Triplets for The Millionaire : A Secret Baby Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 4)

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Triplets for The Millionaire : A Secret Baby Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 4) Page 24

by K. C. Crowne

  His breathtaking green eyes were locked on mine.

  “Then, why don’t you sit down. Let’s you and I get to know each other.” The thought giving me goosebumps.

  We finished our first drinks, and Finn signaled for another as we fell into easy conversation that was surprisingly fun.

  Dealing with men at bars had always been one of the worst parts of being a single woman, but with him it was different – effortless, like we’d known each other for years instead of minutes.

  I found out he was a doctor that had been in the states for a job, and that it was his last night in town before returning to Dublin.

  And we flirted.

  Boy, did we flirt.

  There was touching and laughing and leaning in close enough to smell his musky scent, and he even took a silly selfie of the two of us holding our glasses up. Before I knew it, his hand was on my inner thigh. The moment he touched me, I knew this evening was about to get a whole lot sexier.

  “Now, love,” he said, checking his fancy silver watch. “I’m thinking it’s about my bedtime. Unless you can give me a reason to, ah, stay up.”

  He wasn’t straight-up asking if I wanted to have sex. But it was pretty damn close.

  “I can think of a reason. One more drink, but somewhere private.”

  “Got a great little room. Perfect view of the city. Minibar’s a wee overpriced, but I’m thinking you’re a girl worth splitting a twenty-dollar half bottle of wine with.”

  I laughed, giving him a playful swat. He flagged down the bartender, slipping her his card before I had a chance to react.

  “Now wait,” I said, fumbling through my purse. “I can cover my share.”

  “I’m afraid it’s done, love,” he said as the bartender handed him the book. He signed, adding a massive tip, and rose. Then he offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

  “My pleasure.”

  I took his arm, and we were off. We strolled through the lobby, continuing our conversation as if we were a couple on a date. We reached the elevator just as the doors opened. No one else was in when we stepped inside. Finn turned to me, and I turned to him, and our conversation ended.

  I had to keep my mouth locked to avoid saying something silly.

  Drawn to one another like magnets, our lips locked, and our hands moved all over one another’s bodies. I opened my mouth, and Finn slid his tongue over mine, his taste like whiskey mixed with pure sex.

  He put his hands on my hips, squeezing my curves and pushing me against the mirrored wall of the elevator. He pounced on me like an animal, kissing me like mad, his hands moving to my breasts and squeezing them through my bra, his lips kissing across my face then along my jaw then over my neck and all I could do was close my eyes and savor it and sigh and-

  Ding! The elevator opened, and Finn and I turned, my eyes wide. An elderly woman stood in the hall, looking about as shocked as if we were naked.

  “Don’t mind us,” Finn said, speaking as if it were the most casual thing in the word. “Just, giving the poor creature a little mouth-to-mouth.”

  “He’s a doctor,” I helpfully chimed in.

  “I’ll…get the next one,” she said, her eyes still wide.

  The doors slid shut. We shared a laugh before our smiles faded as we, without words, communicated what we wanted.

  We kissed hard again, Finn’s hand sweeping under my leg as he pulled me close.

  Another chime signaled his floor – the top floor, I couldn’t help but notice. He took me by the hand, leading me out of the elevator and down the hall to the door at the end. Finn swiped his card, and we were in, our lips locking together once more, the two of us nearly tripping over his luggage as we shut the door and made our way to the bed.

  I glanced around, taking in the sight of his hotel room. It was nice, with a killer view of downtown Denver. My mind didn’t have a chance to linger on the skyline – I had a much sexier view to take in.

  “God, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said, taking his mouth from mine for long enough to devour me with his eyes. “Can’t even believe you’re actually real.”

  I worked the buttons of his shirt, sweeping it off his broad, powerful shoulders with a swift motion. He did the same to me, effortlessly plucking open my buttons and exposing the powder blue bra I wore underneath.

  Once that was off, his lips on the slope of my neck, he opened the button of my pants and moved his hand down, boldly shoving his fingers under the waistband of my panties and over the neatly trimmed hair above my pussy.

  And when he touched me, that cocky smirk plastered across his handsome face, it was obvious Finn knew he was giving me exactly what I wanted.

  His finger slipped between my soaking wet lips, his left hand on the small of my back, holding me in place.

  He leaned forward, his lips inches from my ear. “You like when I touch you like that?”

  I squirmed where I stood, barely able to keep myself standing, let alone speak.

  Finn’s big, rough hand moved down, his thumb on my clit and his fingers right at my opening. Slowly, making sure I knew what he was doing, he entered me with two thick digits. My walls gripped his fingers tightly, my eyes shutting hard.

  He let his fingers out and I felt a tinge of rage.

  Without a word, he swept me off my feet as the first orgasm faded, carrying me to the bed, holding me like I didn’t weigh anything at all. My body was still slightly shaking as he laid me down. He gave me a chance to recover, standing at the foot of the bed with that cocky smirk on his handsome face

  He then dropped to his knees on the bed in front of me, placing my legs over his shoulders. I was wearing a skirt.

  He pushed the skirt up and slipped my panties down my thighs. Trembling, all I could think about was how badly I needed to feel him.

  His head dove between my legs as he muttered, “God, I need to taste you.”

  I grabbed his head, my eyes widening as his tongue found my most sensitive parts. He circled my clit, just as I’d imagined. His five o’clock shadow rubbed against my thighs, reminding me this wasn’t a fantasy - it was reality.

  Pleasure coursed through my body as he devoured my pussy, sucking and licking as if it was the most delicious dessert he’d ever had the luxury of eating.

  And he was so fucking good at it.

  My legs tightened around him, and I pressed him down into me without even thinking about it. It just felt so damn good.

  Again, he slipped his finger inside me. Then another.

  I was trying to be quiet, afraid that someone might overhear us, but that all went out the window as the first wave of my orgasm washed over me.

  I cried out, taken by surprise at how fast it came on. He never stopped, keeping the perfect rhythm with his tongue on my clit.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered, my body tensing. “Yes, yes!”

  He seemed to savor it.

  He devoured my pussy, sucking and licking my juices as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  “I’m going to come,” I whimpered, writhing underneath him.

  He held my hips down on the bed, stilling me as he continued working me over with his magical tongue. I gripped the back of his head, and without meaning to, pressed him into me as I cried out in pleasure.

  God, I needed him so badly.

  My hands fumbled with his pants and I felt his erection in my hand.

  I could only get a sense of how big he was, but my eyes widened at what I felt. He was so thick.

  “Please. I need you inside me.”

  “That’s once,” he said, unbuttoning his pants and slipping them down, his huge cock straining against his black boxer-briefs. “But if you think you’re gonna get away with only coming once, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  Just hearing him speak in his sexy-as-fuck accent…it was almost enough to make me come a second time. The sight of his sculpted, lean, powerful body didn’t hurt matters either.

  Finn pulled down his boxers, his huge, thick cock sprin
ging out. It was enormous, mouth-watering. I needed it inside me more than anything.

  He swooped in, and within seconds the head of his cock rested between my lips, tingles of pleasure radiating out as he prepared to enter me. I clamped my hands on his perfect ass and pulled him toward me. He grinned as he moved into me, sliding all of his perfect inches inside, my eyes widening and my mouth forming into an “O” of total delight as he buried himself to the hilt.

  The sex was like nothing I’d ever experienced. After driving into me hard, making me come again, he effortlessly flipped me over and gave it to me just as good from behind.

  I switched it a bit, rolling him over and climbing on top. After riding him to a third orgasm, his cock throbbed, and Finn grabbed my ass, grunting hard as he unloaded deep inside me.

  I was done, totally exhausted in the best way possible. I fell to his side, curled up in his arms, and closed my eyes.

  “G’night, gorgeous.” Those were the best last words to hear before falling into a deep slumber.

  When I opened my eyes again, it was daylight.

  I was alone.

  I sat up, looking around as if what had happened the night before had been a dream.

  There was no sign of Finn in the room – no bags or anything. But there was a note on the pillow.

  Last night was a hell of a good time. Thank you for everything.


  And that was it.

  Part of me was pissed, but another was…happy. I sat up, the empty luxury suite all around me. Sure, Dr. McHottie had ditched, but so what?

  We’d gotten what we both wanted.

  I took a nice, long shower in the luxurious bathroom, not hurrying a bit. When I was finally dressed and ready, I left the room with a smile on my face.

  Mission accomplished.

  Back to the real world.

  Did you enjoy the sneak peek? You can access the full story here.

  About the Author

  K.C. Crowne is an Amazon Top 10 bestseller.

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

  Doctors of Denver Series (This series)

  Doctor’s Secret | Doctor’s Surprise Delivery | Irish Doctor’s Secret Babies | Millionaire’s Surprise Triplets

  Mountain Men of Liberty Series

  Baby for the Mountain Man| Junior for the Mountain Man| Knocked Up by the Mountain Man| Baby For Daddy's Friend | Triplets for the Mountain Man | Taken by the Mountain Man| Secret Baby for the Mountain Man | Mountain Man’s Accidental Surprise | Quadruplets for the Mountain Man | Delivering His Gifts| Mountain Daddy’s Fate | Mountain Man’s Lucky Charm | Mountain Man's Best Friend's Sister

  Lumberjacks of Grizzly Falls Series Lumberjacked | Lumberjack’s Baby

  Rainbow Canyons Cowboy Series

  Taboo Cowboy |Cowboy’s Baby|Her Cowboy Daddies | Southern Charm| Cowboy’s Bride

  Big Bad Daddies Series

  Big Bad Doctor | Big Bad Daddy| Big Bad Taboo Daddy | Big Bad Prince|Big Bad Mountain Man| Big Bad SEAL| Big Bad Boss| Big Bad Sugar Daddy| Big Bad Mountain Brothers

  Bearded Brothers Mountain Man Series

  Her Mountain Daddy| Beauty and the Beard| Bride and the Beard| Built and Bearded |

  Firemen of Manhattan Series

  Big Bad Fireman’s Baby| Big Bad Firefighter| Big Bad Fire Daddy|

  Spenser Sisters Reverse Harem Series

  Men on a Mission| Christmas with Four Firemen| Dirty Cowboys

  Checkout KC’s full Amazon Catalog

  Copyright © 2021 by K.C. Crowne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum




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