Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2) Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  “You don’t have the balls,” he says, trying to taunt me.

  “I do. I’ve hurt men for less and they didn’t scare me. You sure as fuck don’t scare me,” I respond. “Put some fuckin’ pants on before I throw up at the sight of your nasty ass cock. Or what you call one anyway.”

  “Cassidy, you’re gonna fucking pay for this,” he yells out before I walk over and knock him out with the butt of my gun.

  The bitch he was fucking screams and takes off running. I catch her at the door and make sure that she knows that we weren’t here and she didn’t see anything. Once I’m sure she’ll remember that, I let her go out the door and run for her life. I laugh to myself as I watch her streak down the street and run to get some help for herself. I’m not sure what she’s running from other than a cock that couldn’t satisfy an ant.

  It doesn’t take very long for the three of them to grab Cass’s belongings. They come out of the room with a small suitcase and two small boxes. Yet this entire house is completely filled with items.

  “None of this stuff is yours?” I ask her as they walk out and toward the door.

  “No. I don’t want anything other than what’s mine,” she tells me, looking down at the floor.

  This fucker really did a number on her. I can tell she’s a woman that would usually have a feisty streak a mile wide. You can see it hidden in the depths of her eyes. Hawk and Chains are in for a hell of a ride with this one.

  We make our way out to the SUV and load everything up. Cass waits inside the vehicle while the three of us have a quick smoke and decide how we’re gonna handle the twatwaffle inside.

  Ultimately, we decide that he has no clue about us and will leave Cass alone. If that changes, we know where he lives and can come back and take care of the situation at that point in time.

  Making our way back to the clubhouse, Chains messages doc to let him know that we’ll need him when we get back. Cass is deteriorating quick now that she can breathe and is realizing she doesn’t ever have to go back to the douche nozzle. She can barely sit up straight with the pain in her side and the bruises are so much darker than when we left the tattoo shop.

  As soon as we pull into the clubhouse, I message Hadliegh and tell her to come check on her friend. There’s no way I’m going into detail with her about what’s going on. She’ll see for herself when she gets here. Our night is going to be long because I’m sure that Hadliegh will spend the night here with Cass so that she has someone here she trusts and is comfortable around. It doesn’t matter to me as long as Hadliegh is happy and she gets what she wants to a point.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  LAST NIGHT WAS hard for Cass. We spent the entire night in her room, and I know it’s time for me to explain some things to her about the men of the club. Yeah, they look scary and rough around the edges, but they wouldn’t harm a hair on her head.

  It didn’t help that when Psycho got her here last night, Chains and Hawk lost their shit when doc got done examining her. They started yelling and we heard Renegade tell them to reign their shit in or leave until Cass was comfortable in her new home. I ended up staying in the room with Cass while Psycho slept in our room alone with Axle.

  I’m awake and run into our room to take a shower and grab breakfast for Cass and me. There’s no way she’s ready to go out in the common room after the night she had. Between starting a new job, being sent home from work because she was beaten, and then moving all of her things out of her home with an abusive ex. When Doc came in to exam her, Cass freaked out and didn’t want me to leave her alone. So, I stayed and held her hand through the entire process.

  Cass has a few bruised ribs and multiple cuts and bruises along her body. Her face is battered and bruised with a split lip. She’s got swelling all over the place and doc said she’s got some tearing in her vaginal area. I wanted to cry for the abuse she’s suffered through at the hands of Craig— that’s the asshole’s name. I’m sure Doc telling the guys about the vaginal tearing is what made the guys lose their shit. But, they’re going to have to learn to calm the fuck down before they lose Cass.

  As soon as I make my way back in the room Cass has been given, I see that she’s awake and sitting up in bed. Well, as much as she can sit up right now. I’m sure she’s not comfortable, but doc gave her some mild pain meds to help her, and she’ll have to eat before she takes them.

  “Morning, Cass,” I say, setting down the plates of food on the desk so that I can help her get comfortable before she eats. “Let me help you and then we’ll eat and talk.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry if anyone out there is pissed about me being here,” she says, referring to last night.

  “Honey, they’re not pissed that you’re here. Hawk and Chains lost it when the doc told them your injuries. They’re pissed for you,” I tell her, shuffling some pillows behind her and helping her move around before I hand the plate of eggs, toast, and bacon over to her. “Do you have any questions for me about the guys or the club? What’s going to happen now?”

  “My main concern right now is making sure I still have a job,” she says, letting me know that she truly wants to work at Satan’s Anarchy.

  “You have a job. I called Ink last night after you fell asleep and he said that he wants you to focus on healing before you worry about coming back in to work. The only thing he’s going to have you do while you’re healing is to fill out an application so Hawk can run his standard background check on you,” I tell her, sitting down in the chair from the desk.

  “Thank you so much,” she answers, starting to dig into her breakfast.

  “Okay, well here are some of the things you need to know about the club. Renegade is the President of the club. He’s the man in charge, and the one you go to if there’s a problem. I’ll tell you now that those guys out there look scary and intimidating as hell. But, they’ll lay down their lives to protect you. I know from first-hand experience. The club is like a big family— there’s fighting, arguing, craziness, and some things that you probably haven’t ever seen in the open before. But, at the end of the day, every single person has the backs of everyone else. Callie and I are the only ol’ ladies of the club right now. The other females here are called house bunnies or babes,” I tell her, putting my plate on the desk while I tell her the story of how I came to be at the club.

  For a few minutes after telling her what I went through when I was kidnapped and then the recovery process I went through, we remained quiet. Cass looked down at her uneaten food for a minute before turning her tear-filled eyes toward me. There wasn’t a look of pity or disgust from her. No, what I saw was her want to overcome whatever Craig had put her through in the past and wanting to find the girl that she used to be.

  “Every single guy out there will help you with whatever you need help with. Chains and Hawk might be up your ass too. It seems to me that you caught their attention,” I tell her, a smile on my face.

  “I can’t make two men fight one another over me. They’re supposed to be a family and not fighting over me. I’m not special,” she tells me.

  “Well, um, the thing about Hawk and Chains is that they share women. They’re never with one another or anything like that, but they do share the woman that they are fucking at the time,” I tell her, trying to be as gentle as possible about this.

  “Like an MFM relationship? Basically, they fuck a woman between them and they never once touch,” she says, shocking the shit out of me.

  “Yeah. Have you done that before?” I ask, curious about why she understands what I was telling her.

  “No. But my cousin is with two men. She met them one night and they explained what they wanted from her. From there on out, they were inseparable. It’s actually a really good relationship between the three of them. The guys are amazing with her and make sure that they all spend time together. Neither one of them are jealous of one another and it’s something that I thought of before,” Cass admits, looking away from me at her admission.
  “Well, okay then. When you wake up after taking your meds, we’ll go out in the common room for a while. How does that sound?” I ask her, putting the chair back so that I can relax on the couch.

  “What did you mean when you said the other girls were babes?” she asks, as I help her lay back down on the bed.

  “Well, see the men in the club don’t live their lives the same way that you and I do. They have their own rules and live their lives as free as possible. The babes are girls that live and work in the club. They are there to spread their legs for the guys and not much else. Well, they have to help keep the clubhouse clean, but usually, they’re just a release for the guys that are single in the club,” I tell her, watching her face for her true reaction.

  “Oh. Well, as long as they’re not forced to be here, that’s their choice. I won’t be here long enough to worry about them anyway,” she says, turning her head toward the TV as I put a comedy on.

  Cass just woke up and I’m helping her get ready to go in the common room. I put her hair up in a messy bun and make sure she’s got a tee on over the sports bra she’s been sleeping in. The shirt is huge on her because it’s Chains’. Hawk and Chains brought me in a few shirts for her to wear until her ribs healed. They figured it would be easier to slide into one of theirs than try to get one of her tighter ones on. Just before we leave, I make sure that the binding on her ribs is still the way doc put it.

  As we make our way to the table that Callie is already sitting at, I see all the men and women in the room staring at Cass. She doesn’t realize she’s the center of attention right now and I’m thankful for that. We sit down, and a Prospect brings us over water to drink. The bottles are unopened. Renegade made that a rule after we were kidnapped. With me being so skittish around everyone, he wanted me to realize that the bottles of water I got weren’t tampered with. So, it’s just one more way to show that they care about the women in the club.

  “Cass, how are you feeling?” Callie asks, trying to get to know her a little bit.

  “I’m sore as fuck, but that’s nothing new. I can’t tell you all how much this means to me. You’ve given me help when you didn’t have to,” she answers, looking around at all the men surrounding us. “I don’t have anyone to turn to and you’ve taken in a virtual stranger. Thank you will never be appropriate to tell you what that means to me.”

  “You don’t have anythin’ to thank us for,” Hawk says, sitting down next to Cass while Chains sits on the other side of her. “You were in a situation and decided you had enough. I’m glad we were there to help you.”

  I watch as Cass blushes at the closeness of the men sitting next to her. She’ll be just fine once she gets used to the men that live in and come to the clubhouse on a regular basis. I’ll stay close for now to make sure she’s okay and to make sure the babes know that she’s off limits. Other than that, Cass won’t have a problem at all here. Unless it’s the attention from Hawk and Chains, but I think she likes it. They might have to wait for her to get over the douche nozzle that she was with, but then she’ll be just fine with their arrangement.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  THE LAST FEW days we’ve been at the clubhouse. I get why Hadliegh wants to be here for Cass, and it’s really not a hardship being there. After the first night, Cass told her that she’d be fine in the room alone so Hadliegh could come back to our room. We’ve all watched Hawk and Chains with the girl, and I know that it’s just a matter of time before they make their move on her.

  Today, we’re all hanging out, getting ready to have a cookout when Bentley tells us that there’s someone at the front gates but he’s not letting them in. Renegade, Grave, Chains, and I make our way out to the gate and quickly pull our guns when we see that it’s members of Snake’s Revenge. What the fuck? I thought we got all those bitches.

  “You got a lot of balls showin’ up here,” Renegade says, holding his gun steady on the man slightly in front of the rest of the men.

  “Know that. Just like we know you’re the ones that took out our club. Want to thank you for that,” he says, stepping closer to the closed gate. “Also want you to know that you won’t have any problems from us. But, that’s not to say that no one will be comin’ after you. Vulture managed to escape and he’s furious. Plus, Wrecker had backin’ from someone. He’s goin’ to be pissed when he stops gettin’ his shipments.”

  “Where’s Vulture?” I ask, wanting that motherfucker one-on-one.

  “Don’t know. He got word out to us that he was layin’ low and he’d let us know when he was healed enough to make another move on you. He’s workin’ with the guy that’s been backin’ Wrecker the last few years,” he answers. “I’m Stone. This is Test, Archer, and Colossus. We got no beef with you; haven’t liked the way Wrecker was takin’ the club in a while now.”

  “Guys, I’m not sure that we can trust you. Who’s the guy Vulture’s gettin’ help from now?” I ask, needing to know where we start looking for him.

  “We never got a name. The only ones that knew were Vulture, Wrecker, and maybe Cam. The only one left is Vulture, and he’s not sayin’ a fuckin’ word to us. I’m guessin’ he knows that we were already puttin’ shit in motion to leave the club. For now, we’re leavin’ town and startin’ our own charter. No one will know us and we’ll be able to get a fresh start,” he tells us, never once taking his eyes off of us.

  “If we let you leave here today, I don’t ever want to have a fuckin’ problem with you. You so much as send someone in our direction and we’ll wipe your new club off the map without blinkin’ an eye. Do you understand me?’ Renegade asks, letting them know that their fate is in our hands.

  “Got ya. And I know that you’re lettin’ us off easy. If we hear anythin’ more from Vulture, you’ll be our first call,” he says, finally putting his hands down even though we all have our guns trained on them still.

  “You’re gettin’ off real easy. Usually, I’d put a bullet in all of you and be done with it. We got things goin’ on, and I’m not goin’ to scare anyone in my care though. You’ve got your warnin’ and I strongly suggest you fuckin’ heed it,” Renegade says, watching the men for any signs of betrayal. “I’ll be waitin’ on your call about Vulture. I’m sure he’ll be contactin’ you soon.”

  We stand in our spots until the men make their way back to their bikes and head out. “Bentley, you got cash on you?” Renegade asks the Prospect.

  “Yes,” he answers, turning his attention toward my brother.

  “Good. Get on your bike and follow them. I want to know where they end up and who they talk to along the way,” Renegade tells him.

  Bentley runs to his bike and takes off after the group of men that just left. I call Bishop and tell him to get his ass out here and watch the gate. He’s here before we make our way back in. Renegade calls church, and I give Hadliegh and Axle a kiss before going in the meeting room. Once we’re all seated around the table, Renegade slams the gavel on the top of the table and calls the meeting to order.

  “Okay, we just had a visit from a few Snakes. They’re leavin’ here today because Stone, the man in charge now, said he’s takin’ the remainin’ men out of town and will leave us alone. They’re not lookin’ for revenge when they were tryin’ to leave the club we just blew apart. Bentley is gonna follow them and report back what he finds out. Now, all we have to do is put feelers out for Vulture. Apparently, he made it out alive. And there’s a man that’s gonna be pissed when he doesn’t get his new shipment. Hawk, did you find anythin’ about them workin’ with someone?”

  “No. I’ll start diggin’ again and see what I can find out. This man doesn’t know a name or anythin’ that would help us?” he asks.

  “Nope. Vulture is the only other one that knows the name. Supposedly, they don’t know where he is either. That’s why Bentley’s followin’ them,” Renegade answers. “For now, I want men on the women, Cass is to stay here when she’s not at work, and we all need to remain vigilan
t. If there are any questions, come fuckin’ ask them. I don’t want anythin’ to happen to anyone in this club because one of you didn’t ask a question. Get with Grave and Chains to see who’s goin’ to be on rotation at the garage and the tattoo parlor.”

  As we leave church, I’m glad we’re staying at the clubhouse right now. We won’t have to spread the guys thin with having the women and kids in multiple locations. The only time we’ll need an extra man or two is when the girls go in to work. But, Cass and Hadliegh are working together right now, so that works in our favor even more.

  I might not necessarily agree with Renegade’s decision to let the other men go, but he’s the President of the club and it’s his call. At least he has Bentley following them so that we can figure out if they’re lying or not.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  THE LAST FEW weeks have been crazy as hell. Between finding out that Vulture is still alive and that he’s got the backing from some unknown source is putting a damper on the club in a big way. We can’t find him, we don’t know if there are still assholes from Snake’s Revenge out there somewhere with him, and we can’t figure out who the fuck is helping them get away from us constantly.

  Right now, I can’t let that shit get in my head and cloud my day. Today is the day I’m going to marry Hadliegh. She’s already gotten her ‘Property of’ rag, and now we make it official in the eyes of the law. It’s been a whirlwind experience to get everything ready for the day. Thankfully, Callie and the girls helped Bright Eyes out with a lot of it. Now, the guys and me are the ones putting the rest of it together.

  Callie and the girls made sure all the delicate touches were done to make Hadliegh happy like the flowers and setting up the Shepherds hooks with mason jars filled with wildflowers or tea lights. They decorated the arbor we’ll stand in front of while Smokey marries us.

  Yes, he got ordained just for our wedding. We’re setting up the chairs for the ceremony and the tables under the canopy for the reception. Trin, Rusty, Silk, and Foxy will make sure the last second details are finished before the wedding in a little bit.


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