Sweet Nightfall

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Sweet Nightfall Page 18

by Kathryn Vegas

  “Adam… I don’t…” Sara stumbled, her insecurities screaming. It was one thing to boast in her head that she was cool enough to date a twenty-four-year-old man but to really do it. She wanted to run for the hills.

  “I remember what you said to me in your bed.” Adam stated. “Do you need me to remind you?”

  “No. I remember.” Sara’s face lit up with embarrassment. She could kick herself. Her penchant for blurting out awkward truths always got her into trouble.

  “I feel the same way.” Adam said.

  Sara’s mouth dropped open. Was this conversation really happening? She gawked at him unable to respond.

  “I have never felt this way about a woman before. I’ve had more fun with you in the short period I’ve known you than I’ve ever had with any girlfriend. Loving you would be easy.”

  Sara closed her gaping mouth. Her heart thumped in her ears almost as loudly as her own thoughts.

  “I want us to be exclusive.” Adam continued.

  Sara tried to organize her scattered thoughts. She remained silent until she saw a change in Adam’s eyes. His eyes became uncertain and a slight change in expression crossed his face. His hopeful expression faltered and sadness entered his eyes. That was her undoing.

  “Yes.” Sara whispered barely audible.

  “What was that?” Adam cupped his ear pretending he needed assistance hearing her. “I mean you don’t have to, if it’s going to be a burden on you…” He stood up suddenly and swept her out of her seat and high into his arms.

  Sara let out a surprised squeal. One second she was seated, the next she was cradled like a baby. He easily maneuvered her like she weighed nothing. Sara’s brain couldn’t quite comprehend how that was possible.

  “I’m gonna need you to speak into my good ear.” Adam declared as he angled her face directly beside his left ear.

  “All right. All right. I guess I’ll be your girlfriend.” Sara pretended to reluctantly concede.

  Adam let out a low rumbling belly laugh as he pretended to toss her in the air. Sara gasped in surprise. Her joyous laughter joined his. Smiling from ear to ear, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight.

  “You’re crazy!” Sara said breathless.

  Adam kissed her forehead in response, but didn’t put her down.

  “All I want to do is Netflix and chill with my new girlfriend. Is that so crazy?”

  “Is that all you want to do?” Sara asked suggestively.

  “What more could I ask for?” He asked feigning ignorance.

  Sara lightly grazed the back of his neck with her fingernails. “Oh I see, you’re spent for the night. I’m sorry. I understand if you won’t be able to get hard again. It’s a common problem.”

  Adam gasped overdramatically, playing into her joke.

  “Are you doubting my manly abilities?”

  “Oh, honey. It’s all right. Even if you could get hard, I doubt you’d be able to come again… I mean I bet you couldn’t make me come again so soon either. Yeah, let’s go… Netflix and chill.”

  “You doubt we could come again, huh?” He raised an arched brow. His eyes danced with delight.

  Adam put Sara on her feet and grabbed both her hands in one of his, easily trapping her. He leaned forward, towering over her. His other hand slipped into her hair, gently wrapping a large portion of it around his fist. His eyes playful, but his grip firm.

  “You know what happens to ladies who question a man’s virility?” He said in a deep macho voice.

  “I’m hoping he’s forced to prove his manhood by fucking her brains out,” Sara laughed. She loved that he was playing along, and that they could tease each other so brazenly.

  Adam released her hair and replied, “You guessed right.”

  He walked past her still holding both her hands in one of his. She was forced to jog to keep up with him as she followed him back to her bedroom. She couldn’t help but giggle the entire way.

  Leading a giggling woman to bed was pure, unadulterated fun. Adam was thoroughly enjoying this sleepover. He reached the bed with Sara in tow. He schooled his features back to macho tough guy and turned back to her.

  “If you knew what was good for you, you’d be begging for me to take it easy on you.” He said as he pulled her to him.

  “Please Mister, don’t be too hard on me. I’m a delicate flower. I’ve never done this before” Sara responded in a sickly sweet and innocent tone.

  Adam almost laughed but kept his features serious, “Oh my. We have a virgin on our hands. Do you need an experienced manly man like me to show the way?”

  “Only a manly man like you could deflower a delicate princess like me.”

  “I’m going to deflower the fuck out of you. Get naked.”

  “As you wish, Mister Manly Man.” Sara grinned and threw off her clothes in record time.

  Adam stripped down as well.

  “I guess you can get hard twice in one night.” Sara deviously winked at him as she ran a finger down his solid rod. Switching back to her virginal voice, “It’s so big. I don’t know if it will fit.”

  Adam shook his head and rolled his eyes at her. He loved her silliness. This playful banter was exactly what he wanted. A life filled with joyful laughter.

  “It’s mandatory for the virgin to say that to the experienced macho man. According to every romance novel I’ve ever read.” Sara grinned. “Did it make you feel like a dominant alpha manly beast?”

  Adam grabbed her wrists in one of his hands, “Would you like me to be a dominant alpha manly beast?” Adam lowered his voice to gravel.

  “Well, for one thing, an alpha manly beast wouldn’t ask,” Sara joked, feigning disappointment.

  “Damn it.”

  Adam pulled her toward him putting her arms around his waist. Her pebbled nipples grazed the skin of his chest. He swayed back and forth against them, relishing in the simple pleasure. “I’ve got to work on that.”

  Sara’s hands kneaded his backside as she looked up at him. The need he saw in her cerulean eyes sent blood pounding south to his cock, throbbing between them. He inhaled, taking in every nuance of her scent. The smell of her arousal made his cock strain against her hot, soft skin. He listened to her heart trilling out an erratic beat. The thought of drinking her hot oxytocin tinged blood, made his mouth water. For a moment he imagined fucking her while tasting the sweet thick, nectar.

  Too many days had gone by with only half rations of blood and today he only had the one bag left. It wasn’t enough.

  If only I could…

  He had let himself get to a state of thirst he hadn’t reached before. He knew he needed to curtail this line of thought immediately.

  “What are you thinking?” Sara asked interrupting his effort to gain control of his burning thirst.

  “Contemplating my next manly move.”

  Adam winked and swallowed hard before regaining control of his wayward thoughts. He trailed his fingers along the sides of her face and into her hair, brushing it back behind her ears.

  Adam tilted her head exposing her neck. Sara’s wildly throbbing pulse was visible under her skin. A shock of bloodthirst exploded throughout his body. His mouth watered and his nerve endings caught fire. He lowered his head, not exactly sure what he planned to do next.

  I have to find a way to focus on fucking and not on sucking! He inwardly smirked at his play on words.

  Adam trailed kisses along her neck and felt her shiver in his arms.

  “Let’s find out what makes you scream?” Adam whispered into her ear.

  Sara’s response to that was nearly a purr as she melted into him.

  Adam picked her up and deposited her into the middle of the bed. He quickly rummaged through her bedside table and spotted the vibrator she had stashed between her bed and the table. This one he knew had to be her go-to stimulation device. He grabbed it, threw it on the bed next to her and she grinned at him. Adam gave her a knowing look and a wink.

  He quickly fo
llowed her and laid beside her on his side. Adam leaned over her to kiss her, toying with her tongue until she was squirming with need. She wrapped her arms around him, pulled him closer and meshed her body against his. She threw a leg over his and firmly pushed her hot core against his thigh. Her soft moans filled the air.

  Adam ended the kiss. He kept his thigh between her legs rhythmically moving it against her as he pushed her onto her back and moved to cover her with his body. Her head fell back on the pillow and her breathing came in short bursts.

  Adam pulled his thigh up tight against her. Her pussy scorched his skin. She was so ready for him. He was so ready to sink deep into her, but he wanted to draw this out and make her desperate for fulfillment.

  “Let’s just fuck,” Sara stated, out of breath.

  “Oh no. I told you I wanted to see what makes you scream.” Adam shook his head before he took her nipple into his mouth and suckled. She ground her wet slit into his rock-hard, muscled thigh. His cock throbbed in rhythm with the bucking on his thigh.

  “Please.” She begged desperately.

  “I think you may be getting too close. We can’t have that.” Adam removed his thigh from between her legs. She groaned with disappointment.

  “You devil.” Sara whispered.

  He drew her nipple deep into his mouth and pinched the other one hard enough to get her attention.

  Sara arched her back and whimpered in ecstasy. Adam let go of both nipples and kissed a trail up to her mouth. They shared a long drugging kiss before Adam expertly flipped her over onto her belly. She let out a surprised yelp.

  The lovely curve of her sweet ass beckoned him. He leaned over and kissed the small depressions where her back met her bottom.

  “I love these dimples,” Adam said before kissing the other one. “Did you know they are called The Dimples of Venus?”

  “How about you use them for gripping and get behind me,” Sara demanded as she started to rise up on her knees.

  “Oh, I will, but not yet.”

  Adam loved this. He pushed her flat against the mattress. She made a frustrated sound that made him laugh out loud.

  “First, I need to give this ass some attention.”

  He gave a quick love tap on one of her plump cheeks, testing the waters. Her pleasured moan muffled by her pillow was the answer he was hoping for. He kissed the spot where his hand had been. He continued to lick and nibble down to where her leg and cheek meet.

  Sara writhed beneath him, stoking the fire in his hardened dick. He leaned back and spanked the other cheek slightly harder than his test run.

  “Adam!” She screamed into her pillow, her breathing labored.

  “Yes, love?” He whispered before giving this cheek the same loving attention as the other one. Her restless movements beneath his tender assault drove him wild. She tried to rise up again to entice him to mount her. This time it worked.

  Adam got to his knees and spread her legs to either side of him. He positioned himself behind her, his cock jutting out straight as a spear to meet her soaking wet pussy. He grabbed her hips, his thumbs on the cute indentations he’d kissed earlier, and pulled her back. He slowly pushed his thick, throbbing cock into her welcoming sheath. He withdrew slowly, his bulbous head pulling against her opening but not letting himself exit her. She greedily backed up on him and he met her with a strong thrust.

  “Oh my god!” Sara exclaimed. “That dick Yes!”

  He lifted one hand from her hips and swiped it down in a stinging spank. Adam drove into her with controlled force again and again. Sara grabbed her vibrator. It came to life with a deep buzz. She held it to her clit and moaned appreciatively.

  Adam growled out his climax at the same time Sara screamed hers into her pillow. They collapsed in a pile of spent heavy breathing. He rolled to the side so as not to crush her. She stayed face down, but slung her vibrator off the side of the bed.

  Sara turned her head his way and said, “You fuck like a much older man.”

  That hit too close to home.

  “What makes you say that?” Adam asked curiously.

  “You just know how to fuck.” She sighed. “I haven’t had sex with any twenty-four-year olds since I was twenty-four, but as I recall they didn’t do it as well as you do. Not by a long shot. ”

  Chapter Twent y- Eight

  “Did you bring pajamas?” Sara asked as she rummaged through her dresser drawers and came out with soft fleece pajama pants and a lacy tank top she had purchased specifically for tonight’s sleepover. She wanted to look effortlessly cute and comfortable. She put them on, relishing the decadent coziness. She walked to the closet and pulled out a thin peached-jersey leopard print half robe.

  “I didn’t think of it. I was preoccupied imagining the sex.” Adam responded.

  Adam was sprawled out on the bed with his hands behind his head, looking very satisfied with himself. Sara stared at him while she secured the ties of her robe around her waist. His feet were almost hanging off the end of the bed. His long, muscular legs looked sculpted out of stone. When he lifted his head up to look back at her, his abs flexed and Sara bit her lip. A tinge of desire shot down from her stomach.

  Sara was surprised at how easily he turned her on after already being thoroughly satisfied. Well, maybe she wasn’t surprised.

  Shit, my pussy is going to be sore tomorrow.

  Her smile widened.

  “You want to watch a movie now?” Adam asked. “Have I serviced you enough my queen?”

  “Hmmmm, for now my lowly man slave. For now. I bought tons of snack foods and ice cream. Let’s get this party started!” Sara chirped. She picked up his discarded clothes and threw them on top of him. “I’m going to get snacks going,” She said over her shoulder as she walked out of the room.

  Sara skipped down her hallway and let herself do a twirl or two.

  He likes me. I think he really likes me!

  She stopped in the foyer and hugged herself and sighed.

  I can’t believe this is happening.

  Sara replayed their earlier conversation. He said he felt the same. That he was falling in love with her, too. There wasn’t an inkling of deception about him. She thought she should probably be skeptical, but being skeptical sucked. She wanted to believe him.

  “Take that, Beautiful Becky!” She whispered.

  Adam surprised her wrapping his arms around her from behind and putting his chin on top of her head. “Who’s Beautiful Becky?”

  Sara, a bit startled by his stealthy approach said, “Oh this amazing looking woman at the gym this morning. You know the type: effortless messy bun, twenty something, eyes like I’ve never seen before… like amber. She made me question myself after we had a conversation in the sauna.”

  Adam went completely still. His arms tightened around Sara. It couldn’t be, but he knew it had to be.

  “What did she say?” Adam demanded.

  He tried to keep the alarm out of his voice as his mind reeled with the information that his Sara had been alone with Rebecca with no one to protect her. She had been completely vulnerable and now he knew she was at any given moment. What was Rebecca planning? Why would she seek Sara out this way?

  Sara turned around in his tight embrace and pushed against him.

  “I’m sure she didn’t mean to hurt my feelings she seemed really nice. Why are you looking so weird?”

  Adam forced himself to soften both his grip and his features. He sniffed the air deeply. Rebecca knew how to find her. She could be here now. He let his hearing reach out to the neighborhood. Were they being watched right now?

  How could he have let himself be so immersed in their time together that he wasn’t keeping vigilant watch of their surroundings?

  “Adam. What is going on in your head? Your eyes are a little crazy right now.” Sara questioned.

  He smelled the threat before he heard it. His nostrils flared. Then, a small creak on the front porch followed by a knock.

  “I could tell it was time
to make my move. Don’t even try to run.”

  The voice, one only Adam could hear, spoke from the other side of the door. Another knock, this time louder than before.

  Adam couldn’t believe this was happening.

  He recognized the voice. It was Collette, Rebecca’s best friend. She would do anything for Rebecca. They had spent centuries together and were more like sisters.

  Why would she be here? Was Rebecca here as well? He turned his head listening for any other sounds around the house.

  “Adam, I need to see who that is. Let go.”

  Sara’s confused voice cut through his panicked haze.

  “Yes, Adam. You need to calm down and act normal. We can sort this out.” Again, Collette spoke softly on the other side of the door, and only his ears could hear her.

  “I don’t want anyone to have to get hurt…”

  Adam knew he was fucked. He let his arms drop from Sara. He couldn’t outrun Collette. He’d been barely sustaining himself on blood. She would catch them before they could get out of the backyard. In fact, Rebecca could already be waiting out there. Sara would scream. Neighbors would call the police. They would all die.

  He had to find out what Collette wanted. If it was to stop seeing Sara, he would to keep her safe. His heart cracked at the thought. If Rebecca was angry enough to have Collette here, he would find a way to bargain with her to leave them alone. Maybe this was just some plot to scare Sara off. Not a really mature course of action for Rebecca to undertake, but a woman scorned, they always say. He could get through that. Sara wouldn’t be in danger if that was their plan.

  Sara opened the front door to reveal Collette dressed in jeans, tennis shoes and a high school sweatshirt. She was in her early twenties when she was turned and being as short as she was, passed easily for a teenager. She smiled up at Sara, wide eyed and innocent.


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