Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2) Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  “I appreciate that, Renegade. But, I don’t know what I’m doing yet. For now, I know he’s okay, and I need some sleep. Callie, I’ll call you tomorrow,” I say, making my way out of the waiting room.

  “Where are you going?” Callie asks, rushing up to me and holding onto my arm.

  “To the hotel,” I say, not understanding why she’s upset.

  “You’re staying with us. You know we have the room, and I want you close in case you go into labor or something,” she replies, putting her hands on her hips so I know she’s serious.

  “I still have over a month and a half before I have to worry about that,” I say, a flimsy excuse if I ever heard one.

  “You don’t know that. Please, just go to the house and get some rest. The kids are with Corrinth for a while so no one’s there to disturb you,” she says as Bear comes up behind her and wraps her in his arms.

  I nod my head as he pulls out his keys and hands me the house key. Taking it from his hand, I leave the hospital and make my way to the store so I can get a snack before I go take a nap. As soon as I walk into the store, I see Rusty and a few of the other girls walking around with a few carts. They must be shopping for the clubhouse right now while everyone else is at work or at the hospital with Psycho.

  “Oh, you’re back,” Nails says as she almost runs me over with her cart.

  “Yep,” I answer, moving to go around her. We’ve never seen eye-to-eye.

  “Well, he doesn’t want you. You know that right?” she asks, putting an edge to her voice that makes me turn and look at her again. “We’ll play mommy and daddy to your baby when he has it, and I’ll make sure they know all about you.”

  “First, that’s not what he just told me as he tried to get me to stay with him at the hospital so we could talk. And secondly, I have no doubt that Psycho will see our child when he wants to. I can also guarantee that you will never be around my child no matter what delusional world you’re living in right now,” I tell her, knowing that she wouldn’t be here with the rest of the babes if she had anything going on with Psycho. “Just like I know you’d be at the hospital if you were with him and not here shopping with the rest of the babes.”

  “You can think whatever you have to. Psycho is mine, and I’ll do whatever I have to so you don’t get your clutches back in him again. You should really just go back to whatever hellhole you came from and leave it at that,” Nails says, walking away from me like she’s won some epic battle.

  Shaking my head, I go about my business so I can get to Callie’s house. Thankfully, I don’t have any more run-ins with any of the babes because Nails is enough to make me want to flip my shit and pound her.

  Being pregnant is the only thing that’s saving her, and the fact we’re in a public place. No, when Nails gets hers, it will be in private, and I’ll make sure she knows not to fuck with me ever again. I’m so tired of them thinking they have claim on the men of the club, and that they’re better than anyone else around. I may not be Psycho’s ol’ lady or anything like that, but I know for certain I’m higher up on the food chain. Even if I simply remain a friend of the club.

  Chapter Five


  THE LAST MONTH has been long and tiring. I gave in and decided to stay in Shadowville. When I went back to get my things and talk to Chris, he already knew when I left that I wouldn’t be coming back. No matter how much I argued with him about it having nothing to do with Psycho, he didn’t believe me.

  But, I know that no matter what happens, if I ever have a need to leave again, I know that Chris will take me back and give me a job. Too bad I couldn’t be attracted to someone like him.

  My first night back was spent in bed with Psycho, and I’ve replayed that night in my head a thousand times in the last thirty days. He found me at a weak point and I gave in to what we both want.

  That night, we’re lying in bed watching a movie when he starts rubbing his hand up and down my leg. I’m immediately soaked. Since I have a dress on, he knows the effect he’s having on me and capitalizes on the fact I want him almost to the point of distraction.

  Sliding down the bed, Psycho lifts my short dress and bares my panty covered pussy to him. He looks up at me as he begins to slide my panties off to see if I’m going to object. There is no way in hell I’m going to when I’ve wanted him and haven’t been with anyone else since I left.

  “You gonna let me in?” he asks, his voice husky and filled with lust.

  I nod my head in response because my voice has left me. I’m filled with anticipation of his mouth being on me again. “Need the words, baby,” he says, his face so close to me I can feel his breath on my pussy and thighs.

  “Yes,” I answer simply.

  Psycho doesn’t miss his chance. He licks me from the bottom of my opening to my clit several times before moving his body to a more comfortable position. I’m already panting as he adds a finger to the mix, never letting up on my clit. He sucks my clit and bites down on it before repeating the process all over again.

  He’s sliding two fingers in and out of me as I lift my head and look down at him. Our eyes meet and I’m lost. One more bite on my clit and my orgasm is ripping through my body. My back arches off the bed as I call out his name.

  Before I’m back down from my release, he pushes his hard cock into me. He pauses only to rip his shirt over his head and pull my dress up and over mine. My arms are still tangled in it as he slides his hand under my back and releases the clasp of my bra before sliding it down my arms. I lock my legs around his upper thighs because with my belly in the way, it’s hard to maneuver the way I used to.

  “Move, Remington,” I say, my voice pleading with him to finally give me what I’ve been waiting for.

  He slowly slides out before sliding back in my warm body. It’s not hard and fast like I usually like with him. No, he’s teasing me and trying to make this last as long as possible. That’s not going to work for me, though. I lift my hips and begin to meet him thrust for thrust. Moving just a little faster each time as I grind my body into his. Psycho finally gets the hint and begins to move faster within me, grinding his pelvis on my clit every time he slides back in.

  “So. Close,” I murmur as the familiar coiling and tightening in me begins to build at a rapid pace.

  Psycho reaches a hand between us and plays with my clit while I bring my arms up and begin to tweak and pull my nipples. He’s always loved me touching myself, and I know it’s the one way to make him lose control. It’s not long before I feel him losing the control that he likes to have as he pistons in and out of me faster than I remember him doing before.

  “Get. There. Baby,” he grinds out between thrusts.

  That’s all I need to explode around him. I arch my back and moan out his name before he joins me. “Hadliegh!” he growls out as he slows his pace but doesn’t stop sliding in and out of me.

  After a few minutes, he slumps to my side so he’s not resting his weight on my stomach and pulls me into his arms. This is what I’ve been missing, but I’m not necessarily ready to give into him and forgive him just yet.

  “That can’t happen again,” I say, once my breathing has returned to normal.

  “Why the fuck not?” he asks, getting up and reaching for his jeans.

  “I’m not over what you said to me. The fact that you compared me to one of your babes,” I answer, sliding my dress back over my head before I pull the covers up over me.

  “So, what was this then?” he asks, standing up with his jeans hanging on his hips.

  “I had a need, and I know that you won’t hurt me or give me anything. I’m not ready for more,” I tell him, watching as he pulls his tee shirt over his head and pulls his baseball hat back on.

  “I’m sorry, Hadliegh. I don’t know how many fuckin’ times I have to say it, or what I have to do to prove to you that I’m truly sorry for what I said and how I acted,” he tells me, grabbing his cut before leaving the room.

  I’ve been staying at Cal
lie and Bear’s house since coming back. I love spending time with my friend and her little family. Knox and Jazz are so cute, and I can’t believe how big they’re getting these days. While Callie and Bear go to work, I’ve been watching them so they don’t have to go out first thing in the morning and then come back home later. It’s easier for everyone. Plus, it gives me the chance to get better with babies before when my own son is born.

  Psycho comes to see me every single day. His road to recovery has been bumpy, to say the least. When he got out of the hospital, he was adamant I’d be going back to the clubhouse with him. Yeah, that didn’t happen, and it won’t happen.

  He’s got Nails there to look after him and was even more pissed off when I told him that. They all know that something happened between Nails and me, but I’m not saying a damn word about it to anyone. Now, I have to deal with him when he comes to Bear and Callie’s home. Since it’s not mine, I don’t have the right to refuse him access to the house. But, I can ignore him, and that’s what I do.

  Hearing a knock on the door, I make my way there knowing that Psycho is here. It’s the same time he always seems to show up since he’s still on restrictions after getting stabbed. Looking through the peephole in the door, I sigh and open it to see Psycho leaning against the door frame looking sexy as hell.

  He’s wearing a black tee shirt that stretches over his muscled chest and arms. His tattoos peek out from the sleeves of his shirt and wind down his arms. Worn blue jeans stretch over his ass and legs, down to his motorcycle boots adorning his feet. Psycho has a baseball hat on backward, covering his dark hair that’s usually spiked. He’s wearing a sexy smirk on his face and a light to his eyes that I haven’t seen there in a long time.

  “Like what you see?” he asks, standing up straight before heading in past me. Psycho makes sure his body brushes against mine.

  “Got a big head?” I ask, moving back into the living room and checking on the babies sleeping in their cots.

  “Nope. Just know when my woman likes what she sees,” he answers, plopping down on the couch and looking at me.

  “Not your woman,” I say, sitting down as far away from him as I can.

  “Not gonna argue, Had. It’s gonna happen and we both know it,” he responds, cocking his eye brow at me while picking up the remote. “You still not gonna tell me about the baby? Come on, you’re gonna be givin’ birth in like a matter of two or three weeks, and I still get nothin’?”

  “Why, Psycho? You said what you said, and we all know you don’t want kids. Nothing has changed, and I’m still gonna have this baby,” I answer, knowing it’s a conversation we’ve had multiple times.

  “It’s changed because I’ve had a ton of time to think on everythin’ and I know that what I said and how I reacted was fucked-up. You deserve nothin’ but the best. I’ll never be the best for you, but I’m a selfish fuck and you were made for me. You have to know that I want this, Hadliegh. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you bring me back from the brink when I’m ready to destroy everythin’ in my path. Now, you’re givin’ me a baby and I’m on the outside lookin’ in. That’s not what I want. I want us to be together and work this shit out,” he tells me, sitting up straight and moving in closer to me.

  Just before he gets close enough to pull me into his arms and kiss me, one of the twins wakes up. I’m grateful for the reprieve because if Psycho kisses me, I’m a goner. His kisses pull me under and put me in some kind of spell. If he kisses me, I’ll agree to just about anything; that’s how good his kisses are.

  Walking over, I see it’s Knox that’s up. He’s crying a little bit, and I know he’s going to need a diaper and bottle before Jazz wakes up. As soon as he sees Psycho, he stops crying and breaks out a huge smile.

  There’s a special bond between these two, and it’s awesome to witness. I pass Knox over to Psycho and he changes his diaper while I go in the kitchen to make his bottle. The entire walk into the kitchen, I listen to Psycho talking to Knox. He’s not like most people that talk baby talk to the twins. No, he has grown up conversations with them.

  With Knox it’s all about bikes, and what they’re going to do as he gets older. When he’s talking to Jazz, it’s about how she’s never dating until she’s in her fifties and how he’s going to beat any boy’s ass that comes around her. Well, that’s when Callie isn’t around anyway.

  As I go to reach up and get a new can of formula down, an awful pain shoots through my stomach. I immediately stand down and hang on to the counter so I don’t fall on my ass. I groan out as the pain seems to last forever.

  My stomach is tight, and I know this is more than Braxton hicks’ contractions. A mild panic begins to overtake me, and I know I should let Psycho know what’s going on, but I’m not ready. I don’t have my own place, nothing for the baby, and emotionally, I don’t know that I’m ready either. As the pain subsides and I go to grab down the can of formula, I feel something wet between my legs as another contraction hits. This time, I can’t hide the loud groan that leaves me.

  “Hadliegh, what’s wrong?” Psycho asks, walking into the kitchen with Knox still in his arms.

  “Um, well, my water just broke,” I say, looking down at the floor and the puddle that is now beneath me.

  “Fuck! Okay. Well, let me help you upstairs to change and I’ll call my mom. We’ll get you to the hospital before you know it. Are you okay? Is there anythin’ I need to do?” he asks, helping me step around the fluid on the floor and upstairs to my room.

  “No. I just need to get to the hospital. I’m not ready for this,” I tell him, letting him see the panic flare for a second before I tamp it down.

  “You got this, Hadliegh. Get changed while I call mom and make the bottles for the twins,” he says, leaving me in the room I’ve been staying in.

  From there on, the activity around me is rushed and chaotic. Corrinth shows up to get Knox and Jazz while Psycho helps me downstairs and out the door. The whole time, Corrinth is trying to make sure I’m okay and that I understand that everything will be fine. Apparently, she can tell I’m nervous and upset over today’s turn of events. Psycho, on the other hand, is calm and makes sure I know he’s with me the entire time.

  The entire pregnancy, I figured I’d be alone when I had my son. Now, I want Psycho there. I want my son’s father there to watch him make his way into the world and know that we’ll be just fine. Part of me thinks he’s just coming around because he wants to make sure the baby is fine and that I’m doing what I have to in order to ensure that he has everything he needs and wants as he grows up and gets older. I guess we’ll find out what his end game is sooner rather than later.

  “Hadliegh, you’re doin’ great,” Psycho says, looking at me once he gets me into the SUV that’s parked in Callie’s driveway. It must be Corrinth’s because it wasn’t here a while ago.

  “Just get me to the hospital, Psycho. And call Callie,” I tell him as another contraction begins to take hold of my body.

  He nods and closes my door before running around to the other side and getting in. As soon as his door is shut, he starts the engine and takes off. I hear him on the phone, but I’m too busy concentrating on the breathing shit to worry about who he’s talking to and what’s going on around me. I’ve never felt so much pain in my life and this is just the contractions I feel right now. They better be giving me something for the pain when it comes time to push this baby out because I won’t make it otherwise.

  “We’re almost there, baby,” Psycho says as he continues to drive like a maniac. The phrase ‘drive it like you stole it’ comes to mind.

  I hang on as he takes a corner faster than he should have, and I know he’s trying to do as I asked and get me to the hospital in record time so I don’t have this baby on the side of the road. He’s in control though, and I know I don’t have to worry about him causing an accident in his haste to get us to the hospital.

  When we pull in, he parks right in front of the doors and leaves the e
ngine running after telling me he’ll go in and get some help before I try to walk in on my own. His eyes are wild, and I can see his nervousness and fear shining bright every time he looks at me. I bet this is the last thing he expected to have happen when he showed up at Callie and Bear’s house today.

  Nurses come rushing out and help me into the wheelchair before wheeling me in the hospital and up to the maternity ward. I’m given a gown to change into while Psycho stays by my side. He told me that he doesn’t want to leave me alone and he’s not going anywhere. And, it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before. I wouldn’t be pregnant if that were the case. He just hasn’t seen me since I’ve been pregnant and all the changes that my body has gone through in the last eight and a half months.

  “Are you gonna turn around or watch me get changed?” I ask him, not sure I want his eyes on me when I’m naked.

  “I’m watchin’. I want to see where our baby is restin’, and what’s happened to you as he or she has grown and matured,” he answers, sitting on the chair right next to me.

  I roll my eyes at his answer and get undressed. Psycho holds the gown out for me to put on and I let him do the ties in the back before climbing up in the bed. As soon as I’m as comfortable as I’m going to get, I feel another contraction hit and close my eyes tight against the pain. I feel a warm, rough hand on my back rubbing when I roll to my side and I almost moan out at the relief it brings.

  It’s not long before the nurse makes her way back in my room and hooks me to all sorts of monitors. She points out the one that’s charting my contractions and tells Psycho he can use it to show when the contraction is almost over if that’s what I want him to do. After checking to see how dilated I am, she leaves the room and I watch as the door is flung open and a harried-looking Callie runs to my bedside.


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