Koalaland or The Great Koala Novel - Volume I: The Making of a Kingdom

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Koalaland or The Great Koala Novel - Volume I: The Making of a Kingdom Page 17

by David Bolton


  It was the night before the migration was to begin, and both Nory and Maki, who had spent all day preparing the furniture, boards, tools, and other things that had to be transported, were exhausted.

  “Bedtime, father. I think we’ve done as much tonight as we could.”

  “Yes, we have dear. You go on up to bed, I want to finish up something here first,” Nory replied, arranging some tools in his toolbox.”

  “Okay. Good-night, father!”

  “Good night, Maki.”

  When she had climbed up into the tree house and disappeared into her bedroom, Nory walked out to the western edge of the grove, then south about sixty yards, till he got to the graveyard. The Koala Moon was almost full, and it illuminated his fur as he knelt down in front of a grave that was marked by a board sticking in the ground vertically, with elaborately decorated leaves carved into the corners, a marker that he himself had made in the days following the burial. On the board were engraved the words:

  “Here lies Fooey, my beloved wife and

  best friend, and mother of Maki. We

  thank you for sharing your life with us,

  and will love you forever and ever.”

  Nory placed his right hand on the top of the board, bowed his head, and prayed silently. Then he spoke very softly:

  “We’re moving tomorrow, my love, but I’m sure you know that already. Oh, how I wish that you were here with us now! You’d really love living over there. Remember how you and I used to walk over to Eucalyptus Grove before we were married, walk hand in hand through the forest? How we used to stop sometimes next to the big oak tree, and kiss? How we used to talk about how wonderful our future was going to be? Well, that future really was wonderful. You gave me so many marvelous years – and our beautiful daughter, Maki! I thank you especially for Maki. She looks more and more like you every day,” he continued, with a smile, though tears were now filling his eyes and moistening his furry cheeks.

  “She’s going to be a better furniture maker than I am, you know. A father couldn’t be more proud! Well, now, don’t look for us here anymore. You’ll have to come to Eucalyptus Grove, but I guess that won’t be hard for you to do. And I know you do visit us. Sometimes, especially at night, I can feel you near me, feel you cuddling up to me in bed from behind, like a koala baby on its mother’s back. Well, I’ll be expecting you to visit me over there, too. And who knows? Maybe before long, the Koala Sun and Moon will see fit to take me from this earth, and then we’ll be together again, up there beyond the clouds, in Emerald Grove, where all the good koalas go to spend an eternity of bliss with their loved ones. I’m sure it’s even a lot more beautiful than Eucalyptus Grove, isn’t it?” Nory paused a moment, trying not to sob aloud; then he continued: “Good bye for now, my love. And wish us well in our new home!”

  He slowly stood up, looked down at the grave for another minute, then calmly strolled back to his tree to get a good night’s sleep.

  End of Volume I

  Now turn the page and see what is awaiting you in the future…

  Coming in Volume II of “Koalaland”...

  In the second volume of "Koalaland – The Great Koala Novel", you will witness the great strides taken by the koalas to develop their society, and thereby improve their lot, in Southern Koalaland - not to mention all the ups and downs in the personal lives of our furry friends.

  - The population of Koalaville re-locates to luscious Eucalyptus Grove, and begins the process of settlement.

  - The koalas make the momentous decision to introduce a monetary system, with gold as a basis.

  - Both groves decide to construct school buildings, and plan a curriculum appropriate for the teaching of young koalas.

  - Justice catches up with poor Bumpy, and his subsequent trial turns into a minor sensation.

  - Spring-time gives rise to a slew of romances, with all the accompanying emotional peaks and valleys that only the love-bug can cause! Why, even the Prestigious Koala King is smitten, and rumors abound that Eucalyptus Grove may soon have a queen...

  All this and much, much more is coming your way in the next four volumes of "Koalaland, or The Great Koala Novel”!

  And now, a personal message to you from the King himself...

  An important Message from His Majesty, the Prestigious Koala King:

  You can show that you are a raving fan of “Koalaland”!

  Dear Reader,

  If you have made it this far in our saga, congratulations! You are a true koala lover, and potential “raving fan” – all you have to do now is to offer this volume to all of your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever, and by my royal decree, you will be an honorary citizen of Southern Koalaland!

  You might want to recommend not only this volume, but the four following ones as well, to all of your family members, friends, lovers, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, and to whomever you may happen to run into on the street today.

  After all, as one happy reader put it, “Koalaland is total escapism!” - and in this world of rising unemployment, terroristic threats, incompetent human government and general ennui, who doesn't want to escape?

  So click on a cover below to purchase the next volume, or to write a kind review – in return, I give you my heart-felt thanks!

  Signed in Eucalyptus Grove, on this sixty-second day of Spring, in the year two hundred and fifty-four of the common Koala Era, by

  His Most Royal Highness,

  The Prestigious Koala King

  P.S. To thank you for your interest in my koala community, I have decided to give you a most special gift - a free copy of Volume II of our saga! To secure your copy right now, simply click "Volume II", on the following page.


  Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5

  Author's Bio

  David Bolton is a writer, teacher, speaker, musician, actor and astrologer. His interests include history, psychology, politics, philosophy, quantum physics, classical music, hypnosis, and all areas related to self-improvement.

  David is the author of many books, all of which can be seen at his site, www.dboltoncreations.com. Here are a few of them...

  "Understanding Astrology" Free at www.dboltoncreations.com

  This eBook gives concise, yet complete explanations of all the essential areas of Natal Chart interpretation: the signs, houses, planets and aspects, and then gives a concrete example of how to combine these factors during the process of chart interpretation. In addition to the book, you can also download a demo version of "Omnicycles" software. Even the free demo will let you calculate an unlimited number of Natal Charts, and print them out if desired. It is thus the ideal companion to the "Understanding Astrology" eBook.

  "Six ridiculously Simple, yet amazingly Powerful Techniques that will help You to Lose Weight" The key to weight loss is forming the right mindset - a new way of seeing yourself that will automatically get you to shed pounds, without the pain of sacrificing your favorite foods, or exercising to exhaustion. These simple, safe, yet powerful techniques will soon have you slimming down despite your past habits. Losing weight doesn't get any easier - or any cheaper! - than this.

  "Seven Psychics - My Sojourn in the Realm of Clairvoyance" The true story of how I went from being a skeptic, to a believer in psychic ability, thanks to a number of incredible experiences that I had with genuine clairvoyants. "Seven Psychics" also serves as a guide on how you can find, test, and choose, a real psychic - one who can use his or her special abilities to help you to learn more about yourself, to deal more effectively with your life, and much more!

  "Language Learning - Outside the Box!". A follow-up volume to the popular free eBook "Secrets of Successful Language Learning", ""Language Learning - Outside the Box!" goes much further in presenting excellent, and eminently practical advice on how anyone can learn another language as quickly, and effectively as possible - and above all, with a minimum
of financial investment!

  Check out all of my books at my site right now!


  You can contact me at: [email protected]

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