The Nexus Mirror

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The Nexus Mirror Page 38

by Noah Michael

  “Showoff,” Maximus muttered. He moved back for his running start, then sprinted to the edge. Just as he jumped, he chucked his sword at the ceiling, causing a rock to come crashing down with it. He reached the rock just as it was about to hit the lava, then pushed off it and back into the air. He flipped midair, then landed feet-first on the platform.

  “Showoff,” Yuran chuckled. They jumped from rock to rock, until only three platforms remained between them and the shore.

  “Almost there,” Maximus panted, looking ahead.

  “What’s happening? Do you feel that?” Yuran said nervously.

  The platform they stood on shook. All the surrounding lava was boiling. Platforms behind them exploded one by one in pillars of lava.

  “We must move now!” Maximus shouted, jumping off towards the next platform. Yuran followed suit, landing just seconds before the previous platform exploded. They ran full speed ahead and jumped towards the third platform. As they flew through the air, the third platform shattered, leaving them with no place to land but the lava.

  “No!” Yuran cried. But a massive hand reached out and grabbed them midair. It squeezed them tightly within its grip. The hand came from a hole in the shore. It was followed by another hand, then a head, then a body.

  “I don’t believe this beast means to save us,” Maximus said frankly. “I believe it means to eat us.”

  The monster towered forty feet above the ground and was made completely out of rock, aside from its glowing red eyes. The monster moved its fist closer to examine its catch.

  “I can’t shift dimensions,” Yuran said as they writhed in the monster’s grasp.

  The beast roared violently in their faces, revealing a mouthful of massive, stone teeth.

  “Hey, wait! You really don’t want to do that!” The monster looked down towards the floor. “Trust me, he tastes as disgusting as he looks.”

  Maximus turned his head, recognizing the voice. “Raiden?”

  The beast roared, then swiped its second hand towards Raiden. The beast lifted him up into the air and moved him towards its mouth. “Woah there, big buddy, I’m sure we can work something out! I’m all skin and bone, no one likes a lean steak!”

  “Raiden, our arms are stuck! When you pass by, grab the sword from my back!” Maximus shouted. Raiden stuck his arm out and grabbed Maximus’s sword as the monster moved him past them. He swung the sword into the beast’s front teeth, shattering the top two. The giant roared furiously and dropped Maximus and Yuran. Maximus grabbed onto a rock protruding from the giant’s wrist as he fell, barely catching it with his good hand. Yuran grabbed onto Maximus’s foot, dangling forty feet in the air. The beast moved its arm downwards, searching the ground for the two men hanging from the back of its wrist. Finally, Maximus lost his grip and slipped off. The two of them tumbled to the ground.

  Yuran rolled to his feet upon landing, drew his sword, and charged at the beast’s leg. He jumped upwards and slashed it in the ankle, causing the rock to splinter. The beast roared and kicked its leg forward. Yuran dodged the blow in the second dimension. When he emerged again, Maximus was running behind the beast.

  “We need to push him into the lava!” Maximus shouted. “I’ll turn him around. When I say, slash him in the back of the leg!” Maximus ran around to the side further away from the lava. He screamed at the beast and hurled a rock at it. The beast turned its back on the lava pool and roared with fury. It kicked at Maximus. Maximus jumped up high and landed on the beast’s foot. He ran swiftly up its leg and jumped once again, launching himself towards the beast’s chest.

  “Raiden, my sword!” he shouted. Raiden threw down the sword.

  “Chief, now!”

  Maximus plunged the sword against the beast’s rocky chest, knocking it backwards. At the same time, Yuran jumped high into the air and spun, slashing the beast in the back of its leg. The beast lost its balance and, roaring in defeat, tumbled backwards and crashed into the lava in a fiery explosion. Raiden flew from its hand and fell hard onto the ground.

  “The dragon was definitely more fun,” Yuran said, landing back onto the ground as lava erupted behind him. Raiden lay on his back, his entire body aching from the fall. He opened his eyes painfully. Maximus stood over him, looking down.

  “I recommend you leave out the step ‘get captured’ from the next rescue attempt.”

  “Hey, you would both be rock-giant food if it weren’t for me.”

  “Unfortunately, you’re right.” Maximus extended his hand out towards Raiden.

  Raiden accepted it graciously. “Nice to see you again, buddy,” he smiled.

  “What about Sarah?” Yuran asked with concern.

  “I was with her, but then we got separated,” Raiden said.

  “So, she is alone? She could never survive this place alone,” Yuran said grimly.

  “She isn’t alone,” Raiden said. “We met someone in the mirror. We rescued him and agreed to travel with him because he knew his way around. I think he’s still with her.”

  “Raiden! You cannot trust anything down here!” Maximus scolded.

  “I didn’t trust him, I didn’t tell him anything. All I know is that without him, Sarah and I would have both been dead.”

  “How did you find us?” Yuran asked.

  “Actually...I can’t remember,” Raiden said, puzzled. “The last thing I remember is a bunch of doors...I think I went through one of them...”

  “Never mind,” Yuran interrupted. “We must continue. We must find Sarah and Mara, and we must leave this cursed place.”

  “I think I can help you with that last one,” Raiden said, pointing towards the forty-feet-wide hole from which the giant had emerged. Out of the hole arose a massive, shining mirror, its frame adorned with glorious jewels and treasures. It reached all the way to the ceiling and spanned the entire width of the cave.

  “Could this truly be the end?” Maximus marveled.

  “We cannot leave yet,” Yuran said. “We haven’t found Sarah, nor Roko’s secret.”

  A voice echoed throughout the cave.

  “If you are listening to me now, then you have passed my trials. You have made it through to the end of the mirror. Before you lies a great and terrible power. Guard it with your life, and do not let it fall into the wrong hands. On the other side of this mirror, great dangers await, nightmares beyond imagination. If the time is ripe, then perhaps you are worthy of the task which lies ahead. The task of unity. Beyond this mirror is a journey through space, back to the beginning of time. Destiny has selected you as the prophets of your era. Do not fail. If you do, my purpose fails with you. Take back our home. Restore harmony to this darkened universe.”

  “That must be Legasus,” The Chief said, looking cautiously around him. A circular, silver table rose up from the ground in front of the mirror.

  “What is it?” The Chief walked forward and cleared away the rocks and dust, revealing a shape impressed into the surface. A hologram shone from the center of the table. In the hologram were two complementary amulets, each holding half of a glittering, sapphire gem, in which was carved a name. A name which seemed to the Chief all too familiar. “Agius.”

  “The amulet has already been taken. Someone was here before us,” Maximus observed.

  Mara, Yuran thought excitedly. “Whoever it was shall be looking for this,” The Chief said, removing the amulet from his pocket.

  “Where did you get that?” Raiden gaped.

  “It was given to me by a mysterious old woman,” Yuran answered. “Perhaps it is these sapphires Roko was after, believing them to still be here. Maybe together they unleash the power he seeks.”

  “But wasn’t Sarah supposed to be the key to finding them?” Raiden asked. “If they appeared to us, maybe that means she is close?”

  “You are quite correct.” Startled, the three of them turned towards the new voice. A hooded man approached from behind them, having appeared out of thin air. Beside him walked a young girl.

; “Sarah, thank God you’re safe,” Maximus sighed in relief.

  “All thanks to him,” she answered, motioning towards the man.

  Maximus drew his sword. “What is your name? Show yourself,” he demanded.

  “I cannot do that,” the man replied.

  “Show yourself or I will force you to.” Yuran drew his blade beside Maximus.

  “Everyone, calm down,” Raiden said. “I don’t exactly trust the newcomer, but he did save both mine and Sarah’s lives. We should at least give him a chance.”

  “Something about you seems incredibly familiar,” Yuran muttered, looking carefully at the hooded man.

  “If you insist, I shall reveal myself.” The man took off his hood.

  Yuran gazed in disbelief. “Is it really you?”

  Grith smiled slyly. “Leave that to the Reader.”

  “Move away!” Maximus cried, charging at Grith. He swung his sword. Grith ducked.

  “Stop!” Yuran shouted, jumping in between them, “He is a friend!”

  “This is part of his plan! Move aside!” Maximus insisted.

  “No!” Yuran shouted defiantly, glaring into Maximus’s eyes.

  “You should have listened. The Reader is always right,” Grith sneered.

  “Wh-” Girth grabbed the amulet from Yuran’s pocket and slashed him in the leg, dashing full speed towards the mirror. Raiden and Sarah fired their weapons at him, but he was too quick.

  “Stop him!” Maximus cried.

  Grith dove forward but before he could reach the mirror, a massive hand smashed him into the wall, causing the amulet to fall from his grasp.

  “ROOOOOAARRR!!!” Out of the lava rose the giant rock monster. Only this time, lava ran freely through its body like blood, charging it with incredible heat, energy, and power.

  “Raiden and I will hold off the monster!” Maximus shouted. “Chief, chase after Grith! Sarah, take cover!” The beast swung its flaming arm at Maximus, who slid under, just barely dodging it. Raiden took out his blaster and shot rapid-fire, aiming for the beast’s eyes.

  Sarah watched from the side as Maximus and Raiden fought bravely against the lava beast. One of Raiden’s laser beams struck the beast in the eye. It roared out angrily as the light in its eye went out. Raiden aimed for the second eye.

  “Raiden, watch out!” Sarah shrieked. The beast picked up one of the floating platforms from the lava and launched it at Raiden. Raiden dove but wasn’t going to be able to dodge in time. A huge wave pulse shattered the rock, seconds before impact. When Raiden looked up, Sarah stood beside him, her arms extended. “You guys need my help!” she insisted.

  “Sarah, stay out of here! It’s too dangerous!” Maximus shouted. The beast launched its fists at Maximus. Maximus jumped out of the way and slashed the first fist as it passed, knocking off a few rocks. However, the second fist came at him from behind.

  “No!” Sarah aimed her gloves and fired two pulses at the beast’s upper arm. The arm vibrated violently before bursting, lava and rocks flying out in every direction. The beast roared as his hand fell crashing to the ground.

  Maximus cried out in pain as lava and burning rock rained down upon his back.

  “Maximus!” Sarah cried.

  “I’ll take care of him!” Raiden shouted. “Finish off that thing!” Raiden grabbed Maximus and pulled him away from the debris as Sarah took aim at the monster’s chest. The monster had another stone slab and aimed at Sarah, but she fired her gloves at the beast’s chest, before it could throw. The monster stumbled and roared as rocks tumbled down from its body. The vibrations grew stronger, the ripples turned to waves. The beast’s second arm fell off and crashed down into the lava. With one last roar, the monster’s head and chest blew up. Sarah grabbed her kaza, sending the air pulsing against the falling debris, pushing it into the pool of lava.

  Yuran’s leg burned with pain as he charged Grith. He dove at Grith, still on the ground, plunging his sword downwards. Grith dove out of the way and swung his blade swiftly in a counter strike. Yuran spun and parried. As the two steels met, to his shock, the ancient Chief’s Blade shattered to splinters. “Why are you doing this!?” the Chief cried ducking another attack.

  “I am sorry Yuran, but I owe it to my people. I must avenge them.” Grith swung his sword at Yuran’s legs. Yuran flipped over the sword and smashed his good foot down into Grith’s arm, sending the sword flying out from his hands. “Your skill has increased since I first trained you, I can see. Your sister shared your spirit.”

  “What did you do with Mara!?”

  Grith spun and kicked his leg at Yuran’s head. Yuran ducked, grabbed hold of his leg and spun Grith into the wall.

  “Your sister is dead. I killed her,” Grith snarled, spitting out blood.

  “Liar!” Yuran roared. He threw himself at Grith grabbing him by the neck. “Where is she!?” he shouted violently.

  “She went through the mirror with half the amulet,” Grith jeered. “At first I was upset, but it seems she did me a favor. If I had crossed before, I would have had no way back. Now I shall kill you both and unite the two halves!”

  Yuran yelled angrily, but, Grith broke free and struck Yuran hard in the face, knocking him over. Yuran jumped back to his feet, his face red with blood.

  “Don’t forget who made you Chief!!” Grith taunted, running for his sword. Yuran dove after him. They grappled over the fallen sword, landing punches and kicks with ferocity. Grith grabbed for his sword but Yuran pounced out from the ground in front of it and smashed his fist into Grith’s face, knocking him to the ground. Yuran picked up the sword, dove on top of Grith, and plunged it downwards towards his chest. Before he could strike, Grith grabbed Yuran’s hands and pushed upwards as hard as he could to keep the sword from his chest. As they fought over the sword, Grith yelled.

  “Sarah!” Sarah stood beside them, watching the battle, her expression anxious and torn. Grith turned his head towards her, his face covered in blood and sweat. “Sarah, listen to me,” he said, his voice charged with emotion, “That kaza, remember I told you I gave it to someone once to protect them? Someone who meant a lot to me?”

  “Sarah, do not listen to him!” Yuran shouted.

  “That woman was your mother.” The words struck her like lightning, burning into her heart. “All I ever wanted was for her to be safe. She was my sister, and I loved her. I loved her more than anything else in the world.”

  “Sarah, please! Do not believe a word he says!”

  “Our village was the last of the Surgers, until we were attacked. They killed everyone, including your beloved mother. She had been pregnant. I thought...I did not know the baby had been born...” Tears began to form in Grith’s eyes as the sword moved closer and closer towards his chest. “I wanted to die. I begged them to kill me, but they refused. Instead, they offered me a choice. Serve their Order, and I’d be granted the power to bring my people back from the dead.”

  “That’s impossible. You’re insane,” Sarah hissed.

  “Sarah, please. I can show you, just as the Doctor showed me. All I must do is retrieve the amulet. You cannot defeat them, Sarah. Joining them is our only choice. Soon enough, the Order will have power over all the great tribes, including the Shadows.”

  “You speak lies!” Yuran shouted angrily, pressing hard against the sword.

  “Your entire life is a lie!” Grith shouted back at him, “You are nothing but a pawn in the Order’s plan. You’re only Chief because of them! You were never strong enough to defeat the Chief before you. I poisoned your blade. As soon as you drew blood, the battle was won.”

  “Enough!” Yuran seethed.

  “Sarah please, together we can restore the greatness of our people. Under guidance of the Order, we shall become the most powerful tribe in the world!” Grith lowered his voice, looking into Sarah’s eyes. “We can have our family back...”

  “I can’t let you do this,” Sarah said softly, tears running down her cheeks.

ou are my family!” Grith screamed frantically, “We are the last of our tribe! If I die, you shall be alone!”

  Her eyes held pain but also determination. “I already have a family. I am not alone.”

  “No!” Yuran plunged the sword down into Grith’s chest and stood up, pulling it back out. Grith looked up at Sarah, coughing out blood.

  “Today, you have destroyed your people.”

  Yuran grabbed Grith by the neck, pulling him close. “If you say another word, I shall-”

  “What? Kill me? I am already dead! As you shall soon be. Your fate is sealed in blood.”

  Grith laughed, coughing painfully as he did. “What are you-”

  “‘The old shall die by the new Chief’s hand. He shall fall and rise again, from dust to king of every land.” There was a huge crash, as a chunk of the cave’s ceiling crashed down into the lava. The entire cave shook, rocks tumbled down, the lava burst up in every direction. Yuran let go of Grith and grabbed Sarah’s hand. “We need to get out of here, now!” he shouted.

  “How!?” Raiden asked.

  “We must go through the mirror!”

  “We cannot go through the mirror!” Maximus argued, “It doesn’t take us back home!”

  “I need to get back to my people!” Yuran insisted. “There shall soon be a war, if there is not already! Is there no way back?”

  “There is a way!” All eyes turned towards Sarah. “If one person goes through, the rest will go back.”

  “We cannot send someone through! It is suicide!” Maximus shouted.

  “I will go!” Raiden stood up, a fire burning in his eyes.


  “Chief,” Raiden interrupted, “The Shadows need you to lead them. Sarah is only a child, and her power is crucial for the Resistance. This is my chance to save the world, to be more than just a man…”

  “Raiden,” Maximus teared, his voice shaking with emotion, “Don’t do this. You have nothing to prove.”

  A tear ran down Raiden’s cheek as he stared into Maximus’s troubled, caring eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. He turned towards the mirror and ran as fast as he could.

  “Raiden!” Yuran shouted, taking out the amulet. He tossed it at him, Raiden turning around momentarily to catch it. “Find my sister!”


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