Sweet Nightfall

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Sweet Nightfall Page 3

by Kathryn Vegas

  “Oh I don’t know. I don’t want to go to a new place.” Sara tried to find a reason to stick to the old familiar territory that was their gay bar for the last fifteen years. That place was safe. She didn’t have to delve into new worlds there.

  “Nope. Stop trying to think of an excuse to change my mind, you’re living life tonight, bitch. Let’s go!” He turned and walked back out of the house leaving her to follow or stay. Sara knew she had no choice but to follow.

  Cocktails on the table, Sara and Shawn surveyed the sea of straight singles on the prowl. The bar was trendy and modern. It had opened within the last year. Everything that was currently fashionable was represented in the décor. Sara sighed, her inner interior designer knew in a couple years it would be completely dated.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this.” Sara said, a look of concern on her face. This place ended up being a little more meat market than she expected.

  “We’re just here to play tonight, to practice your skills. Don’t worry. There’s absolutely no one here I’d let you go home with honey. This is merely an exercise.” Shawn reassured her with his judgment of the crowd. He could not hide the look of disgust on his face. That many straight people trying so desperately to hook up was unappealing to say the least.

  “I can get behind that.” Sara picked up her fancy looking cocktail and took a long drag. The memory of those green eyes sparked in her mind. Adam’s eyes. Out of curiosity she surveyed the whole bar. Just in case.

  “Who are you looking for?” Shawn could always read Sara’s mind.

  “A boy with green eyes and broad shoulders.” Sara quipped. “He’s not here.”

  “Hazel told me about Uberman. Is he your boy crush?”

  “Oh you should have seen him.” Sara said wistfully. She remembered his eyes framed by thick black lashes. She bit her lip as she daydreamed.

  “What was his name and any personal details you remember?” Shawn held up his phone and swiped to start an investigation. Sara snapped out of her revelry. Shawn was a bit of an Internet sleuth. He could find out anyone’s life details in seconds flat.

  Sara was immediately onboard for this quest. “Adam. Unknown last name. He drove a black Dodge Durango, obviously works for Uber. Very tall, I mean I didn’t see him standing but you could tell. He was just, oh so broad shouldered…. He had green eyes, dark hair, 24 or 25 at most.”

  “There’s lots of Adam’s locally but age narrows it down. Uber as workplace… We have 4 to choose from… OH and I can see which one is yours right away… OH my.”

  “Let me see! Let me see!” Sara exclaimed a bit too excitedly.

  Shawn handed over his phone but they huddled together checking out Adam Holsten on Facebook.

  “What a dish.” Shawn stated. “You sure he’s not gay? He’s too handsome and built to be straight. Oh if I was single…”

  “Hey back off! He’s my fantasy boyfriend,” Sara laughed. “I thought that too but then after I asked him how many girlfriends he had, he told me about an awful date with a woman he had just been on a few days before. No, he’s very straight. Very masculine energy like you just know he could rip your clothes off and throw you on a bed and…” She trailed off.

  “You asked him how many girlfriends he had?” Shawn looked at Sara impressed with her outgoing nature. “That’s hilarious!”

  “I was just in scrubs with no make up. There was no pressure to be cool.” She laughed. “He was young and way cute. You know me. I can talk and make jokes with anyone. But you know what’s caught this kid in my head and become the source of all my masturbatory pleasure?”

  “What?” Shawn chuckled.

  “He was fun and silly. He quoted Dumb and Dumber back to me. We laughed together. Nothing makes me wetter.” Sara smirked. “It made me realize I need that. I need a partner of my own. Hazel will be going to college soon. I need to cultivate a future for myself or I will be living in that house alone.”

  Sara paused scrolling down through Adam’s photos. She could tell he was not a Facebook junkie. There weren’t a ton of pictures but he’d been tagged in a few. Looked like he had very rich friends. He was tagged at a birthday party at what seemed like a posh restaurant. Everyone in the shot was dressed to kill. His gleaming white smile made her sigh. He stood out in every group shot like a beacon of strength and masculinity.

  “Wow! Looks like he comes from money, but must be trying to make it on his own with the Ubering thing. Interesting.” She scrolled through several more pictures. He was tagged in a few shots with the same beautiful people, always having fun and smiling.

  Sara took a sip of her cocktail and contemplated what she would say next. “I want a man who is silly and fun and decently fit. Who doesn’t smother me into the mattress.”

  Laughing, Shawn knew who she was talking about, “Oh, Clark.”

  “Yes, I’m done settling for Clark to fuck me because I’m so lonely. I settled for him for years now because he’s harmless and nonthreatening. I want a man to snuggle on the couch with and watch old movies. I want to have amazing sex. I desperately want to have amazing sex!” She slammed her fist down on the table a little too hard making their glasses rattle.

  Shawn nodded. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Well you know, I’m thirty-fucking-nine. Men my age... look at that jackass over there.” Shawn turned to follow her gaze. A man in his late forties with bedazzled tight fitting jeans was chatting up a table of twenty something women.

  “Oh, now that’s sad.” Shawn shook his head and shivered for dramatic affect.

  “I know! Is that what I have to look forward to in this venture, douchebags and out of shape old dudes? There have got to be single men my age that are normal, that want to have a real companion in life. This place isn’t a real representation of life, this is a hook up bar for sure.” Sara took one last look at Adam Holsten’s profile and placed the phone screen down on the table. Sara and Shawn started searching the bar for anyone that could be a candidate.

  “What about that dude? Grey shirt, looks early 40’s, fit, and has most of his hair.” Shawn nodded in the man’s general vicinity.

  “Hmmm, not bad,” Sara said contemplating him.

  “Go up to the bar!” Shawn urged. “Finish that drink. Go up to the bar beside him, order another and be your normal friendly self.”

  Sara gulped down the rest of her cocktail. “OK. I’m going to do it. Its just practice.” She stated.

  “Just practice.” Shawn assured her.

  Sara stood up, straightened her posture and walked over to the bar. She sat on the barstool beside the man they had deemed suitable for such an interaction. He looked over at Sara and smiled. She smiled in return. Sara could tell he was game to talk to her, he turned his whole body toward her, ready to flirt. His eyes were a little too bright, a little too eager in Sara’s opinion.

  Give him a chance, he could be as lonely as you are.

  “I’ve never been here before, do they have any noteworthy drinks?” Sara was a little disappointed in her opening line but that’s all she could come up with.

  “I just order beer so I couldn’t tell you. I’m Kenneth by the way.” Kenneth held out his hand to shake hers.

  “Hello, Kenneth. I’m Sara.”

  The bartender arrived to take Sara’s order. Before Sara could speak, Kenneth took over. “What’s your most popular drink?”

  “People love our Twisted Tequila Sunrise.”

  Before Sara could respond, Kenneth ordered one for her and made sure to let the bartender know it was on him.

  Ugh, I don’t even like tequila .

  Trying to stay positive about this mingling practice, she gave herself a pep talk. Maybe he’s just overzealous and thinking he’s being cool. It’s nice he ordered you a drink. Sara tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but already dreaded having to drink it.

  “Thank you, Kenneth.” Sara said politely.

  “You’re welcome. You’re too pretty to buy your
own drinks.” He looked at her through hooded eyes. She guessed he thought those were what they called bedroom eyes.

  Sara was embarrassed by the compliment and the look was disconcerting. She contemplated pretending to become ill so she could just end this now. A silence fell between them for a moment too long.

  “I thought I saw you sitting with a man?” Kenneth inquired.

  “He’s my best friend. We just wanted to hit up a new place. See what else the town has to offer” Sara replied. “Do you come here often?”

  “So you guys aren’t together?” He asked like he did not believe her. His expression said he had figured out something but Sara was not on the same page. “I got the vibe you guys are pretty close. Are you recruiting?”

  Sara was perplexed, recruiting what? I don’t even know the dating lingo anymore.

  “Recruiting?” She asked shaking her head.

  “You seem like a couple looking to add on to your night? If so, I just wanted to get past all the preliminary bullshit and say I’m in on the double team.”

  Sara’s mouth hung open. The bartender sat her unwanted brightly colored drink in front of her. Sara, realizing her jaw had dropped, closed her mouth, clinking her teeth together.

  “Thank you.” She said to the bartender.

  What the fuck have I gotten into and how do I get out?! Sara couldn’t help but laugh at her predicament.

  “I’m sorry, Kenneth. We’ve had a miscommunication; my best friend is gay and married. He’s only here to morally support my entrance back into the dating world.” She chuckled at this ridiculous conversation and took a sip of her awful drink.

  “Even better. I’d rather not share if I don’t have to” Kenneth looked her up and down.

  “Actually, I better get back to him. He’s been all alone a little too long. It was nice to meet you, Kenneth. Maybe I’ll see you around.” Sara desperately tried to politely, yet strongly, leave this awkward situation. Her creep meter alarm was going off. She stood up.

  Kenneth realized he was losing and tried to backtrack. “Wait a second. Relax and finish your drink.”

  Sara was not skilled in navigating sticky social situations such as this. “Thank you for the drink. Really. I think I’m in over my head here. I thought I was ready but I’m going to have to gracefully back out of here. I’m sorry I wasted your time. I’m gonna go. Good luck tonight.”

  “Honey, give me your number. We can get to know each other. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.” Kenneth pushed like a car salesmen not taking no for an answer. “Come on. What’s your number? I don’t make the best first impressions. We can text. Please give me your number.”

  Sara felt trapped and all social conditioning not to be rude was warring against her desire to get away. Sara’s consummate niceness also flared its head.

  Maybe he really does just make bad first impressions. I shouldn’t judge people so quickly.

  She still planned on giving him a fake number; bad first impression maker or not she was turned off by Kenneth.

  “OK do you have a pen?” Sara asked. He smiled and held up his phone to program her number in.

  Oh shit. I can’t give him a fake number when he’s going to immediately text me and see me receive it. Sara forced a smile and gave him her number which he immediately texted.

  “Great, now we can get to know each other. Hope I get to see more of you soon.” Kenneth seemed satisfied with himself.

  “Nice to meet you. Have a good night.” Sara had a bad taste in her mouth. She didn’t know if it was the drink or Kenneth.

  She headed back to Shawn with the most disgruntled look on her face. He couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What happened?” Shawn asked when she was seated beside him.

  “That was Kenneth. He thought we were a couple looking to ‘recruit’ fresh meat for the night.” Sara took a breath. “He was down to ‘double team’ me”

  “Oh my god!” Shawn busted up laughing at her.

  “Yuck it up.” Sara giggled. “I told him to meet us at the car.”

  Shawn laughed even harder at her joke.

  “Ugh he has my number. I couldn’t get away! You don’t write down fake numbers on napkins anymore for creeps!” She put her face in her hands, shaking her head.

  Sara’s phone alerted her to a text message. She turned over her phone and swiped to come face to face with a big, veiny cock. “What the fuck?!!”

  “Dick pic?” Shawn assumed.

  “How did you know?!”

  “Honey, we invented the dick pic. Show it to me!” Shawn said, loving the drama of the evening. He was having a blast tonight. Nights like these with Sara had been few and far between since the twins were born.

  Sara looked up to see Kenneth giving her a salute and a smile. She awkwardly gave a disgust laden half smile back and looked away as quickly as possible. She pushed the phone over to Shawn.

  “Oh man, that’s veiny.” He said shaking his head.

  Chapter Six

  Adam pulled over to the curb in front of an upscale nightclub. Attractive, well-dressed people littered the sidewalk laughing and flirting with each other, waiting to be let inside. They sparkled in the light of the streetlamps. Light reflected off their bling, sequined dresses and glittered shoes. The back door of his Durango opened and a passenger slid gracefully inside.

  “Hello Adam.” A familiar voice said as she shut the door.

  “Rebecca.” Adam said frustrated. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t get testy, Adam.” Rebecca’s voice was smooth as silk. “I’ll play fair.”

  Adam turned around in his seat to look her in the eyes. Rebecca was as beautiful as she was deadly. Her aura was powerful and sexually charged. She seemed to look down on everyone.

  She stared back at him, her amber eyes shined with intention. Ageless, she looked exactly the same as the first time he had seen her. She took his breath away sixteen years ago. Now he was more objective. Yes, she was utter human perfection on the outside but on the inside there was no humanity left. Rebecca waited for him to speak.

  “What are you doing?” Adam repeated.

  “I’m just checking on you, baby.” She purred.

  “I’m fine. Thank you. No need to pay for the ride. You can get out and be on your way.”

  “Take me home, Adam. You don’t want a one star rating, do you?” She smirked.

  “I know what you think of my lowly life choices, but can you keep the condescending tone to yourself?” Adam conceded and turned back around. He knew he had no choice but to complete this ride to be rid of her.

  “I’ll never understand why. You had it all.”

  “According to you, not me.” Adam stated.

  “According to everyone. How many people would die for what you were given?” Rebecca shook her head.

  Adam pulled away from the curb and hit the gas.

  Might as well speed this up and get her home quickly . They rode in silence for a few miles.

  “I miss you, Adam.” She said earnestly breaking the awkward silence.

  Adam was almost lonely enough to say it back. Almost.

  “When are you coming back to me?” She raised her hand up and ran her fingers along his muscled shoulder.

  “Rebecca, I haven’t changed my mind.” Adam stated. He accelerated onto the freeway.

  “I worry about you. Are you staying fed? If you need help with that you know I can make sure you get a stockpile while you play human.”

  “I’ll take care of myself my way, but thank you.” In no way could he become beholden to her again. It was tough to live an honest life while being driven to drink blood to survive. He could use a stockpile, but not from her. Rebecca’s gift would come with a price beyond the deaths of those she drained. Adam could not wait for this ride to end.

  He remembered the last time he’d seen her, when he’d finally walked out the door. The look of disbelief on her face was almost comical. She knew she was one of the most beautiful women in th
e world. As an Elder vampire, the power she held was palpable. She never considered he would ever really leave.

  Fifteen years he’d spent with her. His maker. He was an impressionable twenty four year old when she waltzed into his broken life. The life she offered was opulent. Her eyes promised pleasure. She introduced him to her world of grandiose wealth and it was amazing to be powerful and timeless. She offered an easing of his painful loss.

  Adam’s parents had recently died in a car crash. He was an only child. His world had fallen apart. Rebecca offered a new life: companionship, a new home and a way to move on when he felt lost. Adam felt a sudden pang of sadness.

  “Rebecca, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you. You have given me so much. It was an amazing adventure, but I’m not in love with you anymore. I’m not in love with the lifestyle we led. I want to live an honest life. I know I can take anything I want from any human, but I don’t want to murder or steal. I want to make a life like my Dad’s. I want a loving, modest home. Maybe figure out how to raise a couple kids with a woman that loves me like my mom loved my dad. I want be part of a family, not a coven. I want to earn a living, make a normal life.”

  “You’re not human, Adam.” Rebecca stated the obvious.

  Adam, frustrated, ran his hand through his hair. “I know that, Rebecca.”

  “You are my mate. I chose you to spend eternity with me. We belong together.”

  “I know you think that. I understand, but maybe there is someone else out there that would love to spend eternity living the life you want, but it’s not me.”

  “You’ll come back to me. There is no human life for you. What do you think will happen when you find this paragon of a woman and she finds out you’re a monster? I love you for who you are.”

  Adam didn’t respond. He feared that every day, but he was still going to try to find a soulmate, a partner to laugh with the way his parents laughed together every day. He grew up in such a happy home. Since their death he’d had no home. He lived with Rebecca, but their house was not home. He had lived alone now for almost a year and the emptiness of his house was beginning to wear him down. All he wanted was to feel that feeling again. Contentment.


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