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Resolution Page 41

by Douglas E Roff

  The lady Eene transformed into what appeared to be a quite ordinary Gens female a little younger than the age of thirty.

  Lady Cia continued, “But I am not Gens; I am Narran, one of the last of my race, and adopted by both the Gens Germania and the humans of Dietschberg to fulfill the Prophecy. Those of you who doubt me still know of the Prophecy, and what my appearance should look like. I shall transform now, but perhaps the first few rows should back up just a bit.”

  Cia transformed into what could only be described as a creature, large and able to transform into many different creatures, which she did as proof of who she was. But she held two as her primary forms: human and Gens.

  “I am a changeling. Should there be any doubters, as the Prophecy portends, I am willing to meet in single combat. Those who have fought me as a human child, seventy-eight dead souls in total, now reside with the Creator, their heads piked forever on the field of battle. I do not wish to take heads, I wish to live my life in peace. I fear, however, that when this saga is over within the next few years, I shall die with the Manti, the Chosen of Chosen. I choose to die by his side and end my existence, the very thing I was destined for, with the man I was destined to accompany in this life for as long as possible. Now, as foretold, time is short and my time with this man I love without boundaries is even shorter. If I could share the depth of my sadness, I would. I fill my days with his warmth when I can; my work and tears when I cannot.

  “I have never been able to touch or have congress as a Narran; this you all know. But the Chosen of Chosen has touched me, and removed this curse placed on my people long ago by the Creator. I have touched him, kissed him, and even had congress with him, yet he and I both live. And so that no secrets are kept, the Lady Eene, and I are both with child; the children of the Manti. Our Master, who hates the term, has agreed to full unions and of mind and being, and has agreed to the unite with us in this odd ceremony of marriage. He says he needs King Abdul to consummate the ceremony, so he asks Abdul to remain healthy, and happy until his return to Paraiso and Nabataea. Less wine, he says, and fewer confections.”

  Everyone laughed, as the Kings girth had increased with his popularity. Pies, cakes and all manner of sweet delectable gave him too much sensory delight, and yet when offered, knowing temperance was warranted, he could still not say no.

  “I have brought the assent of the Great Council of the Eighty-One to the confirmation of Adam St. James as the first, and last King of the Eighty-One, as was bestowed on him by the Gens Germania of the Village, and by the abdication of Queen Caroline. The Manti has decreed that the Queen shall retain her title in perpetuity, her line forever royal. He shall accept the honor of the Kingship granted by the Council after the administration of the tests of purity, as decreed by the Prophecy. This will happen soon, we believe within the next year, before the final combat on the Plains of the Serengeti.

  “He says that, once crowned King, he will abdicate in favor of Headman Akira and name Tar of the Village as Akira’s successor, Akira having no living offspring. After the death of Tar, the Kingship shall be elected by the people of the Gens Germania, the humans, and the mixed races after proof of worthiness. The ruler may be either King or Queen, there being no distinction in gender to lead. He further decrees that the only criteria for any ruler shall be the love of the people governed and proof of worthiness to govern along with the Councils.

  “I bring the last gift I can bestow upon our people; knowledge for the Chosen of Chosen. I have bestowed it upon Adam, and his mate Saldana Ri, his equal in almost all respects. Adam and Saldana have bestowed this wisdom on all with the power to accept such an honor, and he has instructed me to do the same here in Paraiso. We shall begin tomorrow, though I will begin with those I have been asked to approach first by the Chosen of Chosen. Many have already been so honored and many more shall be instructed in the manner of testing for fitness and bestowal before I leave to rejoin my mate In Germany.”

  “I have also been permitted by the Manti to mate with my long-time love, the Lady Eene. I have been instructed to visit Nabataea tomorrow, and fulfill my promise to Adam St. James to be made into a “respectable woman”. The Manti refuses to explain the meaning of the term, but the Lady Eene and I have our ways of encouraging the Chosen of Chosen to divulge his secrets. He is amazingly easy to convince when we dress to his liking. We find his taste in night time apparel to be shockingly ineffective against the evening chill, but as he is our Lord, and his will in these matters is to be obeyed faithfully.”

  The crowd roared with laughter not the least of which were Adam’s wives and other consorts.

  Alana said, “I see that our husband doesn’t lack for company and these new disclosures suggest his stamina hasn’t decreased in his absence.”

  Vera and Hannah each looked at Alana. “I suggest we should test his stamina when he returns to us. I think it only fair for his wives to understand the state of his health.”

  “Agreed,” was all Alana had to say.

  Chapter 7

  The chime in Adam’s head went off while he was working in his Study one night, weeks after the Lady Cia and Lady Eene had first arrived in Paraiso. It was now common for Noki to call at a designated time and to invite the Lady Cia, the Lady Eene and Alana to chat and see how things in the Palace in Dietschberg progressed, particularly with all the ladies who were now pregnant. Besides Saldana, many of the thirty daughters of Headmen assigned to Adam were now also with child. Adam had devised a way to communicate with each mate without being physically present but for long mind assignations, which delighted them to no end. He attended to them physically often; in fact, on most days. Each felt his love, and felt special during times when he was busy, and unavailable for regular in-person attention. There were now eighteen young maidens, maidens no more, and two new wives.

  There was much to do and the demands on his time led to the use of time compression, though both Misti and Saldana were unhappy with that as a solution. They wanted him present and, in the flesh, and, if they couldn’t have him as much as they desired, they would act out for attention. Gently, of course, but in ways they knew exactly what would vex him just enough and return his attention to them.

  After greeting his women cordially, Adam began by asking what they knew, if anything, of ill manners when women of the Black Forest became pregnant. He was at wits end and was quite concerned with the mental health of both Saldana and Misti. Misti was now discovered to be pregnant for a third time, this time with twins, though Kendra was not yet with child. Kendra vacillated daily on whether to become pregnant; most times the thought was not appealing,

  Misti and Saldana’s behaviors were approaching incorrigible, and both were guilty of many new breaches of etiquette with other pregnant maidens and Palace staff. Kendra claimed to know nothing but, since she was as poor a liar as he, Adam knew something was up. What should he do?

  Lady Cia asked, “Well to begin with, what exactly is their behavior like? What are they doing that’s so upsetting?”

  “They insist I breakfast with them each morning alone, the only exceptions being Kendra and Cook. But Cook is always asked to leave and excluded from viewing their behaviors. The two order copious amounts of food, sit together and make Kendra and I sit opposite them. Then we discuss the inanest topics, of no value to any of us, and do so in the most disgusting and offensive ways.”

  “How so?”

  “They fill their mouths to the brim with food, then talk to me. It is all I can do to understand them, but then one of them says something, and they both burst out laughing. Food explodes from their mouths like a cannon. Kendra sits silently, and when I question her on our walk to the military camp, she has nothing to offer.”

  “You could ignore it. They will soon tire of this foolish game after a while. I think its hormonal and boredom.”

  “I fear that this will only drive them to invent new more disgusting games.”

  “There is more?”

  “Much more but
I shall give but one example as I am ashamed of their conduct.”

  “Which is?”

  “They talk foul and vile sexual language to me. At breakfast, no less. With mouths full and the lifting of their skirts. Their skirts! All the while inviting the most lascivious of conduct, right there in the kitchen. They instruct the little one to lock the kitchen doors then for me to pleasure them in ways they like best.”


  “I flee, the little one close behind. But I hear them roaring with laughter, calling me all sorts of vile names.”

  “Is it the same every day?”

  “No, not always the same; usually something new. As I said, something unbecoming and grossly rude. I wouldn’t expect this behavior. Thank God Cook doesn’t witness it.”

  “But Kendra does.?”

  “Yes. She’s always present but gives little comfort to me. She advises ignoring it; it will disappear on its own accord when it ceases to be fun.”

  “Sage advice.”

  “Really? Then why is it getting worse? As if some foul plan has been devised that delights them more each passing day.”

  “Why not eat earlier or later?”

  “They insist I spend ‘quality time’ with them. They are wives and pregnant. What can I say?”

  The ladies laughed a little, which Adam could hear.

  “This isn’t funny. If it continues, I shall send them both home and you can deal with their offensive behavior.”

  “You can with Misti, that is certain, but with Saldana you cannot. You have made her a solemn promise which must be kept. Same with the little one, so you see, you are cornered, Chosen of Chosen, by two wily pregnant women and the young one to whom you have sworn an oath. You may have to endure this and hope for a speedy quickening, and a speedier delivery.”

  “Very funny. So funny in fact, I shall stop all communications with all of you. You may speak to Abdul and send me letters. Thanks for the advice and so long.”

  Lady Cia said, “No, no wait! There is no need to be hasty here. There may be a solution. One to employ to beat them at their own game.”

  Lady Eene understood her friend immediately and said, “Act normally tomorrow and flee but speak to Cook before breakfast and, afterward when you leave for military camp, tell Kendra to go on up ahead. You will catch up soon enough. Ask Cook to speak with the Village and City Matrons and tell them I have suggested we bring back an ancient tradition. One for the protection of the mothers and the children of the Manti. This directive was to begin immediately with Misti and Saldana. And that it is commanded by the Chosen One and the Elders.”

  “What are you talking about? What ancient tradition?”

  “Pregnancy Confinement. As in the old days; ancient Medieval days. Kendra will know it from her British history. The English Monarchy widely employed it. Perhaps all of European royalty.”

  “What is it?”

  “The pregnant woman is taken to a confinement area and kept there away from all men; even their husbands were forbidden to visit. They stayed ‘confined’ and were attended by their ladies in waiting and midwives, or in this case, we could arrange for just elderly matrons and midwives. The women confined were not even allowed out of bed on most days. They would have no fun at all and the experience, though legitimate and still practiced in some societies, is outdated and ridiculous. Yet it is within your rights as King to require it. You haven’t abdicated yet.”

  “This is masterful. How do I convey it?”

  “You will tell the Lady Kendra very matter of factly that the Lady Cia, and the Matrons of the Palace and Village, have discussed the matter and confinement is urgent, so great is your concern for their wellbeing. Then watch her behavior. If she bolts for the Palace immediately, she’s in on the game, and will warn your wives. If not, she may simply wait until evening. The key is breakfast the next day. If they behave, they will be more afraid of confinement than playing their game.”

  There was only silence from Adam for a very long time.”


  “Now I’m not so sure. But why do this at all? I love my wives.”

  “They are bored, hormonal and uncomfortable. They wish you to be a little uncomfortable too. Don’t worry, all will be right by week’s end.”

  “Why not instantly?”

  “They will try to threaten the Matrons. With orders from the King, they will have little opportunity to win that argument.”

  “Begin with Kendra. Let’s talk tomorrow.”


  The next morning, Adam caught up to his little one on the trail about half way up to camp.

  “I have urgent business I wish you to attend to and I wish to dispatch you immediately.”

  “Anything husband; what shall you have me do?”

  “I would have you go urgently to the Village of Ber and ask for the Sage Matron Anela. She’s to come to the Palace under guard and formulate a plan with the other Matrons and midwives of the town and the Village to create a ‘pregnancy confinement’ plan for Misti and Saldana. Lady Cia sees danger for them both, being so far away from modern hospitals, and has spoken to the Matrons of the Village and the town. They all agree that for the health, and safety of my wives, and unborn children, a pregnancy confinement is the only answer.”

  “But husband, that is old myth and long discredited. It’s an old wives’ tale of ancient medicine. I can …”

  “Do you refuse my command?” Adam seemed most serious, almost angry.

  “No, husband. Only that it’s not medically necessary.”

  “Do you refuse my instructions then? Substitute your judgement for mine as King? We have been through this once before. All were unhappy with that result.”

  Kendra wasted no time. “I shall stop by the Palace to collect warmer clothing, then be off on your task, as you command and without delay.”


  Adam howled with laughter after Kendra left, and thoroughly enjoyed taking a beating at the hands of every Gens soldier who competed with the King that day. The King never lost a match, except today. He lost every spar, smiling.

  His opponents were worried about the source of distraction. He was clearly not his himself this day.

  They just had no idea just how true that was.


  It wasn’t long before Kendra was in the Palace and had gathered both Misti and Saldana. “He knows.”

  Misti responded, “He knows what?”

  “He knows all about this little game we’re playing, and he knows that I know too. He’s sending me to the Village of Ber to collect the Sage Matron Anela. You are both to be placed in pregnancy confinement for the duration of your pregnancies. Alone. No girls, no nothing. Elderly Matrons and midwives to revive the old tradition.”

  “He wouldn’t dare.”

  “He’s the fucking King, Misti. He would dare and has begun the process. I am to retrieve the Matron Anela and bring her to the Palace to meet with Adam, the Matrons and the midwives. Then I shall run to him and beg forgiveness and a second chance.”

  “What are you worried about? We’re the ones who are pregnant.”

  “So am I. You heard it first. I finally decided I wished to be as one with Adam and a child. And I, for one, will not be confined. I would die without his touch every day. I love him and never should have agreed to help you. It was mean and foolish. I’m out as a co-conspirator as soon as I get back. I suggest you each make plans about what you want to do to curry his favor.”

  Misti knew right away that the fun had backfired and Adam would be meaner than a hornet when she told him the truth. She knew better, and now this was the third transgression against her husband. Or was it the fourth? This time, he would be furious with her and likely not in a forgiving mood this time around.

  By contrast, Saldana was trapped. Misti could return home to Paraiso and wait out her pregnancy. She could marshal friendly and sympathetic forces against Adam’s wrath and who might, with dumb luck, be gone with the Councils of the E
ighty-Ones for a very long time. His wrath might lessen with the mere passage of time. He would certainly return for the birth of his son, but would depart soon thereafter.

  Saldana had an agreement with Adam that she could never be required to leave his side, as was the case with Kendra. But if Saldana voluntarily did so, the deal was off. She could choose confinement or return to Paraiso. She might get a reprieve if Adam travelled to visit the Eighty-One soon, but that was not likely to happen. Adam might wait until after the birth of his children, but he would most likely go to the Eighty-One and leave her in Dietschberg in confinement. He would claim that this was an exception to his commitment, the health and well-being of their child at stake. No option seemed like a good choice for Saldana, and only now did she realize that her practical joke was a huge mistake.

  No matter what she did, she believed, she was fucked.

  Yet this idea couldn’t have been Adam’s idea; it had to be that Cia woman. Damn. Outsmarted by a twelve-year-old child. Well, one that looked twelve years old anyway.

  She would do as Misti and throw herself on the mercy of the King. Kendra would get off lightly, Misti with just some yelling and show of displeasure. But Saldana didn’t know where she fit in. She would face Adam tonight, and hope for the best.

  This whole “King” thing here in the Black Forest was becoming very annoying and she didn’t account for it in her original plans. She should have. Now her husband would be really pissed off at her and blame her for the entire fiasco.

  Unfortunately, she actually was to blame. After all, it had been all her idea. Pregnancy in human form was not fun and she wanted him to feel a little of her discomfort. In another time and place, it would have gone unnoticed by Adam. But with the world whirling around him, death everywhere, hers was not the old “ignore and forget” Adam of past years.

  This was the new Adam. Or so all three thought. Adam was enjoying being King. Not for long, but still it was fun on occasion and the young maidens all liked congress with the King.


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