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Resolution Page 30

by Douglas E Roff

  “May I have a week?”

  “If that will seal the deal, then yes.”

  “I am a duplicitous lying cunt of a whore who can’t be trusted.”

  “We don’t use the ‘c word’ or ‘w word’ to describe women in my clan, but the rest is probably correct. So, what?”

  “You can’t trust me.”

  “Sure, I can. I already do. We’ll do a little mind thing when we meet and, if you pass, we’re good to go. I’m telling you, you will absolutely love this package.”

  “Only if the sex isn’t terrible.”

  “C’mon, you can do better than that.”

  “If …”

  “If it is, I’ll give you PMO back and a seventy-two-hour head start. But seriously, he’s just going to wind up killing you, or you him. Why bother? Let me help you. It would be a pleasure.”

  “OK, I’ll take option two. You can have your little love toy back but honestly is she the best you can do?”

  “Hell no. That would be you, but you were always, you know, trying to kill me. Along with Paulo and his cabal. You know he never intended the war; that was all saber rattling.”

  “Neither did I. Recruiting was really slow until I invented some whoppers.”

  “You were good, though. I always admired your skills at deception. I want you to meet my Dad. I think you’ll like him.”

  “Meeting the family? It’s just sex for now. I hardly know you.”

  “Boy are you in for a surprise.”

  Chapter 50

  True to her word, Saldana Ri made the exchange in Portland. She waited off in the distance, in a 4 x 4 rented by Adam, sitting on the passenger side and awaiting his approach. Hannah, shaken and anxious that Adam would not return with her, was put on board a private jet along with the rest of the clan. Kendra objected strenuously to leaving his side but was nonetheless sent home to Kenya via Amman, Jordan. She did not understand his desire to remain in the America, sought after and unprotected.

  Adam said he had to attend to business in Northern Cali and Washington, then a few days of private meetings elsewhere. He would be home in less than two weeks and would call in regularly. But if the birth of his daughter was imminent he would be home ASAP. He would not miss the birth of his baby girl as he had the birth of his son with Misti for any reason, so he bade the women he loved to forgive his temper, take care of Alana and be thankful that the war with the Black Shirts would likely soon be over. He would see them soon enough.

  They all asked Adam how the proposed new alliance with a disbanded Black Shirts came to be, but he was silent on the matter, saying only that it was the will of the Creator. He was lying and they knew that, but, when Adam was being Adam, there was no way to make him talk.

  At the same time, Adam knew that things would get much worse before they began to get better.


  Saldana was quite chatty as she and Adam drove south to the small town of Alderwood, population eight hundred fifty. He was surprised by her sudden openness with him and was delighted by the depth of her erudition. Her understanding of the lore of Gens mythology was deep; she was well versed in the folklore of the Prophecy. She did not believe in it nor that Adam St. James was the Chosen One. If that figure existed, it would be Gens, not human.

  Eventually they arrived on the outskirts of town and up on the side of a steep mountain, hidden in the deep of the dense forest, was the Resort called The Cedars. Adam explained that the two hundred-acre grounds of the hundred-year-old resort abutted a vast pristine National Forest. Should the pair not kill one another and wish to go for a romp in the woods as Gens, they could do so in complete privacy. Saldana thought this not really an option, as she could not transform back for thirty days but found Adam interesting and he seemed to believe all the nonsense he spouted to her.

  Instant transformation. Pah!

  For the moment, car parked and luggage inside, they checked into a lovely suite overlooking the small town and valley below.

  “That was very thoughtful, Adam. I didn’t think you cared for me that much. I wasn’t expecting you to keep your word; I was pretty sure you were going to kill me and PMO right after you got your sex toy back.”

  “There is so little you understand about me and how very much I believe we are alike. I think if you just stop your obsession with killing me and listen, you will discover just how much we have in common. And I know you’ll be happy with what you hear.”

  Saldana was suspicious from the start. She could not discern his strategy with her nor his intentions. Usually humans, especially the men, were easy to figure out: money, power and sex. In her mind, it all boiled down to power: sex and money were but the fruits of power. Nonetheless this one they called the Human was different. He wasn’t afraid of Saldana, just cautious as he should be.

  “I won’t be wife number seven if that’s where this is going, and I don’t do porn. So aside from that, we can chat. But first …”

  “First what?”

  “I want to see you. You know, see you.”

  “What, you mean naked? Really? Just get to business right away. No flowers, no candy?”

  “No, Human. I want you to transform for me right now to see if the wild rumors were all talk or really real. C’mon, show me the goods. But if you want to get naked first, I won’t mind. I hear you are one delicious hunk of homo sapiens. Less than 1% body fat and an upper body that ripples like a river. So please, strip and don’t go too fast. I expect a show.”

  “We’re going to get along just fine, Saldana. Just don’t try to off me while I’m undressing and vulnerable. But can I ask you for one favor first? One small thing?”

  “No tricks? Not going to take advantage of my frail and weak female body?”

  “Yeah, that describes you to a ‘T’, frail and weak. But take advantage of you, I’ll do that later for sure. And I don’t think you’ll mind that at all.”

  “OK, what is it now? God you’re demanding and a little whiny.”

  “Hold my hands.”


  “Hold my hands. Just for a second.”

  “What are we, like in Middle School. Are we ‘going steady’ next? You have a ‘promise ring’.”

  “Humor me.”

  Saldana held out her hands, expecting trickery. There was none.

  Adam said, “OK, that was good.”

  Adam was checking to see if Saldana had the gene, which she did. She could learn what he wanted to teach her.

  Adam said, “Now, wanna make out?”

  “I wanna see you naked, so let’s skip right past High School, College and all that crap.”

  Adam transformed immediately towering over and well above a shocked and astounded Saldana Ri. She saw his crimson eyes and massive stature and was immediately in heat. She could not help herself but could not transform. Adam noted her scent and transformed back to human form right away.

  “The stories were inadequate of the reality of you,” said Saldana. She smiled, somehow looking different, almost submissive in Gens female mating fashion. “I promise to do whatever you want, but remember, I’m not into the romantic thing. I expect bruises and pain. I hear your menu is extensive from kitty cat to bull lion, so please make me do whatever you’d like. Or me to you.”


  They took their first break four hours later and Saldana was not ready to stop. Adam was not lacking in stamina but wanted to talk to Saldana first. Saldana thought the other shoe was about to drop but she was wrong once again.

  “No, Miss Suspicious. I need to ask you to consider something that could change your life. And mine.”

  “It’s OK if you’re going in the serious direction but I warn you that I am wet, horny and a Gens female in heat. When I’m scenting, I want what I want and urgently, so let’s try to keep this short and get back to the fun.”

  “What if I said that I could teach you to transform like me and teach you the knowledge of the Universe. Would that interest you?”

�Impossible, but I’m listening. What’s the catch?”

  “You have to stop your sado-masochistic rampage of murdering humans and causing havoc just for fun. You must agree to help me. You need to agree to help me with the Eighty-One and defeat the Collective.”

  “Why would I do that? I’m still not certain that I’ll be alive at the end of this week.”

  “You will be alive, and you will want to help because there are rewards. Many rewards.”

  “I’m listening. But can you just do that one thing, one or two more times then we can talk more?”

  “Greedy girl!”

  “Guilty as charged.”


  “So, what’s the plan. How do I learn all this new stuff you think you can teach me?”

  “Well, the first thing you need to know is since I had to learn it first the hard way, you get this the easy way. But it will cause some changes in your mind, redirect some neural pathways in your brain. You’ll still be you, just not as psycho as before. That’s what happened to me.”

  “I’m not sure what that means. I won’t be as aggressive or skilled but more docile or submissive?”

  “No, none of that. It’s more like it polishes the aggressive part of your being that you can’t always control. You’ll still be you, crazy and all, but you won’t kill people impulsively or just for fun. You’ll control every part of who you are.”

  “Will I be your sex slave?”

  “Only of you want to be.”

  “I’m OK with that. If we do this thing, will I ever see you again? Or is this the end and we go our separate ways?”

  “You can come and live with me in the City of Light or live wherever you want. But you must help me wherever you are, and you’ll probably have to travel. You’ll be with me at my side when I kill Paulo.”

  “And your spouses and others? They won’t object to me being in town. Fucking their husband?”

  “Nope. Not the arrangement we have.”

  “Do I have to marry you or whatever?”

  “Nope. Not part of the deal.”

  “Can I, if I want to, and you do too?”

  “Yes, of course. But the deal is this. You cannot thereafter have congress with any other male. As many women as you want but only me in the guy department. If I teach you what I said I can, I will know immediately and so will any other woman you fuck with these skills. And there will eventually be many. You cannot hide it. If you stray, then you will be expelled and will never be allowed back.”

  “Doesn’t seem very fair. How come you get a harem and I have only a single item menu?”

  “I know, it’s totally one sided and completely unfair. But you don’t have to marry me and, if you change your mind, just leave. There really are no punishments. The rules are few. Just don’t play with any male except me.”

  “I don’t know. It feels like there’s a catch and you aren’t telling me.”

  “Let me give you a taste, then you decide.”

  “This won’t hurt, will it?”

  “Now you complain? What about bruises and pain? Now who’s whiny? Get over here, right now!”

  Saldana approached slowly and cautiously. Adam put his fingers on Saldana’s temples and began his mind journey. It lasted only a few minutes, but it seemed like hours to Saldana. She was both terrified and mystified at the same time.

  “And I can do this? With you?”

  “And others, and on your own.”

  “And all I have to do is stop killing humans for fun and sport? It’s a lot to ask you know.”

  “Maybe curb your enthusiasm for ‘fun and sport’ and a few of your more exotic activities that are non-consensual in nature for humans and Gens. That’s the catch. You won’t want to anyway.”

  “I can do that,” Saldana said. “I know I can.”

  “My first wife Misti and Helena of the Gens Germania both took the cure. They’re both crazy as hell, my wife most of all. She’s still psycho but now under control. Doesn’t listen to or obey me. You’ll like her a lot.”

  “What about Vera and Hannah, your other little fuck toys?”

  “I might avoid them for the time being if I were you, but they won’t kill you if that’s your worry. I’ll talk to them and all the family before you come back with me, if that’s what you want to do. My wife, Alana, is about to give birth. You might want to join the celebration.”

  “I could do that.”

  Adam went quiet. Saldana seemed to convert easily, something he doubted was possible. Adam thought Saldana needed to be submitted, not convinced.

  “Your husband and children are still with us in South Dakota. What do you want to do with them?”

  “I would like to visit Eaton, set them all free and let them move on with their lives. I was indebted to my husband; I never loved him. He deserves better than me. The kids, well, they need a proper mom. I was never that. Eaton was mother, father and everything to them. I was absent, even when I was home. Can I visit them if I agree to your plan?”

  “Of course. Perhaps in San Francisco?”

  “That would be best. But just Eaton. I couldn’t bear to hurt the children any more. They should be told I’m dead and let them grieve for the mother they loved but never had. Ten minutes after I leave them, they’ll be out of my mind. I know that sounds cruel to a human but that’s how I was raised. Maybe your therapy can make me a different kind of Gens in human form. I’m just not sure it would make me a better person, but maybe anything is possible now.”

  “I can help you, if you’ll let me.”

  Saldana looked at Adam as if she had never met a human even once before in her life. She wrapped her arms around Adam, holding him tight, and said, “Yes. Yes, to what you would have me do and yes to your help.”

  Saldana buried her face in Adam’s chest.

  “I’ve been alone all my life. No one ever really cared for me, no one ever wanted to take care of me. Eaton tried but he never knew me. I could never tell him who or what I really was. But you know. Can you love me as I really am?”

  “I can. And, if you let me, I will.”

  Chapter 51

  Adam began teaching Saldana how to use her mind after she allowed him to turn on her gene and they began mind explorations together. Adam wanted to cover all the basics, so Saldana could explore on her own and, at some point, he would teach her how to transform. Done quickly and wrong, damage to her psyche could result.

  Things did not quite work out that way, as Saldana quickly began exploring Adam’s erotica library, including his trysts with Helena and the pair got stuck on intimacy for a few days. Neither minded the detour, but Adam thought they should move on so Saldana would be ‘transformation ready’ when they eventually got up to the Olympic Peninsula to meet the scientists and the troops. He expected some blowback and was not disappointed.

  Adam had expected, in his ordered world, to have his fun with Saldana, seduce her into the light with the good guys, go visit the troops in Washington for a quick pep talk, then move on to Germany to deal with the Mussos. Two weeks tops and then back home to the City of Light.

  Not to be.

  It was a full week before the pair stopped experimenting with every conceivable erotic variation: position, technique and just plain old depravity. Adam felt bad for about a few seconds each day and, except for eating, drinking and the occasional shower, was quickly wearing out the sheets with Saldana. Room service and housecleaning was more than a daily routine, it was several times a day. And it wasn’t just Saldana; Adam was just as captivated with their physical/mental gymnastics as was she. But somewhere around day ten, Adam insisted that they stop and go up to Washington to meet the troops and get that part done.

  He promised that they could take a couple of days to journey to the Gens camp but that didn’t work. They decided to hire a helicopter and fly in at the last minute, then take a charter to Amman, then home to Paraiso. Adam would have some explaining to do and was going to piss off more than one of his wives but probabl
y not Misti. He might need her libido and stamina to distract Saldana. He had no idea what Saldana had been doing for sex but whatever it was, it was basic and boring. But her libido seemed to engage through other triggers that would be off her diet in the future.

  They arrived in Portland on a Friday and chartered a helo to the Black Shirt airfield along the Washington coast for the Gens helicopter ride to the newer and larger basecamp in the Olympic National Park. They arrived late and were given accommodation away from the camp. Shortly after sunrise, Saldana would address the assembled military and scientists at a point near the basecamp buildings. She would speak from a rocky outcrop some twenty to twenty-five feet above the ground below, to a large meadow where several thousand could gather.

  The welcoming committee thought that Adam was PMO somehow in disguise. Of course, no one challenged Saldana and they were more afraid of PMO than her, so the two passed quickly and were in bed as fast as they could scoot their aides out of their cabin who were assigned to Saldana and her “contingent”.

  Tongues were now wagging; Arnaud Lemieux and Liv Wilder were appropriately informed of the oddity and Liv was already wondering why Saldana had essentially come alone. Arnaud and Liv looked at one another pondering whether this was a gift from the Creator to finally rid the Movement of Saldana Ri. The male was probably just another human pet she would use then devour later.

  On the other hand, thought Liv, it could be a trick and a naked display of power.

  Neither Saldana nor Adam got any sleep that night; the Histories suggest that it was because they stayed up all night planning their historical speeches to the Black Shirts Gens given early the next morning. Of course, the pair was busy all night, but planning speeches had little to do with it.

  Gens from all parts of the Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest by the thousands were going to be in attendance; Liv and Arnaud would be right up-front watching carefully for any sign of deception or weakness. If detected, Saldana would be dead by Arnaud’s hand within hours.

  Others in attendance, senior military, were openly hostile to Saldana; some even plotted her assassination. Not all were loyal to Arnaud; many aspired to greatness themselves. None knew the political and military situation accurately; all had been fed lies and disinformation, but not by Saldana.


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