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Resolution Page 21

by Douglas E Roff

  “But to the entire Gens clan assembled that day, they were overjoyed with what they had witnessed, Princess Caroline was special, the future queen of the humans was a gift sent from the Creator, a child to be celebrated, even revered.

  “And celebrate we did. We asked permission of the old queen, Caroline’s grandmother, to allow Princess Caroline to remain with us for a week of celebration, a rare honor for a Gens, and an honor never bestowed on a human, much less a girl child. Permission was given.

  “Clans from all over the Black Forest came for the celebrations, hunting with the child by day, and honoring her with gifts by night. She’d met all the children of her age, and transformed back, and forth as if by magic. On the morning of the day she was to depart for the Palace with an escort troop of Gens warriors, she asked my father if he would allow her a few moments to speak with me before she left. He saw no harm or impropriety in the request, so he assented.

  “We were in human form to honor her departure, and she beckoned me to her. ‘I have chosen you, so you must grow up to be strong and clever. You must be wise and loved by your kind, as I intend to be by mine. Do you understand me, Tarken?

  “I do not.”

  “You are destined to be my mate, my husband. I have chosen you over all the rest. I shall return soon, and, with your father’s permission, we shall roam the forests free, and hunt in honor of your clan and your kind. I shall learn your ways and you mine. We are now bonded from this day forward. Tell your father when I depart, so that there is never a misunderstanding. I shall inform my grandmother, the Queen. Do you assent to our bonding?”

  “I did, of course, though in truth I had no idea what she was talking about. None. In the years that followed, I did. And I have loved her ever since. We have seldom been parted, even during her brief time in America, though Hans pretended to chaperone us.

  “Since the death of Caroline’s parents and the passing of the last Queen, Hans has been our advisor and guardian. I still listen to his counsel, which is wise and sage. My fiancé chews bubble-gum reads fashion magazines and works among the people in their daily chores. She works in the fields from planting to harvest, and even in the barns mucking for the dairymen. Then she returns to where she is most happy, the forest and hunts with our men, and our warrior women. Sometimes she allows me to accompany her too.

  “She is much beloved.”

  Adam said, “Then you shall marry and be blessed with many children, carrying on a new line for the humans, and Gens of the Black Forest.”

  Suddenly Caroline, Tarken and Hans became quiet and sad.

  “It shall not be. We cannot have children and nothing in our future lives together will permit it. Sadly, for us, that is why you are here now, and we have much to do. You begin tomorrow at dawn. Be prepared. Hans and Tarken will come to collect you early for morning meal.”

  With that she left the Study, closely followed by her intended.

  Chapter 36

  “I am so sorry, I did not wish to offend, or cause any sadness,” said Adam to Hans. “I was unaware.”

  “Of course. But what you spoke does cause sadness and pain, though the Queen lives with it every day. She had chosen to mate with Tarken but, since they transform frequently, unfortunately they cannot for some reason conceive children. It’s the fulfillment of the Prophecy that when the line of her ancestors dies out, the Chosen One will be revealed. She, and all our people, both human, Gens and mixed believe that person is you.

  “To that end, every clan of the Eighty-One have sent a representative to our territory to assist in your training. When you leave us, you will first face Enzo Fortizi in human form. Then you will face Paulo Fortizi, each of you in natural state. He doesn’t yet know of your ability to transform, so he believes he will kill you quickly, and take control of the Gens worldwide as sole ruler.

  “He is fearless and skilled; he will be difficult to defeat, but we will train you. I will train you, but time is short as his skills are formidable and learned over many years, and many battles. You have six months.”

  “But I am the Chosen One,” laughed Adam.

  Hans chuckled too. “Let’s hope you are not the one chosen for an early death. We begin at dawn. I will show you to your rooms.”


  The sun rose early, but Kendra and Adam were already downstairs in the kitchen, eating a gruel that had been prepared just for them. Hans was seated at the kitchen table with them when Tarken rolled in. Nobody said much, slightly elevating Kendra’s anxiety level which normally hovered around zero. With Kendra as the last-minute substitution for Octavio, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but was ready for all the usual stuff.

  Today wasn’t the usual stuff.

  Tarken began, “How many times have each of you transformed and for how long?”

  Adam and Kendra looked at each other, not expecting that question. Adam answered first.

  “Three times. The first time was a few seconds, and I couldn’t control the transformation. The second time was a minute or so, but I was able to transform at will in complete control. The third was longer, but without mobility and I tired quickly.”

  Hans said, “Doubtful but possible.” He turned to Kendra, “And you my dear, how about you?”

  “Never. I was a last-minute sub for Octavio and no one mentioned transformation. I don’t know how.”

  “I see,” said Tarken. He thought for a moment, then asked, “Hans may I have a moment alone with you in the Study.”

  Adam said, “If it concerns either of us, stay put and say what’s on your mind.”

  “I’d rather confer with Hans in private, if you don’t mind.”

  “Well, unfortunately I do mind. Talk.”

  Hans looked at Tarken, then at Adam. “I think a short break would benefit all of us. We’ll return momentarily.”

  “Then we’ll be taking our leave,” said Adam. “The rooms were nice, but we have pressing engagements elsewhere. Kendra got all your shit?”

  “I do.”

  “Then it’s been a pleasure, gents. Please thank the Queen for her hospitality.” Adam and Kendra got up, grabbed their back packs, and headed out the immense oak front doors. The jeep was parked just down the road and was still wet with dew.

  Kendra said, “You’re sure about this?”

  “Nope. But there will be no secrets from this point forward. It endangers both you and me. This was never the deal. And, if I may add with complete and utter arrogance, who the fuck do they think they are anyway?”

  They climbed in the jeep and turned the crank. The engine came to life, and Adam shifted into first. He looked at Kendra, “Mind if I drive a bit?”

  “All yours, husband.”

  “Yeah that’s right. Why did we have separate rooms last night?”

  “You tell me.”

  Caroline suddenly appeared in front of the jeep, blocking their exit. “Leaving so soon? I know that food inside is appalling, but we can probably get something better. Maybe oatmeal.”

  “Nope. The food was tasty and your company both enjoyable and illuminating. But I don’t think this training exercise is going to help.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Your fiancé and counselor insist on discussing us out of our presence. Unacceptable decision likely to presage other bad decisions, so, time to go. I know you’re trying to help me, us. I do. But when my life and those of my wives hang in the balance, I trust me, and I trust them. The two guys inside are unknowns. The attitude toward Kendra wasn’t a healthy start. I’m sorry, but this just doesn’t feel right. We’ll train elsewhere. Maybe another of the Eighty-One will take us in.”

  “Can you give me ten minutes? I need to do something and it will only take a minute. Then maybe we can give you what you ask. Deal?”

  “Take fifteen. We’ll be here when you get back, if you come back.”

  Caroline was gone less than ten. “OK, all arranged. The Headmen and their successors from all the other eighty clans will assemble in the St
udy in an hour. They all came to see you, so we’ve had a change in plans.”

  “How so?”

  “Hans will attend to diplomatic affairs and Tarken will go back to his village and stay there until I call him back. Our wedding is postponed until after your training is complete. He can cool his heels, as you Americans say, elsewhere. Now, will you please stay?”

  Adam looked at Kendra. “You good with the new plan.”

  “I am if you are.”

  “Alright, let’s give it a shot. But let me be clear, let’s get this straight right up front what this is all about and how we intend to go about it. No surprises. Open discussion, nothing held back. Deal?”


  “And one last thing, Caroline.”


  “You work with us during training for the duration of our stay here. No surrogates and no rules we don’t give a fuck about. I trust you. Just you.” Adam looked at Kendra for her response.

  Kendra had said nothing, then said, “I trust you too. You kill bunnies and drink their blood. You may be even than crazier than me and Adam’s other wife, Misti. So yes, please help us along.”

  “Well,” Caroline drawled. “The new issue of Cosmo is just out, but I guess I can read it later. I’m in. This should be a blast.”


  An hour later eighty men and women, all Headmen of the Eighty-One, were crowded into the super large Palace Study along with Caroline, Adam and Kendra. Eighty other aides to the Headmen were gathered outside the Study eager to hear the conversation and catch a glimpse of the Chosen One.

  The introductions were short, and Adam took to the floor right away. They spoke the Gens Common Tongue, but all were in human form. Kendra sat in silence next to Queen Caroline.

  “I wish to thank you all for coming to this gathering to discuss matters of great importance. Today we must decide which of you here from the Eighty-One are prepared to join our cause and which of you will not. I understand that there are many who do not fully believe in the Prophecy, and many who doubt that I, as a human, could possibly be the Chosen One. Certainly, I hold some of those same doubts. To the extent I can, I will try you convince you that I am the Chosen One, sent by the Creator to restore Balance to the world and unite the human, Nobilus and Gens races.

  “You also know what the Chosen One is to do; namely to fight both Enzo Fortizi in human form, and his brother Paulo in Gens form. They are brothers and the heads of the largest Gens Collective, so almost all believe they are the ones specified in the Prophecy to fight the Chosen One, if I am the Chosen One. I’m certain you doubt my ability to defeat either brother, but I can assure you they will have no chance against me and my second.”

  “Your second, the human girl sitting over there? How does she intend to defeat anything other than a snow bunny?”

  There was general laughter and snickering. The female Headmen weren’t laughing, however.

  “Well, since you ask, why not have a test. Right here and now. I will put up my second against any of yours. Or you, if you feel qualified for the contest. Who’d like to beat up this little female child and teach her a lesson first?”


  “C’mon boys and girls, surely we can pick your biggest and bravest young buck to step forward? Who’s your champion? And two or three behind him? A lady perhaps. If you win, we will pack up and leave, clearly proving we’re too weak to be chosen for the tasks in the Prophecy.”

  Caroline didn’t like the idea of such an all or nothing contest that didn’t include Adam. Adam looked back at her and winked. Caroline reclined in her chair, still anxious.

  “Bendross is our champion and his two brothers are right behind him in skill and ferocity in human form. They should go first and end this ridiculous farce.”

  The three men turned to go outside.

  “No,” shouted Kendra. “We’ll do this right here. Won’t take long.”

  Bendross, a huge man over 6’5” and scarred from battle said, “Arrogant wench, we shall see when you are beaten and bloody. I shall enjoy this, and then take you as my prize.”

  Kendra said, “Should be fun.”

  Furniture was cleared, and space made for the contest. Kendra said, “Do your best, Bendross.”

  As Kendra suspected, Bendross charged, attempting to use his size. Kendra kicked him in the ass as he passed by. The crowd howled with laughter. As he turned to fight the girl, she turned her hips, and landed a kick him in the face shattering his nose, causing blood to spurt everywhere, and blinding him briefly. Another kick landed on his jaw, shattering it. Her final kick landed squarely in his groin, bending him over.

  Kendra quickly placed Bendross in a rear naked choke and, within seconds, Bendross was asleep on the floor. The battle took only a few minutes, and Kendra seemed hardly winded. She walked over to her seat next to the Queen and sat down. She wiped her brow, then said, “Next!”

  The assembled Headmen and aides were stunned. Surely this must be a trick of some sort. The next two candidates also fell quickly, and no further takers were willing to step forward.

  One of the Headmen stood and asked, “What trickery is this? You will not be able to deceive either Enzo or Paulo, and you will be on your own. This demon will be unable to fight for you.”

  Kendra said, “The only differences between Adam and me is that he is more skilled and would have killed these three oafs. Adam demands restraint from his wives and we are obedient to his will.” The last bit was purely theatrical, but it sounded pretty good.

  The Headman, Zafir, said, “I refuse to be deceived by this fraud and sham. I am leaving, as should all right-thinking Headmen.” He turned and left.

  Twenty or more Headmen also departed, all associated with Zafir. However, none of their aides went with them. They remained to see the rest of the show.

  Adam spoke again, “I’m sure you are wondering how a puny human like me can possibly defeat Paulo in natural state. I agree this is a huge problem, and this is where I need your help most.”

  Many more Headmen, hearing this admission, got up and left. “You’re not the Chosen One,” said one as he left. “This chicanery will not fool anyone when the time comes.”

  After a few more comments and discussions, the number of Headmen left in the room were only eleven. Five were women and six men. The six men remained only out of respect for Caroline.

  One of the men asked, “How will you meet Paulo’s warrior skills, whose abilities are reputed to be first among all Gens. You will not be allowed weapons, so as a human, you’re no match for him.”

  “You are correct. But let me demonstrate a couple of things and see if I can change your mind.”

  Adam was aware that one of the Headmen, an attractive woman in her mid-thirties, had been paying rapt attention. She was closely allied with Queen Caroline and had been an early supporter of the decision to determine whether this human was the Chosen One. She did not, as yet, share the confidence of the Queen in either Adam or his second, notwithstanding the whoopin’ Kendra just laid on three very fierce Gens male warriors. But her skills weren’t his and bragging that they were did nothing to resolve the issue in her mind.

  “Miss, can I ask you to stand and assist me with a demonstration. Then I’ll have just two more revelations before we can close for the day. Would you mind? I understand that all Gens women are characteristically armed, usually with a finely-honed blade.”

  “No, and yes. I would not mind; I would be happy to assist and yes, I am armed.”

  “May I ask your name?”

  “Eene of the Asiri.”

  “What shall I call you?”

  “Eene. That’s my name.”

  “Sorry, I thought you might have a formal title that would be more appropriate and respectful. Well then Eene, if you thought I might say something disrespectful that would cause you to attack me and slash me with your knife, could you do that?”

  “I suppose. Not sure why I would do that, but yes, if you asked. N
icely. May I ask why?”

  “Yes, because I want you to attack me and slash me as hard as you can. Please avoid my face, which I’m told is quite beautiful.” Everyone laughed.

  “You won’t hit me back will you?”

  “Why would I ever want to do that? I would never hit or hurt you under any set of circumstances, nor for any reason. I have never hit a woman in my life, and never will.”

  “And if I attacked you for no reason?”

  “I would restrain, and disarm you, then find why you dislike me so.”

  Eene laughed, not sure he was for real. Then she reached inside her slit skirt, and deftly pulled out a thin, razor sharp nine-inch blade strapped to her thigh. She slashed Adam across his abdomen, then seeing no result, rapidly slashed both his arms and then his neck. She stopped.

  “You should be dead. How is this possible?”


  “No seriously, I have eviscerated men with those motions, and they didn’t survive. Not a one.”

  “I shall explain after I reveal the next two matters. Are you willing to continue helping with my demonstrations? I would appreciate your assistance.”

  “It would be my pleasure to aid in your plan, whatever it may be. What can I do?”

  “Please come over to me and sit on my lap facing me. I promise total respect and assure you I will in no way take advantage.”

  She hesitated, uncomfortable with the notion of proximity, then sat on Adam’s lap, facing him.

  “What now, Chosen One?”

  “I will place two of my fingers on your each of your temples. This will take only a moment.”

  Kendra leaned over to Caroline. “She will not believe what’s going to happen next. Watch carefully.”

  At first Eene felt nothing, then a warmth took over her entire body, bringing calm and a sense of pleasure that intensified. Then, Adam spoke to her mind in measured tones, and reassuring sensations. Eene was soon lost in the pleasure she experienced, and the safety she felt with Adam probing her mind.

  Adam disconnected.

  Eene remained in place, able to move off, but unwilling to do so. She looked down at him. “There is more to this gift?”


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