“Love, breaks the curse if love spread everywhere and the inhabitants of the earth loved the inhabitants of the planet Gliza as I was able to love Jennifer, peace will come back,” Edward said looking at Jhon brown eyes.
John laughed hysterically after hearing the answer or the joke of his friend and then said “ We are not in a fictional story, my dear, we are here on the ground, who believes in this bullshit, tell me what you have gained from your love for Jennifer, and most importantly it is no longer just a silly love, but the lives of two girls are at risk because of the curse-breaker you are talking about?”
Edward smiled and then said: “Love is not magic but is a medicine heal your pains”
John looked at his friend with disapproval and then said: “I did not know you a philosopher and I did not expect to hear that shit love from you after what happened to you because of that drug sterile”
“Every medicine has side effects” And before John responds with a new sarcastic answer, he saw someone approaches over them to pulls his friend out of his arm toward the vehicle.
“What are you doing?” Edward asked him to hold his eyebrows in surprise.
“No time to explain Come on faster” John is quick to open the door of the vehicle and went up to it.
“I noticed someone approaching,” said John, closing the door.
“But how? This is our secret place no one knows about it” Edward said in surprise.
“I do not know, but all I know now is that we have to leave immediately,” said John, sitting on the driver’s seat and preparing the vehicle for the launch.
While John was busy pressing the control panel buttons in front of him, Edward looked through the window and his hand pointed to something “Look,” he said,
John raised his head looking out the window and his eyes widened in terror as he watched a large group of guards surrounding the vehicle. To hear the voice of one of them “do not move or we fired you”
The two friends looked at each other and there was no point in planning anything, They’re done.
“Edward surrenders and gave us the girls, your plan is over.” The voice came from a guard standing outside.
Edward saw his friend and then said after a long silence: “I will go out with the two girls”
John looked at him in surprise and then said, “Are you kidding me? You can not surrender, they will kill you.”
“I have no other choice and you stay here,” Edward said
“What do you say? I will definitely go with you”
Edward turned to his friend and signs of distress and sadness appeared on his face and then answered him: “ John you are my only friend in this place. If you go with me now and we both surrender to Victoria, then surely we will die and what will happens to my daughters?”
John could not understand what was happening Does he really have to witness the end of his friend without doing anything? Should he put that frightening prospect in his head that he may be the last moments he will spend with his friend?
Edward did not long stare at his friend so much so he steps out with his two children, but John stopped him abruptly: “You will not leave alone and nothing will ever differentiate us and our fate will remain shared”
Edward sighs sadly and as he watches his friend’s insistence. What brings them together is something greater than friendship and closer to a brotherhood. Edward patted his friend’s shoulder and then said, with a miserable smile on his face: “ If you really seek to satisfy me and if you care for my comfort do not come with me or follow me, please John, there is no longer a place in our lives for playing, now everything has a price”
John was frozen in his place, and before Edward took advantage of his friend’s surrender and step out, he whispered to him: “ please try to keep my daughters away from Victoria because she probably does not want them for something good “ He did not stand up long and did not hug his friend as he was so feared it would get worse.
Victoria sat on the sofa of the damaged room, a small room in the basement with no windows with pale paint and antique sofas. She looked up at Edward, who ignored her presence and then said, smiling:” I always have that wrong feeling about you”
It is certainly a calm before the storm, Edward was in a kind of surprise and some ridicule of the situation and soon he returned to the previous state of disregard.
“But you did not notice that you were dealing with Victoria herself, I’m not Jennifer, “ she said with a bit of irony and then add “ but you know what? Jennifer will be worse than me if she knows what you do, and where you come from”
Edward looked up and then said: “Madam Victoria I am sorry that you and your people have a backward mindes, so much that you can not realize that we all meet under one name, I am happy to let you know that I am a human being like you, and there are no racial distinctions that you talk about”
Victoria held her eyebrows with disapproval and soon entered into a mad laugh, Edward looked at her with great surprise and she laughs very seriously as if she had seen a comedy play.
She stopped laughing and her sarcastic smile remained on her face and then said: “I do not believe that you are talking about racism and describe yourself as human beings and you are only monsters, Did you know how much Jennifer hated the people of the earth? you certainly do not know, she does not like to talk about it because it is very sensitive to her, You do not seem to know how much Jennifer loved her father who was killed by your people.” She looked at him with her sharp eyes and then raised her fist in his face and said “ she is ready to burn anyone even if he was her husband or even her children, You do not know much she thirsty for revenge”
Edward subside as he turns those facts inside his head trying to reach a realistic and balanced solution, she interrupted his quite “ I had to fix the situation but your stupidity made things complicated, everyone knew your truth and they are demanding to get rid of you and the two children in the most violent ways”
the blood was frozen in his veins as he listened to her words. Was he really wrong? And is it time to pay for that false love? But it is impossible that all these feelings are false!
“And what now, are you going to kill me and kill your granddaughter, or perhaps you will burn us in front of all the inhabitants of the planet Gliza, and sending the ashes of our bodies to the inhabitants of the earth to feel the pleasure of revenge?”
Victoria looked at him with anger and the fire was burning inside her, she wanted to tell him that this is a small part of her thought of revenge. “Unfortunately, I can not abandon my grandchildren, they finally carry the blood of the royal family, even if they carry the contaminated blood of my enemies”
Edward turned her words over in his mind, trying to reach something convincing. Victoria the biggest malevolent on the Earth’s people will protect her grandchildren who carry his blood? But is not it normal for everyone to protect their family for whatever the reason?
“So what are you going to do now to protect your granddaughters from the hands of the people of Gliza?” Said after he decided to surrender to Victoria’s words, which seemed logical to him at that moment without knowing the fact that Victoria often goes beyond logic.
Chapter 19
Location: Glaze Planet
J ennifer rushed to Edward as soon as she saw him entering the bedroom and he was clearly exhausted, she hugged him completely unaware, forgetting his absence from her side in her difficult moments, which were then in dire need of him and his support. he hugged her as it’s the last hug he felt her tears flow on his neck he want to cry to may alleviate the pain of his heart, he wished that moment would last and time stops, but all of these are imaginary dreams.
After Jennifer emerged from the state of unconsciousness she said crying:” our two children are kidnapped, Edward”
Before he found a suitable way to respond, someone pushed the door with a force that frightened them. Jennifer turned as she wiped her tears and once she looked at the entrant until the
signs of panic and surprise appeared on her face.
“I came to welcome you back Edward,” Victoria said as soon as she entered with a number of the palace guards with signs of frown and anger on her face.
Jennifer looked at her mother’s face and watched her husband’s reaction, which was frozen in his place.
“What is exactly happening here?” Jennifer said, but her mother did not care about answer her and pointed to the guards who took quick steps towards Edward and began to drag him out of the room.
The signs of surprise appeared on the face of Jennifer as she watches the guards pull him out, And once she was able to absorb what was happening in front of her until she rushed to push the guards away from him, She screams at them, but to no avail.
she turns looks at her mother and then said sharply: “Mom, what’s going on? stops them”
“Listen, Jennifer, if you are defending your husband after what happened, this is an offense,” her mother shouted angrily.
“But what did he do? I do not understand anything”
“The heirs of the royal throne were killed by him, my granddaughter was killed,” her mother answered with a crying voice.
Jennifer’s eyes widened and she stared at her mother incredulously. Did she hear that? Or is it in a new nightmare? But in any case, her mind refused to believe in what was happening to her at the moment.
“what do you mean? I do not understand anything, “she said, and then turned her eyes on Edward as if waiting for an explanation. But she did not get any answer from both. What made her heartbeat quicken with fear of this quiet silence, but it soon became serious for Jennifer. Her body collapses.
“mother, please do not say that again, that’s not true right,” said Jennifer her eyes filled with tears.
Victoria looked at her daughter with a look of sadness and felt some pain in her heart at that moment, but Victoria will not allow anything of her feelings to spoil her schemes.
“it’s the truth, this what happened,” Victoria said after her facial expressions relaxed.
“I can not believe it,” she said, shaking her head with disbelief, trying to deny what she had heard with all her senses.
“It was him who kidnapped the two girls and I asked the guards to follow him because he became very suspicious but they lost track of him and then I sent many groups to look for him all over the place and they found him and he was digging a hole.” she paused a little while her daughter listened to her with interest and her heart beats almost stopped and she felt confused” Then they found the two children dead “
Jennifer body trembled and she held her breath and wished her heart would stop, she turned to Edward and she wished to hear any objections from him, but he was silent, he did not even try to look at her. she approached him in slow steps, she looked at him and the tears running down from her eyes, then she said in a faint voice: “Please speak, say something”
But he did not answer her and kept his eyes away. she raised his head whither hand, forcing him to look at her, looking at his sad eyes she said: “ Just denied what was said about you and I will believe you I promise you”
His heart beat hard and he listened to her words whit no escape from those tears that gathered in his eyes, that sentence, which he wanted to pronounce, required a great power, A mighty strength he did not possess in front of the girl who loves so much and she still trusts him”
“I did it,” he said in a low voice “I did it because I had to” She falls crying as she heard that confession, But how could he? What did he feel when he did it? And what did he feel after that? How can his heart beat after that crime? It must be stone, not a heart, but why?
she yelled at him madly repeating one sentence “Why? Why did you do it?”
She felt that her body was falling apart and that her energy had been stolen from her. She fell on her knees in front of him and she covered her face with her hands and cried.
Victoria approached Edward and then shouted, saying:” tell her the reason you committed this crime of shame and tell her your truth and where you belong”
He silent a little, then said with a voice that was barely heard: “I am from the Earth and the government sent me to monitor things here and send the news periodically, but I fall in love with you and we get married, and then I received a threat from the government to kill my family on the Earth if I did not finish this farce and they ordered me to get rid of the two girls I have no other choice and I can not afford to leave my family “
“You coward, how sick you are and you’ll pay the price,” Victoria said angrily and sharply and then ordered the guards: “Take him to the prison until I see what I’m gonna do with him”
Before the guards came forward and took him away, Jennifer got up and said, as she barely pushed herself forward, “Stop for a moment! where did you bury them?”
He lowered his head and then answered: “In our place where we spent time under the tree”
He felt her slap on his face as soon as he finished his sentence but she did not stay standing, she ran out of the palace, heading toward that place that had long been her favorite place.
Jennifer approached slowly and hesitantly towards the hole in front of the tree and her heart almost fell off her ribs, she was not really ready to approach or even believe that truth that her heart and mind refuse to accept this tragedy, But she needed to be sure, questions in her mind as she approached and her imagination fill by horrific images, She took another step and felt as if she was trampling on her heart mercilessly, she fell on her knees in front of the pile of dirt fearfully, Before she started her journey by clearing the dirt and revealing what was hiding, she heard the sound of footsteps and a close movement, only seconds before a large number of guards rushed towards her.
Two guards approached her and pushed her away and she started yelling at them and trying to escape from they grip but to no avail,
“Let me prove to you that my children are still alive,” she cried, trying to push them away with all her strength.
Victoria quickly approached her daughter.
“Stay away from her,” said Victoria to the guards while Jennifer ran towards the pile of dirt but she froze again without being able to remove any of the pile of dirt in front of her, Victoria put her hand on her daughter’s shoulder and then said: “Do not do that, don’t torture yourself”
Her mother’s sentence was like a stab with a sharp knife, she could not hold herself together, and she could not hold her tears any longer, She bent her back until her head settled on the dirt and stuck her fingers in the dirt, she wants to smell her daughters for the last time, but she only find the smell of dirt.
Her mother sat next to her and then she said with a muffled voice closer to crying: “Enough Jennifer, I can not see you do that to yourself anymore, please, my daughter enough is enough”
Victoria sees her daughter collapsing in front of her. Everything she did not deprive her of her motherly feelings, but in any case, she did not see herself as guilty.
Jennifer stood up and then looked at her mother’s red eyes. This was the first time she sees her mother extremely sad, she always sees her as a strong woman,
she hugged her mother and then she said in her arms: “I can not believe he did it, Mom, I can’t believe”
Victoria’s Facial features changed when her daughter mention Edward and the expressions of hatred and anger appeared on her face and then she said, “They do everything, they do what you can’t imagine because they are criminals, Listen, Jennifer, I will end that farce.” She silent a little and then took out a gun that she was putting in her pocket, and add “ you will kill him or I will do it myself and this is the least we do to revenge for your daughters “
Jennifer looked at the gun Unbelievable, how she could kill the one who loves so much, her husband? But it is no longer, he has forsaken every vow he ever took, she wanted to strip him of every attribute he had, But it’s not that easy.
Her mother put the gun in Jenn
ifer’s hands and she said: “ he steals motherhood from you, Rob the most important thing you have, and made you live miserably, do you think that death is a lot for him, Or your heart still pity him”
Jennifer suddenly felt angry and furious as she listened to her mother’s words and realized that there was one thing that would extinguish something of her confining and grieving fire, one thing only.
The sense of oppression was burning in Edward’s heart, He could not bear to see his name maimed before Jennifer, he really wanted to shout and admit everything to her, that it is impossible for him to commit such a crime at any cost, He broke her heart with his full mental power, deliberately doing it, He wanted to beat himself to what he did, he shouldn’t listen to Victoria, But he was so serious about his decision to ensure the least loss, He could not act foolishly and there was no chance of risking, But had he chosen the right path? Will he keep his daughters alive in this way? But what about Jennifer’s she will get crazy?
Hear the steps and the voices of keys, Victoria may have come up with other silly ideas, but it wasn’t Victoria, The view was not clear at first because of the darkness in the cell, but as it approached the light became clear, she stood in front of the iron bars while the moonlight revealed her rigid features, It was hard for him to believe that she was Jennifer, she looks like she was in her fortieth decade, everything had a price, and that was the price of grief and pain.
he sees her pain and sorrow for what she suffered because of him, but her looks were terrifying, she was looking at him with looks he had never seen before.
“is your conscience relief at this moment? how do you feel?” She pressed on her teeth in anger and irritation.
He did not answer or even think about her question, he only continued to stare at her in shock, he felt that something horrible is gonna happen.
“How could you do it?” Were your feelings numb?” she shouted in his face.
the cell was quite only the sound of her crying, he was lost in the sea of his thoughts, something inside him cheer and tell him to admit to her no matter what the cost of the price, maybe if he sees her happy his wound will heal a little or relieve him of the internal torment that he lives on, but he wishes things would be that simple.
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