Sweet Nightfall

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Sweet Nightfall Page 6

by Kathryn Vegas

  “I haven’t been able to get that out of my head all morning. I couldn’t take my nap to get back on schedule from thinking about it. The coffee I made him drive thru and get me didn’t help.”

  “So… you took him to Sweet Beans?!” Hazel raised her eyebrows.

  “It was the only thing I could think of to extend the ride.” Sara sheepishly replied. “Now it’s too late for a nap. I just have to stay up the rest of the day. So… I’m going to grab coffee #2 and hit the gym.”

  “The gym again, huh?”

  “That’s right baby. I’m gonna get in shape!” Sara said, flexing her muscles.

  “Good for you, Mom!”

  “I also need to wear those cheetah print work out pants you made me get.” They laughed together.

  “Uh oh, cougar alert!” Hazel joked.

  “I’m on the prowl!”

  “But what about Mr. Dreamy Green Eyes?” Hazel asked.

  “Mr. Dreamy Green Eyes is a pipe dream sweetie.” Sara patted her on the head like she must be simple minded.

  “You always told me anything is possible.” Hazel jumped off the couch. “Believe it and achieve it. Dream big! You can make your own reality. You are a Goddess in human form! Visualize what you want and manifest it. Don’t stop believing oh oh OH!” Hazel dramatically repeated back all the mantras she’d heard throughout her life ending her rant in song. Sara laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you. I won’t stop believing. I’m sure I will continue spending time visualizing about a night with Mr. Uber.” Sara paused with a sigh. “In the mean time, I’m also going to go to the gym and look for a dude my age.”

  After a long work out, Sara walked up to the dry sauna. She wanted to sweat out some toxins. It was a co-ed sauna, which meant there could be available men inside. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

  She was greeted by oppressive heat and one shirtless, entirely too hairy, old fat man. The sweat poured off his face and dripped through the carpet of gray hair on his chest. He looked up at Sara and smiled.

  “Sure is hot in here.” He stated. Sara nodded and smiled back at Captain Obvious.

  She took a seat at the opposite end of the long bench. The heat surrounded her. It actually felt good to be in a room so warm when the weather outside was so cold. The gym had been a bust for meeting anyone so far, but at least she was on the path to self-improvement.

  Sara leaned back against the cedar planks and closed her eyes. She envisioned Adam in the front seat, his long muscular arm draped over to the passenger seat. His face turned around to look at her. His masculine jawline and hair tucked behind his ears. Those green eyes sparkling like faceted gemstones. Sara smiled. She heard the door open, pulling her out of her daydream.

  A forty-something man walked in. A fit forty something man. Sara assessed him quickly. He had short black hair, silvered at the temples, cut like a businessman. He was shirtless, post workout. He was well built and obviously spent a good amount of time at the gym. No wedding ring, but could have taken it off to workout. He was handsome, with a dark five o’clock shadow that was sprinkled with gray.

  Shit, this kind of forty something guy is still out of my league. Fucking stupid men dating younger women.

  Sara shrugged and gave up on the day.

  “Whew, it’s hot,” Captain Obvious again, this time to the newcomer.

  “Sure is,” The newcomer politely responded. He chose to sit on the second level of seating nearest to Sara.

  “I think I’ve reached my limit. Have a good day,” The old man said.

  “You too.” Sara and the new man said in unison.

  Laboriously he got to his feet. Sweat dripped from everywhere. He stiffly made his way out of the sauna in slow motion. The door shut behind him. Sara was alone with the handsome shirtless businessman. She glanced over and saw two bare masculine feet beside her. His ankles were hairless up to mid calf, rubbed off from years of wearing socks. His feet were well maintained, nothing disgusting or overgrown.

  “Haven’t seen you in here before?”

  Is he talking to me?

  Sara looked at him confused, but his eye contact confirmed he was indeed talking to her. Also she was the only one left in the room with whom to talk.

  “I just started going to this gym last week. I usually don’t come this time of day but I ruined my schedule with a coffee this morning. I have to stay up the rest of the day.” Sara realized without some backstory this answer made little sense.

  “I’m a sleep technician. I stay up all night watching patients sleep. I should have taken a nap when I got home this morning, but I dumbly drank a coffee. I have three days off. So, I need to get back on regular people time. I’m Sara by the way.” She rambled wishing she had said, yes I’m new here.

  “It’s nice to meet you Sara. I’m Steve. Don’t people usually wait until after the New Year to start working out?” He asked congenially.

  “Well I decided I wanted to put myself out there, you know? Starting to take care of myself was first on the list.” Sara replied.

  “Put yourself out there?” He inquired with a raised eyebrow.

  Sara was a little embarrassed to admit that she was looking for a man.

  “Um well, out there in the dating scene.”

  “Oh…,” he trailed off.

  Yeah… “oh…” is right .

  Sara shook her head. I need to escape this and never come back to this gym before noon again! Sara brushed a sweaty tendril of hair from her cheek and took a deep breath of the smothering air.

  The silence loomed as thick as the air.

  “How have you liked it here so far?” Steve asked.

  “It’s pretty nice.” Sara responded quickly, happy he broke the silence and was still talking to her. This was good practice for future interactions with men. Not wanting the conversation to lull again she asked, “How long do you usually stay in this.” Sara indicated the room with her hands.

  “I usually try for twenty minutes but generally wuss out at fifteen,” he chuckled. “They keep it around one hundred and seventy degrees. On a good day when I’m hydrated, I can meditate and enjoy the heat. On a bad day it’s like sitting in hell.”

  “Which is it today?” Sara asked.

  “Well you’re taking my mind off the heat, so it’s definitely not hell today.”

  “Glad to be of service,” Sara quipped. She had almost forgotten the heat herself except for the river of sweat cascading between her boobs. She was impressed with how well this back and forth was going.

  “I told you what I do for a living, can I ask what you do out in the world?” Sara didn’t want the conversation to end.

  Maybe just maybe I can cultivate a chance with this man if he could see my sparkling personality.

  Sara knew she still had to find out if he was married or seeing someone.

  “Do you think you can guess?” Steve asked.

  “No.” Sara laughed. “I doubt I would guess right.”

  “What? Give it a try.” He coerced.

  “Well.” Sara said reluctantly. She wondered why this guessing game. She wasn’t really a fan. “Since you’re only wearing workout shorts and there isn’t a single clue to go on… I’m gonna say proctologist?” She smiled innocently. He smirked.

  “You are bad at guessing.“

  “Maybe it’s the heat. Or maybe I’ve never been good at guessing games.” Sara responded. She was not used to sitting in a sauna. Her heart was beginning to pound in her red hot ears. Sara did not know how much longer she could sit there and talk to this man even if he was handsome and could possibly be a contender. She took a deep swig out of her water bottle. The water had been heated by the room and was not exactly satisfying.

  “Alright maybe the guessing game was a bad idea and it built up an expectation of my job actually being exciting.” Steve shook his head, seeming a little embarrassed. “I’m basically a traveling salesman or a client entertainer with an expense account.” Hi
s expression reverted back to confident swagger. “I guess I’m new to this.” He paused a little too long.

  “New to what?” Sara was wildly guessing in her head.

  “I hope this isn’t too forward?” Steve began. Sara held her breath. She didn’t know what he was about to say. “You said you were wanting to put yourself out there. Well I’m recently single and looking to do the same. What about putting yourself out there with me Friday night?”

  What?!! Is the Universe granting wishes today?!

  “Really?” She couldn’t help but say and immediately wished she hadn’t. “Uh I mean… Really?” Sara sighed.

  Wow, Sara. Just wow, so smooth.

  “Yes, Really.” Steve laughed, his confidence shining in his eyes.

  “That sounds nice.” She said nervously.

  “Good.” He smiled showing very white teeth. “I can pick you up at eight? What’s your number? We can text the details later.

  Sara gave him her number. He entered it into his phone and texted her right away. She had not brought her phone into the sauna, so she would have to respond later.

  The flush of adrenaline and the heat of the sauna was making Sara lightheaded. She needed to exit as gracefully and quickly as possible.

  “Well Steve, it was nice meeting you. I look forward to putting myself out there with you Friday.” Sara stood up and sweat dripped off her face. “I would shake your hand but I feel rather gross and drippy.”

  “We’ll save it for Friday.” Steve agreed.

  “Have a good day,” Sara said for a lack of anything better to say and left Steve in the sauna.

  Sara walked back to the locker room in an overheated daze.

  Did I really just get a date???

  Oh my god, I really just got a date!

  Sara’s brain frantically concocted all manner of reasons to worry. She hadn’t been on a date in so long she couldn’t even remember. She was going to be alone with a stranger for an entire evening. She was already nervous.

  Unless he’s a creep, then I’m out. She reassured herself and nodded.

  Oh shit, what if he’s a creep? Why would he ask me out?

  Because I’m a good looking woman and he could sense I was nice.

  How could he tell you were nice in the minutes it took him to ask you out. What’s his game?

  Shut up, I’m not going there. I’m assuming he’s a good man and the Universe is on my side.

  Sara’s inner monologue was in overdrive. By the time she got to her locker she was so consumed with scenarios she forgot in which locker she’d put her things. She stood around drawing a blank for several minutes.

  Get yourself together!

  Chapter Ten

  Adam sat in his Durango on a dark side street, not too close and not too far away from the sleep clinic. He had made sure to be available every morning since his second ride with Sara. She had not requested another ride in almost a week. He was beginning to think he was crazy yet he continued to wait.

  He was sure today would be the day. He knew she needed a ride this morning. He had watched her get dropped off by her daughter last night. He knew it was creepy when he did it.

  He had to be careful, a vampire’s penchant for obsession could be uncontrollable. With all senses heightened and a predator’s instinct, there was a strong call to hunt. Hunting for prey or hunting toward a goal was all the same and it could overpower all other thoughts.

  He could not stop himself from daydreaming about her. The memory of Sara’s infectious laughter rang like a bell in his head. He was certain this was the key to his dream of a normal life. He had to see if he could date a woman his actual age.

  Could a woman his age take a relationship with a twenty-four year old looking man seriously? He didn’t know. Would an older woman ever introduce him to their family as a serious love interest or would he just be a fuck toy. He definitely would not mind finding that part out with Sara. The image of her face enjoying the latte flitted across his mind and morphed into her on top of him. He imagined the ways he could make her smile.

  “Goddamn it.” He muttered to himself and picked up his phone. He turned off his availability. It was past the time she would have needed him. “I’ve got to get over this,” he said aloud to his empty vehicle.

  Sara had spent a little too much time chatting with her coworker Kelly about her impending date tonight. She was excited, but also avoiding the fact that she needed a ride home. She had the strongest desire to see Adam again. She knew it was crazy to think about him and long to see his face, but she couldn’t help it.

  You have a date with a very handsome man tonight, be satisfied!

  Steve had left on a business trip the day after she’d met him at the gym. They had texted back and forth throughout the week. Steve texted her every night. It was nice. She was looking forward to this evening.

  “I’ve got the whole day planned. First, I need to get home and sleep. I want to feel good tonight. I bought a special bath bomb. You know the ones that are like throwing a ten-dollar bill in a bath and watching it dissolve. Shawn is going to come over while I get ready and Hazel is going to do my hair.” Sara excitedly went over her to do list with Kelly.

  “You Ubering home?” Kelly asked. She pulled her coat off her chair and put it on.

  “I don’t think so. What if it’s Adam again, two rides was fun but a third? I don’t want him to think I’m some weird old cougar trying to get on him.” Sara said. “That would be pathetic. The two rides were perfect and I don’t want to ruin it. It could spoil the memory and the fantasies I’ve been enjoying.”

  “Do you want me to drop you home?” Kelly asked.

  “That would be really nice! I should have already asked you.” Sara didn’t like being a burden on anyone. She was going to have to figure out what to do now when Hazel had the car, continuing to be Adam’s rider would be too weird.

  “Naw, it’s cool.”

  Together they clicked off monitors and pushed in desk chairs. They waved bye to other coworkers on their way out.

  Kelly was ten years younger than Sara. She was a robust woman. You could tell she never turned down beer or pizza. She spoke her mind and did not seem to be afraid of anything. Kelly was interesting and dramatic. She made staying up all night a little less boring for Sara. They had a great dynamic, finding humor in most anything. Both of them had potty mouths and dirty minds.

  “Where is Mr. Businessman taking you tonight?”

  “A little place on the other side of town. It’s called Alder Lounge. I looked it up. Top shelf cocktails and such. Had good ratings. You been there?”

  “Nope, never heard of it. Does it look like I go to top shelf cocktail bars?” Kelly laughed. “All I need is happy hour at a tavern. Get a couple of cheap beers and a few well vodka tonics. Dive bars always have tater tots. You know how much I love tater tots. I bet Alder Lounge don’t even serve tots!” Kelly made a face at Sara that said what a mortal sin that was.

  “Oh my god, I bet you’re right. Fuck that, if there’s no tots, I’m out!” Sara joked.

  They both shivered and wrapped themselves tighter in their jackets when they opened the door and stepped out into the freezing morning air.

  “Fucking BRRRR!” Kelly yelled into the dark, empty parking lot. “I hate winter! You think you’re gonna get laid tonight?”

  “It’s definitely on the table.” Sara said. “We’ve been texting every night and they have gotten pretty flirty, on the verge of sexting.”

  “That’s some serious shit!” Kelly laughed. She opened the front driver’s side door of her old Jeep Wrangler. She climbed in, leaned across and manually unlocked the passenger door so that Sara could get in. Sara hopped in and put on her seatbelt.

  “I know. I’m so nervous! I haven’t had sex with anyone new in so long!” Sara laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes.

  Kelly cranked up the Wrangler and flipped on the heater. She bounced in the seat trying to get warm. She shivered loudly
. “Sorry, it takes this beast a few minutes to heat up.”

  Sara missed the heated seats of the Durango and the delicious looking man who drove it. “It’s ok.” Sara opened her eyes. The windows were completely frosted over. It was going to be a few before they could see out the windows.

  Kelly reached over and opened the glove box in front of Sara. It was jammed full of papers and random junk. She rifled around grabbing a lighter and a little tube container.

  “Do you wanna smoke?” Kelly presented the joint like a sacred offering.

  “Oooo Nice! Why thank you, madam” Sara smiled. She was just planning on going straight to bed when she got home, this would probably help. She had been afraid with all the anxiety over her date that she wouldn’t be able to sleep this morning, which could ruin everything. She did not want bags under her eyes or to be too tired to get sexy if the opportunity arose.

  Kelly lit the joint and took a long drag. Held it and breathed out a plume of pungent smoke. She coughed. “Oh that’s good shit.”

  She handed it to Sara. Sara did the same. They each took one more turn before Kelly returned the joint to its tube.

  The windows were finally clear of frost, but the inside was smoky. Kelly rolled down her window to let it out. Sara’s head felt heavy. At least she was not worrying about that date anymore. Her mind drifted.

  “Did I tell you about that Uber driver’s green eyes?” Sara asked.

  “Yeah, you mentioned those.”

  Kelly rolled her eyes at Sara good-naturedly.

  “They even sparkled in the dark. Like gemstones.” She laughed making fun of how Sara had described them.

  “Shut up!” Sara laughed. She sighed, “They really did.”

  Kelly put the Wrangler in drive and left the parking lot. Sara’s head rolled back and forth with each bounce of the suspension.

  “I don’t know how you function high? I seriously can’t do shit but lay down when I’m stoned. I can barely talk right now.”

  “You’re just a little bitch I guess.” Kelly joked. They both laughed loudly.


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