into Stone’s daunting face.

  Stone shot his hand out and grabbed her neck, squeezing it with an iron grip. “Your sister isn’t here to save you, girl. Now be silent.” He held on a little longer and then let go.

  Alia gasped for breath. “What’s going on?”

  “I have a question to ask you. I must know the answer now, and you are the only one who I trust to provide it. If you lie to me, I will kill you.”

  Stone wrapped his fist around a bunch of wires connected to a nearby computer.

  “If I pull these out, you die. Now tell me, does Roko truly wish to awaken Galaxius?”

  Alia looked up at him, still in shock. She couldn’t remember where she was, or how she got there. She could not move anything other than her head and arms. She felt very weak, her voice shaky.

  “I...I don’t know. I...can’t remember anything.” Stone strengthened his grip on the wires.

  “Please!” Stone began to pull on the wires.

  “Roko wants nothing but power! If he wants to wake up Galaxius, it’s only to kill him!”

  Alia had no idea where that information had come from, but she knew it was correct. Stone let go of the wires and stormed out of the room.


  Roko sat at his desk, writing a formal letter to the Molder tribe. He still hoped they might enact the alliance even though they hadn’t sealed the agreement.

  Addressed to Alroy Strick, Speaker of the Senate, as well as His Majesty the King:

  I would like to send to you and your tribe sincere condolences on behalf of myself and those who support me, on the murder of Territh. Had we known what was going to occur, an atrocity committed by the antithesis of justice and democracy, perhaps we both could have taken better precautions. Yet I must admit, this on
ly serves to strength my belief in the importance of our unity agreement. We must stand together in this difficult time...-

  Roko’s watch rang, indicating an approaching visitor. “Who?”


  “Am I scheduled to meet with him?”

  “You are not, sir.”

  “Then send him away.” Roko turned his attention back to the letter but was startled by a loud crash. He grabbed a gun from beneath his desk as the door burst open and flew across the room. Stone barged in through the doorway, arms turned to steel. In his right hand he held Roko’s smashed. protector droid.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Roko shouted.

  Stone walked towards Roko, as expressionless as the robots around him. “You denied me entrance. I need to speak with you.”

  “I’m busy!”

  “I don’t care. I joined you under certain condition. You are to share all of your plans with me. Lately, I have been left out.”

  “How so?”

  “The beast of floor 176. You’ve kept it hidden from me, and I demand to know what the creature is and how you intended to use it to awaken Galaxius. I want to know everything.”

  “I am sorry, but that information is classified.”

  Stone sighed. “You have failed me.”

  “How so?”

  “I continued to serve this organization on the condition that we work together to awaken Galaxius. I now know you have no intention of doing so.”

  Roko looked up at the formidable man. “Fine, you want the truth? The beast of floor 176 is a Decrepit.”

  “I suspected as much,” Stone growled, his hand curling into an iron fist.

  “While the beast does possess the ability to free Galaxius, it is capable of so much more. If we could just learn to control it-”

  “So, the project Salience and Marcus were working on, it was an attempt to control the Decrepit?” Stone shook his head. “You haven’t the faintest idea what forces you are toying with, Roko.”

  “Stone, listen to me. We don’t need Galaxius. Between the two of us, we have the power and ability to control the world. With Galaxius, we would only divide that power. You could be king with me. Does that not inspire you?”

  “I do not answer to you. I answer to a force much greater. It is that same force which demands that I carry out your execution.”

  Roko aimed his weapon. “Go ahead then. Show me the strength of this ‘force.’ I’d like to see you try.”

  “Very well.” Stone’s fist shot like a bullet straight through his weapon, smashing it to bits. His fist continued through Roko’s chest and out his back. Stone pulled his arm back out through Roko’s body. “We are finished here.”

  As Stone turned to leave, Roko began to laugh.

  “You really think me that much of a fool?” Roko took a step forward. “You think I would let you walk right up to me and kill me? There is no one, and I mean no one, in this entire world, who can kill me! I am a god, Stone! I am a god!”

  Roko ripped open his shirt. Stone could not believe his eyes. Roko’s arteries were not arteries at all.

  They were wires.

  “Now, Stone, let’s see if that ‘force’ of yours can save you from this!”

  Roko commanded the robots in the room. “Kill him!”

  The robots shot up, arms transforming into blasters and machine guns. The wasps turned, bellies forward, stingers out. Stone spread his arms, his skin shifting quickly into steel. He was thrown to the ground under heavy fire. His metallic skin began to dent and burn. He looked up at Roko. “This is not over! You will suffer for your betrayal!”

  Stone looked around. Bullets and lasers were striking at him from every direction. Three more drones had drawn their blades. A few more seconds and he would be dead.

  “Goodbye, Stone. You’ve lived long enough.”

  Stone darted towards the end of the room. He jumped forth with all his remaining energy, smashing through the wall and off the one-hundredth floor.

  “Stop!” The robots ceased their fire. Roko walked over to the hole in the wall and looked down. The street had been destroyed, cracked in pieces where Stone had fallen.

  But Stone was nowhere to be seen.

  Roko snarled. “Find him!”


  Alia opened her eyes. She was in a blue hospital bed dressed in a loose, paper gown. Across from her stood a doctor in scrubs, consulting with two drones. There was an IV in her right forearm and white sticker-patches on her chest and temples. A computer monitored her heart rate and brain activity. A thick batch of wires that began at the computer ended seemingly within her chest. That couldn’t be good.

  The door opened. “Roko, how are you doing?” a voice asked.

  “That depends on how she’s doing,” a familiar voice responded.

  “I believe she’s awake.”

  A man entered the room She recognized him. She looked at him, trying to remember.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I can’t move my legs.”

  “That will come in time. Do you remember who I am?” Alia shook her head.

  Roko turned to the doctor. “Repair her memory.”

  The doctor walked over to the computer.

  “Access to the brain, password 6-2-3-8-7-9. Restore memory.”

  “Memory restoration in process.”

  Alia’s head filled with excruciating pain as a flood of memories rushed into her head. Her entire life replayed at super-speed. When it stopped, Alia was left eyes closed, breathing heavy. “What have I done...”

  “You saved my life.”

  “You didn’t deserve it.”

  “I did what was best for you,” Roko said. “Your sympathy for David was a weakness and a distraction. By distancing the two of you, I have only made you stronger. Your emotion clouds your judgment. Do you remember the day you joined me? I offered you great power, great purpose, and I offered you your sister. I could not sit and watch you throw it all away. You passed the test, and so, I have kept my promise.”

  Alia’s eyes widened. “ healed her?”

  “No, but I have brought her here. She is under elite medical supervision. As soon as you are able to stand, I will take you to see her.”

  “I have to see her. Can you take out these wires? I’m feeling fine.”

  “Before you go, I have a few more things we must speak about. The first one is Stone.”

  “He came in here earlier. He—”

  “Don’t worry Alia, he’s been taken care of. Which is why I’d like to congratulate you on your promotion to General of the Armed Forces. You will have access to almost every room in the building, including the armories and drone production facilities. As I had hoped you would, you’ve replaced all three of my top commanders, James, Stone, and Marcus. Marcus will only remain now for your training.”

  Flush with victory, she knew what must be done, “My first command as General is the arrest of Marcus. I want him placed in a prison cell, heavily guarded. I consider him a threat to the safety of our organization.”

  “But what of your training?”

  “I am a General now. I don’t need a supervisor.”

  “If that is your command, then you have full authority and my trust to give the order.”

  Alia nodded.

  “There is one more thing I need to speak with you about,” Roko said. “It is the reason you are still in bed. Do you feel different at all?”

  Alia put her hand to her chest. Her face turned white. “I have no heartbeat.”

  “Your heart had to be removed. It was directly pierced by the bullet. There was not enough time to re-atomize it, you would have died before it was finished. We had to replace it with a generator. We’ve equipped the generator with enough energy to keep your blood circulating for another six hundred years. The generator will also enhance your physical capabilities. You will never grow tired, and your movement speeds are now enhanced, giving you the ability to outrun even a cheetah

  The idea frightened her, having no heart. She tried her best to remain calm.

  “If you are feeling up to it, I can order the wires removed. The generator is ready.”

  “Take it out.”

  Roko turned to the doctor. “You heard the General. Remove the wires.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good luck,” Roko said, leaving the room.

  The doctor disconnected her from the machine. Alia felt a movement within her chest as the wires detached themselves from the generator. As soon as they were removed, Alia’s gown was soaked in blood. A drone moved its arm out towards Alia’s chest, spinning at a rapid pace, shining a powerful blue light onto Alia’s wound. Alia’s flesh pieced quickly back together. The drone backed away and the doctor inspected its work.

  “Disconnect sequence a success. Wound has been closed. How is the generator working?”

  “Fully functional, heart rate exceptionally healthy.”

  “Access to the brain. Password 6-2-3-8-7-9.”

  “Access granted to the brain.”

  “Restore movement throughout entire body.”

  “Working to restore movement...Movement restored.”

  Alia tried wiggling her toes. To her relief, they moved at her command. She sat up, feeling better than ever before. Her muscles strong, her mind sharp. For the first time in days, her head was clear.

  “There are showers through the door on the right,” the doctor said. “Go wash the blood off. When you finish, Roko wants you to proceed straight to his office. Your clothes are waiting for you on a shelf in the shower room. If you need anything, I will be waiting here. If you feel anything abnormal, it is important you inform me right away.”

  “Thank you,” Alia said, walking towards the shower room.

  “The pleasure is mine, General.”


  “Access granted.”

  Alia walked past the drone and into Roko’s office. The room seemed cleaner that the last time she had seen it, aside for the rather large hole in the wall behind Roko’s desk. “Lost your temper?”


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