Seduced by the Badge

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Seduced by the Badge Page 14

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “Where are the tombs, Ginny?”

  “She’ll be getting on a plane soon if she hasn’t already left.”

  “But where is it?”

  “Europe someplace. I don’t know! And I don’t want to know! I’ve seen what they do to the girls there!”

  “How? What have you seen?”

  “They videotape the stuff they do to some of the girls because there’s a market for it. I’ve seen the tapes, and it’s not pretty. Some of the men...” Her voice trailed off as she tried to bite back the emotion.

  “She’ll come back, right?”

  Ginger’s tears flowed freely. “She’s just a baby. She’ll never survive the tombs. And if she does come back, she’s going to spend the rest of her life wishing she was dead.”

  Danni felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. She broke out into a sweat, perspiration beading across her brow. Tears pressed hot against the back of her eyelids but she batted them away. She couldn’t afford to let her own fear get the best of her. She had to stay on task. She wrapped her arm around the young woman’s shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. I really want to help. Tell me everything you know about the tombs, Ginger.”

  Ginger suddenly jumped to her feet. “Who are you? And why are you asking so many damn questions?”


  “Don’t play me, Danni. If that’s even your name. Who are you spying for?” Ginger’s voice dropped to a low hiss, ire seeping from her eyes.

  “I’m not...”

  “You’re working with somebody! Is it the cops? Or is it Mr. Balducci? Does he have you spying to test us? To see what we’ll tell or who’s talking?”

  “No, I don’t work for Balducci. Look, Ginger, I’m...”

  Their conversation was suddenly interrupted, Pie calling Ginger’s name from the floor below.

  She cursed, narrowing her gaze on Danni. Her voice dropped to a loud whisper, and she spat venom. “I don’t know what your deal is, but if you want to live you need to get as far from the Balducci family as you can. All of them. None of them can be trusted. And if you betray them and they find out, there is nothing you’re going to be able to do to keep them from coming after you.”

  Danni grabbed Ginger’s arm. “I want to help you, Ginny!” she whispered back.

  There was a moment between them as both paused. Ginger looked from Danni’s hand around her arm to the woman’s face. “I can’t do anything for you anymore.” She snatched herself from Danni’s clutch and moved toward the door. She stole a quick glance out to the hallway, took a breath to calm her nerves, then shouted down the stairs, “I’m coming right down, Pie.”

  “We need to go now,” he shouted back.

  “Coming! I was just fixing my face!”

  Ginger eased the door closed and moved swiftly back to Danni’s side. She leaned in close to whisper in her ear, her cheek pressed against Danni’s cheek. “They bought your little virgin routine. He thinks you need us with your little sob story about being hard up for money and needing someplace to lay your head. He bought it and he plans to work it for all it’s worth. I don’t know what’s true and what’s not, but you ask too many questions for your own good. It doesn’t matter, though, because Pius is planning to auction you to the highest bidder, if he doesn’t take you for himself first. There are men willing to pay big money for a pretty, young thing like you. All fresh and innocent and untouched. You are money in the bank for him, and he cares about his money more than he cares about anything, or anyone. Even you.”

  “He told you that?”

  “He told me that you’re to be at the coffee shop by eleven o’clock tomorrow. If you don’t show, he’s going to hold me responsible. Don’t try to leave tonight. It’ll look too suspicious. Roll out tomorrow morning like you’ve been doing. I can’t help it if the runaway runs away to someplace else. So do me a favor, show up, say goodbye and get your ass out of Dodge before you can’t get out!”

  Ginger took a step back and gave her a look. Danni knew their conversation was done. She watched as the young woman turned on her heels and headed out the door.

  She didn’t know how long she’d been standing there. Downstairs, someone was watching television. She knew the bodyguards in black were there, and she’d heard Marissa talking to some girl she didn’t recognize. There was also chatter that didn’t register one way or the other with her. It was almost comforting to hear noise in the house again. She knew Ginger and Pie had left and come back, and for all she knew gone a second time. For the moment, though, she wasn’t sure what to do or how next to proceed. She was scared. For the girls, for Ginger and herself. But the more she thought about it, the more she knew she couldn’t run. No time soon, at least.

  Chapter 12

  The knocking on his front door pulled Armstrong from a deep sleep. He thought he’d been dreaming, but the soft tap tap tap became louder and more persistent. He flung his body forward and threw his legs off the side of the bed. Standing, he stretched his arms and legs up and out, then pulled on a pair of pants and hurried to the door. Throwing it open, he was surprised to find Danni standing on the other side.

  “Danni, hey! What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes widened as she took in his bare chest. “I messed up,” she muttered as she pushed her way past him. Moving to the center of the living room, she spun around to face him. Remnants of her tears streaked her face, and worry furrowed her brow.

  “What happened?” Armstrong asked as he moved to her side. He gripped her elbow and tugged gently, pulling her down onto the sofa as he sat with her. “Did someone hurt you?”

  She shook her head vehemently. “No,” she said, “but Angel is in trouble. We need to find her.” It took her less than ten minutes to explain everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. By the time she finished, she was crying again. She swiped at her tears with the back of her hands.

  Armstrong nodded. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Please don’t mistake my tears for weakness. I’m frustrated and I’m angry. I’m angry as hell, and if anything happens to that little girl I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  He took a moment to contemplate her statement, sensing that her emotions went far deeper than simple anger. She was enraged, and fury rained down her cheeks with each tear. “I understand. We’ll find her,” he said as he stood up. “I need to make a quick call.” He disappeared down the short length of hallway into a back room.

  * * *

  As Danni waited for Armstrong to return, she felt herself begin to relax, like she could breathe freely for the first time in a long while. It had been a long night, and she imagined it was going to be an even longer day. She hadn’t rested well, half expecting Pie or one of his goons to come storming in to take her captive, but that didn’t happen. A semblance of comfort had come when Marissa had shown up unexpectedly and had fallen into the other twin bed, snoring softly before her head settled against the pillow.

  Rising with the sun, Danni had dressed quickly, grabbed her things and tried to sneak out of the house without being seen. Pie had been standing in his underwear, in front of the refrigerator, guzzling from the jug of orange juice. His presence had startled her. His speaking to her had sent her into shock.

  “Where are you going?” he’d asked, his dry tone void of emotion.

  No one else was awake, and she’d quickly contemplated an escape plan that didn’t involve her pulling the gun from the holster strapped to her thigh.

  “My cousin has a friend who has some money for me. I need to meet him before he goes to work. But I’ll see you at the coffee shop later,” she’d added.

  Pie had stared at her, visibly pondering her response, assessing if he believed her or not. He’d finally nodded his head as if giving his approval. Without another word, he had dropped the empty container onto the counter and had eased his body past her, exiting b
ack up the stairs. Danni had practically run from the home to a car, driven by one of their task force members, waiting in front for her.

  * * *

  By the time Armstrong returned, Danni had dozed off. The sight of her gave him pause. Even as she slept, he could see that her rest was disturbed, everything weighing heavy on her spirit. In that moment he would have given all he had to ease her burden and make things well for her. He reached for the cashmere blanket that rested on the arm of his sofa and laid it gently over her. Tiptoeing from the room, he eased back into his bedroom for a shower. She couldn’t sleep long, but he hoped the few minutes of rest he could afford her would help.

  * * *

  Danni woke with a start. It took a moment for her to remember where she was and why she was there. Sitting upright, she shifted forward in her seat, stretching her limbs until she felt the bones in her back and neck crack. The muscles relaxed and the tension along her shoulders eased. She rose from her seat and was just about to call Armstrong’s name when she heard the shower running from somewhere in the back of the home. She moved to his kitchen and the Keurig coffeepot. Puttering from one cabinet to another, she found a mug, sugar, creamer and a box of K-cup packs. In no time at all she’d brewed a cup of hot coffee and was savoring the intense flavor, delighted by the taste against her tongue. She lifted her slight frame onto one of the barstools and made herself comfortable.

  Minutes later she realized she’d been staring down his hallway, anticipating his return. She hadn’t meant to, but as she’d sat gazing off into space she realized his bedroom door was ajar and she was waiting patiently for him to come through it. She was suddenly taken aback when a very naked Armstrong passed by the open gap, his backside seemingly gesturing for her attention.

  Danni gasped. Loudly. Her breath hitching in her chest as she inhaled swiftly. Armstrong was solid. Rock-hard muscle on top of muscle beneath skin that was as slick as silk. He was perfection personified, and for a split second Danni forgot every ounce of sense she was supposed to possess. She spun around in her seat and took a big gulp of her morning beverage. Her eyes closed as she struggled to contain her breathing. On top of everything else she had to contend with, seeing him naked was almost too much for her to bear.

  She had finally stopped shaking when Armstrong called her name, moving in her direction. He was fully dressed, his requisite suit and tie adorning the hardened body she’d just gotten a quick peek at.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  Danni nodded. “Much better. That power nap helped. Coffee has lifted me back up. Were you able to find out anything?”

  “Alexander has a private jet that’s scheduled to depart from Midway Airport. I’ve already requested a warrant for us to board and search. You little friend is named Alissa Merrill. She’s a runaway. Her mother was hospitalized after the death of her father, and she was put into foster care. Not a good home, unfortunately. But her mother has been looking for her and there’s an active missing persons case open on her, so let’s pray we can get a happy ending out of this.”

  “We just have to find her.”

  Armstrong nodded. “We will.”

  “Did you find anything on Ginger?”

  “Your girl Ginger is something else altogether. There’s nothing on her. It’s like she never existed. There is absolutely nothing about her that we can use as leverage one way or the other.”

  “She knows something’s up. She thinks I’m spying for Balducci or someone else. I almost told her I was a cop, and then Pie interrupted our conversation.”

  “Did you think that was wise? Telling her the truth? Clearly, her loyalty is to Pius and the Balducci family. What if you had blown your cover and she told them? What would you have done then?”

  “I’m not sure why, but I trust her. Ginger’s smart. In that moment it was the only thing that made sense to me. I think if she knew she would help. I also think I can get Ginger to roll on the Balduccis, but we’ve got to be able to give her something in return.”

  “Something like...?”

  “Witness protection, maybe? I think she just wants a new start.”

  He nodded. “Let me talk to my brother. Because this case crosses state lines and we’ve got federal backing, that might be doable.”

  For a split second Danni thought about telling him that Carlo had accused one of the Blacks of being dirty and Ginger had alleged the Balducci family had officers on the take. For a second, and then she changed her mind, opting to play that information close to the vest until she could determine what was true and what wasn’t. She nodded. “Do you mind if I take a shower? I need to get to the coffee shop.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “A shower?”

  “No, your going back to the coffee shop. I think I should pull you out.”

  “That’s not an option. If I don’t show up, Pius is going to know Ginger told me what he said. I’m not going to risk her life. I can’t.”

  “I’m going to put additional detail on you and your boy Pie. You need to contact me the minute your little meeting is done and finished and let me know what’s going on.”

  “I will.”

  “Promise me, Danni.” His stare was intense, his eyes locked tightly on her face.

  “I promise, I will,” she said softly. Danni jumped down from the stool and moved to get her duffel bag.

  “There are towels in the closet at the end of the hallway. Just help yourself to whatever you need.”

  “Thank you,” Danni said softly. She turned toward the hallway, making her way slowly in the direction of the master bedroom and bath.

  “Hey,” Armstrong called after her. “How did you know where I lived?”

  Danni chuckled softly. “Officer Lankford was my driver this morning.”

  “Huh,” Armstrong muttered. “I wonder how he knew.”

  She laughed. “I called your sister and she gave me the address. I made him bring me and drop me off.”

  “I’ll need to talk to them about that.”

  “Don’t bother. Your sister likes me, and I threatened to take Lankford’s shield if he didn’t comply.”

  “You don’t have that kind of authority.”

  “He didn’t know that,” she said as she gave him her first full smile since arriving. “And I can be very convincing.”

  Armstrong smiled back as she made an about-face and disappeared into his bedroom, closing the door behind herself.

  * * *

  Everything about Armstrong’s space was definitively masculine. Not one feminine touch decorated his home. His bedroom was painted a deep shade of charcoal gray. The drapes were black velvet with sheer white gossamer panels underneath. The furniture was contemporary, rich wood painted a sleek, glossy black and accented with silver drawer pulls. The king-size sleigh bed was black leather and boasted a massive headboard that was tufted and finished with silver tacks. A white, down-feather comforter adorned the bed, one side tossed askew where he had rested and risen.

  Unable to resist, Danni moved to the bedside, her palm caressing the sheet where she imagined he had lain. She lifted the pillow to her face and inhaled his scent. His cologne was a dark amber with the faintest hint of citrus and jasmine. She took another deep breath before dropping it back against the bed, beginning to feel slightly like a stalker.

  Moving into the bathroom, she was awed by its size. The space was larger than expected and exceptionally sparse. The marble counters were mottled in varying shades of gray with hints of white and black. There wasn’t an ounce of clutter anywhere, everything likely stored neatly beneath the cabinets and in the many drawers.

  She was instantly drawn to the massive whirlpool tub with the strategically placed jets. There were two pillowed headrests, and she couldn’t help but wonder who might have had the pleasure of being in that tub with him. She shook the thoughts fro
m her head as she moved to the oversize shower, stepping in to turn on the spray of water. As she waited for the water to warm she stripped out of the sweats she wore, dropping her dirty clothes to the floor. She unstrapped the holster pressed against her skin and rested her gun against the counter. The room was becoming nicely heated, just the faintest hint of shower mist filling the air.

  Stepping into the shower, she relaxed, the flow of hot water immediately soothing. She pressed both hands to the tiled walls and allowed her body to simply sink into the luxury of feeling safe and protected. The pulsing massage of the showerheads was like a thousand fingers kneading her taut muscles. Minutes later the water had started to cool, and Danni knew she needed to get out and get dressed. Her moment of comfort and quiet was over.

  * * *

  Armstrong’s own frustration was showing when Danni moved back into the other room. Showered and changed, she felt better, as if she’d been able to wash away a wealth of doubt and confusion. She felt revived and invigorated and ready to kick whatever asses needed kicking.

  He was tense, his posture telling as he shouted at someone on the other end of the line to do their job. He met her gaze, watching as she moved toward him. When she reached her coat, resting her duffel bag on the floor as she pulled the garment on, he cupped his hand over the telephone receiver.

  “They found Angel.”

  Danni’s eyes widened. “Is she okay?”

  He held up his index finger as he shouted another directive into the telephone. Following the conversation, Danni realized something was amiss, and her stomach was suddenly churning again. She tensed as she took a step toward him, her arms folding around her torso as she waited for him to finish his conversation.

  “What happened?” she asked as he finally disconnected his call.

  “She was unconscious when they found her on the plane. She was with a woman who said she was Angel’s aunt and that Angel was under a doctor’s care and on medication. Angel is in protective custody for questioning at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.”


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