Wanton Splendor

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Wanton Splendor Page 12

by Bobbi Smith

  Christopher was confused. He'd decided to see her one more time in order to rid himself of his desire for her. Yet the sight of her with Andre had disturbed him and he had felt a great need to get her away from the other man's leering advances.

  "Let's walk."

  Katie hesitated, remembering the last time she'd gone with him.

  Christopher sensed her discomfort and remembering his own cutting words, he smiled sincerely at her, "This time we'll talk and if there is any water we will look at it."

  Katie couldn't help but grin as his assurance relieved her misgivings, erasing the memory of their last encounter from her mind. She was where she had wanted to be ... alone with Christopher and this time the outcome would be different.

  "I'd like that."

  The muted voices of other strolling couples came to them as they started down one of the shell-lined paths of the carefully landscaped garden. The black velvet sky was star-studded and the pale sliver of the moon hung low on the horizon.

  "You wanted to talk?" Christopher reminded her, breaking the silence that had enveloped them.

  "I was just trying to figure out where to begin," she explained, hesitating. "I'm not going to apologize for what I did that night. It's just that everything happened too fast for me. I wasn't sure how to handle it."

  Christopher reached out to take her hand, "You don't have to explain..."

  "Yes, I do. I've thought about this ever since that night and I want you to understand."

  "I do, now." He looked at her seriously, recognizing her inexperience and cursing himself for having pushed her too hard that night.

  "And I'm sorry for what I said. But it was the second time in one day that you'd bested me and I was angry and more than a little frustrated."

  "And I had just heard all these terrible things about you from Andre and Mark and I wasn't sure what to think."

  "Oh, my reputation..."

  The night was heavy with the sweet scent of magnolia blossoms as Katie and Christopher stopped walking and turned to look at each other. There, protected from view by the darkly shadowed foliage of the garden, their eyes met, openly acknowledging all the feelings they both were trying so hard to control. With a gentle hand, Christopher reached out to caress her cheek before drawing her nearer. Framing her face with his hands, his eyes roved over her features, committing to memory the perfection of her moonlit beauty before his mouth claimed hers in a passionate kiss that spoke more eloquently than words.

  Katie moaned softly as the anticipation of his embrace became reality. His touch was as exciting as she'd remembered and she gloried in it. Encircling his waist with her arms, Katie leaned closer, wanting to know him more intimately.

  Christopher drew back for a moment. He wanted more from Katie, much more, but he wouldn't take it. She had to offer. There would be no more scenes like their last time alone...

  Bending to her, he pressed a tender-soft kiss at the corner of her mouth before exploring the sweetness of her throat. When she made no move to refuse him, he grew more aggressive. His hands moved to her shoulders, massaging there gently before slipping lower to cup her bodice.

  Katie stiffened momentarily but then forced herself to relax. This was what she had wanted... what she had dreamed of...

  The pressure of his hands beneath her bosom pushed her breasts upward until they swelled daringly over the decolletage. Unable to resist the temptation, Christopher kissed the exposed tops of the creamy, firm mounds.

  Her eyes closed, Katie's head fell back as his mouth explored her. And, when he could wait no longer to taste the fullness of her breasts, he pushed the offending material lower to free the budding peaks.

  Christopher paused to look at her... worshipping the smooth glory of her hard-tipped breasts with his eyes.

  "You're perfect, Katie... Perfect..." His knowing fingers stroked each one teasingly, drawing patterns of fire around each nipple but never quite touching them.

  "Oh,.. .please, Christopher..." Katie begged, wanting to feel his hot, moist mouth upon her.

  Encouraged by her desire, he lifted her breast and drew the taut pink crest into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he sucked gently.

  Katie's knees weakened at the pleasure from his intimate caress and she clutched at his shoulders for support.

  Christopher was on fire with his need for her, yet knew that a garden path was no place for lovemaking. Though Katie whimpered, he drew away, covering her.

  "Christopher? Don't stop..." Her eyes were wide with her confusion as her body throbbed with unfulfilled desire.

  "We need to be alone, Katie. Really alone. I wouldn't want anyone to see us..."

  Katie took his hand pressing it to her bosom. "Please."

  Christopher turned with a groan, pulling her into his arms.

  Dipping a hand within the low confines of her bodice, he caressed her eagerly as his mouth met hers in a kiss of mutual surrender... Katie surrendering to the overpowering attraction she felt for him and Christopher giving in to his desire to possess her completely.

  Only the sound of footsteps crunching on the sea-shell strewn walkway drew his attention and he broke off the embrace.

  "Darling," he muttered in frustration. "We've got company."

  Straightening her clothes, they were both breathless as they resumed their walk and it was only minutes before the other couple came upon them.

  They exchanged polite greetings and continued on their separate ways down the maze of walkways.

  The musical splashing of a fountain beckoned them onward and as they reached the center of the garden they came upon it, sparkling and bubbling in the moonlight. The crystal froth of the water enchanted them and they stood arm-in-arm mesmerized by the cascading display.

  "This is paradise!" Katie spoke in hushed tones, her voice full of wonder.

  "No," Christopher countered, taking her masterfully into his arms. "This is paradise," and he kissed her deeply.

  When the kiss ended, he held her close to his heart savoring the serenity of the moment.

  "Katie, look." Christopher had glanced up and had caught sight of a small white gazebo, some distance away, partly hidden by a copse of trees.

  Anxious to be alone, they hurried to the summerhouse hoping that it would provide them with the privacy they wanted so badly. Entering into the seclusion of the small airy building, they smiled in conspiracy.

  "What do you think?" he asked, pleased with his discovery.

  "I think you were right."

  "I was? About what?"

  Katie nodded, "This is paradise."

  Moving to him, she put her arms around his waist and kissed him. Instinct took over as he crushed her to him, returning her kiss full measure.

  Katie was breathless and this time there would be no interruptions. This was what she'd wanted... waited for. In that one moment of melding, the perfection of his embrace took her heart. As she stood in the middle of the deserted gazebo held tightly in his grasp, she knew without a doubt that she loved him.

  Abandoning herself to his kiss, they strained together, wanting to share their desire. Christopher guided her to one of the low, built-in benches and drew her across his lap.

  "You are so beautiful..." he murmured, as his mouth sought hers, reverently. "So beautiful..."

  Thrilled by his touch, Katie melted against him. Looping her arms about his neck she offered herself to him in innocent ecstasy. She loved him.

  Loosening her bodice, Christopher bared her breasts and caressed them eagerly. Katie trembled at the onslaught of emotion his lovemaking aroused and when his lips followed the path his fingers had forged, she arched in passionate surprise. Katie held his head to her as he suckled first one breast then the other. Her excitement mounted to a fever pitch and vaguely, she wondered how she could ever have stopped him that first night.

  Christopher, sensing her rising desire, shifted their positions so that they lay side by side on the padded bench. Brushing her skirts aside, he stroked t
he tender flesh of her inner thighs and though his caress was gentle, Katie tensed at his touch.

  "Don't be afraid, darling," Christopher kissed her tenderly. "Let me love all of you. I won't hurt you."

  Drifting ever higher, his hand kept up its hypnotic massage until, at last, he found the center of her. Katie froze again at the foreign touch, but when he murmured encouragingly she opened her legs for him.

  "You're perfect, Katie. All of you..."

  Katie held Christopher close, relishing his nearness. As his mouth took hers in a passionate kiss his hand slipped between her thighs exploring her inner secrets for the first time.

  "Easy, love," he spoke softly, gentling her with his words and hands.

  Christopher continued his practiced caresses as Katie grew restless and her body urged her to seek release from his passionate torment. With skillful strokes, he stoked the flames of her desire until, finally, she climaxed. The pulsing waves of ecstasy shocked Katie and she lay still enjoying the sensual pleasure Christopher had brought her.

  Looking up at him, her expression almost bewildered, she smiled, "I didn't know..."

  "Ah, love, but we're not through yet." His voice was husky with passion.

  Knowing that he'd satisfied her pleased him and Christopher was hard put to control his need for her. Rising above Katie he freed himself from his pants and easily moved between her legs.

  Katie felt the hardness of his manhood pressing against her and she shifted her hips to accept him within her. There was no thought of right or wrong, only of passion and desire and fulfillment.

  "I don't know what to do," she told him, worried that she wouldn't satisfy him.

  "Relax for me, love," he instructed as he slowly began to enter the moist depths of her womanhood.

  The sensation of being penetrated was so alien to her that, despite her initial determination to help him, she stiffened against him making his entry sharp and painful.


  He felt her reluctance and withdrew for a moment.

  "I'm sorry," she told him. "But it hurt."

  Christopher smoothed her hair back from her face and smiled at her tenderly, "It's all right, Katie. It's all right."

  The thought that he had caused her discomfort took the edge off his lusty yearnings and he slowed his pace. Fondling her breasts, he kissed her and as he felt her tension begin to ebb, he grew more bold.

  Christopher's insistent caresses demanded response from her and Katie was amazed to find herself responding again. He knew exactly where to touch her to bring her the greatest pleasure and when his mouth nuzzled at her breast, she couldn't control the urge to move against him.

  Christopher smiled to himself as he felt her hips wriggle and slowly, with as little pressure as possible, he pressed himself into the hot velvet of her womanly sheath.

  Katie was oblivious toall, save the tightening coil of desire growing within her once more, and, as Christopher's hands caressed her buttocks lifting her to him, she surged upward wanting to be nearer. Katie's eyes reflected her amazement as she impaled herself upon his rigid staff. Falling back, Katie lay unmoving on the cushioned bench, as she waited for the sharp pain to pass.

  Deeply embedded inside her, Christopher rested, savoring the sensuous tightness of her body.

  "Are you all right?" he murmured, kissing her softly.

  Katie gradually became aware that the pain had lessened and only a tight, fullness remained... that and the sensation of totally belonging to this man. Smiling at him tremulously, she looped her arms around his neck.

  "I'm fine," she assured him, pulling him down for a flaming kiss. "I've never been better."

  Christopher groaned as she slid her hands down his back to his hips. The contact causing him to thrust against her involuntarily. Unable to stop, he began to move, their bodies merging and parting in love's rhythm. The sweetness of their union heightened his excitement and he shuddered in ecstasy as he emptied his loveseed deep within the heat of her.

  Katie held Christopher to her, cherishing the knowledge that she'd pleased him. She had never dreamed that love could be so exciting or that a man could be so wonderful.

  They rested, locked in a tight embrace, their hearts beating in unison.

  It was long moments before reality intruded on them and Christopher was forced reluctantly to withdraw from her. Rising, he straightened his own clothes and then helped Katie to her feet. With Christopher's help she straightened her clothes and smoothed her hair back into place.

  "How do I look?" she worried.

  "You look more beautiful than ever," Christopher told her honestly as his gaze swept over her appreciatively.

  But as he took her hand to lead her from the gazebo, she held back.


  "I love you, Christopher," she told him, going into the warmth of his embrace.

  And Christopher tilted her face up to receive his heartstopping kiss before they started back to the ball leaving their paradise behind.

  Drink in hand, Andre stood in the study with Isaac, making general conversation. He realized that his plan to gently seduce Katie was not going to work as long as Fletcher was in the picture. So, with that in mind, he knew his only hope was to turn Isaac and Suzanne against the Yankee. For if they disapproved of him, they certainly wouldn't allow Katie to see him.

  "You know, Isaac. This Fletcher fellow has a very unscrupulous reputation," he began and Isaac listened attentively to what he had to say.

  Mark drank thirstily from his cup of punch as he watched Suzanne dance with Andre. There was something almost too familiar in the way he was holding her and Mark longed to tear her from his arms. Frustrated, he turned abruptly to refill his glass and accidentally bumped into one of the young ladies he'd met earlier in the evening.

  "Miss La Zear..."

  The petite Jacqueline La Zear smiled coquettishly at him. "Mr. Kingsford."

  "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

  "No. I'm fine. Did you want more punch?" She offered him a glass.

  "Why don't we dance first?" he invited boldly.

  "I'd be delighted," she accepted, glad that she'd finally managed to attract his attention. She'd been watching him all night and found him most handsome. "Please, call me Jacqui."

  "I'm Mark, Jacqui," he said as they joined the others on the dance floor.

  Andre moved easily about the room with Suzanne in his arms.

  "So, what is your interest in telling me these things about Christopher Fletcher?" she asked shrewdly, knowing what Andre was up to but not completely understanding his motives.

  Andre was not surprised by her insight. "You know me so well..."

  "You're right."

  "The truth?"

  "The truth," she answered, not mincing words.

  "I want your niece for myself. But she's too damned enamored with Fletcher.... Perhaps if you and Isaac should disapprove of him..."

  "I see your point." She glanced up just as Katie and Christopher came through the French doors. She read with accuracy the look of loving adoration on her niece's face and knew that she would have to do something quickly. Why, if Katie managed to catch him before she, herself, had a chance... "I'll do what I can, Andre."

  "That's all I ask, ma cherie."

  As the music ended, Suzanne became aware of Mark escorting Jacqueline La Zear off the floor, Irritation surged through her. How dare he show interest in someone else! Especially a babbling girl, barely out of the cradle.

  "Lead me back to Mark for now. I'll have to think about what I'm to do."

  "Of course. Would you like me to invite the nubile Miss La Zear to dance?"

  "How did you know?"

  "My darling," he spoke in hushed tones. "I know you as well as you know me. And Mark is your latest, isn't he?"

  "You're very perceptive, too, Andre. I'm glad we understand each other."

  "We did more than that once, Suzanne," he reminded her.

  "Yes and we ended it by mutual consent." />
  "There are still nights when..."

  "Spare me any leftovers, Andre. You're after Katie now and if I can help you to get her, I will."

  They greeted Mark and Jacqui cordially as they joined them at the refreshment table.

  Christopher and Katie had just come in the room when Robert Adams caught sight of them.

  "Christopher!" he hailed loudly. "I've been looking for you."

  "Robert," he acknowledged his friend. "I'd like you to meet Miss Katie Kingsford. Katie, this is my host, Robert Adams."

  "Ali, Isaac's niece. A pleasure, Miss Kingsford." He was taken by her stunning good-looks.

  "Mr. Adams."

  "Robert, why were you looking for me?" Christopher was concerned.

  "I needed your opinion on some business matters. In fact, I still do if you can spare me a few minutes."

  "Katie?" he looked at her questioningly.

  "Please, go on. I can join Suzanne. If you'll excuse me, gentlemen?"

  "Of course."

  "I'll be back as soon as I can, Katie," he assured her, and was rewarded with a warm smile.

  Katie moved gracefully across the room to join Suzanne.

  "Are you having a nice time, my dear?" she asked sarcastically.

  "Yes, I am," Katie answered innocently, not realizing that the other woman was criticizing her.

  "Katie, we really must talk," Suzanne began condescendingly.

  "Talk?" Katie was lost.

  "Let's go into the library so we can speak privately." Suzanne led the way and Katie followed worriedly behind.

  Once inside the darkly panelled room, Suzanne made a great display of closing the double hallway doors before turning to face her niece.

  "I realize that this is all very new to you," she gestured about her. "But there are certain rules that one must follow in polite society."

  "I'm afraid I don't follow you."

  "My dear. A young, unmarried woman does not disappear out of doors for God knows how long with an eligible bachelor she'd only just met."

  "You mean Christopher?"


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