Island Jumper 2

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Island Jumper 2 Page 21

by M H Ryan

  “The water’s warm,” Benji said, standing on the edge of the pond and putting in her toes.

  She probably needed a proper cleaning as much as myself. Well, maybe more, with all that hair. My God, she was stunning. She pulled her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder and onto her tan chest. The bikini was starting to show some wear. I really wanted to find them some clothes to wear, beyond the swimsuit edition. As much as I enjoyed seeing their nearly naked bodies regularly, there was a practical side to having more clothes. If we were staying here for a while, then I had to think of winter. Even a mild one might affect a person wearing less than a square foot of fabric over their body.

  Another task, I supposed.

  Getting clothes seemed like a near impossibility, so I didn’t dwell on the how and where we’d accomplish this task. A stable shelter would provide some protection. Then I thought of an indoor fireplace. The clay could be fashioned into blocks or bricks, and we could build a brick fireplace with a flue.

  I started to picture the way I wanted our home to look like and imagined a large shelter, maybe with a few rooms. Big enough for every girl on that ship.

  That was one thing that Mario mentioned—that we better find the girls before he did. I took a deep breath and knew that we’d still be searching for the rest of the women out there. They could be at the bottom of a cave, with a pit of snakes, waiting for someone to help them.

  “You have your thinking face on,” Benji said. “Why don’t you enjoy this water and stop thinking about stuff for a minute?”

  She was right, as usual. I had this insanely beautiful woman right in front of me, standing at the edge of a tropical steam bath, surrounded by lush greenery and topped off with an amazing natural waterfall that cascaded over a large rock and into the pool. That was all thanks to Benji, who removed the “cork.” We would have been in real trouble if we hadn’t gotten the water supply back up and going. Once we had clay pots and a good way to filter the water, we could store a week’s worth of water.

  “You’re thinking again,” Benji said, dipping lower into the water.

  I had a gorgeous woman wanting my attention, and I was thinking of shelter and fireplaces. Sometimes I felt dumb.

  “Sorry, got a lot to think about,” I said, and swished my foot in the water. “It is warm, almost hot.”

  It was warm as a hot tub, and while the fog over the island had lessened, the pond steamed.

  Benji stepped deeper into the water, laughing as she got below her waist and finally dipped in almost to her shoulders. She leaned back and got the back of her head into the water, running her fingers through her hair. I wasn’t immune to the pleasures of seeing such a beautiful body. When she arched her back, her neck and breasts were accentuated. Another moment where Benji took my breath away.

  When she came back up, her usually big hair was tight against her head, and the warm water dripped over her face.

  I jumped into the water with a cannonball.

  It was even warmer than I thought, and deep. I hit the sandy bottom with my feet and jumped back to the surface.

  “It’s so hot,” I said, wiggling around and hoping my body would get used to the heat quickly.

  “You’re such a baby,” Benji said. “This feels nice, and I think I needed something hot to get this feeling off my body.”

  Getting used to the hot water, I unbuttoned my shirt and let it float in the water. Hopefully, the hot water would clean it as well.

  “Why don’t you come over to me,” I said, wading in the deeper water.

  Benji was about ten feet away. She eyed me, perhaps questioning the intentions of my invitation.

  “I want to teach you to swim,” I said. “I’m not even sure how you’ve never learned.”

  “I hate big bodies of water. When I was little, I was at my cousin’s house, and I thought I was all hot shit and could swim. Well, it turns out, I couldn’t swim, and the first thing I remembered was my Aunty Mary giving me mouth to mouth and me puking up water.”

  “Wow, that’s awful,” I said. “So after that, you just never went back into the water.”

  “No, I did. I just didn’t swim. It’s amazing what you can fake. I don’t think anyone really knew I couldn’t swim.”

  “Until you fell off the ship,” I said.

  “Yeah, then you saved me.”

  “Well, why don’t you try to swim to me right now?”

  “I don’t know,” Benji said. “I think I’ve been through enough today.”

  “There is no time like right-now time,” I said. “Now get your sexy ass over here.”

  “Oh, forceful are we?”

  “When I have to be,” I said. “I won’t be able to live with myself if you drown out there.”

  Benji didn’t answer but looked to the shore.

  “Benji, come to me,” I said.

  “I’m not a dog,” she snapped.

  “I know.”

  “Fine,” she said with a drawn-out breath. “But just make sure I don’t drown.”

  She pushed off the bottom and flailed in the water, splashing, and kicking. For a second, I thought she might recover and start at least treading water, and then her head started dipping under. I rushed to her, grabbing her and lifting her up so her head was out of the water. Her hands slapped at me until she found something to grip, the back of my neck, and she pulled tight against me. Then she wiped the water from her face and looked scared.

  “I got ya,” I said.

  “Don’t let go,” she said as I swam us to deeper waters.

  “You know, you’ve been the water several times now. This shouldn’t be nearly this scary for you,” I said.

  “Those times when I went into the ocean, I just knew you were there, and it wasn’t scary, because I knew you had me. In here though, I feel like I’m on a test I know I’ll fail.” She laughed. “You must think I’m such an idiot.”

  “Of course not. Sometimes I think you don’t know how amazing you actually are.”

  She turned back to face me, and her expression went from jovial to serious. She held me in her gaze.

  “I like you, Jack.” Her face turned a light shade of red but she kept her gaze on me. “I mean, like, I really like you. You always make me feel good about myself.”

  “I like you too, Benji,” I said. “Now, I’m going to turn you around.”

  She gripped me tighter.

  “I won’t let go,” I said. “I just want you to try and stay up by cupping your hands and pushing the water down like this.” I demonstrated a basic paddle.

  I turned her around so that her back was facing me, holding onto her waist with one hand and keeping us afloat with my feet and my free hand.

  “Paddle,” I said.

  She moved her arms, and at first, they were spastic, but after she knew I was going to let go, I could feel her relaxing. Her movements were slower but effective, scooping the water and pushing herself up with each stroke. I felt her getting lighter in my arm, so I loosened my grip off her, just a few inches.

  “There you go,” I said. “You’re swimming.”

  “Don’t let go,” she said in a panicky voice.

  “I already have. You’re doing it on your own.”

  She spun around, screaming in fear and grabbed me in a panic.

  “I’m so stupid,” she said, laughing into my ear as she hung onto me.

  “Stop it,” I said. “Now that you have an idea of how to stay up and floating, let me show you how to swim on your back.”

  I moved her around as I went to the shallow waters where I could stand on the sandy floor. Reaching under her, near her butt, I lifted her up like a newlywed over a threshold. She laughed nervously as her face neared the water. She was feather light in the water, and I held her there, letting her float at the surface to get her comfortable with the position.

  “Okay, now you kick with your legs and reach back, and push through the water,” I said. “See, you’re doing amazing!”

  “Oh yeah,�
�� she said, reaching back and touching the back of my neck.

  She pulled herself closer to me, rolling over in my arms and bringing her other arm over my shoulder. Her gaze went to my lips, and she leaned in to kiss me. I bent over, holding this magnificent woman in my arms, and kissed her. She caressed my face and kept kissing me. I got lost in a live fantasy all of my own. I opened my eyes, just to make sure this was really happening.

  I felt her tongue slide across my lips, and then she pulled back with a sweet smile and a small laugh.

  “We should get cleaned up,” Benji said. “My hair is still gross and stuff.”

  I held onto her. I was pretty sure she had spoken words, but her kiss had sapped me. I stood frozen with her, wanting more of what she was giving. I sucked my lip, tasting the saliva she left there.

  “You okay, Jack?” Benji said.


  “Can you put me down?”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” I said and set her down where I knew she could stand on the sand.

  “Sorry, I just feel dirty and need to clean myself,” Benji said and dipped her hair in the water. “I would kill for some nice bath soap. Something with a bakery scent, like mango cupcake or red velvet.”

  I watched her, and I was pretty sure she knew I was watching, as she moved up and down in the water, fanning out her long hair around her like some halo while keeping her wet chest above the water. She straightened up and brought her hair into a ball and wrung it out. The water dripped down her chest.

  I swam over to her, putting my hands around her waist and kissed between her chest, sucking the water off her. I wanted to taste every inch of her.

  She laughed and pushed me back.

  “Oh, I know of something,” she said, climbing up the beach and getting out of the pond.

  She pulled some leaves off of a nearby bush and then grabbed some sand off the beach.

  “What is it?” I asked her absently while I watched her reenter the water.

  “Soap bush,” Benji said with a big smile. “Plus the sand over there is like powder, like real cosmetic grade shit. Here, turn around. I’ll do you first.”

  I turned around and felt her hands on my back. Her touch gave me chills, and I savored this slow build with her. With Kara, it had been a rush—a fantastic rush that I loved—but it was also nice to just play. I wasn’t sure how far Benji would want to take it, but I was thrilled to play ball with any of the bases involved.

  She rubbed my back and neck, and I felt the lather of the soap bush and the granular texture of the sand. After my shoulders, she pulled at my hair and I leaned back, putting my hair into the water. Her fingers moved through my scalp, and she stood over me, looking down at me with that pretty face. Her hair cascaded over me and she bent down, kissing me once again as she held me in the warm water. Her hands went to my chest and stomach, washing, rubbing and exfoliating me.

  “Let’s get you into the shallows,” Benji said.

  I moved with her as she stayed behind me, as I had with her earlier. She moved lower, sliding her hands down my stomach and then into my shorts. She touched me, and I was at full strength down there. Her hands rubbed me, feeling me everywhere. She kept moving down my legs and even ducked under the water to reach my feet.

  She popped up next to me with a big smile. I floated in the water as if I was floating in the sky. I was high on her. She could be my addiction. I wanted her in every way, but she was so resistant to my advances earlier that I didn’t want to push it along. This was going to go at Benji’s pace and at Benji’s distance.

  “Now it’s your turn,” I said and grabbed some of the leaves she left at the shore.

  I dipped the leaves in the water and rubbed my hands together. She watched me, holding her hair in one hand. Once I had a nice lather, she turned, pulling her hair to her front and looking back at me over her shoulder.

  The hot water steamed, creating a slight mist between us. I think it helped in the creation of the lather but there was still plenty of bits of leaves and small stem in the mix. Reaching back to the shore, I grabbed a small amount of sand and mixed it in.

  Up closer to her, I noticed she had a few freckles on her shoulder. I spread the lather over her back, feeling her perfect skin. I worked my hands lower, struggling under and around the back of her bikini.

  “Take off your top,” I said.

  She looked back at me, smiling with a raised eyebrow. Then she lowered the bikini strap off her shoulder and doing the same on the other side. She slid the bikini top down into the water and kept it near her waist. Her breasts were out of my sight as she kept her back to me.

  I messaged her bare back, mixing my harder scrubs with a softer touch.

  “That’s nice,” she said.

  “I’m just getting started,” I said.

  The crystal clear water gave me a perfect view of her body in the water. Just above her ass, she had two perfect dimples that I slid my thumbs over before moving back up to between her shoulders. The lather was gone, but I felt hints of sand over her body. Taking things a bit further, I moved my hands around her waist and to her toned stomach.

  She had her hands over her breasts but she let them drift down, and I slid my hands up her stomach, and just knowing that I was about to touch those breasts that I had imagined and pictured more times than I could count, I nearly lost it. My fingers slid up until they reached the bottom of her breasts, and then I kept moving until I had them cupped in my hands. Her nipples were hard, even in hot water, and I spotted goose bumps along her shoulders. I kissed the back of her neck and heard her release a quick breath.

  I spun her around, and she gasped, but didn’t attempt to push away or cover herself. I feasted on the sight of her topless body and brought her tight against me, kissing her. She moaned and kissed me just as hard. Her hands were roaming my chest, and moving around to my back and neck. She had one hand touching the waistband of my shorts, and I moved to the edge of her yellow bikini bottom, pushing it down a few inches. Then she grabbed my hand and took a slow step back from me.

  She looked at me as if she wanted all of me. She was out of breath and stared at me. “I can’t do this.”

  “Hey, that’s fine,” I said, taking her hand in mine. “Is it something I did or am doing?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I want you, like really want you, and that’s the problem. Sex isn’t something that I’ve ever enjoyed. It’s been…I had a boyfriend that… he wasn’t friendly, and then I had a date in high school that ended with me drinking too much and pictures…”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks, and seeing her hurt like that just broke my heart. I wanted to go back to the world just so I could find those that hurt her and kill them all. I wanted them to feel ten times the pain they inflicted on my girl.

  “I’m so sorry, Benji,” I said.

  “Don’t give me pity. I don’t like it, and it’s one of the reasons I don’t talk about it. Everything is fine up until the moment that I think sex is going to happen, and then I panic.” She looked pale, as even thinking about the moment triggered her.

  “I like you, a lot,” I said. “We don’t need to have sex to have a connection. Seeing those, out for me to touch and admire, was more than I could have ever hoped for in my simple life.” I offered a friendly smile, and she looked down at her tits.

  “They are nice,” she said, and then brought her hair over shoulders and covered them. “So you’re okay if we just…cuddle?”

  “Are you kidding?” I said. “Maybe we can just round a few bases but no home plates.”

  “Baseball metaphors, eh?” she said, getting closer to me.

  “Hey, you were rounding second base pretty hard when you were washing me,” I said.

  “It was pretty hard,” she said with a wink, playing along. “You’re right, we can do plenty of other stuff.”

  I pulled her close to me, wanting to feel her bare chest against mine, and kissed her again. She kissed me and worked at my shorts agai
n, pulling the button free. Her hand slid once again into my shorts but this time she gripped it and tugged.

  “I want to make you feel good. What do you want me to do to you?” Benji whispered in my ear.

  I took a few steps up the beach, so my waist was above the water. She rotated with me, looking up at me with those blue eyes and a bright smile. She kissed my chest, working down until she was on her knees. She slid my shorts down just enough that I was out, dangling against her face. She cupped one of her breasts, feeling it and touching her nipple. With a few gentle kisses, she handled me with some smooth hand movements before letting it glide over her tongue and into her mouth.

  A groan escaped me, and I felt as if I wasn’t going to last more than a few seconds. Benji had me so close, her mouth moving and sucking while her hand touched and rubbed. Her hair fell forward, blocking my view, and she pulled it back and looked up at me with a smile that reached those sparkling eyes.

  After a minute, I’d reached a point where I needed to give her a warning.

  “Benji, I’m about to…”

  Benji didn’t slow down or stop but sped up and used her hand in hard motions while tightening the grip on her lips. She moaned against me. I tried to pull back, but she had a grip on me, and I had no choice; I had gone too far off the edge to have any chance of stopping what was coming.

  Gripping her head with both hands, I tensed and released. The feeling flooded over me while Benji moaned louder. I melted, slipping out of her grip and down to my knees. I panted and held onto her, feeling as if I might fall right through the earth.

  I went to her, kissing her neck and working my way to her breasts that were just under the water. Reaching behind her, I took her and lifted her up out of the water, carrying her to the beach. I wanted to make her feel as good as she made me feel. With her out of the water, while I was still partially submerged, I went between her legs and up to her stomach. I kissed her and licked her, sliding my tongue under her yellow bikini. Her hands were going through my hair, and I felt her tense as I went lower.

  The cartoon character on her bikini bottom did little to deter me from sliding the fabric to the side. I kissed and then licked. It didn’t take long to find her swollen button, and I went exploring with my tongue. She was just as ready to burst as I was.


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