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Resolution Page 61

by Douglas E Roff

  The brain trust agreed with Bitsie. The Libraries were not a priority until after the ‘scrap in the Serengeti”; mass Gens ID could wait.

  Derek said, “We don’t want to lose what knowledge is in there. The location of every Gens and Nobilus makes post-Adam success even more critical. It’s not just winning the immediate fight with Enzo and Paulo; I assume Adam will prevail, it’s afterward that counts most. Just ask Adam; he’ll agree. We must move to secure these treasures and soon. Paulo may destroy them just to spite us. When he’s gone, what the fuck does he care about the rest of the world. Make an alternate plan to get in. Seal the building and get the stuff out, at least the computers. They’re air gapped. If we lose paper, well, we never had that before anyway, so maybe we don’t need it now. But when it comes to Alexandria, it has information that can rock history.”


  Two month later, a knock at the door disturbed a game of Monopoly being played by Norman and the kids. His son answered the door. It was Helena.

  “Please ask your father if I can come in. I’d like to speak with him.”

  “Let her in. But you speak to all of us. There are no secrets in this family, except how I cheat at board games.”

  The kids all laughed.

  “What’s on your mind, Helena?”

  “I want to come home. I miss my life with you, all of you, and realize how wrong I was. I was selfish and cruel, and I know I have forfeited my right for your forgiveness, but I’m terribly sad and dreadfully lonely. I can’t bear it any longer; I want to have my old life back.”

  The family was silent.

  “In this family, not including you, we believe that forgiveness is never forfeited and, if sincere, is always the basis for reconciliation. But sincerity is the basis for reconciliation, not empty words.”

  The kids weren’t happy with this conversation.

  “You terrified your own girls and lied to your son. You abandoned them. I don’t know how you make up for that. My girls are now happy and safe; your presence here again would terrify them. We don’t order one another around; we cooperate and help each other out as family. I’m not sure you’re capable of that kind of family life. Besides, this is a family vote and I only get one vote. I can bribe the girls, but your son is a man now. He’s not easily convinced of BS when he hears it, and he knows that actions count, and words, your words, dissipate into thin air. Your promises have no weight in this household.”

  Helena said, “Maybe I could spend some time here, with you, on probation? Family walks, sleep on the couch. I can help out. Do my part. Be a good roommate, then try to earn your trust back. I don’t know if I can change, but I want to. And I miss all of you, so much.”

  The son said, “What really happened Mom? Did they get tired of you; need fresh younger girls? That’s what I hear. Nobody wants you anymore. Dad and I made sure you were safe from beatings, and abuse by the younger Gens, but they had no interest in you anymore anyway. They took your knowledge and left you to live on your own. Now you’re here. I think it’s because you’ve nowhere else to go. Your own sister doesn’t want you in her home. Why should we?”

  “Because I’m your mother. And I’m ashamed I was so selfish. And yes, I’ve nowhere else to go.”

  “Back to Germany.”

  “No, worse than here. At least here I can still see you, even if it’s from a distance. I’m begging you, please let me come back any way you will let me. I’ll do what I’m told.”

  Norman said, “Nobody’s going to tell you what to do. Nobody will be mean or treat you with disrespect. But you will always be a guest; no rights. That’s if we allow you to come back. The vote has to be unanimous, and it will only be temporary. That’s the offer. It may change.”

  The four went into the bedroom, and two hours later they came out.

  The son told the mom the outcome, while Norman and the girls listened in.

  “You can come back provisionally. One day at a time, renewable. For the record, I oppose any leniency, and I suggest you avoid me. I don’t trust you and think you will betray, us at the first chance you get. If a new guy comes around, you’ll be gone until he dumps you, then you’ll be back again. You’re just like Alana’s dad; maybe worse. The girls are afraid of you. If you touch them, scare them or do anything to them that is other than being kind and considerate, I will physically throw you into the street along with everything you own. You will never be allowed back in this home again. I urge you to spend all your time with Noki, and Alana to learn the Way and Balance. You are selfish, mean and cruel.”

  He paused.

  “Dad is the only one who believes you, because he’s the only one dumb enough to still love you and think you still love him. I’ve said what I’ve said to him, but we disagree. I hope for his sake, not mine, that he’s right. I’m not worried at all about me or Dad, but I’m terrified for the girls. I will never, never permit you to be alone with them. This is a rule, and if you break it, I will kill you myself on the spot. Are we clear?”


  “Any questions? Rules to be established and followed beginning tomorrow after we work them out. We will not wait on you hand and foot; you will do your assigned work, or you’re gone. You will not order anyone around, especially the girls. If you think you can work Dad, the pushover, you’re wrong. The agreement is I’m in charge from now on because I think you’re a liar. The girls voted with Dad because they always vote with Dad. Fuck with me, and you’ll be gone as fast as I can make it happen.”

  “Just be fair, that’s all I ask.”

  “Like you were with Dad? And the girls? Sure, I can be fair just like that. Leave now and don’t ever come back. But Dad won’t let me do that; he still believes you can change. Like I said, he’s an idiot when it comes to you, while the three of us are not. Dad can’t protect you. Only you can protect you. I’d visit Noki early and go see Alana afterward. They’re expecting you. I’d consider a mind purge, but that’s up to you.”

  “Can I stay tonight? I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “We get up early, all of us. We have chores. You will stop by and ask Maria Suarez to teach you how to cook and ask Alana too. Stay away from Adam. He’s off limits to you. If you see him walking toward you, turn around move away.”

  “Dad says you can sleep with him. Seriously Dad, I’d search her first.”


  Norman said, “I have never argued with my son since you left …”

  “Our son.”

  “No Helena, my son. You bore three children with another man who was no father to them, then you abandoned them just as quickly. The girls live in fear of you; your son wants you gone from this home and from this country. Go anywhere you want, just leave us alone. That’s what my son wants.”

  “You convinced them otherwise?”

  “No, I did not. Tell me now what you really want. I don’t believe you want a family life again; you never wanted it in the first place. You don’t love me, and you don’t love them. I don’t have any clue why you bother your sister; she believes you less than you own boy. That’s hard to do.”

  “I want to start over, but I want to be safe. You can arrange that. I’ll leave Paraiso and go somewhere far away. But I need money and a new identity. Can you do that for me.”

  “You’ll need to have your mind wiped. It’s the only way I can help.”

  “Just, so you can turn me loose on the streets somewhere to die? No chance, Normie. Knowledge of Paraiso, and your setup here is my only insurance.”

  “Never going to happen, Helena. You’d sell out to the Collective as soon as you get a chance. I’ll talk to Misti, but I think you should leave in the morning and go away; as far away as you can. But you will never leave with your knowledge intact. You’d betray us as fast as you get the cash to do so.”

  In the morning when Helena woke up, she came out to find Tar in the living room. They were alone.

  “Norman gave you an injection this morning. Said you would expire pea
cefully, but I was to watch and confirm your death. Did you switch sides, is that what this was all about?”

  “Adam might kill Enzo; he has no chance against Paulo. It was time to switch to the winning side once I knew the truth. I decided Enzo was a loser, but not Paulo. I contacted him secretly through intermediaries and he welcomed me back; then we decided on this course of action to get back inside the center of power. The packing was fun; still is. But I had to get a move on. Maybe my gamble failed, but Normie doesn’t have it in him to poison me.”

  “You’re right.”

  Tar took her head in an instant. He wrapped her up carefully, cleaned up the blood, then departed.


  Norman was alone with his kids that night.

  “She left?”


  “Did she say where she was going?”


  “Think we’ll ever see her again?”

  “Nope. I think she’s in a happier place. Now, whose turn is it to roll. I have hotels from Atlantic to Boardwalk. Your mine, mine I say! All mine!”

  And they were.

  Denver eventually beckoned them home where all three kids went to Colorado State; Normie’s boy played quarterback his junior year, starting in his senior year. His eldest daughter became a doctor – sports medicine, while his younger daughter became a Member of Congress. The only conflict in the family was why the young Congresswoman from Denver was a Republican. Her father, brother and sister wondered where they had gone wrong, where they failed her.

  She replied, “The Gens are Republicans, the Nobilus Democrats and humans unable to make up their minds. Still, I always vote family first, so be happy I learned love from you three little babies. I’m in the Gens caucus. There are six of us now. Not bad.”

  Chapter 39

  “Operator 7, how may I direct your call?”

  “General George Mitchell, please.”

  “Sorry sir, but there’s no such officer by that name at this facility. Perhaps you could speak to our Liaison Officer, Colonel Sarlow?”

  “Please tell the General that this concerns Adam St. James. And be quick about it.”

  Another man came on the line and asked who was calling. “Sir, I may be able to patch you through, but the General is a very busy man.”

  “His only job, currently, is finding Dr. Adam St. James, so get his ass on the phone now if he wants what I have.”

  “He needs your name, sir. Please I cannot connect you without your name.”

  “And to trace of my location. Please deliver a message to him and his staff. He’s got fifteen seconds left before I hang up.”

  “Yes sir.”


  Enzo looked at Paulo, wondering why the hard line. It didn’t matter. Paulo hung up.

  “It matters who the alpha male is here, and that he was trying to fuck with me; 0 for 2 in my book. We’ll go down the list until someone wakes up. Who’s next?”

  “Brough at NSA and Jensen in the Senate. Which do you prefer?”

  “Let’s try Jensen, he’s more likely to not try to trace the call. Brough will try to do the same as Michell.”

  Enzo said, “What difference does it make. They can’t trace the call. Let them do whatever wastes their time.”

  “My call, my rules. They are not in charge here, I am.”

  “As you wish. Your call, your rules.”

  Enzo dialed the private cell phone of Senator Aaron Jensen, senior Senator from Nevada. Ex-military, a full-blown hawk, and on the Senate Oversight Committee trying to locate and illegally rendition Adam St. James. So, far, millions of dollars spent, and nothing to show for it. The trail was cold. Freezing cold.

  “Senator how are you today?”

  “Who are you, and how did you get this number? This is a secure line.”

  “Well, not that secure, I guess. Who I am doesn’t matter and how I got this number is my secret, not yours. What’s important is that I have information on Adam St. James. I might be able to help you find him, his operation and fuck up his tech.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “One of the NSA’s old operatives, Alana McCarthy, is the mastermind behind his tech; we might be able to use that against him.”

  “Turn her?”

  “No chance of that, but there may be a way to ping her that gets her attention, which gets his attention, and eventually, God willing, smokes him out.”

  “Seems like a lot of ifs piled on a whole bunch more ifs.”

  “Yeah and right now you have a lot of nothing piled on nothing. If you’d rather pass on my help, just say so. If that’s what you want to do, fine. We can part ways now.”

  “What’s your angle here. What do you want in return?”

  “Nothing. Well, I want him behind bars for a while. A long while, but besides that, nada. Nothing.”

  “How do we do this?”

  “You tell me how to communicate on a secure line with you, and your staff and I’ll start sending you what I have. I’d use Brough; he has better toys. But Mitchell might be useful. Any static from you and yours, and we’re through, so play nice. That includes trying to find out who I am and where I am or ever, ever trying to contact me.”


  It wasn’t of course; the Senator would engage with Mitchell and Brough to track this guy down ASAP, deliver him to the new Area 20 for interrogation, and put him in an adjoining cell with St. James. Nobody, nobody fucked with him, gave orders and jerked around the US Federal Government.


  The conference call was the following day, and unmonitored. Three men sat in a closed, secure room, confident their security was second to none. They were wrong, but the spy being Alana, was also unaware that the NSA had made some headway in penetrating her security using her methods and tools. They had somehow found an old backdoor to some insignificant piece of spy software installed on an old Russian satellite. From there they patched into something else, and finally found a way to ping her access to the DL Main. It was like Morse Code, but without words. It was enough, however to alert Alana to the fact that something was up.

  She checked the daily schedules and found the three men were gathered for a meeting at Langley. With the senator there; the subject had to be Adam.

  Alana rang through to their “secure” facility. A CIA agent, detailed to the task force, answered.

  “Brough, it’s for you.”

  “DND; have them call back.”

  “It’s Alana McCarthy. She says to answer the phone or bad things are going to happen quickly. Bad things.”

  “On speaker.”

  The three were quiet.

  Brough said, “Alana dear, to what do we owe the honor of this call?”

  “Stop what you are doing, stay away from the guy who called you and leave us alone. Simple, one, two, three. I thought we had an understanding. You lied.”

  “Now, now there. We got a call from him and all we wanted to do was talk.”

  “His name is Paulo Fortizi and he’s trying to use you to get to me and Adam. I haven’t told Adam, but if I do, you’ll be fucked. Sincerely and totally fucked.”

  “Not sure we can do that, sweet cheeks.”

  “Call me that again and you’ll regret your rudeness. That’s on you.”

  Alana continued. “Fortizi and his brother are high level terrorists. Help them and I will start retaliation.”

  “Sounds like a mighty big boast to me. No one has that kind of power. We’d know about it if it were true.”

  “All your cars in all parking lots at Langley are now dust. I will start on CIA Headquarters in fifteen minutes, then the NSA server farms, then the military. Your access to the DL Main is now terminated, and all your clones of the DL Main are disabled. I shit you not.”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Hold please.”

  A few minutes later a groggy Adam was on the line. Alana filled him in.

  “Naw, just kill these three and their entire
staffs. If they keep it up, then do all your other stuff you said to make the point crystal clear. How you feelin’, Alana?”

  “Morning sickness, and craving cherry ice cream, and celery juice, but otherwise fine.”

  “You look good sweetie. I’ll drop by tonight. Bye guys.”

  Adam was going nowhere; he was on the tail end of his recovery, but few knew that.

  “OK, gents. Who wants to go first?”

  “OK, OK, we’ll do as you ask. But …”

  “But what, Brough? You have something to say? Say it!”

  “No. Just leave us alone and we’ll do the same for you.”

  “You’re a liar and I don’t trust you or anyone in that room. If I detect any deviation I will destroy you, all of you, and do so with no regret. That includes your Brit and Israeli friends too.”

  “We need to consider …”

  “What we need to consider, Brough, is that you, the Brits and the Mossad tried to kill me and my family, our colleagues and allies in cold blood, you wanted to kidnap and rendition us, first to torture us for any information we might give up, and then to keep us incarcerated indefinitely. You are in violation of US Federal law and the Constitution. I’ll hold you accountable for your actions from here on out. Cross the line, and you are dead, all dead including your colleagues anywhere I can find them. I am your judge, jury, and executioner.”

  She paused.

  “I know where all of you are; each and every American, Brit and Israeli. Let them all know that this is your last warning. Heed it or face serious fucking consequences.”


  “I guess that ends it,” said Brough. He wrote something down on a piece of paper, showed it to the other two guys, excluding the CIA minder, and went their separate ways. Three hours later they met up again in the basement of an old CIA interrogation room that hadn’t even been painted in thirty years.

  “No electronics, gents. We can speak freely.”

  “Parking lot would’ve worked too you know.”

  “Doubtful, but if you want to call someone from there or your car, go ahead. Just don’t call me.”


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