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Resolution Page 37

by Douglas E Roff

  “Not very hard, from what I hear,” said Misti.

  Saldana smiled; she really liked Misti, though she did not trust her at all. “My husband says I am a work in progress. I am slower in some areas than others. I’m sure you understand. I shall moderate down to a more civilized level.”

  All three other companions in unison said, “No! We need your assistance in achieving your level of ‘zealousness’. It is for us to catch up to you rather than you moderate down to us.”

  Saldana said, “Really? You are very naughty children. In that case, we shall have to think about how to discipline each of you properly.”

  Adam laughed, “We all have our specialties. Yours are many and varied. Thank the Creator for your creative mind.”

  Chapter 62

  “Well that was a lot of fun,” said Adam as the four came up the stairs heading to the kitchen to meet with the four young women who were just now having breakfast. Playtime with the Mussos was over for the day; they would begin round two the next morning if the three could speak. Adam wasn’t quite sure that Sparlan was completely clear on the instructions he had been given except the “do not kill” part was probably well understood. In any event, Adam was certain his tenure in Dietschberg would be a reasonably long one. While he did not consider plucking the virginity of so many young and willing maidens as a major factor in his plans, it was, nonetheless a consideration.

  He also could not ignore the desires of his wives, each of whom expressed their own separate interest in the nubile young ladies, especially Kendra. To the extent that the local girls wanted to sleep with the Princess, she was more than willing to accommodate. Adam felt a special obligation to her, not because of service, but because Misti and Saldana promised over the top sex if he extended the stay, so they too could pluck the ripe fruit. Who was he to say no?

  Virgins, to him, were an interesting lot, but they did not compare with his wives who were beautiful, creative, and experienced in the ways he most enjoyed. It seemed to him he was giving up nothing and gaining the Universe to let his women have their way first and often. He claimed he would think it over, but all his women knew when he was lying. Misti had said long ago that he was a terrible liar; she was the best in the family.

  Saldana approached Adam as he was entering the kitchen to speak with “The Four” as they had been renamed.

  “You know, if you say yes for congress today, Misti and I can begin your new rewards program tonight. Earn some bonus points. We have some new delights we would like to share with you. We’ll all three need to be in union but it’s an experience you’ll want to enjoy more than once. And just for you. Think about it and let us know.”

  “This isn’t a bait-and-switch Misti trick, is it? I would not be overjoyed if it is.”

  “I promise. We’ve been practicing on the little one and she always seems to … shall we say, wind up in an orgasmic coma for at least an hour afterwards. And she’s quite capable in the sack, as well you know.”

  They entered the kitchen to find the four young ladies sitting at a small kitchen table eating some local dish that seemed not very appetizing. But they were chatting away busily and hardly noticed the entrance of the Manti.

  “Ahem!” grunted the cook. “Your Lord has joined us now. Stop chattering and pay attention.”

  The young ladies snapped to attention immediately, as one said, “Our apologies Lord, we were rude and not paying attention. We will accept any punishment for our unacceptable behavior.”

  Adam smiled. He sometimes enjoyed his role as Lord and Manti. But perhaps Hannah was right after all; it had gone to his head. Both, in this case.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, girls. There will be no punishment now or ever. Just do your part and all will be just fine.”

  “Humph,” said the cook. “In my day, no girl would go unpunished for such an affront.”

  Adam smiled at the cook, who loved the attention. “Then I should have prevented any punishment to one so beautiful as you. You still retain the beauty and innocence of the flower of youth.”

  “Liar,” she said. “But, a beautiful and well-crafted lie. Thank you, Lord.”

  Adam turned to the girls. “Today we have a simple task to perform but we shall increase the difficulty of our tasks every day until I eventually leave with my wives. I may ask you, with your parents’ permission, to accompany us when we leave.”

  The girls were thrilled but wondered what they could possibly do that the other girls in the Palace couldn’t do equally well or better. None thought they were particularly talented; just country girls from small villages.

  “Lord, if I may so bold as to inquire, what would you have us do?”

  “First, I am Adam, this is my first wife Misti, my wife the Lady Kendra and my wife the Lady Saldana. You may address us as such from now on. No Lords or Manti’s or Chosen Ones. We are all now family. Make sure the other girls understand this; you must announce to them that you are my representatives now and they must do as you require. But you may not be arbitrary, mean, unjust or petty. Nor shall you allow any of that nonsense among the girls who attempt to adopt a superior attitude. They will not wish to irritate any of my wives, who can be harsh when disturbed with such minor matters. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, L…, uh Adam.”

  “Good. We shall greet the ladies in the Great Room, make clear my wishes and return to the kitchen to talk. Cook, I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to prepare a breakfast for our little company, then you shall prepare it for the other girls. We shall make omelettes and pancakes. I will write the ingredients down for you. Please gather them while we address the ladies in the Great Room.”

  “As you wish, … Adam.” The cooked moved off, clearly unhappy with the laxity of the new administration. Nonetheless, the Manti made her smile. That was new.


  Adam turned to his three wives as they walked toward the Great Room, stopped and looked straight at Saldana. “Yes,” was all he said, and kept walking.


  When his speech to the twenty-six maidens was over, all were quite happy that a new breakfast regimen had been installed in the Palace. They were otherwise treated to camp gruel, which, as it sounded, was just awful. They did not know what omelettes, pancakes, French toast or maple syrup were, but they were willing to try. The hash browns, toast and fruit jellies sounded to die for.

  Adam instructed the best cooks in the coterie of girls to accompany them presently to learn preparation, as it would be one of their duties in the future. All the other girls were dismissed awaiting further instructions later in the morning. There would be martial training and daily running with the Manti in human and Gens form every day. For all girls not athletically inclined, there would be computer training and communications instruction. But every young lady would have a job and be physically fit; the Manti would see personally to their training. Instruction was possible any time of the day or night and Adam and his wives would be the instructors.

  That taken care of, they proceeded to a room just off the kitchen to talk. The cook was ordered to bring the girls a proper meal there and a little extra for the Manti and his wives. Beating prisoners was not as easy as it looked.


  Adam began, “I shall now explain to all of you what my plan is and why each of you is critical to it, especially you four young ladies and Saldana. In the case of Saldana, as one might expect, the explanation is vastly more complicated, but I will explain that later too.

  “Our story begins more than four hundred thousand years ago in southeast Africa. Two mammalian species, the Gens and homo sapiens, coexisted in different forms. One was carnivorous while the other was herbivorous. They coexisted peacefully and discovered they could transform one species to the other by drinking water from a small spring. They attempted to mate in each form and were unsuccessful until one day they were. Their offspring had different qualities, and some became what we now know as the Nobilus Maximus.

  “One admixture aft
er another over an expanse of time of thousands of years, a new fourth species came into being that was far more advanced than any of the other three. But, at that time the earth was not stable; there was an earthquake and the species divided. The fourth race was utterly destroyed, and the surviving three races went their separate ways.

  “That led to the situation we have now. It was the intention of the Creator for the three races to die out over time and the fourth race to become the dominant species. The Creator wished them to be the future of the planet, as the evolutions of the three original species separately was unacceptable to the Creator. The Creator wishes now to either begin again or repair the damage. Now, apparently, the Creator simply wishes to begin again. I have rejected that plan in favor of a new repair plan. But there are consequences to me and to us all. We must act and all act together.

  “Against us are the human governments, the Gens Collective, powerful religions and a myriad of other interests that would be affected by this transformation. They wish to kill me, and if they discover you, they will wish to kill you too.

  “We must organize, and we must procreate carefully given genetics and time to convince the Creator to let the experiment continue to be carried out. We can become what the Creator wishes us to become through the evolutionary process the Creator once wanted. We must prove the Creator’s original plan to be correct.

  “We must find the Nobilus, convince more humans and Gens to accept our plan, defeat our enemies and create babies.”

  One of the four maidens, Beata, stepped forward. “I will do anything you wish, though my talent thus far may only be to make babies. And even in that, I am not skilled. I will have to learn what to do and how to give pleasure to my mate. Adam, will that be you?”

  “Yes, it will be me.”

  The other three girls stepped forward offering their willingness to do their part, which Adam also accepted.

  Saldana said, “I still don’t understand why me and why these four.”

  “Because you are special and already have all the genetic material of the fourth race; your mates need only have some human genetics, some Gens genetics or some Nobilus genetics. We can figure this out. We know how to do this. We have the DL Main. Now we need operators.”

  Kendra asked, “And you?”

  “I have all the genetics of the fourth race. It is a combination of all three races, plus something else only you, the girls and I here today, as yet, have. There may be others. We must find them, if we can.”

  Saldana repeated, “And me?”

  “You are the only other on earth like me that I know of. You have what is needed for me to be the Biblical Adam to your Eve. These four girls have all of what is required too; their offspring with me or any human, Gens or Nobilus will also be the fourth race. There must be others and the genetics are sex linked; passed down on the maternal side. How I got the full package, I do not know. But I can seed a new race whereas most women cannot. Some, like you and the girls can. There are limits to the number of pregnancies a woman can have. And if the three races combine, my genetics can seed them to create the fourth race too.”

  Adam paused. “These four young ladies also have another skill, not discoverable here in the Black Forest, but discoverable by me. They are each equal in ability to me with software and AI. They need only be taught and given knowledge and guidance after union.”

  The women were stunned.

  Beata smiled, “I am willing to begin my training immediately, Adam,” she said smiling. “Shall we go to your quarters?”

  “It’s that or the Tech Centre we now have. Your choice.”



  Chapter 1

  Four months later, things were beginning to wind down in Dietschberg. Adam and his entourage were planning on leaving in a couple of months for the meetings with the Councils of the Eighty-One. Adam now spent less and less time interrogating the Mussos, and more time training with Chel, Yar and the Gens of the Gens Germania. He hadn’t lost his zeal for inducing pain and suffering in the three captive Mussos, but he had no plans to end their existence any time soon. He had decided to establish new priorities.

  The Gens Germania of the Black Forest had become devotees of Adam and Kendra; the latter they admired as one of their own. She was kind, and gentle in the way of the human community, but not one to fuck with either in human or Gens state. She had adapted far better than most transforming from human to Gens form, having been taught the secrets of auto-transformation by Adam. Her lust for the hunt as a Gens warrior had become widely known. That she was the Manti’s woman was disappointing to the males of the Gens Germania, but the Gens females lusted for her whenever they were in human form. She was faithful to her husband fastidiously in accordance with his rule, but voraciously indiscriminate with females.

  They loved her, and she loved them right back. Her lust was prodigious.

  The daily routine of rising early and harshly interrogating the Mussos had changed, which eventually led to an important discussion of methods and goals. Kendra had said from the beginning that she wouldn’t take part in abject cruelty without purpose. And even if there was a purpose, senseless cruelty was ineffective. This led, in turn, to a discussion of the purpose of extreme measures, which she pointed out, was either just sadistic punishment without objective or was for the very real objective of securing valuable information about the whereabouts of Federico Musso. The Gens didn’t approve of torture for any reason, so Kendra’s principled objection found great favor among both the Gens elite and the Gens commoner.

  Misti took a middle ground because she enjoyed both giving and receiving pain, but under controlled circumstances, and always as a package deal: pleasure and pain. Misti thought she would receive a great deal more pleasure from her sessions with the Mussos, but it turned to disappointment early. After two months, she told Adam she was dropping out. Sleeping in, then eating a hearty Adam-prepared breakfast, followed by a vigorous work out, and fucking every maiden in the Palace was her idea of a great day. Abusing the Mussos should be left to those who enjoyed the sport.

  One morning at breakfast, before the sport with the Mussos began, Saldana said they all needed to have a talk about what they were doing, and what their objective was. Most at breakfast thought that Saldana, had just come up with some new artifice or device to increase the pain without killing the mice.

  They were wrong.

  Saldana began, “The object of our interrogation is singular; we want to locate Federico Musso. Who here thinks that any of the three actually knows where Federico is, right this minute? Show of hands for ‘yes’.”

  No hands went up in the air.

  “Second, who thinks any of the three will knowingly tell us anything resulting from our current interrogation tactics? Show of hands for ‘yes’.”

  No hands went up in the air.

  “Next, if we had to pick one of the Mussos from whom we thought we could get anything useful, who would that be?


  “I’d say Heidi. Yes, Heidi, but I doubt we’d get much. The boy won’t say a word; he’s filled with unbridled rage, and regularly abused both his sister and mother. He feels entitled and justified in his cruelty, enabled by his psycho father. He delighted in abusing his sister and prevented her marriage at the designated age. Wanted to keep her around for his own sport. There’s advantage in that factoid somewhere but, I must admit, I don’t know what or where it is.”

  Both Misti, and Kendra agreed, but still had no idea where Saldana was going.

  Saldana continued, “We have kept them together, but now I think that’s a mistake. We did so originally, so each would see what was coming their way next; heighten the onset of fear. But really, all it did was make them stronger. They would never say a peep while the others were watching. The boy controlled the women. His gaze cowed the ladies telling them if either one of them said anything, he’d take care of them once Federico came to free them. But we all kn
ow Federico isn’t coming for them; he’s busily picking out a new bride somewhere to start a new family.”

  Adam asked, “Your point is?”

  “Why do you wish to continue, Adam? Kendra doesn’t like any of this. The Gens thinks this is just the worst form of human cruelty, which it is. Misti has lost interest and would rather sleep in. We won’t be having these early morning chats followed by the thrill of inflicting pain much longer. Kendra and Misti won’t show up. It’s just you, and me bub. So, what is your interest?”

  “Get information to find Federico and kill him for trying to fuck with two of my wives, create a lesson for the world that this avenue of getting to me this way is a huge mistake and perilous, and to strike fear in the hearts of my enemies.”

  “Bullshit. It’s none of that. You just want to punish them because torture is what they did to others and would have done to us, so torture is what you want to do to them. If all you want to do is inflict endless pain, then by all means do so. But admit that’s what it is. It hurts me to say it, but the little princess is right that lowering ourselves to their level is a mistake. What we’re doing is just stupid, and we need to stop immediately.”

  “Wow wasn’t expecting that from you,” said Adam. “When did you go soft and cuddly?”

  “Not soft, smart. Again, the little one is right about this too, but not exactly the way she thinks.”

  Saldana turned to Kendra.

  “I love you more each day, little one. Tonight, you can do whatever you’d like to me, and I won’t complain. Even that stupid shit you make me wear.”

  “And the toys too?”

  “If you must.”

  Adam interrupted his lusty wives. “What’s the plan then, Saldana? Tea and cookies? Belgian chocolates? ‘Love fest’ them into submission?”

  “Nope, none of that crap. But we need a multi-step approach, and we need to ratchet down the beatings.”

  Misti was busy with breakfast and wasn’t paying attention. Adam noticed. “Are we boring you?”


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