Duet in Blood

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Duet in Blood Page 9

by J. P. Bowie

  “It was a Halloween costume party,” he chuckled. “And I came in my most formal

  attire—you know, the full Count Dracula thing. Roger was masquerading as a devil—a golden devil, I might add. Little did I know he would live up to his image once I got to know him better.”

  I laughed, knowing Marcus was joking. I wonder if it was possible to see two people more in love than Marcus and Roger.

  “So you absconded with him from his own party,” I said, still laughing. “But how did you calm his fears when he discovered what you are?”

  He grinned. “As you may have noticed, Roger’s a feisty little fellow, and though he looked like he was about to faint at first, he recovered quite quickly—then I kissed him.”


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  “Aah… And who can resist a kiss from Marcus?” I teased him.

  “There have been one or two.” Then more seriously he said, “Joseph, Micah is a very attractive young man, and I can tell he possesses an above average intelligence. It is easy to see why you have become enamoured of him so quickly. My only advice is not to wait too long before telling him the truth of yourself. If he cannot accept it, you must make him forget ever meeting you. In the end, it will be much harder on you than on him, my friend.”

  Micah nudged my shoulder with his chin. “What are you thinking about?” he asked, curling an arm around my chest. We were lying in bed in my hotel suite after another bout of rapturous lovemaking. He had fallen silent afterward, and I had assumed was asleep.

  “You,” I answered, kissing his nose. “Or rather, you and I.”

  “Mmm…nice thoughts I hope.”

  “The very best of thoughts.”

  “I like it that you said, you and I…”

  “Micah…” I turned to face him, holding him close. “When I return from Paris, I would like to tell you more of my life before you.”

  “I’d like that,” he said. “Having met some of your friends, I figured you’ve led a pretty exciting life—travelling, meeting important people.”

  “Yes, something like that. I just hope I won’t bore you.”

  “Bore me?” He laughed and kissed my chest. “Boring is not a word I would ever use to describe you or the time we spend together.” He raised his head and smiled at me, brushing my lips gently with his. Our legs were tangled together, the swell of his erection pressed against mine. “You see?” he whispered. “Does this feel like boredom to you?”

  I felt my hunger for him envelop me. I buried my face in the soft, sweet skin at the base of his throat. He sighed, a deep sensuous sigh of longing. Despite myself, I felt my fangs extend, scraping lightly at his skin. He shivered in my arms but did not pull away, instead, he pressed himself even closer to me, his hand gripping my cock, guiding it between his thighs, opening to me, his legs wrapped around my waist.

  He reached across me, to where we now kept the condoms and lube. So many times I had wanted to tell him condoms were not necessary, for vampire blood destroys all infections, but how could I, without revealing that part of me he might find, at the very least, unacceptable?


  J.P. Bowie


  His lips on my ear, whispering of his love for me, while he skilfully slipped the latex sheath over my pulsing flesh, brought me once more to my senses. The bloodlust that had, for a moment, clouded my vision retreated, and again the sweetness of Micah’s body was all I craved. I entered him, slowly thrusting into the depths of his being, losing myself in the sensuous heat of our conjoined bodies and the moist warmth of his kisses.

  “Oh yes,” he moaned into my mouth. “Oh, Joseph…feels fantastic…”

  “My sweet Micah,” I breathed against his lips as our rhythm quickened, and his

  muscles tightened around my throbbing manhood. He clung to me as we rode the waves of ecstasy together. I felt his body stiffen in the throes of his orgasm and his hot semen spurt between our closely-knit torsos.

  In my rapture, I almost levitated us from the bed. How I wanted him to realise the full force of my love for him—to let him soar with me to the skies, to have him revel as I did in the heightened sensual sensations only a vampire can feel.

  Perhaps, one day we would experience all that together…


  J.P. Bowie


  Chapter Six


  Working can be a real pain in the you-know-what at times, but it helps when you have wonderful memories of the previous night to put that extra zip in your step. The memory of the time spent in Joseph’s arms, the taste of his kisses still lingering on my lips, the sensation of having him deep inside me, all helped to counteract the fact I’d have to wait almost a whole week for a repeat performance.

  However, Ron’s strange behaviour at the dinner party still had me worried, and I wanted to find out just what had been troubling him. I figured the best way was to just show up at his restaurant around six, the time he had his break.

  It was already dark by the time I reached La Fortuna, the daylight savings time having just kicked in for the winter months. I stood in the hall outside Ron’s office and momentarily halted on hearing his voice raised in concern.

  “But I don’t want him to be hurt, that’s all,” he was saying to someone else in his office.

  “There is no reason for him to be hurt, Ron,” a low, melodious voice replied. Jean-Claude. “You know us better than that, surely.”

  “I know you better than that—and Marcus too. But Joseph… I don’t know him at all well. Do you?”

  “Yes. I have known Joseph for many years. He and Marcus were—” He broke off

  suddenly, and I had the uncanny feeling that he knew I was standing outside, where I had absolutely no business being. Why was I eavesdropping anyway?

  I coughed loudly to let them know I was there. “Ron…it’s Micah. Are you busy?”

  He appeared in the office doorway, once more looking distraught at seeing me. “Hi, Micah. Come on in.”

  Jean-Claude gave me a wary smile. Was he wondering how much I had heard of their conversation?

  “Hi guys.” I stood awkwardly just inside the doorway. “Is this a bad time?”


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  “No, Micah.” Jean-Claude hugged me. “Good to see you again.” He looked at Ron for a second then said, “We were just talking about you actually.”

  “You were?”

  “Yes. Ron is a little concerned about your relationship with Joseph.”

  Ron rolled his eyes. “Jean-Claude, for Pete’s sake.”

  “Well, you are—and it is obvious that Micah sensed something the other night. That’s why you are here, Micah, is it not?”

  I nodded. “I thought you were upset because I was at the party.”

  Ron looked at me miserably. “Shit…this is none of my business, but you’re my buddy, and I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Hurt how?” I asked.

  Ron and Jean-Claude glanced at one another, then Jean-Claude said, “Oh, the fact that Joseph is very rarely in LA. His business takes him all over the world, you see. It will be difficult for the two of you to have as much time together as you might wish.”

  This all sounded a little lame, and it sure as hell didn’t explain why Ron was upset at my being at the dinner party. I decided I wasn’t going to press the point though—not with Jean-Claude there. Ron had to tell me the truth eventually, and when we were alone, I would nag him until he did.

  “Oh well, if that’s all it is,” I said airily. “I’m sure we can work something out. He’ll be back in town at the end of the week, so we can talk about it then.”

  “He will?” Both of them looked surprised.

  “Yeah, he’s coming back early. I guess he can’t get enough of me.” I was trying for some levity.

  “Well, I cannot censure him for that,” Jean-Claude sai
d, winking at me. “He would be mad to leave a handsome young man like yourself on the loose.”

  “Excuse me?’” Ron gave him the evil eye. “Would you mind not trying to put the make on my friend right in front of me?”

  Our laughter seemed to clear the air a bit, and Ron looked a bit more relaxed, but I was still determined to find out just what was on his mind.

  When I got home that night, Roger had left me a message, confirming our movie date for the following evening. I was a bit more pleased about that than I thought I should be. I DUET IN BLOOD

  J.P. Bowie


  felt that somehow I had been invited into their circle—and I only hoped Ron wouldn’t get pissed off about that too.

  Joseph had also left me a message, and as I listened to his husky, sexy voice, I found myself realising just how much I’d missed him since he’d been gone—even though it was only three days, and we had talked on the phone every day.

  “Hello Micah, it’s Joseph. I hope you are enjoying yourself wherever you are. I just wanted to call again and hear your voice. Even though we’re thousands of miles apart, it brings you closer to me, and helps me forget, for the moment, how much I miss you. Mon cher, I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again and feel your sweet lips on mine. I hope the operator isn’t listening!” His deep chuckle made me smile. “Anyway, I’ll be in LA at the end of the week. A bientot.”

  I listened to his message several times, just so I could close my eyes and imagine him saying those sweet words in my ear. In the week that I had known him, he had become the most important part of my life. I knew I had fallen in love, and I was pretty sure he had strong feelings for me. I was just a little nervous to actually say the words, I love you, for fear he might figure it was too soon for such a commitment – and, I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t get burned again.

  After all, I’d thought Robert was going to be mine until death did us part, or something, and look what had happened there. I know that’s the chance we take when we get all wrapped up in a relationship, but I honestly didn’t want to go through that again. Maybe it was a good thing Joseph had left town—it gave me time to think. Problem was, thinking of him made me miss him even more.

  Roger was waiting for me outside the movie house, looking as cute as a button in a royal blue polo shirt and white chinos. He gave me a big wave and smile when he spotted me in the throng of people lining up outside.

  “Micah, I kept your place.” He hugged me tight, then jumped back when he heard me wince. “Gee, sorry.”

  “Have you been pumping iron all day?” I kidded.


  J.P. Bowie


  He looked embarrassed. “No, I just don’t know my own strength sometimes. Too many vitamins, maybe. Anyway,” he said, his smile returning. “Can you believe this crowd?”

  “Surely not all of them are going to see the horror flick.”

  “I doubt it. The new Spiderman’s on in three of the theatres.”

  And there was no doubt Spiderman was the hands down winner. We giggled together

  as we sat in the almost empty theatre waiting for our horror epic to start. I had a feeling this was going to be a movie we would either laugh at all the way through or leave embarrassed by our own bad taste. As it turned out it was neither, because I fell asleep after about twenty minutes of flat dialogue and no action. Roger shook me awake as the credits rolled.

  “Jeez, sorry,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes. “What did I miss?”

  “A really great movie! Just kidding. It was pretty bad. But you looked so cute with your mouth hanging open, I couldn’t bear to wake you.”

  “Oh, great…” I looked at his smiling face. “You hungry?”

  “Not really, but I’ll watch you eat if you like.”

  “Share a pizza?”

  “Maybe a slice.”

  We made our way out of the movie house and strolled a couple of blocks in search of a slice of Italy, Roger chattering all the way. He sure was one hyperactive fella.

  “We could take a cab to Ron’s restaurant,” I said when he paused for a breath. “They do a great pizza.”

  “That’d be good. I hear they have some really good red wine, too.”

  I chuckled. “You guys and your red wine. Is that all you ever drink?”

  “Yeah, these days. I used to be a martini queen,” he said, looking like he was

  remembering something. “But since my…uh, recovery…the doctors recommended red wine.

  It’s good for the blood, don’t you know.”

  I hailed a cab zooming towards us at breakneck speed. Amazingly, he stopped. Even more amazingly, the car speeding behind the cab didn’t rear-end him.

  “So, what was wrong with you, exactly?” I asked as we sped towards Santa Monica



  J.P. Bowie


  “A rare blood disease. I needed an almost total transfusion. Marcus and I were on vacation in Rome when I was…uh…afflicted. Without him, I would never have made it. He gave me his blood so that I would live.”

  “Lucky you’re both the same type,” I remarked.

  “Now we are,” he murmured.


  He blinked at me. “I said, ‘yes we are’.”

  No, you didn’t, I thought. You said, ‘Now we are’. I decided against correcting him, but what the heck had he meant?

  I changed the subject.

  “Andorra…is she really a Lady?” I asked.

  “A Duchess, actually. She was married to some Duke something-or-other at one time, but now she just likes to be called Andorra.” Roger grinned at me. “Only Tony gets to call her Andy.”

  “She’s very beautiful,” I said. “It’s kinda hard to figure what she sees in Tony.”

  Roger looked at me, his expression suddenly serious. “Looks aren’t everything, Micah.

  Tony is the sweetest guy I have ever met. He and I…well, let’s just say when I was sick, he was right there for me.”

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, feeling stupid. “I didn’t mean to sound so condescending. He is very nice.”

  La Fortuna was quiet when we got there, the early evening crowd having long gone.

  Ron and Jean-Claude were sitting together at the bar, having—guess what? You got it—red wine.

  “Hi guys,” Roger sang out.

  “Hey…” Ron swung his long legs off the barstool and ambled over to us, giving us both big hugs.

  That’s more like it, I thought, kissing his cheek. “You have some left over pizza in back?”

  I asked. “I’m starving, and Roger would like a slice.”

  Ron raised an eyebrow at him. “You would?”

  “Not really,” Roger replied. “I’m just keeping Micah company. But I’ll have a glass of Pinot Noir.”


  J.P. Bowie


  “Comin’ up.” We joined Jean-Claude at the bar, and he greeted us in Gallic fashion with resounding kisses on both cheeks.

  “How was the movie?” he asked.

  “Fantastic,” Roger said with enthusiasm. “But Micah missed the whole thing. He fell asleep.”

  Jean-Claude grinned at me. “That good, eh?”

  “Like a beer, Micah?” Ron asked.

  “Please.” I grabbed the bottle and gulped down about half. What I’d just seen had unnerved me—Jean-Claude’s teeth.

  When he’d grinned, I could’ve sworn I saw the tips of two very sharp teeth—almost like fangs. I chanced another look as he smiled at Ron. Nothing there. Must have been my imagination. What was I thinking anyway? That he was a vampire or something? That would mean that Ron would be too—and Roger, maybe.

  Wait, Roger said he’d needed a total blood transfusion. But that would mean Marcus was one too. No way. Not that gorgeous guy. No way! And what about Joseph? Their best friend?

  Oh, for Pete’s sake Micah, cut it out! But, then th
ere’s that aversion to strong sunlight. His eyes, he’d said—

  “Micah!” Ron was looking at me like I had grown another head. “Here’s your pizza.

  Where the heck were you then?”

  I flushed, feeling foolish. “Sorry. Daydreaming a bit, I guess.”

  “Well!” Roger gave me an arched eyebrow look. “You mean our scintillating

  conversation is boring you?” He patted the barstool next to him. “Come sit here, and I’ll watch you eat.”

  “Don’t you want a slice?” I asked him.

  “Uh, uh. I ate before the show.”

  The last of the diners were making for the door, so Ron went over to do his ‘thank you for coming’ thing. I took another quick glance Jean-Claude’s way. He was staring at me with those, oh so beautiful, midnight blue eyes, only they had narrowed as if he suspected me of something. I shivered involuntarily and bit down hard into my pizza. Ron came back and stood behind me. I jumped as I felt his hands on the back of my neck.

  “Relax,” he murmured, massaging my shoulders. “You’re so tense tonight.”


  J.P. Bowie


  “He’s missing Joseph,” Roger said.

  “Are you?” Jean-Claude asked, his voice low and quiet.

  I nodded. “I missed his call yesterday, but he left me a message saying he’d be back at the end of the week.” I swallowed the rest of my beer. “I can’t wait to see him again.”

  “That’s good. Joseph is a very sweet man.” Jean-Claude’s eyes were kinder now. “You will be very good together.”

  “Thank you.” I found myself thinking what a jerk I was, and what a nice guy he was—

  like all of them, caring and compassionate. What on earth had I been thinking earlier? “I think I’m really lucky,” I said, smiling at him. “Meeting Joseph has also brought some very special people into my life.”


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