Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2) Page 1

by Erin Osborne

  Hadliegh’s Desire

  Satan’s Anarchy MC

  Book 2

  By: Erin Osborne & JC Belanger

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at RPlusM Photography

  Cover Model: Courtney Lynn Rose

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Full Bloom Editorial-Courtney Lynn Rose

  Proofreader: Kim Richards


  Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson

  I messed up in the worst way possible; I treated the woman that owned my heart like a common slut. Now she’s gone, and I have no clue how to win her back. For now, I spend my time staying occupied the best way I can.

  One night changes everything, and Hadliegh comes back into my life. It’s time to step up my game and make sure that she takes me back.

  Hadliegh Jensen

  My past is horrendous and there’s one person that helped me get past it; Psycho. Yet, with a few words, he completely destroyed me. So, I took off, determined to do this on my own.

  One call changes everything, and I make my way back to Shadowville. He’s doing his best to make sure that I let him back in, but I’m not sure I can take that chance again.

  Even if I decide to let him back in my life, outside forces might make that damn near impossible— and now we’re both in the fight of our lives and this time, it’s not just us on the line.

  Character List

  Patched Members:

  President: John ‘Renegade’ Jackson

  V. President: Brad ‘Ink’ White

  Secretary/IT: Paul ‘Hawk’ Carter

  Treasurer: Tommy ‘Chains’ Sampson

  Enforcer: Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson

  Sgt. At Arms: Christian ‘Grave’ Hardison

  Road Captain: Gabe ‘Smokey’ Burns







  Damon ‘Bear’ Jones

  Chris Hayward

  Bentley Pearson

  Bishop Williams

  Old Ladies:

  Callie Patton

  Satan’s Babes:








  Tattoo Parlor: Anarchy Ink

  Bar: Satan’s Den

  Construction Company: Jackson Construction


  I would like to dedicate this book to Courtney. I can’t thank you enough for everything that you’ve helped me with and how you’ve been there. It’s an honor to have you on the cover of Hadliegh’s Desire. I can’t wait to see where this crazy journey takes us!


  This is dedicated to my family. It doesn’t matter if you are blood or family of the heart. I could not do any of this without your support. You make my life better and I pray that I make your somewhat better too. Erin Osborne, I never knew the way you would change my life when I was just a fan girl. It is my honor to call you my family and friend.


  Table of Contents

  Hadliegh’s Desire

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger


  Character List


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  Hadliegh’s Desire Playlist


  About The Author



  I GREW UP on the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. My mom and I lived in a small trailer park where the trailers were all run down, and no one seemed to care that their house was falling apart. It was nothing for cars to be up on blocks in various stages of repair or doors that led inside to hang from rusted out hinges. Windows were cracked or had holes busted right through them.

  No one around us cared about where they lived. It’s not like anyone here had the money to make repairs or move out of the dilapidated trailer park. The owner only cared about getting his rent on time. He spent it as fast as it came in.

  From the time I was about seven-years-old, I have been taking care of myself. My mom was an addict, and the only thing she cared about was finding her next fix. There was no dad in the picture, so I didn’t have any adult to turn to when I had a question about something. I just had to figure it out on my own and hope that I didn’t make too big of a mess. So, if I wanted to be on time for school, have clean clothes or a clean house, and food in my belly when I was home, I had to worry about it myself.

  When I was ten-years-old, I got myself groceries and made runs for my mom. I’d save every spare penny I found and hid it in my room so no one else in the house would find it. After a week of saving up money, I’d go to the store and buy a stash of food I could keep hidden in my room so no one could find it and take it from me. The only money I ever got from my mom was when she sent me to meet her dealer to pick up her drugs and then bring them back to her. I always figured the only reason she kept me around was to do what she didn’t want to do herself.

  There was a constant revolving door at our house. Some of them were her so-called friends that used her shit and then left. The rest were men she’d pimp herself out to so she could get more money to go buy more drugs— or send me out to buy more drugs. She even had me going out and finding ways to buy her cigarettes, and I’d get an ass-whoopin’ if I didn’t manage to make it happen.

  By the time I was sixteen, the men that came to fuck with my mom were turning to me. I was the pure one, the one that wasn’t an easy target. I’d avoid the house when I knew she was going to be having friends over. That way, I didn’t have to try to fight anyone off or stop anyone from coming into my room when my mom passed out.

  My alternative was hanging out on the streets and trying to keep myself safe from all the gangs that lived in our area of town. I learned to wear baggy clothes and hoodies so I could hide and not draw any attention. My head was kept down as I walked around, and I was constantly staying alert to where I was walking and who was around.

  The day I turned eighteen, I
got a job in a biker bar. No single club claimed the bar, and anyone could come in and drink as long as they didn’t cause problems. The owner didn’t care that I was only eighteen as long as I kept my head down and went into the kitchen when anyone from the state came in for an inspection.

  As far as anyone knew, my job was doing dishes and staying out of the bar until I was of legal age to be there. When I explained my need to keep my money safe and away from home, my boss, Chris, made sure over half of my paycheck and tips went in the safe in an envelope marked with my name on it. I could access the money at any time, and the number never decreased when I counted it. If anything, Chris added money to it so I could move into my own place sooner rather than later. He was the best boss I could imagine having with the way he treated all of us in the bar and not wanting anything in return.

  The day I turned twenty-one, Chris and the staff threw me a party. He gave me money and told me he knew of an apartment within walking distance to the bar. That was when everything started to change in my life.

  My mom threw an absolute fit because her slave wasn’t going to be around anymore. It’s not like she wanted me there anyway. She spent most of her time accusing me of trying to fuck the men she was bringing over or stealing from her whenever she was coherent enough to realize that I was bringing food or something in the house. I was actually happy for the first time in my life, even though I was completely alone.

  My apartment may not have been much to most, but it was everything to me. I had a small second-hand couch in my living room with a stained and dented coffee table. The kitchen had hardly anything in it, but it was enough to make a few meals and keep any extra food from going bad.

  In the bedroom, there was a laundry basket for my clothes and a mattress on the floor. There were no little knick-knacks or pictures hanging on the wall. I didn’t have a phone or any other way to get a hold of me. Chris was always yelling at me about that because he could never check on me.

  That led me to being taken one night from the bar.

  Multiple clubs were partying and living it up like it was their last night on earth. One of the men decided he wanted me to party with him in the backroom. I refused. I might have been twenty-one years old, but I was still a virgin— and fucking proud that I wasn’t a slut that fucked around like my mom.

  I was the complete and total opposite of her. So, Chris told me to close down my register and tips before leaving. He didn’t want me there when the bar actually closed down after I told him what happened with the biker.

  I was walking away from the bar when I was grabbed from behind. I knew it was a man based on the size of the body behind me. He smelled like body odor, and I almost threw up when he placed his hand over my mouth.

  I kicked, tried to bite him even though I didn’t want his hand in my mouth, and tried to get away from him. Before I knew it, I was being hit over the head with something and knocked out. When I woke up, I was naked and tied to a bed.

  The only thing I could do was lift my head to look down my body. There was blood on my upper thighs, and my body was so sore. I knew immediately I’d been raped while I was knocked out.

  Tears rolled down my face as I thought of everything that was possibly done to me when I had no clue. How many people raped me? Did they have anything that I needed to be worried about? Then I realized that this was more than likely where I was going to die.

  These men would never let me go, and no one would know I was missing other than Chris. There was only so much he could do to find me, and that wasn’t a lot besides going to the cops. I only lasted a few weeks on my own. Then the men, who had their fun with me and were tired of me fighting them, moved me into a dark and dingy room all by myself.

  The floor was cement and cold as fuck. There was a cell around half of the room that they locked me in. In one corner sat a bucket for me to use as a bathroom, and that was it. Nothing to help me stay warm or shield my naked body from their lingering gazes.

  I was told I’d be used until they finally found someone that wanted to buy me. In the meantime, they would have fun breaking me and making sure I was never going to be a mouthy, stuck-up bitch again. No, they wanted me to break down and cry for them; show them my pain and let them laugh in my face because I couldn’t fight them off.

  I prayed for death from starvation and dehydration until they dumped another girl in the cell with me. Meeting Callie gave me a new sense of strength and want to live. I knew I had to protect her as much as I could because she wasn’t as strong as me. She wouldn’t be able to live through the torture I suffered on a regular basis.

  Taking off after being rescued is what led me to the bar I used to work at and Chris— again. To say he was shocked when I first walked in was the understatement of the year. He came from behind the bar and gave me the biggest hug before taking me to his office to talk to me and find out what happened all that time ago.

  I filled him in on the details of being kidnapped and then rescued by the men of Satan’s Anarchy. Chris knew I was leaving the more horrid details of my story out, and he didn’t pressure me to tell him more. The conversation I had with him that first day will always make me laugh.

  “So, why are you back in my neck of the woods?” he asks, leaning back in his chair.

  “Well, turns out I’m pregnant, and that baby’s dad doesn’t want to be a dad. So, I came back here. I’m hoping I can have a job,” I tell him, sitting up and looking him in the eyes, so he knows how serious I am.

  “Wow! Didn’t expect that one,” he replies, looking at my still flat stomach. “You sure that’s what you want?”

  “I don’t have another choice, Chris. I loved working for you before, and I know that here I’ll be protected,” I say honestly.

  “I’ll always have your back. I just don’t want any trouble coming from them,” Chris says, knowing that if the men want to come in and cause problems, they will. “Which one is the baby daddy?”

  “Psycho,” I tell him, waiting to see what he’s going to say to that.

  “Aw hell,” he says, lowering his head for a minute. “You just had to pick him, didn’t you, Had? I know him well. Just like I know what he’s capable of. He’s busted the place up more than once.”

  I chuckle to myself. I’ve seen him pissed off a time or two myself. He’d never raise a hand to me in anger, but I’ve seen him fight. The man is seriously off his hinges when he gets hit. In a way, it’s sexy as fuck to watch him go all crazy on someone when he thinks he’s in the right and knows one of his friends or family members is being threatened. Clearly, his road name fits him.

  “Well, do I have a job or not, boss-man?” I ask, pulling my attention back to the forefront and not the memories I have.

  “You got the job. Just don’t let him fuck my bar up again,” he answers.

  “He doesn’t even know I’m here. The only one that does won’t tell him. She’s pissed at him for what he said to me,” I tell him, standing up so I can go find something to eat and try to find an apartment or something. “When am I starting?”

  “Tonight. Where you going until then?” he asks, standing up so he can lead me back out of the office.

  “First thing on my to-do list is to find a place to live. Second is getting something to eat,” I say, walking out to the bar and waving to the new bartender.

  “Got an apartment upstairs if you want it. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s a roof and clean rooms,” Chris says, pulling a key ring out of his pocket and dangling it in front of my face.

  “Really? How much?” I ask, not getting my hopes up in case I don’t think I can afford it.

  Chris gives me a ridiculous number before sending me upstairs to look at it. I practically skip up the stairs in my haste to look at the apartment. As I open the door, I walk into a small and clean space. It’s very small, but there are two bedrooms in it along with a kitchen, living room, and a bathroom. This will be perfect for now. Then I can start saving up to buy a place when I’m ready. Because at this po
int, I’m not sure if I’ll stay here or move back to Shadowville.

  Chapter One


  IT’S BEEN SIX months since I left Shadowville. Six months since I left my job, my friends, and the man that stole my heart no matter how much I tried to protect myself. For the first time in my life, I had a family that had my back, and I loved it.

  When I got out of the hellhole I was in for several months, I spent several more months in the clubhouse of Satan’s Anarchy. Psycho was the only one I’d allow in the room I stayed in. Most of the time, I didn’t want to see Callie because I couldn’t get out of my head long enough to be there for her. What I didn’t realize is that Callie had already started getting help, and she was a lot stronger than I gave her credit for.

  Over the time I spent holed up in the room, Psycho was there no matter what I needed. He would hold me at night when I was having nightmares, bring me drinks and food because I refused to leave the room, and would talk to me about anything and everything. Psycho went above and beyond to help me through the first few months after we were rescued. And at first, that might be why I felt such a connection to him in the beginning.

  Then, I finally talked him into having sex with me.

  He didn’t want to because of the fact I was repeatedly raped for months on end. In the end, I told him it wasn’t the rape I was having a hard time with. It was the mental shit I couldn’t seem to get past. For so long, I was strong enough to withstand living with my mom and raising myself. The men that took me came so close to breaking me that I can’t believe I let them have that power over me. It’s the only time a man will ever have that much power over me. Even Psycho will never have that.

  Once we started fucking, I wouldn’t be with anyone else. Psycho only came to me when he wanted to fuck, and we agreed early on it wouldn’t be anything more than a friends-with-benefits type of deal.

  That lasted until I moved out of the clubhouse and in with Callie and Bear. They have a huge house, and Callie wanted me to stay with them. Psycho got pissed off that I wouldn’t be at the clubhouse anymore. But, he understood my need to be away from so many men. I trust them with my life, but there are just certain times that I need to be away from them. So, his solution was to stay with me at their house a few nights a week.


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