Angel Erotica

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by Angela Black

  “I don’t see any gentlemen here, honey,” said the man. “Do you, Ricky?”

  “Nope,” said his friend. He was a slimy looking man with slicked back hair, nappy chest hair poking out his jacket and gold rings upon each one of his fingers. “There are a few things that I do see… nice things… pretty things. Don’t you see what I see, Jared?”

  The waitress shrunk back from his touch. “What’ll it be?”

  “Give me a scotch on the rocks,” Jared said.

  “Make that two,” Ricky added with a slap on the waitress’ ass.

  She was about to protest when the DJ interrupted them. She decided to let it slide and left to fetch them their drinks.

  “Welcome back, ladies and gents,” said the DJ over the speakers. “We’ve got a special kitty coming out for you. I want you all to give a very warm welcome to Nikki!”

  The speakers erupted with the screeching of electric guitars and the spotlights moved towards the veil in preparation for the next girl to show the crowd what she’s got.

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Jared said with a lick of his chops.

  “That’s the finest damn thing I’ve ever seen,” said Ricky, completing his friend’s sentence. “I’ve got to get me a piece of that.”

  A raven haired beauty in high heels and black lingerie strode out from behind the curtain amid a sea of cheers. The locals all knew her and the regulars all worshipped her. She was the large breasted vixen with sinuous thighs and an unquenchable hunger for sex that all the men lusted after. Her name was Nikki, no last name given, and none required. All they needed to know was there for the beholder, right out in the open and bounding from side to side as she walked the catwalk.

  She walked like she owned the place, and when she was dancing, for all intents and purposes, she did own the place. It was a woman such as Nikki that made Jared and Ricky stand at attention. They would have her tonight, by any means necessary.

  Chapter Two

  Strip Searched

  Angela Black

  The Moneymaker

  There was something about the way Nikki moved—something fierce, animalistic, and all too familiar for the two men. They watched her closely, as all the men in room were, fixated upon her soft skin and infectious smile.

  Her body moved in tune with the music, popping her hips with each drop of the bass, and reaching out to the fans with her toes. The men blew up in excitement with each shake of her thighs, getting louder and more boisterous as each article of her undergarments hit the floor. There wasn’t much to begin with, so it didn’t take the crowd long to deafen the music playing overtop them.

  “What do you think?” Ricky asked.

  “I think she’ll do just fine,” Jared said as he gulped down the last of his drink and lit a cigarette.

  “Another drink, gentle—,” the waitress stopped short and reconsidered her words, “—fellas?”

  Ricky’s gaze lingered upon her for a moment, but he soon readjusted his focus and pointed to the stage. “We want her.”

  “Nikki’s got a long line of gentlemen suitors,” the waitress said. “We’ve got some other girls that much interest the two of you—.”

  Ricky grabbed her forcefully by the arm and pulled her closer. “I said that we want her.”

  Everyone around became real quiet, except for the two enormous bouncers that headed towards them.

  “I told you to be cool,” Jared said with a jab to the ribs. “I won’t have another Dallas incident.”

  “Relax, boss,” said Ricky. “These men aren’t going to do shit.”

  Ricky let his grip on the waitress go and he stood up to stare down the two bouncers. They were mountains of meat, but Ricky seemed oblivious to their stature and continued to hold his ground.

  “Do we have a problem here?” one of them asked.

  “It looks like we’ve got a problem,” the other answered, “a big problem.”

  Ricky paid no attention to the imposing figures in front of him and turned towards the waitress. He looked deep into her eyes, almost as if he was taking control of her very soul. They stood there for almost a minute as the two bouncers decided what to make of it.

  “There’s no problem,” the waitress said monotonously. “I apologize for any misunderstanding.”

  The first bouncer to speak didn’t seem to be buying what the degenerate was selling and he looked back to the waitress. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Oh, believe me,” Ricky said with a crooked smirk. “She’s sure.”

  The hired muscle didn’t believe a word of it, but a quick nod from the waitress settled it for them, at least for one of them.

  “I don’t give a shit,” the other bouncer said. “No one puts a hand on one of our girls and gets away with it. This prick’s going down.”

  He stepped towards Ricky, chest puffed and fists clenched. He looked ready to throw him out the back exit and put the boot to him.

  Still, Ricky just stood there, grinning, waiting for the man to make his move. He took off his glasses and stared the man right in the eyes. There was something unnatural about his gaze, but the bouncer couldn’t have been further from recognizing it. He was far too busy being swept away by the biker’s mysterious aura.

  “Yeah, t-there okay with me,” the bouncer said caustically. “Let’s get back to the door.”

  The two men laughed together, pounding their drinks against the table and enjoying every minute of their victory. These were hard men. Now the waitress knew it and the bouncers, as well.

  By now, the screeching guitars and pounding drums had subsided. Nikki’s set was just about to finish. The crowd erupted into a chorus of jeers and a raining of dollar bills. Nikki didn’t bother to bend over and collect the sea of one dollar bills. She made more than enough in private backroom dances, something she was just going to prepare herself for.

  As Nikki picked up her silk panties and began to walk down the steps, the waitress who’d been accosted by the bikers hurried over to her and whispered a few choice words in her ear.

  The men could tell she was talking about them, because both the waitress and Nikki kept looking back towards them, in between the many breaks in their conversation.

  “I got this one,” Jared said with a hand on his crotch.

  Ricky fired him a disapproving glance and slammed his fist on the table. “No fair! You got the last one!”

  “What’s your point?” Jared asked.

  “There… there…,” Ricky paused to look around and see if anyone was listening in to their conversation, “there wasn’t anything left for me after you got your fill last time.”

  Jared licked his lips and nodded his head. “Sometimes the hunger gets the best of me. Fret not, young one, you’ll get your turn. Tonight… we’ll both get our fill.”

  Chapter Three

  Strip Searched

  Angela Black

  All Hands

  Jared was led by hand to the back, where a dozen private booths were veiled. While the cloth may have been able to obscure the view of any desiring to know what was happening on the inside, the curtain did little to mask the sounds. He could hear the slobbering of lips upon cock, fingers swishing back and forth inside loose pussy, and the fake orgasms that hardened up all the men inside.

  “What about your friend?” Nikki asked as she looked over her shoulder. She could see his beady eyes upon her, undressing her with his eyes, and whispering sweet nothings into her ear from across the room. “Isn’t he going to mind having to wait?”

  “Probably,” Jared said, “but he’s used to sloppy seconds.”

  “Cute,” Nikki replied, thought she had a few other words she would’ve rather said.

  She took him to one of the open booths and slide the curtain shut. As the metallic click signaled the curtain had been shut, her hips swayed to the side and her firm ass jiggled ever so slightly.

  Immediately, Jared’s hands went to her rear. He gave her a playful little squeeze to let her know his intentions.

  “No touching,” she said, removing his hands from her ass. “Keep your hands to yourself, sailor, and we’re going to have one hell of a time.”

  Jared did as he was told and positioned himself for Nikki. “Of course… whatever my tasty little treat commands.”

  Nikki moved in rhythm with the music playing throughout the backroom. She knew every which way to shake her body, and exactly the right time to do so.

  His eyes darted from left to right as Nikki danced in front of him and slowly removed both her articles of clothing. Her breasts bounced ever so slightly as she unhooked her bra and swayed in Jared’s face.

  “Look, but don’t touch,” he grumbled to himself. “What a god damn tease.”

  He fidgeted around uncomfortably, trying to find a use for his hands other than pleasure. It was no use, however, as Nikki saddled onto him and grinded on his throbbing cock. He had to have her and it had to be now.

  His hands grabbed onto her thighs, nails digging in so deep that they pierced skin. Nikki shot up immediately and turned back towards her john.

  “I said no touching,” she said with teeth clenched. “That includes no biting and no scratching, asshole.”

  But it was too late. The appeal of her bountiful breasts and the intoxicating smell of the blood trickling down her supple thighs was enough to entice the biker into frenzy and he grabbed onto Nikki’s legs forcefully.

  “My dear,” Jared said, mouth gaping and licking his chops in anticipation. “Don’t scream. You’ll just ruin it for me… and you wouldn’t want to ruin it for me, would you?”

  “You see,” he continued, “I’m very hungry and the only thing that can quench my thirst is a pretty young lady like yourself. Consider it an honor… out of all the women in here, you’re the only one that’ll do.”

  Before Nikki could fight his grasp, two fangs descended from Jared’s mouth. “You see, things are about to get very surreal right about now.”

  Jared and Ricky were more than just two tough sons of bitches. They were vampires, creatures of the night, and rulers of all they surveyed. Both the waitress and the bouncers hadn’t wanted to yield to their power, but they were left helpless against its powers of persuasion. It was one thing to hypnotize the weak and other to kill a powerless prey. Jared wouldn’t have any of that, so he left the sweet and succulent Nikki’s mental faculties in place. He would take his time devouring her. Only then could his thirst truly be quenched.

  “I’d close your eyes if I were you,” he said. “You’re not going to like what I’ve got in mind.”

  Chapter Four

  Strip Searched

  Angela Black


  Jared’s hands moved up her inner thighs. His tongue slithered down his lips and flicker in anticipation. He was in complete control.

  “Oh, how I’ve waited for one such as you,” he said, slowing his approach so he could savor every moment. “Every year the search seems to lengthen. It’s true when they say, they really don’t make them like they used to.”

  Nikki made no attempt to struggle. She allowed him this victory, if only just to let him get a sense of what he would be missing. So his hands continued to rise, right until they were inches for her moist pussy.

  “Well I’ll be damned!” Jared exclaimed in thrill. “You’re actually getting off on this!”

  “Not quite,” Nikki said with a curious smirk of her own. “I’m getting off… just not on you.”

  She grabbed his hands and shoved them back onto his lap and jumped onto him. He was curious as to how she managed to pull it off, but when she accepted him with open arms, his questions ceased.

  Her thighs pressed against his crotch and stiffened him up for her. Nikki could feel him thumping in his constricting pants, but made no move to undo his pants. She was content to writhe around on him for the time being. Just like him, she would go until she got off.

  The inevitable moment came when Nikki filled herself up on as much as Jared as she could stand and cognitive thought finally returned. She realized what she’d been mixed up in and what she was going to do about it. She was a stripper—getting her hands dirty were just part of the job—a job she enjoyed. She wasn’t getting off on him. She was getting off on the moment, the one right before the hunter snatches its prey.

  “You’re not the only one with secrets,” Nikki whispered into his ear. “You see… I could smell you from the moment you entered… and when I’m finished with you, I’m going to tear that friend of yours a new one.”

  Before Jared could raise his hands in protest, Nikki thrust him back into the chair, locked into place, as claws began to form from her nails. Her once milky white skin had now become matted with coarse hair, black as night and overtaking her entire body.

  Jared could only watch, in shock and horror, as the beautiful stripper on top of him turned into a snarling werewolf. Jared’s cries for help were drowned out by the music blaring throughout the room, extinguishing any hopes for his friend to hear. He would die here, pants open and cock as stiff as a board.

  Nikki sunk her teeth into the vampire’s head, crushing it with ease between her jaws. She was a werewolf, and tonight, these vampires were her prey. It wasn’t the sex that she lusted after. It was the hunt, and tonight she’d see herself full.

  The End

  Chapter One

  Swingers Squared

  Angela Black

  Welcome, Welcome

  The doorbell rang at precisely nine o’clock. Cynthia, who had been busy making appetizers called for her husband to answer.

  “Can you get the door?” she asked with her head in the cupboards. “I’m a little busy.”

  Cynthia had never done anything like this before, although it was something that she thought about often. There was the warm touch of someone else’s lover, a new face mixed with a familiar touch, just knowing that your significant other is right beside you. It was all so surreal for her. Could tonight possibly half as steamy as she imagined?

  Both Derek and Cynthia were in there mid thirties. They had been together for almost a decade, but lately things had been slowing down. There just wasn’t the same spark as before. That was all right with her. That was expected.

  What wasn’t expected was when her husband offered to spice up their marriage. He suggested toys, role-reversals, and costume play. He even mentioned something involving a goat, two little people, and a jar of peanut butter. He was a man out of option, but desperate to please the woman who meant so much to him.

  It was her that brought up the idea of swinging. Derek took to it immediately and the next day they found themselves opening up an online account and searching for like-minded couples.

  They were an attractive couple, well-off, and in the prime of their lives. By the time their account was completed, the offers started rolling through. There were juniors, seniors, poor, and extravagantly wealthy couples all vying for their attention. It wasn’t about the destination. It was about the journey. They took their time and after a few weeks of back and forth, they settled on Steve and Julia.

  It wasn’t just about physical attraction, although it did play a considerable role. It was about chemistry and the heat of the moment. Cynthia was a model in her younger days, and while work had completely dried up, she still retained much of her former beauty. Her skin was milky and flawless, contrasting sharply with her black hair and luscious red lips. She was tall, slender, with just the right amount of curve in her chest. Any man would want her, but only one could have her. Tonight, she hoped to add a second man to that list.

  Derek, on the other hand, was a strapping black man with shaved head and large, well-purposed hands—the kind that looked as if they moved mountains. He was a successful business man, running his own store in town and hoping to turn it into a franchise. When his wife mentioned swinging, Derek couldn’t find a single fault with her plan. They were committed, affectionate, and comfortable with their own sexuality.

  Still, with the rin
ging of the doorbell, Cynthia couldn’t help but feel that she was wracked with anticipation. Perhaps she had been all along.

  “Who needs five different appetizers,” she muttered to herself as Derek went to the door. “It’s nine o’clock. What the hell was I thinking?”

  She wasn’t thinking, and when the door opened to Steve and Julia, she realized that she wouldn’t be doing much thinking at all tonight. She’d be far too swept up in a sensual bliss that removed her of all rational thinking. This is it, she thought, a fantasy come true.

  “Welcome, welcome,” Derek said as he greeted the couple at the door. “It’s so good that you could join us.”

  Steve and Julia greeted him at the door and extended and offering of merlot.

  “The pleasure is ours,” Julia said with a warm smile. “We’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. You’ll have to forgive my husband. He’s not normally shy, but he’s a little nervous.”

  Cynthia could tell from her lookout in the kitchen that he had nothing to be nervous about. Steve was a handsome country man with rugged good looks and wavy blonde hair. His shoulders were broad and his jeans were just tight enough to allow Cynthia to fantasize about what lay underneath.

  “We’re all first timers here,” Derek said as he went in for a handshake. “There’s nothing to be worried about. Tonight is all about pleasure and self-gratification.”

  Cynthia was still fretting away for no reason in the kitchen, poking her head out to capture quick glimpses of their guests. She would’ve been lying if she told Derek that she wasn’t the least bit intimidated by Julia. While both women were equally attractive, it was in complete opposite ways.


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