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Resolution Page 82

by Douglas E Roff

  The sisters put their arms around Adam and said how much they loved him.

  “It’s the boyish grin. Makes you powerless in my presence.”

  “It might be that. Or something a little lower. We can discuss it when I return,” said Fionna. She left.

  Chapter 14

  Akira arrived at Adam’s bachelor pad in the company of Hecate. Fionna had left minutes before, leaving Niona alone with Adam when Hecate arrived. Akira was visibly nervous when he saw Niona and was immediately angry and shouted at her.

  “Adam, this fucking witch threatened me with death and expulsion. I was doing my best to protect you, and this is what I get? She had better apologize and right now.”

  “About what? You spread the word about this myth invented by Paulo like a lapdog. Could you have been more ignorant? You played right into Paulo’s hands and made things immeasurably worse.”

  “It would have happened anyway; it was only a matter of time. You know this. And you must know this was planned a long time ago by Paulo; he was just waiting for the right moment before the fight to lock you down and make you fight as a human. This place is crawling with traitors from the Collective we let in on your orders. We should have been more careful. This was a disaster waiting to happen.”

  “Settle down, Akira; this is what Paulo wants. Dissension in the ranks. The Councils will never achieve consensus in my favor. I must resolve this problem another way, but before I can, I must clean up the mess here. You’re right of course. We let everyone in when we probably shouldn’t have. And I wasn’t careful enough with identifying this threat. But we are where we are, and we will fix this. So, whether you are free from responsibility, or the girls overreacted, does not matter. Now get a grip and be part of the solution, not the problem. And both of you park your egos or I’ll expel you both. Am I being clear?”



  “Good. Now, where is Tar?”

  Hecate said, “On his way with the Councillors and the jailers.”

  “Good. We’ll get this settled quickly. We’re going to invade their minds and get to the truth.”


  “I think Hecate can go fastest and get to the truth quickest. She should be back now if the others are on their way. Then …”


  “Then she needs to leave and go see Liara. I expect that when Fionna gets back, we’re going to learn that your Master, Niona, probably had nothing to do with the Prophecy.”


  “Who does the Prophecy benefit? Liara of course. She screwed up, and planting this seed was her way to eventually correct it. I don’t doubt she’s planted other seeds just in case too.”

  “Four hundred years is a long time to wait. Why?”

  “Four hundred years to her is nothing. Why? It involves me and my peculiar DNA. I think she’s been waiting for my appearance for a long time, but there needed to be more Gens in the gene pool, and more Nobilus. Especially Nobilus.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I have Nobilus, Gens and human genetic code along with the fourth gene; I am uniquely in a position to make something happen. I am the perfect storm for Liara. Enough to coax her out to help me in Oregon, and enough to help me now. She needs me, then she needs to eliminate me. I’m evidence.”

  “Evidence? Why would anyone care when this is all over?”

  “You’d have to ask her Immortal friends, like the ones who came after me in Oregon using Enzo and Paulo as their front. It’s clear that there is something going on with them, and maybe we will never understand what it is. After all, the Immortals play by different rules. I think Liara feels threatened, and she has something to prove. Her job as ‘Creator’ may be more tenuous than you think.”

  “Does any of this help us? Keeping you alive?”

  “Maybe. I think we need to find the Book and get some answers. Assuming that it’s real and has answers.”

  The door opened, and Tar stepped in. “You called for me Master? I have the Councillors and the jailers who remain.”

  “Who remain?”

  “Some are gone. Disappeared.”

  “Track them down. Where’s Orsin?”

  “Here my Lord. What is your command?”

  “Gather your best Trackers. I want these traitors found.”

  “Yes, Lord. Right away.”

  “Come Tar. Put the jailers we have in the Study and have your men watch them; bring me the Councillors.”

  Tar did as requested, then sat down to watch. Hecate appeared minutes later and joined Tar.

  Adam began, “You are the Councillors who were with Akira a short while ago and spoke to my women? Is this so?”

  Hecate was excited to hear Adam refer to her as one of ‘his women’. “Exciting, no? C’mon Tar, tell me it doesn’t give you the shivers.”

  “No, Lady Hecate, it does not. And you are not old enough to talk this way. Modesty; you may wish to consider it. And I would ask that you take care around Orsin. He cares for you.”

  Hecate looked at Tar. “You don’t seem the protective type, Tar. Why the concern all of a sudden?”

  “He’s a good lad and honest; you’re an Immortal with an agenda and the duty to kill my Master. Just to be clear, if I could, I would kill you now rather than let you fulfill your mission.”

  Hecate smiled. “I understand you far better now, Tar. Protect the ones you love from all threats. I admire that. Let me assure you that I will not kill Adam, and that I adore Orsin. He is, as you say, a good man and honest to a fault. He aspires to be you. It is not a wholly unworthy aspiration, but I have counseled him to blaze his own trail, not follow yours.”

  “I agree. He has qualities in this time that are much in demand. And he will one day be a great leader. He is smart, schooled in the ways of the human culture, has been gifted with the knowledge that you and the Manti have at your disposal. The Manti has gifted him far more. He is not only favored by the Manti, but by his ladies too, even the mercurial the Lady Alana and the now absent Lady Misti.”

  “You have something you wish to say? Why name the Lady Alana? Do you suspect I share her anger and resentment?”

  “I know you are both close and that you each threatened to leave the Manti if he did not reject the Lady Niona and Lady Fionna. Is this not so?”

  “It is. I was wrong and did not follow the Lady Alana in her reaction to Niona. I was sorry for my arrogance and asked the Manti to forgive me. He did.”

  “Your willingness to act the fool is deeply disturbing to me, and why I do not trust you or your motivations. You will sacrifice Orsin if you deem it expedient, and I have no doubt you serve another Master. Yet, the Manti still favors you over all others. You are honored yet do not appreciate the honor. You are a woman with great powers; yet you act as a child. You should remember I was in Germany when you first appeared and threatened my Master.”

  “Our Master.”

  “Yes, our Master.”

  “You seem to have compiled a long list of grievances against me. Have you discussed your concerns with Adam?”

  “I have. He still favors you and thinks I overreact. As to his wives who cannot seem to make up their minds about him, he is patient. He is a great leader and a generous man. He vanquishes his enemies yet treats them with honor and respect. He seeks no retribution, even for those who wished him dead. He leads by example yet can be unforgiving and cruel. If he weren’t human, I would say he is the finest Gens ever to have walked this planet. You would do well to emulate him.”

  “I thank you for your honestly, Tar. But you are wrong about me. Not wrong that I have much to learn, or that I should not pay closer attention to my Master. I should. But you see only my face, not my heart. You see the wrong things and only what you are allowed to see. Adam, my Master, the Manti, knows my heart intimately, not my childish ways that don’t matter. You would do well to emulate him in this too. Adam’s best quality, when it comes to all of us who love him, i
s that he does not judge. He accepts us all as we are, as we do him. I believe our Master sees who we really are, understands our needs, our weakness and frailties, and our strengths. He loves you Tar and favors you. As he does Orsin. Do not presume to know what I feel.”

  Hecate disappeared, then reappeared next to Adam as his interrogation continued.

  “Ah, Hecate. I need your assistance. These men have all denied any contact with Paulo and have denied carrying out his orders in spreading the dissention to the Gens around the world. I think they are lying, as does Akira.”

  “And Akira? What of him?”

  “I hold him blameless and wanting only to protect me and our nation. I believe he was used to carry out the treachery conceived by Paulo but spread by others. Including these five. Please enter their minds and determine the truth.”

  Hecate disappeared, entering all five quickly and knowing their minds.

  “They all conspired with Paulo and infiltrated the corps of jailers with their men. Neither Tar nor Akira knew anything of this betrayal; it was carried out by a cabal within Paraiso and led by these men and others whose names I now have. Of the jailers who did not flee, only three remain who were part of the conspiracy and are present here now. I have the names and faces of those who fled; they should be arrested soon. The others are loyal to Tar and to you.”

  Tar wasted no time in arresting the guilty jailers with Hecate’s help. The Councillors were detained and put in cells in the jail; other conspirators were also identified and arrested that night. In the morning, Orsin and his hunters returned with the escaped jailers and incarcerated them immediately.

  Adam took Hecate off to the side for a chat. “Fionna has left to meet with her Master to determine if the Prophecy is the handiwork of her people. I need you to go visit Liara and explain this matter. I suspect the Prophecy to be her business, so she and she alone can rectify our dilemma. Can you do this for me?”

  “What kind of question is that? I am overjoyed to help. You are beginning to sound like Tar.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that Tar does not trust me, and thinks I mean to kill you. He doubts my sincerity and believes I serve another Master, not you. He points to everything I have ever done to hurt you. His case is strong.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. But I know the truth while he does not. Tar is loyal and protective. But trusting, he is not. He will come to know reality before this is all over and love you as I do. Now, do not doubt my love for you or suspect me of inconstancy. You are my princess and I entrust my life to you in this reunion with the Creator. Please be swift and return to me with news.”

  “You said that I was one of ‘your women’ earlier to the Councillors. Did you mean it?”

  “Of course. Though neither you nor the sisters are women, exactly.”


  “You are much more than gender. You are Immortals, and own vast acreage in the lands of my very soul. I am blessed to have you in my life. I could not long endure without you. Now, little one, go find Liara.”

  “I love you, daddy.” Hecate smiled the smile of a vixen, knowing that Adam disliked it when she called him ‘daddy’; he thought it inappropriate. “I’ll be back in a flash. I’m Immortal, you know.”

  “And a brat. And growing up too fast.”

  “Will there be corporal?”

  “Will you be mortal?”

  “Perhaps I’ll just watch you and your wives being naughty in their minds. I’m too young for that kind of physical exertion, though Misti highly recommends it.”

  “Quit stalling. Say hi to her majesty.”

  “Back in a flash.”

  Chapter 15

  A scant four hours later, Hecate was back in Adam’s home with news from the land of the Immortals. Liara happened to be in residence when Hecate arrived, and when Hecate shared the news of Paulo’s claim that Adam had to fight him in human form based on the Prophecy, Liara was displeased. The interpretation of the rules of the contest was considered by Liara to be her exclusive domain, not a Council of Mortals, not Paulo nor any other group or entity aside from her.

  “Return to Earth and let everyone know that I will be visiting soon to resolve this matter personally. Let Adam know that I will be inviting tens of thousands of Gens, as well as representatives of humans of the Eighty-One, to the Coliseum. Do not breathe a word of this to anyone else, and make sure that Adam understands that this is not to be shared with his wives or other close women folk. The other Immortals are to be kept in the dark. Be sure Adam understands what I require. Am I clear?”

  “You are Mistress. I will convey your wishes to Adam, and we will await your arrival. Is there anything you wish me to do?”

  “Yes. I want your mortals to contact everyone on the list I am now providing you. Have the mortals do this right away; better if Adam coordinates his people. Contact the people I require, who shall be instructed to contact their subordinates and arrange for them to convene in Paraiso. Make sure they understand that their Creator demands their presence in Paraiso, and to journey there no later than two months from today. Tell them their Creator will be most displeased if they fail to obey my command.”

  “It shall be done, Mistress.”

  “Good. Now leave me and make haste. I shall see you in the Coliseum two months hence.”

  “Mistress, may I ask you a question?”

  “You may.”

  “What if the invitees don’t show? What then.”

  “The invitation from the Chosen of Chosen will be a formality to gauge devotion to me. If they fail to attend, I will bring them myself. The aftermath will be … uncomfortable to terminal in nature. I intend to resolve this matter quickly and firmly.”

  “May I ask how you intend to rule?”

  “Easy. In Adam’s favor. There was no mention of this issue in the Prophecy, which I created; a Shaman of the Gens in China interpreted the Prophecy in this manner well after the Prophecy was initially revealed. The Shaman was a mystic and claimed to have been channeling me. He was not, though the herbs he was ingesting may have played a role in his perception of reality. Or perhaps he just made it up. Can’t say, but after that, it became a deeply ingrained myth. By the twentieth century, most Gens thought it was a part of the Prophecy, though few had actually read the Prophecy in ancient tongue. Sometimes scribes added the falsehood into the translated text to make it seem part of the original. I shall disabuse the humans and Gens of this notion. Now go.”

  “Yes Mistress.”


  Adam was back in his Study when Hecate returned finding him alone.

  The festivities were concluded, Tar was busy with Orsin rounding up Paulo’s disciples and finding room for them in the cells. Neither Tar nor Orsin, nor Akira or Adam had any idea what they would do with them. The Gens leadership loyal to Adam would want to put the Gens to death for treason; they were certain that Adam would not allow it. Conversion to the Way was his preferred method and second and third chances the norm. The Gens loved Adam for his compassion, except when they didn’t. Treason and betrayal were huge no-noes to Tar and his military faction.

  “They lived comfortably among us, were welcomed with open arms and were always treated fairly. This betrayal is unconscionable. We must be firm and make examples of them.”

  Adam replied, “Let us think on this a while when our heads are cooler and the emotions not so red hot. Death can no longer always be the answer as it had been. I will make exceptions though; the Councillors and jailers are all condemned to death.”


  “Soon. I do not wish to linger on this decision. Their families will be sent away, but not punished. I want no wagging tongues remaining filled with poison to surmount insurrection later.”

  “As you wish, Master.”


  Hecate said, “I have news from her highness. She will arrive here in Paraiso along with tens of thousands whom she commands you to contact to direct their attendance to the event
with Paulo.”

  Adam mused, “They won’t come. They will stay home and foment trouble. They are minions of Paulo. My request will be ignored.”

  “This is not a request, Adam. You are to convey that the command does not come from you, but from the Creator. Any who fail her will be brought forcibly by Liara. And they will be punished. She wishes to gauge the devotion of her subjects, or so she says. I think it’s an excuse to terrorize disobedient mortals and show them who’s boss.”

  “I see.”

  “She told me that you are to tell no one, especially your wives and close family, friends and ‘foreigners’.”

  “You mean the sisters.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s what she meant. I doubt she is very aware of your other wives.”

  “Perhaps from Oregon.”

  “Perhaps, but thinking like an Immortal means talking only to other Immortals. This is a snub. Maybe it’s best to do as she says. Let’s not poke the lady who can save your ass.”

  “Agreed. But it will go badly for me. With everyone. They won’t like being left out again.”

  “Tough titty, as Misti would say. Not their call.”


  Adam personally attended to the contact with the Gens leadership on the list given to him by Liara. As he suspected, the leaders and clans were not receptive to returning to Paraiso; instead, they were quite willing to call “bullshit” on Adam and ignore his pleas to attend. Most were very direct in their assertion that this was nothing more than Adam trying to dodge a legitimate issue raised by Paulo that would expose Adam as a fraud who had gamed his way to the top. If this attitude festered, it would mean loss of confidence in his leadership, and the eventual demise of his plan to save the world. While most Gens prayed to the Creator as their deity, their fervor for religion was not a hallmark of Gens culture. Their religion was mostly along the lines of “thank the Creator” when things went well, and ‘damn the Creator” when they did not. The Creator was not God; no one worried that the Creator was listening in.


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