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Obsessed with a Daddy

Page 4

by Kelli Callahan

  “This is me.” I turned towards him and smiled.

  “Yeah.” He looked down at the ground. “You successfully made it home without doing a handstand in your trash can.”

  “I did…” My words trailed off—we were saying basically nothing—perhaps just delaying the inevitable.

  He seems nervous too…

  “It was really nice to meet you. I hope you do well in school...” Everette lifted his head—and I kissed him.

  I don’t know what came over me. It was like a raw, primal urge that consumed me in an instant, and then my lips crashed into his. He was caught off guard. His lips didn’t move—there was an echo of surprise in his throat. My head snapped back as soon as I realized the kiss was one-sided. I could feel my face turning red. I reached for the doorknob to hide my embarrassment behind the walls of my house, but then I felt Everette’s hand on my arm. He turned me around, and his lips crushed mine. That kiss wasn’t one-sided. My lips parted, and Everette started to ravage my mouth with his tongue. It was passionate, intense, and made my knees get so weak it felt like I melted into his arms. My lips were tingling when he pulled away, and I gasped for air when I realized I hadn’t taken a breath since I felt his lips.

  “I—have to clean my house.” I opened my front door and practically dove through it.

  My knees gave out the second that I closed my door behind me. I leaned against the wood and simply sank to the floor. My head was spinning, and my thoughts were flashing like someone was turning a kaleidoscope in my mind. I wanted to open the door—I wanted to lock it—I wanted to run to my bedroom and hide under the covers until it was daylight. I finally got the strength to stand and immediately pressed my eye to the peephole. I don’t know what I would have done if Everette was standing on the other side of the door. I might have actually opened it—I might have invited him inside—but he wasn’t there. My front porch was empty.

  “Holy shit…” I exhaled sharply.

  That’s one memory I’m going to take with me when I leave Los Angeles—maybe the best one of all.

  I tried to distract myself by doing what I said—tidying up the house before my parents returned the next day. I just couldn’t think about anything except for that kiss—that soul-crushing moment when my entire world got flipped upside down in an instant. It filled me with a sense of terror and excitement at the same time. What if no other kiss that ever graced my lips could rival it? What if I met the man of my dreams and he didn’t make my knees go weak? The worst one of all? What if Everette was the man of my dreams and I was about to walk away from him to begin a life that didn’t include him? None of it made sense. He was older than me—he was already established in his life while mine was just truly beginning.

  Am I just attracted to him because of what I saw when I was spying on him in the tree house? No,… it doesn’t just feel like lust—but that’s definitely what’s on my mind right now.

  I decided that cleaning was going to have to wait until morning. Every second that passed was making the tingle inside of my body get stronger. I only knew one way to put out that fire, and it had been weeks since I tended to my needs. It was almost impossible when my parents were in the house since they didn’t really believe in locks—nor did they respect privacy as much as they should have. My dad might have knocked before he came barging in, but my mom had no shame. I was way overdue, and I tried to convince myself that it was part of the reason I felt such a raw, primal desire for Everette. I was just horny—any woman with a pulse would have been horny if they saw a guy like him with that gorgeous physique on full display in front of an open window.

  If I don’t deal with this tonight, I won’t get a chance until I get to Arizona—and I might literally die before then.

  There was no need for formalities. I definitely didn’t require any kind of mental stimulation except for the image seared into my mind—along with the tingle that was still present on my lips. I stripped off my clothes, and my panties were practically stuck to my skin. It was going to be a little messier than normal, so I grabbed a towel to put down on my bed just to be safe. Once I was in position on the towel with my legs spread, I moved my hand down my abdomen and started lightly rubbing my clit. It quickly formed a hard knot against my fingertip, and I applied more pressure as I made faster rotations around it. The pleasure swept through my body immediately, and it was very clear that a trip to paradise was exactly what I needed.

  “I’m ready for that checkup now—doctor…” I moaned, and my hips raised up on the bed.

  I imagined Everette’s lips on mine while his hands explored my body—touching places that would make me moan as his kiss devoured me—introducing me to things that I had never experienced before. I didn’t have to use very much imagination to envision his gorgeous physique. I wanted those rock hard muscles pressed against my body while he held me tight. I wanted to trace his mountainous muscles with the tips of my fingers—kiss them as I worked my way down his chiseled stomach—and then do things to him that would make his head spin. I imagined my lips wrapped around his cock—imagined it inside me—and pushed a finger into the entrance of my pussy to heighten the fantasy.

  “Yes,…” I moaned and rubbed my clit faster. “Make me come!”

  I felt a pressure building fast. My muscles got tight, and I squirmed on the bed. The orgasm I craved was almost there. I needed it so damn bad. My mouth opened wide—a gasp rushed from my throat, followed by several moans. The pressure started to release. It sent pure adrenaline mixed with bliss through my veins—it teased every nerve ending I had as the orgasm made my body shake. A quick burst of pleasure made my eyelids flutter, and then I felt myself coming down from the high. Endorphins started to calm my beating heart and spinning head. I felt like I was floating for a moment as I sank into the pillow-top mattress and closed my eyes.

  I’ll have to clean all of this up tomorrow—I just want to lay here and enjoy this feeling until I fall asleep.

  Chapter Four


  I didn’t get to stumble over my own two feet and analyze the moment until it was gone the second time Holly was standing in front of me—because she kissed me. I wasn’t just caught off guard; I was downright stunned. Thankfully, I managed to stop my head from spinning in circles long enough to grab her—and then I finally left the kiss on her lips that I truly wanted to put there. I wanted more than a kiss—but that was all I got. Holly left me standing on her front porch with my dick trying to figure what the hell just happened. All I got to do was go home—back to my lonely house—where I had to come to terms with the fact that I probably wouldn’t ever get more than a kiss from Holly’s perfectly pouty lips.

  I wasn’t sure if I would even see her again before she left for Arizona—and she mentioned that she would be gone until Thanksgiving. That was months—practically a lifetime for a girl her age that was finally going to get a taste of real freedom. One kiss wasn’t going to change that—if she even remembered it once she got to college. A girl as beautiful as her would get lots of attention. Our moment came too late for us to have a summer fling—and I wasn’t even sure if I could have a one night stand. Holly was tempting as hell, and I might have given in if she hadn’t left me standing on her porch alone, but maybe it was better that she did.

  I’m sure my analytical brain will have a field day with this—exploring every possible reason why it turned out for the best. Why can’t I be like every other guy on the planet and just let my dick do the thinking for me?

  The next day

  I still had Holly on my mind when I woke up the next morning. Once again, I hoped I would catch a glimpse of her before or after my morning run, but once again, I went home disappointed. I still had a few boxes to unpack, so I took a quick shower and got started. Around mid-morning, I heard a noise outside—coming from the direction of Holly’s house. It sounded like a car door, and if she was about to leave, then I needed to move fast. I took off towards the front door and was already on my front lawn—ready
to sprint towards her car—before I realized that she wasn’t responsible for the noise I heard. The man and woman who were just kind of stared at me in confusion for a moment, before the man took a step forward.

  “Hey there! You must be our new neighbor!” He extended his hand as he walked towards me. “The name’s Bill—Bill Pierce. You’re a doctor, right?”

  “Yes, sir.” I shook his hand and didn’t back down when he tested my grip. “My name is Everette Weston—I just moved in this weekend. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you as well.” He turned towards the woman behind him. “This is my wife—Nancy. Nancy, come say hello to Dr. Weston.”

  “Please…” I held up my hand. “Everette is perfectly fine.”

  “Hi!” Mrs. Pierce walked up and quickly shook my hand. “We’ll introduce you to our daughter at some point—she’s probably still sleeping or something. You know how teenagers are…”

  “Your daughter is Holly right?” I tilted my head to the side. “I met her over the weekend—she actually baked some cookies to welcome me to the neighborhood.”

  No reason to act like I’ve never met her—but cookies are the end of that confession.

  “And you were worried that she was going to burn the house down if we left her here alone.” Mrs. Pierce nudged her husband. “See, she was perfectly fine—and neighborly.”

  A little more than just neighborly…

  “We haven’t been inside the house yet!” Mr. Pierce glared at his wife. “Speaking of, I guess we better go make sure the inside looks as good as the outside. Nice to meet, Dr.—Everette.”

  “You too.” I lifted my hand to wave as they walked back to their house.

  I’m not sure if they thought they were out of earshot or not, but I heard Mrs. Pierce remarking that I was a nice young man and Mr. Pierce telling her that she better keep her eyes on her side of the privacy fence before they actually did get far enough way that I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I let out a long sigh, and then walked back into my house. If Holly’s parents were home, then any chance I had of actually talking to her was likely gone. I couldn’t exactly tell them that I did a little more than meet their daughter or explain why I needed to talk to her. It was best to just forget about that kiss—regardless of how it made me feel—because that’s exactly what Holly would probably do when she put Los Angeles in the rear view mirror.

  At least I’ve got my job to keep me busy—and when my residency is over, I’ll have plenty of new challenges to tackle. I wouldn’t have time for a girlfriend anyway—even a long-distance one.

  I returned to unpacking the boxes in my house. Later that afternoon, I saw some motion coming from the house next door and walked to the window. There she was—walking to her car. Despite analyzing the situation and deciding that it was probably for the best that the kiss was our last interaction, I was still tempted to go to the door—until I saw her father walk out of the garage behind her. He checked the fluids in her car and appeared to be trying to show her how to do it too, but she kept sneaking glimpses towards my house. One of those glimpses led to her spotting me in the window, and she gave me a slight smile and a wave behind her back. I was just about to lift my hand when her father stood up and looked my way, so I walked away from the window immediately.

  Fuck, I’m too old to be sneaking around like some kind of teenager. Maybe her father could use a hand…

  It was probably a bad idea, but I didn’t care. I changed into a fresh t-shirt and walked over to Holly’s house. Her face started turning white as I approached, but I kept it cool and asked her father if he needed help with the car. He waved off my request and made a joke about working on cars being a little different from working on people, but that allowed me to just casually stand there—a few feet from the girl that lit a fire in my soul the moment I felt her lips on mine. We exchanged smiles while her father wasn’t looking—glances, even when he was, and it was clear that the kiss meant something to both of us. My brain tried to dig back into the mental spreadsheet which had perfectly calculated why I could never be with her, but I ignored logic—I would have plenty of time to analyze it after she was gone.

  “Alright, that should do it.” Mr. Pierce slammed the hood shut. “Did you pay attention?”

  “Yes, sir.” Holly looked down and nodded.

  “Good. Let’s get those boxes out of your room so you’ll be packed up—you need to be on the road before the sun comes up if you want to avoid rush hour traffic.” Mr. Pierce motioned for his daughter to follow him.

  “I’ll help.” I took a step forward and basically invited myself along, but there were no objections.

  If there was ever a benefit to having a brain that constantly analyzed everything to death, it was that problem solving was almost a superpower for me. As soon as we got to Holly’s bedroom, I lingered in the hallway, let her father grab a box and intercepted Holly with an offer to carry her box. That allowed her father to make it to the steps before he even realized his daughter wasn’t behind him, and by that point, he wasn’t going to turn around. I pushed Holly back into her bedroom—out of sight—and immediately kissed her. There was no hesitation on her part. She melted into my arms while I mentally calculated the seconds we could spare—I used every single one of them down to the fraction.

  “Grab a box, walk fast.” I motioned to the light box next to her feet.

  “What?” She blinked in surprise.

  “Just follow my lead, and I guarantee we’ll get to kiss a couple of more times before your car is loaded.” I let my fingers graze her arm, then made a dash for the stairs.

  The plan went off without a hitch, and her father never suspected a thing. I was just a friendly neighbor helping him carry his daughter’s boxes to the car so she could leave for college. Instead, I was manipulating every moment of the precious minutes—just to feel his daughter’s perfectly pouty lips against mine. Maybe I wasn’t too old to be sneaking around after all—or maybe my dick and analytical brain were finally learning how to coexist with one another in order to get what I wanted. I stopped trying to analyze that once the last box was in the car.

  “Thank you for all your help!” Mrs. Pierce walked out of the house. “Bill’s back has been giving him fits for years—not that he would ever admit it.”

  “My back is fine.” Mr. Pierce narrowed his eyes at his wife.

  “He won’t go to the doctor.” Mrs. Pierce sighed. “Maybe you could have a look?”

  “Um…” I shot a glance towards Holly. “Yeah, sure.”

  “No, my back is perfectly fine. I feel like I’ve been twenty-five for twenty years.” Mr. Pierce showed obvious discomfort as he walked towards the house.

  “Why don’t you stay for dinner?” Mrs. Pierce put her hand on my arm. “I’m making a Baja Chicken Casserole—it’ll be done in about twenty minutes.”

  “I appreciate it, but…” I tried to come up with an excuse, but my problem-solving superpower decided to immediately stop working and blank out my thoughts.

  “Yeah, you should stay for dinner.” Holly smiled and nodded. “Mom makes the absolute best casseroles in the world.”

  “Okay, I guess I’m staying for dinner.” I shrugged and put my best plastic smile firmly on my lips.

  “Awesome, come on back inside.” Mrs. Pierce turned towards the door, but I didn’t follow her immediately.

  “You really want me to stay for dinner?” I raised an eyebrow at Holly.

  “Why not?” She shrugged. “It’s the neighborly thing to do.”

  “I’m going to put a neighborly kiss on those lips.” I pulled Holly away from the closest window to make sure nobody could see us.

  This is such a bad idea.

  I kissed Holly without worrying about timing the seconds, and we were both gasping by the time our lips broke the seal that formed. She took a step and staggered but regained her composure and grinned before she led me into her house. Once we were inside, her dad offered me a beer, and I accepted
. We sat down in the living room, and the conversation quickly shifted to my profession. Holly had already heard all of that, but she pretended like it was the first time she was hearing that I hoped to have my own practice one day and be a family doctor one day.

  I was glad when the conversation finally shifted away from me and onto Holly—but I don’t think she appreciated having that kind of attention. I got the impression that there was a little bit more tension in the household over Holly’s indecisiveness about her major than she originally let on. It looked like I was about to witness my first full-blown Pierce family argument when Holly got annoyed by a couple of snide comments her father made, but we were saved by the casserole timer.

  “Dinner’s ready!” Mrs. Pierce walked into the living room, motioned for us, and then scurried towards the oven.

  “We’ll discuss this some more after dinner.” Mr. Pierce killed the beer in his hand and walked to the fridge to get another one.

  “I’m sorry…” I looked at Holly and sighed.

  “No, its fine. If you weren’t here, my dad would just keep pushing until one of us lost our temper—even if dinner had to get cold first.” Holly shrugged and walked to the dining room table.

  Things seemed to be civil once we sat down and started eating. It was my first time having Baja Chicken Casserole, and Mrs. Pierce’s version of it was certainly delicious. I complimented it, which led to a line-by-line breakdown of every ingredient, how to cook it and how incredibly healthy it was. If she was one of my patients, I would have corrected her on the last part, because there was way too much sodium on my plate to ever call it healthy, but I held my tongue to be polite. Mrs. Pierce asked me the same questions that her husband did or at least ones that were similar enough for Holly to have to sit through it all for the third time. She didn’t seem to mind that much.


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