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Resolution Page 56

by Douglas E Roff

  “Nope, never heard of it. But I don’t run with that crowd. Ask Chel. Why does this bother you?”

  “Because rumors are it includes my wife. I’m told she’s been going out ‘packing’ while I’m gone and on weekends while I’m out with the kids. My son is getting in fist fights, and my girls are being bullied by Gens boys to shame them. My son has been challenged by Gens boys who can transform, but when he tries to fight in human form, they transform to Gens natural state while he cannot. They say some pretty rough stuff to him, then threaten my girls. The kids say their mom has been leaving baby Alex with friends and disappearing. She’s never home when they get home from school.”

  “You want me to look into it? Just say the word.”

  “No. Not yet. I’ll speak to Helena first then do what I need to do.”


  Norman confronted Helena that evening, after sending the kids over to visit their Aunt Bella and Uncle Octavio.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Norman. I’ve never heard of this ‘packing’. And I certainly have no idea who’s involved.”

  “That’s a lie. On both counts. This information comes from our kids and from the sons of the Gens you’re involved with. Now tell me what you’ve been doing. The kids are frightened out of their minds and have said that they have told you all about these incidents. You’ve done nothing about it and didn’t mention any of this to me. How could you be so indifferent to threats to our children?”

  “They’re Gens; they’ll adapt. Our son should transform and fight. It’s the Gens way.”

  “It isn’t our way. Not in this family. Now, the truth.”

  “You knew who I was when we mated. Married, whatever. This shouldn’t surprise you. It’s not in my nature to be restrained. My needs are greater than yours. Besides it’s fun.”

  “I see. I didn’t, but I guess I do now. How long have you been involved with this?”

  “Since the beginning here in the City. I enjoy it. I don’t intend to stop.”

  “So, the marriage you wanted so badly, that was then, and this is now?”

  “I guess. If I’m being honest, yes. This plan isn’t working for me anymore.”


  “And you should know that Adam, and I had multiple affairs before you and I met.”

  “I know. He told me about it when you and I hooked up. Didn’t want any awkward moments. Thought it was the right thing to do. If that was your way of somehow deflecting from this, and your behavior, it was wasted. I’ll go get the kids”


  Norman left to pick up the kids. When he arrived, he asked them to wait outside while he spoke to Bella and Octavio.

  “She’s your sister. Did you know? Did you, Octavio?”


  “I’ll take that as a yes. I’m taking the kids and we’re moving elsewhere. You are never to stop by or set foot in my home. Bella, you can speak to the kids; only because you are family and they love you. Octavio, you are never to say a word to me or my kids; if you do, I’ll snap you in half. Test me, and Bella and the girls will not have a father and husband. Don’t ever approach any of us or try to engage in conversation. Keep your kids away from mine; they and you are unwanted in our lives. Bella, stay away from my kids unless I’m there to supervise. When Adam returns, I’ll speak to him.”

  “The kids? What do you mean you’re taking the kids?”

  “They want to move out and live with me. I’ve spoken to the Gens Council. There’ll be a hearing, so you should be ready to come testify. Helena, the kids, me and Chel all will be there. Some of his men were involved. All of his men will testify about what they knew and when they knew it. I’ll deal with them later.”

  Bella said, “They’ll kill you, Normie, if you try anything physical. I’d leave it be if I were you.”

  “You’re not me, though, are you? You’re less than me. And, so are you Octavio. Try to interfere in my family after this episode is closed, ever, and I’ll kill you both. And my friends call me ‘Normie’. From now on I’m ‘Norman” to you. Both of you.”

  Norman left.

  “He’s delusional,” said Bella.

  “No, he’s not. He’s dangerous now and there are going to be some dead Gens around town very soon. I’d stay away from him, Bella. He’s not the same old Normie who arrived at the Manor. This is new and very dangerous Norman. I, for one, am staying away.”


  “We should’ve told him. This is very bad now and it will only get worse.”


  A few days later, Norman said to the kids, “We’re moving in to our own place tomorrow, so we need to talk about that. Your mother isn’t coming; you’re sure it’s what you want?”

  They all nodded yes.

  “Up for a field trip with your Dad tomorrow?”

  They all ran to him and hugged him. The boy looked at his Dad, his only real Dad. “Thanks, Dad. The girls and I love you and this new arrangement will be best for us all. Even Mom. What’s the field trip for?”

  “That’s a surprise. But we leave early.”


  Norman had six names; he was happy Chel wasn’t among them. The kids were up and dressed for a hike by five. Chel came by at five thirty.

  “Kids are coming today. I promised them a look at our discovery.”

  “Not allowed, Norman. They must stay behind.”

  “I disagree, and this is my decision. So, let’s get started.”


  Norman dialed the phone. Misti answered, then spoke to Chel.

  Chel said, “OK, but only because she said so. Whatever else happens is on you.”

  “I know.”

  The troop, consisting of Chel and fifteen of his men, set off with Norman and three kids. When they got to a spot Norman called the “Rock Garden” Norman called an abrupt halt.

  “We’re not going out today with you. My kids and I are moving to our new home later this afternoon, but first, I have to settle some things.” He read out six names. “You and some others have some apologies to make, and if you do, I’ll consider not killing you right here, right now. Lie and you’re dead.”

  Norman explained what he knew to the six, then told his kids to climb up on the boulders and watch. He told Chel to stay out of it; Akira himself had sanctioned the contests.

  “Zimo. Do you deny ‘packing’ with my wife, and fucking her?”

  “I do. It’s a lie.”

  “Not according to your son, to whom you bragged, nor to the others that day who went and watched. They’ve confessed. You’re a liar and a coward. I challenge you.”

  Zimo said, “So, be it, human.” He transformed and attacked. Norman grabbed him mid-air as he leaped to slash Norman. Norman deftly avoided the slashing, throwing Zimo hard against a boulder. As he fell to the ground, Norman closed in fast, picked up Zimo and broke his back over his extended knee.

  Within an hour, five more bodies were heaped in a pile, dead, a sign of disrespect among the Gens.

  “I will find the others, and when I do, I will kill all of them too. Did you know, Chel?”

  “I did. None of my business.”

  “True, but you are relieved of command.”

  “Not your call, human.”

  “Also, true. It is, however, the call that was made by Akira. I will pick my own men and women to protect me. You cannot be trusted. You will attend the meeting in Council tomorrow. Bring your remaining men and prepare for demotion and punishment. I expect, and will demand, that you be banished from Paraiso. If not, we fight to the death. The Gens way, as a matter of honor.”

  Norman turned to his kids.

  “Time to go. We just got an ice cream machine my sister sent from London. It’s in our new place. Furniture arrives later this afternoon. We’ll sleep in our own beds in our new home tonight. Race you to the top!”

  They ran back up the trail, his son well out in front with Norman trailing far behind with his girls. He
scooped them up and whispered. “I know a short cut, let’s beat your brother.”

  They squealed with delight, feeling safe in Norman’s powerful arms. The three waited at the top of the trail for his son to arrive. They fake yawned when he got there, winded.

  Norman said, “Slow poke. Let’s go home. We’ve got to unpack and get the TV on. Our shows are on tonight.”

  He turned to the girls, “You girls can have a room each or stay in one room together. Up to you. You can decorate.”

  The new quarters were spacious, and everything was in and set up within hours. There was a knock at the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  “No. Say what you have to say then then leave.”

  “I want my kids. They’re coming home with me tonight. You have no right …”

  The son emerged from behind Norman.

  “No, Mom. We’re staying here with Dad. Just go; we don’t want you around us anymore. Dad’s the only one who loves us. We’re just inconvenient possessions to you. The girls are afraid of you and they want to stay here too. Dad says there’s a hearing tomorrow with Akira to decide where we go.

  “We had a real family with Dad and you were just too selfish to be happy with things as they were. What you are doing is wrong, and disrespectful to Dad. And when I told you about the girls being bullied, you did nothing. Now there are six dead men on the valley floor. The girls and I watched Dad take care of them in the Gens way. So tomorrow, Akira decides our fate. Not you. Please leave and go ‘packing’ all you want. Nobody here cares about you anymore.”

  “I’m your mother. We’ll see tomorrow where you go. You better hope Norman wins. If I win, I’ll deal with you in the Gens maternal way.”

  The meeting with Akira was long, and everyone was heard from. Chel was there with his men. They all admitted to knowledge of the transgressions, and the shame it brought upon them. What was clear is that none of the men respected Norman, thinking him a weak human and easily defeated. In fact, he should’ve been defeated, but Alana and Adam had given him some new features. For one, he could see Gens when they were in natural state. They also gave him new skin. An outer skin almost impossible to see; like a body suit. It was resistant to Gens claws and meant there was parity between their claws, and his fighting skills.

  Akira presided.

  “This situation has never arisen in my lifetime. When a male warrior dies in battle, the mate is normally allowed to return to her village to her family with her children. Most Gens mate for life, unlike humans, so Helena’s conduct is unusual. Twice has she strayed from our customs. Nonetheless, our culture normally places children with the mothers for biological reasons, when called for, which is the rule we should follow here, absent clear reasons to the contrary.”

  Akira paused. Helena smirked at Norman and the children, thinking she had won.

  The children were anxious and fearful. They didn’t wish separation from Norman.

  “But here we have very unusual circumstances in so many ways I cannot even count them all. The conduct of Helena wasn’t only disrespectful, but contrary to the ways of the Gens Germania. The men, including the six now dead, violated their oath of loyalty to me and the Clan. We respect our human brothers and sisters and have always abided by an unwritten code. You, Helena, have broken the rules of that code. There is no punishment, but I deem you unworthy to have custody of these children. You dishonor us all. This is a factor, though not alone decisive.

  “The children clearly desire to remain with their father, the only real father they have ever known. But even that isn’t determinative.

  “They cannot transform until they are given the power, but all three prefer to remain in human form anyway. They may never choose to transform. It is their right.

  “I have listened to their stories and wishes in private and I find their request to remain with Norman to be reasonable and persuasive. This, I believe, is determinative. I award full custody to Norman and only such visitation rights as he will grant to you Helena. That too is qualified to the extent that your children wish to see you, Helena. If they say no, the answer is no. You will not want to violate my orders.

  “I grant limited permission for Bella and her children, but not her mate, to communicate with the children but grant no visitation rights. However, with Norman’s consent, the children may visit you, Bella. If I hear of any more bullying of these children, it will be a death sentence to the children or adults of the Gens, community who transgress my order. This is my decision. Now go.”


  The next day Norman asked, “How would you guys feel about leaving here later on and returning to America, to Denver, where my extended family lives. My sister is going home after five years in London and we can live in her ‘mansion’ until we find a place of our own. Son, you can play football if you wish and, girls, I have like a dozen nieces and other girls in the family your age who want to meet you. It’s a big family with lots to do. My sister wants, us to stay for a good long while, but we can all decide that together later on, if we all decide to go. Think about it.”

  His son said, “What about your work here for the project?”

  “It’ll be over soon enough. We can leave in six months. Tell me later what you want to do.”

  “I’ve never seen Denver,” the boy said. “I’d like to. And play football.”

  The girls wondered what it would be like but if that’s what Dad, and their brother wanted, they were in. “Will they like us?” asked the youngest girl?

  “Honey, they’re going to love us. Love us all.”

  Chapter 32

  Hecate began, “Our story begins back in the late 1930’s when Paulo, and Enzo Fortizi suddenly abandoned their home village of Gensarii and mysteriously found the money and method to leave Italy and emigrate to America.”

  “How was that possible without help? Big help. Who helped?”

  “We don’t know, but we think it was the small group Rogue Immortals. They were able to do two things; one was to get the Great Library moved to America and, the second was to begin enhancing the physical abilities of the Fortizi’s. Two things happened to them both. First, they stopped aging. Photos Adam’s father found show that. Second the Immortals began brain/mind enhancements for both Paulo and his brother.”

  Hecate paused.

  “The same brain enhancements that Adam needs now. They got them over a seventy-five-year period. Adam needs them in a few weeks.”

  “The difference is that Paulo and Enzo have been getting brain enhancements slowly, methodically and very carefully. They are now what we hope Adam will be. It gives Paulo and Enzo an incredible edge, the details of which Liara just learned.”

  “Why haven’t the Fortizi’s gone ape shit on Adam, and us, already?”

  “Because the Immortals foresaw the same problem of the Fortizi’s getting out of hand, and out of control; they only let the Fortizi’s have their powers when they let them. The powers must be turned on and then later turned off.”

  “Why not act sooner? Years ago?”

  “They want the whole planet to destroy itself on its own; an indirect means to destroy Liara. They weren’t quite ready to set the Fortizi’s free to act; they preferred to let the Earth implode on its own if possible. Or let the Gens Collective and Black Shirts cause a war against humanity, which the Gens would lose. If the humans were attacked, the Gens would be utterly decimated, and any future reconciliation obviated. The Nobilus, if not also destroyed, would choose to assimilate. In the end, the original plan for a new race, an advanced race begun by Liara, would fail and, so would She. If this experiment failed, that would create the opportunity for insurrection within the Immortal community which might eventually lead to the removal of Liara as the Creator. Failure after boasting of success isn’t tolerated among Immortals; it portends other hidden failures, and discord among the lower life forms, some who aspire to power beyond their status as inferior beings. It all seems like fantasy, but the path for Immortal failure is
very real. The RealVerse would change and change forever. Worlds with intelligent life would soon have Immortals as gods and goddesses. There would then be creation and destruction.

  “At present, Liara can destroy, but She chooses not to. She suppresses the power in favor of a different, more positive way. This doesn’t suggest benevolence; that she is not. She is a cold, ruthless and heartless possessor of raw, unbridled power, which she wields to preserve her own dominance and position as Creator.”

  “But to intervene in the affairs of mortals through the help of Immortals was a chance the Immortals didn’t want to take unless absolutely necessary. And, if they did intervene, only in absolute secrecy. The rogue Immortals are a tiny faction at present; the vast majority of Immortals still support Liara and they would be inclined to watch as Liara punished the upstarts for insolence.”

  Hecate paused to let this sink in.

  “Of course, if a catastrophic failure was demonstrated, or some other Immortal sin, the majority of indifferent Immortals might sit by and watch and wait without taking sides for a result between two sides in a civil war. Failure and Immortal sins are not outcomes Immortals generally tolerate. You can’t possibly imagine how essential success and impeccable conduct are to the core makeup of Immortal culture and to the highest rungs of the Immortal hierarchy. In this there is no room for error; Immortals must always succeed.”

  Misti said, “Keep talking. I still need to fundamentally grasp how all the puzzle pieces fit together which explains why we’re here.”

  Hecate explained, “When Adam came about, with his genetics and leadership skills, things changed. The rogue Immortals hoped that Adam would believe himself easily able to defeat both Paulo and Enzo; however, the opposite was true. Neither Adam nor Liara or I saw the hidden capabilities of the Fortizi’s because they were almost never on display. If Adam trained as he had been, the Immortals would have turned on the Fortizi powers and would easily have taken Adam out.”


  “Liara then found out the truth, so drastic measures were required to equalize Adam to the Fortizi level of skills. Then, She would split up the brothers, so Adam could fight each separately, not together. That’s where the Prophecy came in. It foretold certain things unrelated to the reality of the Immortal world; but it came in handy. Adam is the one who has all the genetic material to begin a new species, not just a new race. He is what was first created to be; a new species to displace the Humans, Gens and Nobilus. To become the enlightened masters of Earth. But, if allowed to propagate and evolve, where would such a species end up? Equal to an Immortal? More powerful? More favored by an even more powerful race or species? Liara wants to end the rebellion, then destroy Earth. She hopes no greater being is watching. In the end, without intervention, Liara will prevail.


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