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Resolution Page 108

by Douglas E Roff

  But, they saw no one; the managers were all gone. No asked where they were, and Adam and his small group offered no explanation.

  Adam shouted, “Is Patsy here? Patsy who spoke with Hecate the Immortal? I’m sorry, I didn’t get your last name.”

  A voice in the middle of the crowd, whose face Adam could not immediately see, shouted back.

  “I’m Patsy. Patsy Murray. That is, unless I’m in trouble or one of the Immortals is going to implode my head. Then Patsy is this girl standing next to me.”

  Everyone burst into roars of laugher. Patsy was a short girl, quiet, with a pixie haircut who did her job, read a lot and kept to herself. As she was promoted within her group of engineers and took on managerial responsibilities, her co-workers found that they liked her, but she was demanding and exacting. Some thought she could use some training in being a little less direct and somewhat more tactful. She wore the same black horn rim glasses every day, a simple outfit and her white lab coat which was always immaculate.

  No one considered her very attractive, witty or particularly good conversationalist, but those who “got” Patsy were good friends. Almost all were women.

  “Nope, no imploding heads, at least not now. But if you want, we can do that a little later. Anyone who’s pissed you off lately can have a date with my daughter, Hecate. It’s great fun. For us, not them.”

  “Not pissed off, but I recently asked a guy out and he said no. Maybe him?”

  “Point him out. He’s toast.”

  “He’s in San Diego presently.”

  “Shit! That’s the one city where we don’t have a license to implode heads. But if you think of someone, other than me, let me know. We can have fireworks, too.”

  “Then hi, I’m Patsy. You wanted to talk to me?”

  “Yes, I do. I wanted to meet you first and thank you for everything you did while you guys and gals who are here now were locked up by the folks who aren’t here any longer.”

  “Are they OK? I mean the others who locked us up?”

  “No, no they’re not. But they’re gone and won’t be coming back. That’s also why I wanted to talk to all of you who remained. Especially you, Patsy.”

  “I didn’t do anything special. It was only after we found out what they were planning and we wouldn’t cooperate that we stood up for you. Then we all knew we had to do something, if not at that moment, then as soon as we got free. I thought they were going to, you know …”

  “Kill us? Take over? Coup d’état? Steal our lunch money?”

  “That last one for sure, but I guess most of us thought they and some others in the City conspired and meant you and your family harm. We wanted to do what we could. We all admire you so much and are so grateful to be a part of all you’re doing and for all the right reasons.”

  Adam laughed, “A bunch of ‘Lefties’ leading the counterinsurgency? It’s you, all of you, who are to be admired and respected. You were all very brave and I cannot thank you enough. Especially you, Patsy. I understand you were the Che Guevara of this group; a real revolutionary without a gun.”

  “All I need is the cute beret, a cartridge belt across my chest, and fatigues. I think I’d lose the facial hair, gun and the cigar, but other than that, I’m feisty!”

  Everyone roared with laughter again. Patsy was probably 5’3” tall and might have weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet.

  Adam laughed, “I’ll warn the general populace whenever you’re out of the Lab. For now, I need all of you to help. We’re running out of time, and there are two major projects in which I’m involved, and I can’t run both at the same time. You have only been told about one; the other will be almost impossible to believe, except you now know of the existence of three Immortals, two of whom are my wives and the other is my daughter.”

  Adam stopped.

  “I want all of you to separate into the groups in which you normally work. Patsy, I want you up here beside me. You’ve been promoted to senior assistant to the Prez. That’s me.”

  “Why me? There are guys and gals here a lot more experienced than me. I might be too junior for whatever you have in mind. No gravitas.”

  “First rule when you work directly for me, as you now are, is that you do what I ask, when I ask it and we don’t argue about it. The science or the engineering, sure. Argue day and night. But leadership is an entirely different animal and we have much to discuss. So, lets have all the engineers in one group, software engineers and coders in another group, scientists in the genetics project and biologists in another spot, materials in another spot, techies of any sort with your groups and physicists in another area.”

  They rearranged themselves quickly.

  “Now, and I want complete candor and honesty, is there anyone in any group that simply cannot work with someone in your group. I don’t care why, just can you all work together?”

  No problem there.

  “Can all of you in each group, on the basis of skill, leadership and experience, pick your own managers. Not whether you like him or her, but can you accept assignments from a group leader that you choose. That group leader will be responsible, just so you know, first to Patsy, then to me. Picking someone who is a poor organizer, and easy to fuck with, is a bad choice. Patsy will privately give me her choices and you will elect yours. First and second in command. I expect everyone here to be able to work independently on assignments, cooperate and be responsible to yourself, your team and this project. The Bio folks will work independently as I already know most of you anyway. I’m putting Simmons as lead and Roberts as his number two. Neither particularly cares for the other; each will think he should be number one, but we are going to cast ego aside. It’s the work that matters. I will have work assignments for everyone within twenty-four hours.”

  A man in back shouted, “But most senior staff is gone. We’re mid level if we’re lucky. None of us are really qualified to take over for the group that’s gone.”

  “I am aware of that, but I’m going to need each of you to trust me. When you first came here I tested each of you for a particular gene that occurs in the human population about fifty percent of the time. I would not have hired you otherwise.”

  “I never gave blood or had a cheek swab. When did this test happen?”

  “When we shook hands. All I have to do is touch your skin and I can determine if you have the gene. This is important for factoid number two. All of the knowledge that exists and how to use it in any academic discipline I have stored in my mind. I can transfer that knowledge to each and every one of you. You will be automatically world class geniuses not just with learning, but how to use that learning. Since I don’t expect you to believe me, I’m going to do a test on one subject. Patsy, did I hear you volunteer?”

  “Do I get a reward if I say yes?”

  “Anything you want, that is possible to give, is yours.”

  “Then yes. I mean it was yes anyway, but why not shoot for the moon?”

  Everyone burst out laughing again. The guys were all wondering how they missed this woman. She was a dream.

  “What would you say are your two least qualified skills considering everyone here today and the disciplines they represent.”

  “Easy. I know very little about biology, the academic kind I mean. Not much about the other ‘biology’ too, to be truthful.” She paused, “Too much information?”

  The guys were actually falling in love the more she quipped.

  “Nope. And the other?”

  “Programming. I can turn my computer on, use my software, ask a software engineer to write a program for me, but I could never do that myself.”

  “Patsy and I will now go away for about an hour, and when we come back, anyone can ask Patsy any questions you’d like about your job, work, or academic interest. No BS trick questions and the mathematicians are not to ask about unsolved theorems. Ditto you writers of algorithms. I want you to test her practical knowledge and, if the test works, then I will give each of you the same level o
f knowledge that Patsy and I have. Knowledge that you can use to solve problems using more than one academic area. Trust me, you’re going to love this part.”

  Vera and Hana looked at each other. Vera said, “Knowledge transfer at this level takes about one minute if you have the gene.”

  Vera said to the Immortals, “What’s the other 59 minutes about?”

  Hecate said, “Patsy has a major, major crush on our boy. Thought I’d recommend that they have some alone time.”


  “She’s never had an orgasm and she’s twenty-six.”

  “Oh my,” said Vera and Hana together.

  “We can stay at Adam and Hana’s residence with Patsy tonight. I’m sure she won’t mind.””

  “Good idea.”


  Adam and Patsy found an office on the other end away from the conference room and drew the blinds for privacy.

  “There, now we can talk in private. I want you to know that what we are about to do allows two minds to connect in every way possible, but there are safeguards. If you think of any type of experience, maybe hiking, or reading a book …”

  “Or sex.”

  “Yes, or sex, you can lock those doors and not let anyone in. Or, you can share them if you wish. Knowledge transfer is not hard and once you have done it, you can transfer knowledge too. Some or all. Depends. Not everyone on the planet should have all the knowledge you will have.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “The transfer? No. I will just place my fingers on your temple as you close your eyes. Then after a while, you will suddenly feel different as things begin to rearrange in your brain and mind. Think of it as adding a vast new library with a complete set of instructions in your mind where you can ask yourself anything.”

  “It won’t change me. I’ll always be tall, thin, tan, blond with big tits?”

  Adam smiled. “Exactly. Now when I make the transfer, our minds will automatically connect, and you won’t need to speak. Everything goes directly to your mind.”

  “Mind and brain are different?”

  “The eyes see, the brain converts and processes, and the mind does everything else. All connected. If you want, I can take a spin around your mind and roadmap some things to get you started. I suggest you either just start using your new ability right away, or sleep for the next day or so and let your body acclimate. Up to you, but it’ll be the same result.”

  “I’m ready when you are, but can I ask you a favor?”

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “Absolutely. Will this be a kiss on the cheek, a little peck on the lips, a nice long romantic kiss, or a ‘I can’t get my clothes off fast enough’ kiss?”

  “I’m guessing the last one.”

  “I can show you some other things when our minds are connected. And whatever we do in our minds, we can also do physically. Connected sex is awesome, a word I never use. But it is.”

  “You’re married.”

  “Yes, and my wives are fine with something like this as long as they know you. Hecate has already … said some nice things about you to me and my wives. Be careful with her; she’s a busybody and a snoop. But she approves of you, which means so will the others.”

  “Let’s start with that kiss, and then you can work your way into the rest of me. Is there like a countdown; do I get a certificate or a diploma after the knowledge transfer?”

  “How about three or four massive, cursing at the top of your lungs orgasms?”

  “I like your option better. Well, what are we waiting for?”


  Adam and Patsy were a little late getting back to the conference room. The wives were smiling, and the crowd was antsy.

  “OK, Patsy and I will work out the details of knowledge transfer to the rest of you here, which should take very little time.”

  Vera asked, “Of course, to transfer all that information, I can see where it would take a lot of additional time to penetrate the psyche that deeply. I take it that Patsy thrust herself into her work right away.”

  “She’s an apt learner. A very willing and eager student of all the educational arts. Our discourse was wide ranging and fulsome; she really enjoyed her lessons, I think.”

  Patsy said nothing, feeling as though she had just done something she wished to do, but felt guilt at having done it. She had been shown the truth that Adam’s wives approved but, still, deeply held cultural beliefs were often difficult to escape. Adam was married yet his wives seemed oblivious to his exploration of her mind and body.

  “Patsy,” Hecate said, “you’ll be staying with us tonight as our guest. Everyone else, please go to your normal apartments and we will reconvene here in the Labs tomorrow. The engineers and software folks have planned out new space for all of us, and the materials folk have arranged for the machinery and raw materials to reconstruct a new lab suited to our special needs. We Immortals will usually be in or around Adam. Walks are at five and dinner, courtesy Adam and friends, is after the walk. Special diets should be noted, but we can make anything. Volunteer cooks, choppers and preparers are always welcome. Join us at our residence any time. Any questions, ask. Expect long hours and tight work schedules. We need to be ready to deploy our resources on both our projects soon, and time is fleeting.”

  Chapter 53

  At six in the morning, a week later, Misti arrived in the residence expecting people to be up and about, Adam in the kitchen still cooking for the slow pokes and usual stragglers, including her. Hecate appeared to her immediately.

  “Where is he?”

  “Still in bed. He’s with someone; someone new in whom he has reposed a great deal of trust, as have we all including Hana and the Immortals. The two are talking.”

  Misti said, “Bed, Adam and talking are not three words that usually frame a sentence. I assume something significant happened while I was gone.”

  “It happened, happened quickly, and the conspiracy and our responses were concomitantly quick. Adam, well he was heartbroken, expecting treachery from some and rebellion from others. But not from his geeks. He thought they were above the greed and decay of modern society; sadly, he was very mistaken. The rebellion and betrayals are dealt with, which as you know solves nothing as far as Adam’s time constraints or what he believes must be done before and after he dies. He hopes you bring good news.”

  “I do. Very good news from our friend, the Congressman, and his allies. We have allies, which is wonderful. They are making contacts around the world, but soon, Adam must leave Paraiso and meet the world. My friend says it needs to start a chain reaction of understanding that includes people who will be highly suspicious. But we have a plan now consistent with what Hana, Vera, Carolyn, Tanner and others had been working on.”

  “Adam and Patsy have transferred knowledge to those in need, but over two thirds of the staff at the Tech Center were traitors to a greater or lesser extent. The remaining group needed knowledge, but some can hardly believe they have it or even still trust themselves with it.

  “Patsy Murray, Adam’s new best friend, who helped lead the resistance to the coup, has been wonderful, has unburdened Adam and left him to do the things that really matter to him. She keenly understands the interconnection of the two projects, but feels that Adam is collapsing mentally from anxiety and fear, and desperately needs an infusion of hope. I’ll tell Adam and Patsy you are here and they have two hours to wrap up business this morning.”

  Misti said, “And his lounging is not naked-time?

  “No. Not that there isn’t that too, but mornings are lengthy planning sessions that Patsy carries out for his majesty each day. And she’s as oblivious as he his to tact. But, she slave drives for him, and her slaves are willingly led by this tiny woman. Reminds me of you. Without the tits.”

  “He’s always been an enigma to me. I’ve made so many mistakes with him out of ignorance and pride. I wish I could go back and change my thinking, and done this thing we have bee
n burdened with altogether differently.”

  “We all do. But he was the only one who understood from the very beginning what was coming and felt the need to carry that burden alone; to protect us. Especially you. I think he tried to explain this to you once, but when Adam is cryptic, meaning is often impossible to discern.”

  “Plus, he can be such an arbitrary ass. We almost never know which Adam we’re getting on any given day.”

  “There’s that.”


  Patsy was atop Adam, getting him to focus on her; she wanted to speak to him about things. Misti had been gone a week, and Patsy was now never from Adam’s side, slept with him every night, had glorious sex and awoke early to begin their days anew. For Patsy, it had only been mere days with Adam, but it felt like the lifetime she had always craved, but never been allowed to experience. Now she had. Her life would never be the same.

  Most of the time was planning and training in the Tech Center, with Patsy mainly focused on weeding out and demoting those who could not handle the stress of the responsibility and work, while promoting those who over-achieved. A work in progress, she had done well; well enough for Adam to continue his work on pre-death unification and post-death planning. When Adam was made aware that Misti had arrived, he wanted to get up an see her right away.

  Patsy said no, she had things she needed to discuss with Adam, and Misti would have to wait.

  “But …”

  “I know how important Misti is to you. Your guide, your soul, but I have things I need to say. Today before everything changes. If Misti is back, and was successful, then our world, this world we have had for almost one week will end, and all my hopes and fears will have been realized. I shall see you little now, and probably have congress with you not at all.”

  She paused.

  “I have never been important to anyone, even my parents thought I’d turn out to be a burden on the family. No boyfriends, hardly anything that passed for sex, twenty-six and not a single orgasm. Not even with today’s modern girl toys. It wasn’t much fun growing up, and my adult life was more misery, except for work. Then this thing happened, and suddenly I not only met you, I was with you every minute of every day. I don’t think you can imagine how much just one week has meant to me. It has been life altering. I have never believed in any of the popular fantasies about love, falling in love or being in love; I never knew it. Not in my life. But all that changed when I met you. When I saw your life with all its complications, the things you have endured, the loneliness even when surrounded by those who truly loved you, I cried. I cannot imagine the weight of responsibility, someone always questioning ‘what about this’ or ‘what about that’. But you bore it and pushed back only when forced to.”


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