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Resolution Page 89

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam was stunned, but immediately knew what Fionna had done.

  “You lie, Immortal. You lie. This is not the will of the Creator nor was it with Alana. The source of that evil was elsewhere, though I did not know from where or by whom. This evil is your doing, manufactured in your deviant and aberrant mind to force Niona to choose between who and what she loves, and eternity as your little sister. You feel spurned and betrayed that a bug like me could win her heart and her devotion. Now you disguise your true intent behind a veil I could not see in her mind. This is not the evil that Alana suffered; I could see her evil, experience it and wall off those memories to heal the woman I loved even before knew I loved her. But this, this hideousness is an affront to all Immortals and mortals on this planet alike; it is perverse even for you.”

  Niona asked, “Is this true, Fionna? Cori were you a part of this too?”

  Cori said coldly, “I did as instructed by my elder sister for the reason that you have abandoned us. Your mind is clouded with the petty trouble of a world that does not matter. It follows that all the mortals here do not matter either. I am not the designer of this punishment, but I accede to the wisdom of Fionna in trying to save you from yourself. Recant your decision and beg to be allowed to rejoin the species of Immortals. You belong with us, not here.”

  Niona said, “Be careful intervening in the concord between the Lord our God and me. It is not for you to interpose your will or decide what He allows, or I decide. Further, demanding anything of Adam is without purpose, since he has no power over me or the One True God. Even if I wanted to, I could not change what I have sought. Nor can you.”

  “You will do as I ask, or this insect Hannah will perish in a most agonizing fashion. Choose for her and for you. Do so now.”

  “I will not. I have made my choice, and you will answer for your arrogance and perfidy. I command you to restore the life of this innocent. Now!”

  “Or what, mortal? You will use your Sari blade on me and Cori?”

  Suddenly Fionna turned rigid, as did Cori. They remained frozen for some time, as if gripped by some unseen force.

  They had been.

  When they returned to themselves and could speak again, it was Cori who spoke first.

  “I most humbly apologize for my part in this episode. I have been shown the error of my way by the One True God. As punishment I am banished from this world and shall be sent to another place and time to reflect on my exercise of arrogance. I am exiled to be alone and reflect on my foolishness. I am truly sorry.”

  She vanished.

  Fionna was next. “I have undone the harm I caused, and when Hannah awakens, she will be as before. I have been asked to implore you to take this woman back into you family and the love that abides there, restore her happiness and undue the memories that have so troubled her. This is your task, Adam. You should begin Immediately before she awakens.”

  “And you, Fionna?”

  “I am now made mortal as punishment, but with all with all my powers intact. I may not leave this planet nor this place, Paraiso, without Adam’s permission. I may regain my Immortality only if I earn it through service here. As Adam is your Master Niona, so now is he mine. I will survive his death, but only if I prove myself worthy in the eyes of those I serve with humility.”

  Adam said, “Then you are permitted back into my household. If this is not what you desire, then reside elsewhere so long as you do not impede our purpose. If you are unfaithful to our cause or me or seek to ally yourself with those who would destroy us, I will kill you, mortal. As I am already dead, your death will stain my soul little more. I commend myself to Almighty God, as I have all my life.”

  Niona said, “That will not be necessary. I will kill her myself if she proves faithless.”

  Chastened by her dread of the retribution of death permitted by her Great Master, she knelt and bowed her head, “I will not. I will obey your commands as I would my Lord God. It is His will, so I will submit to your authority and will try hard to learn the lessons of humility He has commanded.”

  “Then you may join us in my residence; you are accepted as a guest. But forgiveness and acceptance must be earned; trust is not a commodity bought with mere soothing words or protestations of remorse. If you are repentant before God, that is enough for me. For now.”

  “I bend to the will of God that this is a lesson long past due.”

  “Then we shall take the first steps tomorrow. You will speak to Hannah, admit everything to her, and beg her forgiveness. When that is done, you will have much work to do. Misti will find tasks suitable to your new status as acolyte of the Way. Thereafter, we shall see if your repentance is genuine or a ruse.”

  Chapter 24

  Derek Nobilus, now mostly recovered from his wounds from the firefight in Boston, was convened with Misti, Adam, Kendra, Cindy and Francois Lemieux in the Ops Center. Hecate attended too, mostly to observe and determine what role she might play. Both Fionna and Niona came late though fully prepared to discuss plans for battle. Niona was wielding her Sari blade and ready for war. Though no longer Immortal, Fionna was still formidable and virtually invincible in any fight involving any weapon made on planet Earth. She was spoiling for a fight to prove her metal and to persuade Adam and his women that she was a new woman. Adam was less certain about Fionna’s true motivations but relied on Niona to interpret her sister’s intent.

  “She’s chastened and trying to change her ways. After eons of arrogance, it’s not completely fair to expect too much too fast. She’ll make her way and wants more than anything to find a way to save you and me from certain death. Don’t underestimate how powerful she is; loss of Immortality has not diminished her power, only her life expectancy, and our Master has not diminished her ability to travel instantaneously by force of will alone.”

  “But not you?”

  “No. I’m attached to your hip and am mortal in every respect. My desire to relinquish my Immortality is actually more of a punishment than Fionna’s. Her punishment is to learn humility. But she will never abandon Immortality, or the gifts given her by the One True God. My choice is an affront to my Master.”


  “None but my regret of my Great Master’s anger with me. I am steadfast in my decision, my love for you, and my fate. I am committed to you and making this planet safe. When we die, as we surely must, my fondest hope is that my God will allow us to exist forever together as one. I see room for all who love you, but if I may be honest and selfish, I would not mind eternity with just you alone.”

  “Selfish is not you, and if it were within my power, I would grant your wish. I have loved you and now that I understand you as I now do, I am ashamed I ever doubted you. Your sister, however, is a different story. I don’t doubt that she will be engaged on our side in this conflict; I just question her level of commitment. I don’t think she likes me and blames me for her predicament with both you and our Lord. I still think she views me as a lab rat.”

  Niona smiled. “Good, I have you all to myself among the community of Immortals.”


  “Them too.”


  Misti began her meeting on the importance of the secret data that Derek had, though no longer controlled. There were two places that held the data, London on a hard drive in a bank safety deposit box, and a building in Dublin that contained both digital and hard copies of people, places and genetic profiles. If Adam and Misti only needed the information, the easy choice was London. Get to the bank, get the hard drive, and get out of town quickly. A small number of highly trained operatives and Derek were all that would be necessary to retrieve the data. End of story.

  But that was not the end of the story.

  If the data fell into the hands of the Collective, the recriminations would soon begin along with a long drawn out bloodbath, beginning with the million or so purebred Nobilus still alive. There were millions more of mixed species Nobilus and humans, having anywhere from a modest
amount of Nobilus blood to almost no human genetics at all. Every Nobilus, male or female, carried Gens genetics. Almost all carried some human genetics too. It was imperative that genetic data for the Gens and Nobilus be protected, and that data for the Nobilus be prevented from falling into the hands of the Collective.

  Derek alone knew the whereabouts of both locations and he would only be needed to physically access the safety deposit box in London. A second team would be dispatched to a small rural town outside Dublin to take possession of the hard copies of the Nobilus data; centuries of history but also containing the identity, genetic makeup and whereabouts of every Nobilus, purebred and mixed species on the planet.

  “Your people will be protected by us, whether they choose to come to Paraiso, or we relocate them elsewhere to a safe community of their choosing. But Derek, you must convince them not of our needs, but of their danger. If they don’t take steps to ensure their own safety, and that of their families, they will perish at the claws and paws of the Collective. The Collective knows what I am doing, I am certain of it. They had the help of rebel Immortals in Oregon, and Enzo and Paulo were trained and enhanced by those Immortals for decades. This war with humanity is a diversion in the greater civil war among the Immortals of the RealVerse. We need your help and cannot risk losing you.”

  “What do you propose?”

  “The hard drive is safe in your bank, is it not?”

  “It is.”

  “And nobody knows it exists?”


  “Then we send a team to Dublin first and secure the hard copies. Then, if necessary, when you are fully healed, we can sneak into the UK and retrieve the hard drive. The paper data is most vulnerable. What is the likelihood that the Collective knows where your library is located?”

  “Possible, but not likely. But it’s possible that they have some knowledge and have localized their search.”

  “How so?”

  “As I was leaving London, the Gens Trackers and their human dogs were looking for me. They had found some of my people; they disappeared without a trace. I assume they were interrogated in Gens fashion, but Paulo had developed new drugs as good as the DARPA formulas that were effective in extracting information. Ultimately the subject thereafter remains permanently in a state of schizophrenia, dementia or worse.”

  “What would they have gotten? What could they have gotten?”

  “Not an exact location, but maybe localized to Ireland, maybe even Dublin. But not anything more concrete. If they did, I can assure you they would already have the data in their hands. And, I warn you that Dublin is probably crawling with Gens Trackers and military. They want our data; they don’t care how they get it.”

  “Then we need to move fast and get there quickly with a strike team and trucks to move the library somewhere safe.”

  “Who do you have in mind?”

  “Misti, the Immortals, Octavio and his men, Kendra and me. Why?”

  “Facial recognition. Paulo knows what you, Misti and Octavio look like from the Grand Canyon. You’ll endanger the mission. I also think you need to get into the building, palletize the crates and move them by heavy chopper to the nearest port and get them out of Ireland. The Gens will be watching, and their tech is now much improved. This needs to be off books and fast. I’ll give you the GPS coordinates and maps and other info.”

  “Such as?”

  “There’s a bunker once you get inside the building; you need a keypad password to get in the building and then another to get in the bunker below. Entry by any means other than the secure doors causes the place to blow.”

  “Who has the passwords besides you?”

  “My ex-wife.”

  “Where is she?”

  “England. St. Mark’s Church Cemetery in Bath. I’m the only living soul who can get you in and out of the bunker alive.”

  “Then Dublin it is. We’re going in, just not by commercial flights. Stealthy in, stealthy out. Alana will provide us with false papers and fake passports just in case, but we go in as a team with men and women trained for just this type of mission. I’ll make all the other arrangements and Alana will monitor any chatter in Ireland from the Gens.”

  “It’s your mission, so you decide on the best way to proceed.”



  Adam took a short walk over to visit Edward with Niona, an unexpected surprise for his father. Adam spent most of his early evenings with his wives and children along with an eclectic group of community leaders who wanted a little face time with Adam or one of his wives. Occasionally a high-born lady would stop in late in the evening to experience Adam. As Manti, he was expected to accept the gift of congress with women of the City, chosen and approved by his wives in residence. Fionna had once been involved, but no longer.

  Fionna accepted her disgrace grudgingly, but being denied physical pleasure with her Master, Adam, seemed unwarranted to her. She resolved to speak to Adam about it soon, though she expected him to say he was not denying her anything; she could congress with anyone she wished. It did not have to be him or his wives; the City of Light held many male and females, all willing specimens. She could easily find pleasure just by asking.

  “I do not wish congress for mere pleasure; I wish physical pleasure with you and our family of wives. My punishment I accept; from my God and from you. I serve you willingly which has become my desire and my duty. Why cannot I have union with you? You pleasure my sister, who serves you no differently than I.”

  “Your sister loves me and has made a sacrifice beyond anything I could ever have imagined; her willingness is authentic in her desire to serve. She does this not because I am her Master, but because she freely chooses to accept our need for her. I have never commanded her in any matter. I ask. She agrees or suggest a better way. Her life as a mortal is no burden or disgrace; she looks forward to a time when we may be joined for eternity, waiting for all of my wives and children to rejoin us. Is this what you wish too? Or to simply to enjoy pleasure without love? Fionna, I do not wish to treat you harshly if this is what you truly desire. But you have not attained the peace in your soul that Niona has. She treasures each day we are together with genuine joy and happiness. You are counting the days until I’m dead. If it was within my power, I would release you from serving me and allow you the freedom to depart this agony you face every day. I know how painful this is for you, but your punishment was not my doing nor Niona’s. This is between you and your heavenly Master. Pray to him and ask forgiveness from servitude in my household. Until you find joy in this place you will always be miserable and that is not anyone’s fault but your own. Ask yourself why your Lord God would send you to serve me; perhaps your answers lie there.”

  “You are cruel.”

  “No, I am honest in the face of your duplicity. Have you forgotten what you did to Hannah Parker? A kindness? Abandon your selfish ways and find pleasure in serving others. That will unlock your prison cell.”

  Fionna was quiet, not enjoying his words or tone, and that she could not crush this bug for his impertinence. She changed her tack.

  “Am I still coming with you to Ireland?”

  “Yes, you are, if you still desire to help. I would be most appreciative if you would join me and your sister on this trip. You are a fierce warrior and your skills and cunning are much admired by Niona. She considers you above all others in bravery and combat. So yes, please join us.”

  “Is there reward for success if we prevail and I am instrumental in that endeavor? May I ask a boon?”

  “You are nothing if not persistent, Fionna. What favor do you ask of me and what service do you wish to perform in my service? Your skills are legendary, so there is little I can think of that is not within your ambit. Speak.”

  “I wish to protect you with my life, guard you day and night, and kill your enemies should you be threatened. I would leave stealing crates to others who are better at it than I. Finn for example is perfectly suited to the tas
k of thievery.”

  “Sadly, I must agree. I accept your offer but know that Niona and Kendra will wish the same duty. Are you willing to work as a team, and not decide only what is best only for yourself?”

  “May I offer counsel?”

  “Of course. But will you abide by the decisions we make and carry out your assigned duties?”

  “I so swear.”

  “And what do you wish in return?”

  “I do not know. Perhaps I shall leave whatever reward to you until after we return. If I merit nothing, give me nothing. Fair?”

  “It is. Yet I feel I have just been fleeced by a cunning one-time Immortal. I think I shall regret this bargain.”

  “Let’s hope so. I am long without your touch and I crave your … tenderness. It is not like me to be so weak, yet there you are. You are my bane when we are near. You command my emotions and I desire you much. Perhaps I should submit to your correction of my behavior and teaching me the finer points of the Way. I can be a very willing student when properly encouraged.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”


  Fionna would protect Adam and do as he bid, but not the others. If her way was the right way, she would act alone to keep her Master safe. Niona would know this; the others, including Adam would not.

  Fionna also had a secret; a secret from before she was banished and still living with Adam and her sister.


  Adam walked alone with Niona to his father’s residence, arm in arm.

  “She will only ever obey you, my love. She will never keep her word to do as any other mortal commands. She is not trying to deceive you; she is focused only on you and no other. I only hope that her oath breaking, if it happens, protects us all while protecting you. Do not fear; she is learning to care for others who are not the Manti. Emotions are difficult for her; giving into them makes her feel weak. It’s new; she is trying hard to adjust. Give her a chance and some rope. She is tethered to you; but be firm and broach no argument or temper. Be firm. Oddly, she will love you for it.”


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