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Resolution Page 96

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam said, “So, you put our young man to the test? Was that necessary?”

  “Not a job requirement and yet, what was your word? Prudent. I have new respect for the young warrior. Why did you not tell me I was to command?”

  “Because you would have done so anyway. What need have I of saying what was already in your mind.”

  “You think you know me, don’t you?”

  “No. Not at all. Just some things. Your sister I can read; she is an open book and shares her love without reservation. You trust no one. You are closed off and impossible to read; you are inscrutable.”

  “Is any of that a compliment.”

  “An observation. Nothing more.”

  “What shall I do?”

  “What can you do? Move out and come home. If the building is going to explode, you must move those who can be hurt away as quickly as you can.”

  “Hmmmm. I disagree. I think we should remain here, for a while.”

  “Do not take chances with those who look to you for guidance and protection. They are not Immortal.”

  “Maybe. On the other hand, …”

  “Fionna, there is no other hand. Please get everyone to safety. Immediately!”

  “No. I have a different idea. It will only take a minute. Hang on to your chones.”

  “Fionna, please. Get them to safety first, then do as you please. I’m begging you.”

  “Oh Master, I am but fucking with you for the sheer pleasure of it. I have disarmed the bombs and secured the tech and collections. I shall round up the remaining Gens and send them along to their fate. I detect a Curator hiding, so I will free him and then come home. I shall bring the tech and the collection with me.”

  “You can do that? Why didn’t you say so?”

  “You are the Master, I the servant. You ask, I answer. That is the way this works. Was this never explained to you?”

  “No. Someone forgot to mention it.”

  “Must have slipped my mind. Apologies. Can you hold a moment?”


  “Good, now the Gens are gone, and I have told the remaining Curator to meet us in the lobby. It is safe for him to come out. I will transport everything with me when we return. Where shall I put it?”

  “Put the tech in the empty space below the Tech Center, and the collections in the Great Room out past Tanner’s farm.”

  “As you wish. Done. We shall fly Air Fionna and Air Niona home. We shall see you presently.”



  “Does this mean you can steal the Gens Libraries too?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then we need not go to war?”

  “I would have told you when I got back.”

  “And Niona?”

  “Her powers of Immortality have been restored, but her fate still resides with you. She was going to tell you when she got home. Try to act surprised.”

  “And you? What do I owe you?”

  “Nothing, my Master. Nothing at all. But if you felt some small reward or boon was appropriate, I would not be averse.”

  “You have something in mind?”

  “Can a dog lick his balls? I like that. Catchy and sounds naughty.”

  “Is there a reason why you torment me? I try never to torment you. And I love your sister.”

  “My sister is sweet and in love. I am not her. I am more the shrew, difficult to understand, mercurial and hard to please. That’s why you like me. Admit it. I’m a challenge. I remind you of her.”

  “I admit nothing other than that you are a challenge and mercurial. Beneath all that puffery and hubris, you are more like your sister than you care to admit. But you think it is weakness to show tenderness and affection. I think it sad. But, it is your life. And I am still very glad to have you at my side as an ally, no matter your thorny disposition. And, I have great affection for you, Fionna the Formidable.”

  There was silence between them as Fionna thought of her next witty and biting comment.

  Then she heard gunshots. She dropped her phone and ran to the foyer.

  Chapter 34

  As Fionna entered the room, she saw Orsin standing in front of the diminutive man, arms outstretched like a cross showing no desire to hurt the man cloaked in white robes on the stairs. Beside Orsin on the floor bleeding and in pain were two of his men, each shot in the shoulder and watching the cloaked and hooded figure intensely. Three other men had guns drawn and pointing at what appeared to be a Curator.

  Orsin said, “Please sir, lower your weapon. We have no intention of harming you, but you must point your pistol in another direction. Now. You may be injured otherwise.”

  Orsin could not see the Curator’s face from inside the hood, only that the gun that was pointed in the direction of his charges; he would do nothing to precipitate a confrontation.

  “I beg you sir, please, we mean you no harm, but the Gens Collective military have killed your colleagues and have placed explosives throughout the building. If we do not soon act, we shall all die and this collection that you love so much will go up in fire and smoke. So, I ask again, please lower your weapon and leave with us while we can still get to safety.”

  The voice spoke, not the deep voice of man, but of a young woman. “And how do I know that it was not you who killed my family here; my mother, father and sister. Or that it was not you who placed explosives here to destroy all we have kept safe for over two millennia. What can you say to prove your claim, or are you a deceiver like those who came to this place of erudition to murder and destroy? What smooth words do you offer that I may believe you rather than my own eyes?”

  “You may believe that we are alone, that we came in peace and that we spoke to the Curators of this place yesterday and the day before. Derek Nobilus of the Nobilus Magnus spoke to your colleagues just yesterday afternoon. We come as emissaries of our Master, Adam St. James, the Manti, the Chosen One who fulfills the ancient Prophecy. That is how you may believe.”

  “And if this Master is as false as your words? What proof have I that you, or he, did not direct this carnage?”

  “There are two Immortals here in this room, Niona the Huntress and her formidable and fierce sister and healer, Fionna the Immortal. They could easily kill you now, without further consideration, but it is my wish and command that they not. That we end this confrontation peacefully and without further bloodshed. Your losses are tragic, and we offer our condolences, but we cannot undue what others have cast upon you. It was not us. Let my friends leave now and I shall remain as your prisoner until I can convince you of our innocence.”

  “And die with me here if you cannot. If the walls of this institution come down upon us and we go to meet our Maker? This you would do?”

  “To save my friends and make peace with you, yes. I would gladly give my life to save the lives of all here assembled, and yours. There is no need to die here today. Do not let the pain you feel cloud your judgment; we are friend, not foe.”

  “Then you have bought freedom for your friends, but you will remain behind.”

  “Then permit me to disarm so I pose no threat to you. I am your willing captive, and I place my life in your hands. Fionna, please do nothing, take your sister, the Ladies Cia and Eene and my comrades out of this place and away to safety. Tend to my wounded brothers and wait outside. I shall remain here and discuss my fate with my captor.”

  “I could just as easily kill her and be done with this. You would be safe.”

  “And yet what would that prove other than we are as bad as those who came here first. The Way and the Balance teach us otherwise. I shall sit and convince my friend that her life and mine have meaning; that we must learn to trust each other if we are to avoid calamity. Now please, Fionna, do as I ask.”

  “Yes, young Master, I shall.”

  Fionna and the emissaries, together with Orsin’s men, left peacefully. Niona and Fionna tended to the two men’s wounds and took them to the edge of the street.

bsp; Fionna said, “Sister, take our people home while I shall remain behind.”

  “Does husband know my powers are restored?”

  “Yes, but I asked him to act surprised when you tell him. He is happy for you and loves you. Our talk was … unsettling. I shall join you soon.”

  Niona disappeared with all her people, and they were soon home in the City; the wounded men sent to the healers for further care. Niona and the Ladies went to see Adam.”

  “Where are Fionna and Orsin?” Is the Great Library safe with us? Why do they tarry?”

  “There is a situation.”

  “What situation is that?”

  Niona explained.

  “What will happen?”

  “Fionna will let the scene play out, but if the cloaked woman attempts to take Orsin’s life, she will kill her. Fionna has suddenly grown quite fond of young Orsin. She called him “young Master Orsin” before we left. It is not like her. She also said her conversation with you was unsettling. And that you know my powers have returned. I believe you are now supposed to act surprised.”

  “I am shocked. How was that?”


  “If I tried to distract you with a kiss, might I be more convincing?”

  “I shall take the kiss, and let you know.”


  “What is your name, my lady?”

  “I am Senna. And yours?”

  “Orsin. Of the Black Forest.”

  “Of the Eighty-one?”

  “I am. But the Eighty-One are now divided; Gens fight humans over the final contest to decide the fate of the planet. I am Gens, but loyal to the Chosen One. Do you know of the Prophecy?”

  “I do. But is it not just a myth?”

  “It was until it began to become fulfilled. Now it is real. I can transform for you if you’d like.”

  “That would take hours.”

  “No longer; with the new powers shared by the Chosen One, we have great knowledge and the ability to transform instantly.”

  “If you do, you will attack me? Perhaps I should shoot you right now.”

  “No, my lady; I shall just transform back and forth. I am sincere when I say I mean you no harm. I only wish to take you from this place to safety.”

  “I am alone in the world and no longer safe. Everyone I love is dead. I have no place in this world.”

  “If you will trust me, I can take you to safety and a new home. To Paraiso and the City of Light.”

  “Show me then.”

  Orsin transformed, turned around, and transformed back. “As I said, no trickery or guile.”

  “Are you true?”

  “I am. And I promise to always protect you from harm. If you return with me, you will join a large family that is the family of my Master. We are humans, Gens and Nobilus. We live in peace and harmony under the protection and leadership of the Chosen One. He is both kind and generous. He will welcome you with open arms and a loving heart.”

  Senna dropped her gun and removed her hood. She ran to Orsin and threw her arms around him, crying in pain and sadness. She was but a child, no older than thirteen or fourteen.

  “You are brave Senna, but take my hand now and together we shall leave this house of death and go to a new home. We shall bring back the bodies of your loved ones after we return you to safety.”

  Fionna appeared. “Take my hand, Senna. We shall go to your new home and family.”

  Senna cried all that day, and for many weeks afterwards. Her sadness was heartbreaking, but eventually she settled in, no longer afraid.

  Fionna explained what Orsin had done to Adam, then joined his mind with hers to show him the quality of the man who was now a member of Adam’s household.

  “I shall honor him and ask that he act as guardian to Senna for the time being. I think he may be able to help her in her hour of need. She has lost everything, but she shall not go unloved. I shall adopt her as my daughter if she so chooses; Orsin will be her uncle.”

  Fionna smiled, having no barb to cast. She leaned into Adam and gently kissed him.

  “Who are you? What are you? And why do your women love you so? You’re a mess and a tyrant, yet you have this quality whenever I am around you. I feel … weak.”

  “Perhaps I should spend more time with you to seduce you into liking me. I would count that as progress.”

  “Perhaps. But I may still be wicked and cruel. I might not be your type.”

  “Maybe. But like you said, I love a challenge. Maybe tomorrow I shall find a way to make you smile. That too would be progress.”

  “We shall see.”

  “Then first transfer all the Libraries of the Gens here, and I will inform the men there will be no war.”

  “Some will be unhappy.”

  “Yet all will be alive. You should have spoken up. Why didn’t you?”

  “I love the scent of fresh testosterone in the air. Your musk is overwhelming. You should stay indoors lest the matrons of the City storm your quarters.”

  “There are far worse fates. Should I not tempt fate?”

  “No, you should not.”


  “Because I wish to storm your gates tonight. Lower your drawbridge and welcome your conquering army.”

  “If I must, I must. Now, to work, Fionna the Immortal. I shall speak to my warriors. I may need your protection later.”

  “They worship you, human, or whatever you are.”

  “Then it is just exercise for you tonight? No more.”

  “I am Immortal. You are not. What more is there? What need be said?”

  “That I am beneath you? That I am not worthy? That I am a bug?”

  “I did not say that.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  “I state only a fact. Surely you must see that?”

  “I see a woman who is Immortal. That is what I see.”

  Fionna said nothing, confounded again by Adam’s words, then left.


  Adam met with the emissaries as well as Orsin and his men, visiting the wounded in the House of Healing. The men each said they had hoped that their wounds had come from a fierce warrior, or at least a male of sufficient age and maturity. They laughed at the idea that a teenage girl had shot them.

  “What kind of story can we spin from this? A mountain ogre, yes. A Cytherian Gorgon, yes. But a child in a hood? I am shamed. Next, she shall be appearing on the martial fields and kicking our asses. But I do admit, she is a good shot. She tried only to wound, not kill.”

  Adam said, “I shall see to it that she visits you to make amends. She did not mean to harm you; she thought you had killed her family.”

  “Then it is us who will visit her. She only sought to protect herself. Perhaps our battalion should adopt this orphan as a token of good luck.”

  “You may visit her when you are discharged. You know where I live.”

  “Thank you, Manti. We hear you have offered to adopt her.”

  “I have. My family grows. The noise is unbearable from all the chattering children.”

  “We hear that is not the only source of loud screams in the night.”

  “Yes,” smiled Adam. “Could be ghosts and spirits, if you believe in such things.”

  The men laughed, “Yes, we’re sure that’s what it is.”


  “How did you know the Libraries of the Gens were safe? Not about to be destroyed.”

  “I was watching. I am Immortal after all. I see things by casting my mind where I will it. So too can your other wife.”

  “When you are alone, where do you cast your mind? Where do you will it to go?”

  “Here and there. It depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On boredom. And curiosity. Sometimes voyeurism. Just depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Is this the game you humans call ‘twenty questions’? I am not good at such meaningless games. Speak plainly.”

  “I think you excel at games
, Fionna. A billion years old, still as beautiful as a Persian Princess. What must you have done for all those eons to amuse yourself?”

  “Nothing much. Just work. I can appear as over one million creatures. Perhaps I can show you a few?”

  “No, my curiosity does not run in that direction. Only you; only now.”

  “I would rather not discuss me. Perhaps another topic?”

  “Perhaps I have overstayed my welcome. I shall leave you alone to your thoughts.”

  “No, please don’t go. I shall try harder to answer your questions. No one has ever asked anything about me. In … what I do I am often only the instrument of someone, something else. I am not … touched or loved. It is new to feel; feel like Niona tells me she feels.”

  “And what is that? Physical …?”

  “No not that, though I am content with that too. It is exhilarating. But to feel such closeness, such want and desire, to feel loneliness when someone is not near, this is what I mean. It is new and confusing. I feel like I am drowning in emotions I cannot control. It frightens me.”

  “Perhaps you should try giving into your feelings rather than fighting them. I believe that is what Niona finally did with me.”

  “It’s different with me. Niona has always been kind and loving. I have not. I have been strong and ruthless; I have been cruel. I have …”


  “Destroyed worlds. I have never considered what I have done as anything other than what my Master commands.”

  “And now?”

  “And now I don’t know what to think. My short time as a mortal changed me. Sometimes I wish to feel more like Niona; sometimes these emotions seem like a curse.”

  Adam rose to leave. “I shall bear this in mind and try to be kinder to you. I have sometimes been unfair and angry. I see now that we both struggle with ourselves; perhaps together we can find our way past our less generous natures. Perhaps then we shall both be happier.”

  “May I still visit you tonight? After seeing the way our young Master Orsin handled Senna today, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the moment. He would have died for us all, and gladly. Yet he spoke only to Senna’s heart, to her grief. And in turn, she dropped her gun and ran to him. A stranger. I have never witnessed anything like it in my many long years and lifetimes.”


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