Kidnapped by a SEAL

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Kidnapped by a SEAL Page 7

by Makenna Jameison

  “I’ll stay with you,” Caroline said. “Until you’re feeling better. I can wait at the hospital if needed. We can work with the DC police and make sure there’s security on your room.”

  “That’s a start,” Hunter said, his gaze finally flicking over her. “You’re an agent, too?”

  “Armed and dangerous,” Caroline quipped. “And normally Emily would be. You’ve been through hell though, so we’ll step up and assist. I assume they stole your weapon when you were kidnapped?”

  “Amongst other things,” Emily muttered. “I’ll need new ID, a new weapon—everything.”

  Caroline nodded, suddenly all business. “We’ll get it all straightened out. First up is the hospital though. Hopefully they’ll just keep you overnight, and then you can recover at home. You do need rest before they’ll let you return to duty,” she added, catching the expression on Emily’s face.

  “I know—it’s just, overwhelming. I want to get back to my life and forget any of this happened. And now these guys are saying I’m still possibly in danger?”

  Ryker stood beside her, bristling, and Emily glanced up at him. This was probably the first time she’d stood right at his side—he’d carried her to safety, visited her in the makeshift hospital, and sat near her on the plane. She wasn’t used to him hovering right next to her though.

  He was taller than she expected, with hard planes and lean muscle up and down his entire body. The stubble on his jaw had turned into more of a light beard over the past couple of days, and the overall look was somehow both sexy and intimidating. And the intense way he looked at her was unnerving. He apparently knew some information she didn’t, but it was more than that. For a man she barely knew, she felt like he could guess everything she was thinking, see right inside of her.

  It unnerved her.

  Sure, she’d had plenty of boyfriends in the past, some of them serious, but the intense way Ryker always looked at her made it seem like there was something more between them, a connection that didn’t make sense but she couldn’t deny. It was insane, given she’d just met the man a couple of days ago.

  “I’ll stay with you,” he said abruptly.

  Hunter raised his eyebrows as Caroline protested that she could see to Emily’s safety.

  “You weren’t there,” Ryker said. “You weren’t inside the compound. You don’t know the way these guys think.” He exchanged a glance with Hunter, and Emily wondered what exactly they weren’t telling her.

  “You’ve got work,” Emily said. “Your missions and SEAL team stuff. I mean, yes, I need to recover before I can return to work full time, but good grief. I’m a trained federal agent. I don’t need a bodyguard following me around.”

  “Maybe not,” Hunter said. “And I’m sure your fellow agents could provide some protection until you’re back on your feet. Like I said, it’s a possibility that there could be a problem, not a guarantee. It’s not that you’re in imminent danger; we just want to be cautious.”

  “I appreciate it, but this is just—unbelievable, really. I’m home. I’m safe.” She swayed slightly on her feet, suddenly feeling lightheaded, and looked around for somewhere to sit.

  Ryker and Caroline immediately grabbed her elbows, supporting her, and the EMTs came hurrying over with a stretcher. “We’ve got to get you to the hospital to get checked out,” one of them said. “Is anyone riding along with you?”

  “I am,” Caroline and Ryker both said at the same time

  Caroline shot Ryker a look that could kill. “Damn it,” he muttered. “I’ll meet you over there. There’s got to be someone on this damn Air Force base that can give me a lift.”

  Emily shakily sat down onto the stretcher, frowning as the EMTs fussed over her. “I’m fine, just exhausted,” she protested. “They examined me back on base in Afghanistan.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Caroline said matter-of-factly. “You still need to get checked out. Is that her suitcase?” she asked, nodding toward the one at Ryker’s side.

  “Yep. I’ll bring it along.”

  “Yes, it’s absolutely necessary that we get you to the hospital to get examined,” one of the EMTs said. “And we’ve gotten word that your family will be meeting us at the hospital. They were notified as soon as your plane landed. Of course, your medical history is all subject to HIPAA guidelines...”

  They began wheeling her along toward the waiting ambulance, and Emily tuned out whatever legal babble he was talking about. Suddenly, she was exhausted. She didn’t have the strength to argue with Caroline or Ryker or whoever else thought they needed to see to her safety. She just needed to rest.

  Chapter 11

  RYKER SHOT A BASKETBALL through the hoop on base a few days later, listening to Noah whoop as it sailed cleanly in. “Three-pointer!” Noah shouted, and Ryker swiped the sweat off his brow, turning toward his buddies.

  “Best two out of three,” Jacob said, grabbing the basketball and dribbling toward them. “You barely bested us that time.”

  “Nah, I’m out,” Ryker said, grabbing his water bottle from the side of the court and taking a long pull. “I’m heading up to DC tonight.”

  “I’m out, too,” Hunter said. “Emma and I have plans tonight. She’s pregnant and ready to jump my bones at all hours. Not that I’m complaining,” he added, waggling his eyebrows.

  Mason chuckled. “Jesus. You two always were insatiable.”

  “TMI fellas,” Colton quipped, grabbing his own water from the side of the court. “And what the hell are you heading up to DC for? It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain brunette we rescued, would it?”

  “She’s getting released from the hospital today,” Ryker said. “Actually, she should already be back. I told her to text me when she gets in. Her friend Caroline has been staying with her, but I told them I’d come up for the weekend.”

  “And we’ve gotten no new intel,” Hunter said.

  “Nope,” Ryker replied. “I waited when she got settled into her hospital room the other day, but I didn’t have much reason to stick around. Caroline was there with her. Plus, Emily needed time with her family.”

  “So you already met her parents?” Jacob joked. “Damn you move fast.”

  “Jesus. I didn’t meet anyone. I flew back with you assholes, remember? I dropped off her suitcase and said goodbye.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Jacob said. “I’m just yanking your chain.”

  “Jackass,” Ryker muttered. “I’m concerned about her safety—there’s a chance those assholes could come after her.”

  “Yep, I’m concerned, too,” Colton said. “But I’m not rushing back up there, am I?”

  Ryker shook his head as the guys all headed back to the locker room on base. “Look, she’s gorgeous. I’m not denying it, but I’m not looking to hook up with a woman who lives several hours away, a woman who’s been injured at that. There are plenty of babes to bang around here.”

  “Charming,” Mason said. “But you could also mail her necklace back. Send it overnight via FedEx or something. The only reason you’re driving all the way there is because you’re into her.”

  Ryker shook his head, ignoring his buddies as they ribbed him. Jesus. You’d think they’d never been concerned about a woman’s safety before. He’d fully intended to stay with her at the hospital until the intel they’d been waiting on panned out. There’d been no new leads for several days though, and her friend had been with her.

  But now?

  Worry niggled at the back of his mind. They were waiting on some information from a few different sources. That didn’t mean he should just sit back and assume she was safe.


  What if someone was waiting for her to settle back into her condo? The hospital had security, visiting hours, and protocols to follow. There was lots of attention focused on her now. If someone was really after her, it would make sense for them to wait until she was released.

  Until she was helpless and alone in her condo.

  Ryker’s gut ch

  Thirty minutes later he hopped into his black Jeep and headed West on I-264, out of Virginia Beach. Hell. He hadn’t even had a woman ride with him in his Jeep since he’d been seeing Michelle over the summer. And that was just purely fun. They’d had wild night after wild night, both knowing she’d eventually head home.

  And he’d been more than fine with that.

  But what the hell was he supposed to do up in DC? He’d requested to have the weekend to go up there and see Emily, but damn. He had his training back at Little Creek. The team could be called up at virtually any time.

  Was he planning to chauffer her all around? Watch her every move?

  Gripping the steering wheel with one hand, he turned up his radio, listening to the blast of music. Maybe drowning out his thoughts for a while would ease some of the tension coursing through him. He felt alert as hell, adrenaline pumping through his veins, which was crazy. He wasn’t rushing into battle, moving out on a mission.

  He was going to see a woman.

  And damn if he wasn’t looking forward to it far more than he should.

  RYKER PARKED IN A BUSY garage in Georgetown, shaking his head as he walked toward the swanky condominium building. Jesus. Emily must get paid pretty well to afford a place like this. Or maybe her parents helped her out. That sweet beach rental they’d all enjoyed hanging out in over the summer had been on Michelle’s parents’ dime.

  Jessica was readying to move in with Jacob in a week, unable to keep paying the rent on her teacher’s salary. Ryker smirked.

  Hell if his buddies weren’t all pussy-whipped.

  Not that any of them were complaining. It was Friday night—they were probably all with their women or meeting up with them later on. He hadn’t exactly expected to be driving four hours north from Little Creek for a woman, but damn. They’d rescued her from a fucking terrorist compound. He wasn’t about to let harm come to her now while she was back on U.S. soil, even if they didn’t have any real proof that she was in danger.

  He texted her from the lobby, letting her know he was there. There was no point in freaking her out, knocking on her door unannounced after all she’d been through.

  A short elevator ride later, and he was standing in front of unit 421. He knocked softly, surprised to see Emily herself opening the door.

  “Where’s Caroline?” he asked, looking past her into the condo.

  “And hello to you, too,” Emily chastised, closing the door after he’d walked in. The lock clicked into place, and his gaze swept the room. Grocery bags were sitting on the kitchen counter. A blanket was tossed across the sofa, the TV still on. He assumed her bedroom was down the hallway, not that he was planning to go check.

  He walked into her living room, looking around. “She left you here alone?” he asked.

  Emily followed him into the room, and his gaze locked on her face. He certainly didn’t look at her silky brown hair, or the way the tee shirt and joggers she had on skimmed over her curves. Both articles of clothing were a bit loose, and he assumed that was because she’d lost weight over the past month.

  That didn’t stop her from being a goddamn knockout though.

  Her nipples pebbled beneath her top, and he felt like a jackass for looking. The bruise on her forehead had finally begun to fade, and he hoped like hell the rest of her injuries had as well. He noticed her breasts bounced as she walked toward him.

  Hell. Was she even wearing a bra? Probably not if her ribs had been hurting.

  He forced himself to meet her gaze.

  He shouldn’t be looking over her body like she was just another conquest for him to take to bed. He was here for her safety. Nothing more. Sure, she was beautiful, but so were the women back home. He didn’t need this one, tempting as though she was.

  “Caroline knew you were coming tonight, and she’s been stuck with me all week. I told her to head home. I still can’t believe you drove all the way up here from Virginia Beach. That seems a little...unnecessary.”

  “Unnecessary?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “Not to mention overprotective. When I spoke with Hunter yesterday, he assured me you guys didn’t have any new information. He told me to be careful, but there was no mention of needing a full-time babysitter.”

  Ryker chuckled, enjoying the way she bantered with him. “I assure you, I’m more highly trained than a babysitter.”

  “As am I,” Emily said.

  “Not to mention a hell of a lot better looking than any babysitters I ever had,” he said gruffly.

  A hint of pink colored her cheeks, her full lips pursed, as if she was unsure how to reply to that.

  “We don’t have any new information,” Ryker admitted with a frown. “They’re still investigating a few leads from our sources.”

  “And that bothered you enough to come up the day I was released from the hospital?” She sank down onto the sofa, pulling a blanket up and over herself. Ryker crossed the room to the armchair, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

  “Hell yeah it bothered me. We already told you that asshole is vindictive as hell. And now that your name’s been splashed all over the news? It’s too damn easy to find you.”

  “And he’s vindictive because I was rescued? That’s ridiculous. If anything, he’d be coming after you.”

  “Maybe so, but we can take care of ourselves. And last I checked, he was trying to make you one of his wives.”

  “And he couldn’t just find another woman over there? He’d fly across a damn ocean to come find me? I don’t buy it,” she said, shaking her head.

  “It’s just a feeling I have,” Ryker said in a low voice. “Look, I know you were surprised when I said I’d come up for the weekend. Let’s just give it a few days. I’ll crash on the sofa or something while you rest. I can chase down any leads here just as easily as back home.”

  “And that’s somehow part of your mission?” Emily asked doubtfully. “That’s what analysts usually are for. I’ve never heard of a Navy SEAL conducting his own investigation.”

  Ryker leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. “This is personal,” he said. “We went there twice to rescue you. The first time, you slipped right through our fingers. The second time there was blood outside the building they’d stashed you in. What would’ve happened if we didn’t get there in time?”

  “It’s not your job to watch out for me,” she protested. “To rescue me, sure. I’ll forever be grateful for that.”

  “Humor me. I’ll be here this weekend while we run a few new leads and things settle down. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.”

  “Look, Ryker, I’m not some helpless victim. I mean, yes, I needed your help when I was being held hostage, but I’m home now. I’ve got a gun. I’ve got locks on my doors. I’ve got a ridiculous number of other federal agents on speed dial. There’s no need to go all alpha male on me and act like I can’t take care of myself.”

  “How many nights have you spent alone since you’ve been back?” he asked.

  “Well—” she said, floundering.

  “Zero. If I’m wrong, then the worst that happens is you get your rest while I watch things out here. And if I’m right?”

  She shivered slightly, pulling the blanket more closely around herself. “I just—I just want to get on with my life, you know?”

  He nodded, watching the way she seemed to be closing in on herself. Sure, Emily put up a brave front. Hell, she was brave. She had to be in her career and in surviving a month in captivity. But when push came to shove, he had a feeling that she was more frightened than she was letting on.

  And he’d be damned sure to do everything in his power to make it safe for her now that she was back home.

  Chapter 12

  EMILY TOOK A BITE OF her Lo Mein noodles, watching as Ryker polished off another eggroll. She’d barely touched her food, spread out across her coffee table in the living room, and he was almost done.

  “I was starving,” he said with an easy shrug. “We had tr
aining this afternoon, and then I played some ball with the guys before driving up here.” He took another bite, and she tried to ignore the way his tee-shirt clung to his muscles. He was athletic and lean, kind of like a baseball player or something. She didn’t doubt he could easily take down anyone who tried to mess with him. Or her, she considered as an afterthought.

  She would be safe with him, unnecessary as his protection was.

  It felt a little strange to have him here as her bodyguard for the weekend, but she had to admit she didn’t mind the company. She hadn’t been alone in...well over a month. She had neighbors here, of course, but ultimately, she’d be alone in her condo with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company. It’s not like she was up for a night out quite yet.

  He took a swig of his beer and glanced over at her. “You should eat,” he insisted.

  “I am eating. I guess I just need to get my appetite back. It’s kind of weird to be able to eat whatever I want after weeks of being fed the same thing. And the hospital food wasn’t spectacular.”

  Ryker chuckled. “And here I thought you’d go for Mexican on your first night home.”

  She laughed, recalling their easy conversation on the plane. How on earth did he remember that? “Mexican takeout isn’t good,” she insisted. “You’ve got to order right there and have it fresh. Give me a few days, and I’ll be ready to head to my favorite little hole in the wall restaurant. Their margaritas are to die for.”

  “We could’ve gone there,” Ryker said. “I know you’re probably exhausted though.”

  “Yeah, I really need a few nights at home just to decompress. It’s crazy to be back in my condo. There were a few nights I thought I’d never see it again. Luckily my parents have a spare key, so they were able to keep up with the bills and stuff like that while I was...gone. My mom barely wanted to let me out of her sight when she found out I was being released from the hospital today.”


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