Survivor (Dragon Shifter Book 4)

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Survivor (Dragon Shifter Book 4) Page 7

by Naomi Sparks

  No ambush comes. The dragon stands in the middle of the room, his hands raised in the air as he looks at me. I wait for him to attack, but he doesn't move. He stays right where he is, his eyes locked on me.

  "Who are you?" I growl, resisting the urge to leap in there and start tearing him apart. If he'd attacked me, I wouldn't have hesitated. But maybe this way I can get some information from him before I kill him and send him back to his boss.

  "Just a messenger," the dragon says, never breaking eye contact. He stays right where he is, not moving even an inch. "I'm not here to fight, just to deliver a message from Amasis."

  The growl returns, as does my urge to tear him apart. Just hearing that bastard's name has my blood boiling again. "And what, pray tell, does Amasis have to say?"

  "He says to tell Faith if she doesn't return to him within twenty-four hours, Ida will suffer a worse fate than Reggie did." He smirks at me now, clearly enjoying the idea of torturing the woman's grandmother.

  My anger gets the best of me and I charge forward after him. The attack is clumsy, anger making me act without thinking, and the other dragon dodges my lunge. He's laughing. "Give her that message for me, will you?" he says.

  I lunge again, but before I can grab him, he disappears. A roar tears from my lips, shaking the house, as I search for him. The bastard must have some kind of camouflage ability, which is probably why Amasis would use him as a messenger.

  I take a deep breath and extended my senses outward, trying to find him, but it's no use. Either he's already out of range or his ability is to hide completely masks his presence.

  The rage inside me bubbles over, and I lash out, slamming my fist into the wall near the door frame. The crash echoes through the now empty house, the wall splintering in a spiderweb pattern around my hand. There's no doubt the neighbors will have heard the commotion, but it takes a moment to calm myself down before I'm able to head back out to my bike.

  Part of me wants to stay here, to track down that dragon and teach him a lesson, but I know it's futile. If he has half the brain, he's long gone by now, using his power to mask himself until he's well beyond being tracked. Now, more than ever, I want to go after Amasis and break his stronghold into a thousand pieces.

  It takes a few more moments before I can clear my mind enough to head back out to my bike and hop on. In the distance, I can already hear the slight wailing of sirens, which means I really need to leave. I don't want to explain what just went down to the police. It's not like they'll be much help against Amasis, anyway. Sure, they might take the kidnapping seriously, but it's not like they'll stand a chance of bringing Amasis in. And that's assuming they even believe me and don't just lock me up for it.

  The bike comes to life with a roar, piercing through the night's silence once more. With one last glance at the house, I rev the engine and take off down the street, heading away from the sirens. It doesn't take long until I'm well away from the house, the sirens no longer audible. It's only then that I let out a sigh and shake my head.

  That bastard.... Kidnapping an old woman, just to get his slave back. It just goes to show how Amasis has no sense of morals. Now, more than ever, I know we need to stop him. We can't stay on the run forever, can't just let him do whatever he wants to the world. If someone doesn't stand up against him soon, it might just be too late.

  By the time I pull back into our driveway, I barely control the fire raging deep inside me. It's still there, simmering just below the surface, but it's no longer that blinding emotion from earlier. Still, I sit there and stare up at the dark house, taking deep breaths. Part of me wants to rush in there, wake everyone up, and storm Amasis's stronghold, but I know that's just a foolish dream. Still, everyone does need to know what's going on.

  With a sigh, I head inside and up the stairs toward Lex's room. I stop outside the door for a moment, listening, making sure I'm not about to burst in on something intimate. When I hear nothing but their soft breathing, I step inside, walking over to where Lex is asleep. I fight to keep my eyes off Hannah, whose bare body basks in the moonlight, and put my hand on Lex's bare shoulder.

  He's awake in an instant, his hand flies up to grab my wrist as a growl slips from his lips. I stay still, giving him a second to wake up, realize it's me and not someone attacking him. The moment he does, he releases my hand and sits up, the blankets fall to his waist. He makes no move to cover his bare chest, his muscular body looks more like a Greek statue illuminated in the moonlight drifting through the window.

  "What happened?" he asks, narrowing his eyes. He'd been asleep only a moment ago, but now he's wide awake, ready for battle.

  I take a deep breath and nod. "One of Amasis's flunkies was waiting at the house. We need to wake everyone up. You're all going to want to hear this."

  Lex returns my nod, then glances over at Hannah. He slides the blankets up slightly, covering her body, before he turns to fix his gaze on me again. "Okay. We'll be down in a bit."

  I leave Lex to make himself presentable, then move on to the next room. Just as I'm coming out of Faris's room, Lex appears, wearing his jeans and nothing else, and helps me wake the rest of the crew. As I head downstairs, I stop in the living room to watch Faith sleep. She looks so peaceful, so innocent, and for a moment, I want to leave her like that. I don't want to ruin her night by giving her this news, but I don't have much choice. This concerns her, and she deserves to know.

  Besides, I have a feeling Lex will have some questions for her.

  Faith jumps up the moment my hand touches her arm. She grabs the blankets as she backs up against the couch, pulling them around her like a shield. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as her head whips around, no doubt looking for potential enemies.

  "Easy," I say, backing up a step and raising my hands. I take deep breaths as I fight the urge to wrap my arms around her. I hate seeing her this scared and panicked, knowing there's nothing I can do to help her. "It's just me."

  Faith nods, her grip on the blanket relaxing ever so slightly as she sucks in a deep lungful of air. She blinks a few times, then glances up at the ceiling as the sound of footsteps becomes more audible. "What... Jerrick, what's going on?" she asks at last, looking back over at me and meeting my gaze.

  "I just got back from your grandmother's," I say, letting out a sigh. "We need to have a meeting."

  Even in the low light, I can see the color drain from her face. She nods, then lets the blankets fall. She's wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, something I assume Hannah and Kyra had bought her during their trip out. It's nothing sexy, but I can't deny the attraction that courses through my veins as I look at her. Feet thundering down the steps forces me to rip my gaze away from her, and I head into the kitchen, turning on lights as I go.

  It's still early, way too early to be awake, so I decide against making coffee. Instead, I grab the bottle of scotch and pour myself a small glass, hoping the amber liquid will help calm my nerves a bit. I've just finished the liquor when everyone arrives in the kitchen, all half-dressed after forcing themselves to roll out of bed in the middle of the night.

  "Well?" Lex says. His voice is gruff and serious. He has an arm around Hannah, holding her tight against his body, as if that alone will protect her from the evils of the world. Holding her the same way I yearn to hold Faith. "What happened?"

  I stare at the glass in my hand for a few moments and consider refilling it. I decide against it though and set it on the counter behind me. Looking each person in the eye for a moment, I tell them everything, about the note Faith had written for her grandmother, about driving out there against Lex's warnings, and the lackey that had been waiting in her grandmother's living room.

  Everyone's wound tight now, their bodies looking like they're ready to spring into a fight at any moment. As I repeat the lackey's words, telling everyone Ida has twenty-four hours before she gets the same treatment Reggie did, I watch all the color leave Faith's face. She stumbles, and Galen reaches out, grabbing her before she hits the floor. He help
s guide her over to a chair to sit, while I walk over to the cabinet and grab another glass, filling it with water and bringing it over to her.

  "Who's Reggie?" Lex asks after Faith has a few moments to compose herself.

  She keeps her eyes fixed on the glass in her hands. No one dares make a sound as we watch her, waiting for her answer. The tension is thick enough to be felt by all of us now, even the girls who stay pressed right up against their mates.

  "Reggie is.... was.... my brother." Her voice is low and quiet, barely above a whisper. The words come across loud and clear though, despite that, and I hold a breath as I wait for her to continue. She reaches up and touches the scars on her back, and I wonder if they're bothering her. "You saw what Amasis did to me the first time I escaped."

  Everyone remembers the sight of the scars that crisscrossed along Faith's back, scars left by a whip. It had enraged me then, and it still does now. How could someone hurt a woman like Faith, someone who's so sweet and kind?

  She swallows, then looks up at us. I can see tears in her eyes now. They slide down her cheeks, but she makes no move to wipe them away. "I tried again, a few months later. I didn't care what happened to me. Didn't care if Amasis killed me for running away. I just had to get out of there, get away from him."

  My breath catches in my throat. I can see where this is going, but I can't bring myself to stop listening. I need to hear it from her, just to be sure. But when I glance over at Lex, I can see the same thoughts etched onto his face. You don't need to be a mind reader to know he's having flashbacks to Siobhan.

  "When Amasis brought me back, he took my brother, too. I had to sit there and watch as he tortured Reggie. Worse, with my powers, I had to listen to each agonizing thought as Reggie died, knowing there was nothing I could do to help him, nothing I could do to stop his suffering." Faith's voice cracks as she sobs.

  This time, I don't stop myself from reaching out to her. I pull her into my arms and hold her as she sobs against my chest, soaking my shirt with her tears. When I glance at the others, I can see my anger reflected back at me, especially from Lex. He knows what she's been through, knows how hard it was to lose someone you loved because of something you did. It doesn't matter that it was a lover for him and a brother for her. It’s the same brand of pain.

  "I'm sorry," Faith says, after she gets herself under control. She pulls away and rubs the remaining tears from her eyes. Her voice cracks, it's broken, no doubt like her spirit. That's what Amasis wants. He wants to remind her he's in control, that he makes the rules. He wants her to believe she has no power, that if she goes against him, it won't work, it'll only bring her more pain. "I guess I'll get ready to leave."

  Faith turns to walk away, but I reach out and grab her shoulder, stopping her. "No."

  She turns to look at me, confused. Everyone else is watching me now too, looking just as confused. "We won't send you back there. I'll get your grandmother out of there. Then, we'll get you both as far away from Amasis as possible."

  Lex opens his mouth to object, but I fix him with a stare, and he closes it. He still looks at me like I'm insane, but he doesn't dare object, not out loud. He knows all too well the pain in store for both Faith and Ida if she goes back there. Amasis isn't just going to let her grandmother walk away. And I won't let him continue to torture this woman.

  "I'll go with you," Galen says, breaking the silence. I look at him and see his mouth in a tight line, his hands balled into fists. He locks eyes with me and nods, and I nod back, unable to express my thanks in words right then.

  "I will too," Ezra pipes up, nodding at me as well.

  Bren nods, too. "I won't let you go in alone."

  But when Faris, and finally Lex, agree to go in, I shake my head. "You two should stay here with your mates. You both have more to lose than the rest of us."

  To my surprise, it's not the guys that object. It's Kyra. She pushes forward, stepping away from Faris and shaking her head. "If Faris is needed, then he should go. I'll be fine here without him." She looks over at Faith and smiles. "I don't want Amasis to hurt Faith or her grandmother anymore. Someone needs to show him he can't do whatever he wants."

  I nod, then glance over at Hannah. She stays quiet, her bottom lip between her teeth, as she stares at the ground. I don't need Faith's powers to see the turmoil inside her. She wants to insist Lex go with us, but she doesn't want to risk him, doesn't want to lose the father of her unborn child. And I can't fault her for that.

  Finally, Lex takes a deep breath and nods. Then, he leans over and kisses Hannah on the top of her head. "Jerrick is right," he says a moment later. "We can't leave your grandmother in there. Nor can we let you just walk back in, knowing what will happen to you. Like Kyra said, we cannot let him continue to do whatever he wants."

  Everyone is nodding now. There's no dissent like earlier, no quarreling about whether we should go up against Amasis. Now we have a reason for attack, a reason for not staying in the shadows.

  "However," Lex continues. His voice is firm and commanding, leaving no room for debate. "This is a stealth mission. We're going in, getting Faith's grandmother out, and leaving. If we have to fight along the way, we will, but we're not going against Amasis head on. We're not going to war against The Clutch — yet."

  "Thank you," Faith says at last, looking at each one of us. "I... I can't ask you to do this for me, but I really appreciate it."

  "Let's all go get some more sleep. We will need it for tomorrow," Lex says, leading Hannah out of the room. Everyone follows him out, except for Faith. She stands there and stares at me, looking like she wants to say something.

  Then, she sighs, thanks me again, and heads back out to lie on the couch.

  I watch her go, hoping this is the right move.



  I lay on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. No matter how hard I try, I cannot fall back asleep. All I can do is lay there and think about Jerrick. I can't believe he's willing to sacrifice that much for me, to go up against Amasis like that, without a second thought. I'm beyond grateful, even if I'm not sure he'll be able to succeed.

  This is Amasis we're talking about. No one has ever gone up against him successfully. I want to tell Jerrick it's stupid to try to sneak my grandmother out of there, and that it'll just end up getting him killed. But I can't bring myself to do it. Maybe it's because I'm being selfish, though I can't help but hope he can succeed, that he can get Ida away from Amasis and keep her safe.

  A sigh escapes me. As crazy as it's been here with everyone, I can't deny how happy I am. For the first time in what seems like forever, I'm finally with people who aren't using my powers for their own benefit. I don't want this to end, don't want to go back to having every moment of my life decided for me by Amasis or Leon.

  I want to stay here. I want to stay with Jerrick.

  Before I can stop myself, I'm off the couch, walking up the stairs. I'm being stupid, I tell myself. I should just go back downstairs and try to fall asleep. I shouldn't be up here. Jerrick already made it clear that he wants to keep his distance from me. Except, I don't quite believe that. The way he'd looked at me earlier, the way he'd held me as I cried... He definitely feels something for me. He just doesn't want to admit it.

  Which is why I stand outside his room, staring at the wooden door, debating whether to knock on it. But my hand turns the door handle, and I find it unlocked. It swings open silently, not the slightest creak to alert anyone to what I'm doing. And then I'm inside his room, the door closed behind me.

  Moonlight drifts in from the window, illuminating Jerrick's sleeping body. The bedsheets are down just enough for me to see his muscular chest, exposed to me for the first time. Then, my eyes drift to the floor next to the bed where a pile of clothing lay. A shiver goes through my body as I realize he must be naked beneath those covers.

  My heart pounds as I watch him.

  I shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be up here. But I can't bring myself to turn around a
nd go back down to the couch. Now that I'm up here, alone in the dark room with Jerrick, I know there's nowhere else I want to be. My entire body aches to be with him, aches to have one last night of happiness before I'm back in Amasis's grasp. Because, once that happens, I know he'll never let go of me again. He'll probably give me to Leon, letting him mate with me, just so he can keep his grip around my throat even tighter.

  My feet move of their own accord, bringing me closer to the bed. My body is shaking as I look down at Jerrick's sleeping form. I'm terrified, no question about it, but not of him. No matter how Jerrick looked at me, no matter how many times he questioned me, I never felt any fear of him. No, I'm scared of myself, and scared of having this one night with him.

  Because… Will this one night of happiness make Amasis's torture even worse? Or will it help me and dull the pain he inflicts, giving me something else to focus on?

  As I stand over Jerrick's bed, hands clutching at the front of my shirt, and I wonder how I should wake him up. If I'd been his lover, I'd crawl under the blankets and suck him off. But I'm not his lover; I'm just a woman he met, a woman he will be risking his life for.

  Before I can think of another good way to wake him up, his eyes dart open as he stares at me. A lump forms in my throat as he sits up, the bedsheets falling even lower on his body, showing me manicured abs to go along with his pecs. He is every bit the Viking he said he was.

  "Are you okay?" Jerrick asks, his voice low and slurred from sleep. His eyes dart around the room, and I know he's searching for any signs of danger, probably wondering if Amasis had backed out of his agreement and come for me early.

  I nod, then move to sit next to him on the edge of his bed. When I look into his eyes, I nearly lose myself, and it becomes even harder to keep myself in control. "I....I don't want to be alone," I tell him honestly. Then, I reach out and touch his chest, feeling it rise and fall beneath my fingers. "I want to be with you. At least for a little while."


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