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Wanton Splendor

Page 28

by Bobbi Smith

  "A present? For me?"

  "I'd be honored if you'd wear it tonight."

  Katie opened the velvet box to reveal a single strand of creamy, iridescent pearls.

  "Oh, Mark! They're lovely. Help me put them on." She handed him the necklace.

  "I wish Father could be here to give you away, Katie," he remarked as he fastened the delicate clasp.

  "You did write to him?"

  "Yesterday, as soon as we got back from the hospital."

  "Good. It's a shame that Uncle Isaac can't be here either."

  Mark nodded in agreement as he turned her to face him.

  "Are you sure that you're doing the right thing?"

  She smiled at his brotherly concern. "I'm positive. I love him, Mark. I don't want to ever be without him."

  Mark returned her smile, then, reassured by her certainty. While he knew that the Southern code of conduct demanded that Christopher marry her, he would not let any stupid moralistic rule ruin his sister's life. If she didn't want to marry him, she didn't have to.

  "Good. Let's go on down. Christopher was already downstairs waiting for you when I came up."

  "He was?"

  "I think he's as eager for this marriage as you are," Mark teased, guiding her from the room.

  Christopher had indeed been waiting in the study with Robert and Joel. Thanks to Robert's influence with church officials, the wedding had been arranged on only one day's notice and for that he was grateful. There was nothing he wanted more than to join his life with Katie's. He felt somehow incomplete whenever they were apart and fully intended that they never be separated again.

  At the sound of Mark and Katie on the stairs, he hurried to the door to watch her descend. In her fullskirted ivory gown, she seemed an ethereal vision to him. Her hair was pinned up in a sophisticated style of soft looping curls and around her neck she wore an elegant pearl necklace.

  "The reverend is ready," Robert said from behind Christopher, breaking into his thoughts.

  "Of course." Tearing his gaze away from Katie, he accompanied Robert and Joel into the main parlor where Jacqui and the minister awaited them.

  Katie had caught a glimpse of Christopher in the hall by the study door before he'd disappeared into the parlor.

  "Are you ready?" Mark asked, his question steadying her excitement.

  "Oh, yes," she told him anxiously.

  And Mark led her into the parlor and presented her to Christopher where he stood before the minister.

  "And you give this woman in matrimony to this man?"

  "I do," Mark answered solemnly.

  "Then let us begin..."

  As his voice droned on, bonding their lives together, Katie found herself remembering all the times she'd been with Christopher. Their first explosive meeting his concern for her-the first time they'd made love ...Yes, she loved this man. Of that she had no doubt.

  Staring up at him during the final recital of their vows, Katie studied his lean good looks, memorizing every nuance so that years from now she would be able to recall every detail of their wedding. Christopher felt Katie's gaze upon him and turned to look at her as he pledged his life to her.

  "I, Christopher, take thee Kathleen..."

  Katie thrilled as he spoke the words that would bind them together for all time. She repeated her vows with the same intensity and watched, enthralled, as Christopher slipped the plain gold band on her ring finger.

  "I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together let no man put asunder."

  At the culminating words, he swept her into a possessive embrace and kissed her deeply.

  "I'm sorry we didn't have time for more," he apologized, worrying that she might have wanted a big wedding.

  "It doesn't matter. What's important is that we're together. Now and forever." She reached up to kiss him quickly before turning to receive the best wishes of the others.

  After feasting on the special dinner Robert had arranged for them, they were whisked off by carriage to the St. Charles Hotel where Mark had reserved the bridal suite in their name.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Welcome to the St. Charles," the desk clerk greeted them. "Lyle will see you to your suite."

  "Thank you," Christopher replied, smiling at the thought of having finally made Katie his own.

  They were quiet and reserved as they followed the bellboy to the most elegant suite of rooms in the hotel.

  Andre downed his drink at the bar of the St. Charles. He had just met with one of the investigators, who had been checking on Fletcher's background, to tell him that there was no need to continue the investi gation. With Fletcher dead and no relations to speak of, it would be a simple matter for the Montards to purchase Greenwood from his estate.

  Andre was pleased that at least something had worked out well. Not that he was unhappy with the way things were. He and Suzanne had resumed their passionate affair and had spent most every night together since their return.

  Andre's only concern was the gossip that might ensue from Suzanne's refusal to visit Isaac. He had tried to convince her that for appearance's sake she should go to the hospital, but she steadfastly refused. Knowing better than to press Suzanne, he had let it drop.

  Andre thought of Katie as he finished off his drink. There had never been another woman who had affected him as deeply as Katie had and he regretted that they hadn't gotten closer before her death. He had wanted Katie badly and he supposed the disappointment would haunt him the rest of his days. But Andre was a realist to a certain extent, too. He knew that life went on and that there was no use dwelling on "whatmight-have beens."

  He refused to believe that she loved Fletcher enough to die with him, as Mark had seemed to believe. More than likely, she had never seen anyone injured before and the shock had caused her to behave irrationally.

  Paying the bartender, he left the saloon and headed across the main lobby.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Welcome to the St. Charles..."

  The desk clerk's words stopped Andre in mid-stride and he glanced quickly toward the desk. Andre blinked in confused surprise as he saw Christopher escort Katie up the magnificent central staircase. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher? How could that be? They were supposed to be dead!

  When they were out of sight, he approached the desk clerk.

  "Was that Christopher Fletcher?"

  "Yes, sir. It was."

  "I didn't know he was married."

  "They're on their honeymoon. I believe he and Miss Kingsford were just married this afternoon."

  Andre nodded, stunned. "Thank you."

  Andre walked away, confused. How had they been rescued? And from where? He shook his head in dismay.

  Instead of being happy that Katie had survived, he was furious that she had married Fletcher. Why? After all, he himself had proposed to her! The only answers that made any sense to him at all were that she thought him killed during the storm... or that circumstances had forced her to marry. Determined to find out the truth, he would meet with Katie alone, as soon as possible.

  In the meantime, Andre went in search of the man he'd just met with; since Fletcher was still alive, the investigation had to be continued at all costs.

  Katie smiled invitingly as Christopher shed the last of his clothes and joined her on the wide, comfortable bed. Lying down next to her, he took her in his arms and held her close. Their eyes met, speaking volumes without uttering a single word, and his mouth sought hers in a fiery kiss that left her breathless with its intensity.

  Murmuring her name in a litany of desire, Christopher molded her to him. Katie, aroused by his nearness, moved restlessly beneath the erotic weight of his body.

  "Do you realize," he whispered softly, stroking the long fine strands of her golden hair back away from her face. "That this is the first time we've ever made love in a bed?"

  "Um," she nodded, seeking his lips for a short, quick kiss. "And it's not a moment too soon as far as I'm concerned."

  Aggressively pulling him closer
, Katie took the initiative. Pressing kisses on his throat and chest, they rolled to their sides, legs intertwined, straining together. The feel of his manhood, hard and proud, against her thigh encouraged her and she no longer wanted to wait. Reaching down with eager fingers, she guided him to her.

  Christopher groaned at her sensuous invitation and slipped within the hot-velvet sheath of her body. Once imbedded tenderly in her moist, silken depths, he paused to savor the deep sense of oneness that this most intimate joining with her gave him.

  Katie looked up at him as he supported himself above her. His eyes were dark with carefully controlled passion as he dipped his head to kiss her gently.

  "You feel so good to me, Katie."

  And without answering she wrapped her legs around his hips pulling him even more deeply inside her body. Christopher shuddered with the rush of sexual pleasure that her movements brought and gave up the thought of prolonging this moment as she arched temptingly beneath him. Meeting her twisting hips with excited thrusts, he slipped his hands beneath her and, cupping her buttocks, held her tightly to him.

  As a sudden explosion of delight rocked her, Katie clung to him, his hard, driving body sending her spinning off into passion's paradise. Sensing her ecstasy, Christopher could hold back no longer as love's deepest pleasure drove him on, over the brink of total fulfillment.

  When at last he could speak, long moments later, the words were hoarse with emotion.

  "Mrs. Fletcher, you are wonderful."

  Katie smiled dreamily, curling on her side against him.

  "Thank you," she murmured softly, running her hand over the mat of hair on his broad chest.

  They lay quietly together amidst the rumpled bedclothes, replete and content, yet eagerly ready to begin their new life together.

  Suzanne welcomed Andre with a passionate kiss. Now that they were lovers again, she wondered how she'd ever managed to let him go in the first place. But when he returned her embrace with less than his usual ardor, she drew back, frowning.

  "What's wrong?" she asked, accurately reading his mood.

  "Quite a lot, actually. I just left the St. Charles Hotel and guess who was in the lobby?"

  Suzanne was completely stumped. Who could have upset Andre so thoroughly?

  "Don't play games," she said irritably. "Just tell me."

  "You'd better sit down, then," he said sarcastically. "Because it was your precious niece and her new husband."

  "Niece? Husband?"

  "Katie is alive and according to what I was able to find out, married Christopher Fletcher late this afternoon."

  "How can she be alive? She's been missing for almost two weeks..." Suzanne was angry and confused. "And Christopher... Surely when that timber hit him..."

  "They are both alive and well, Suzanne. Make no mistake, for I saw them myself." Andre's tone was bitter.

  Suzanne nodded and took his earlier advice, sinking down on the loveseat. "I wonder where they've been staying... all of them."

  "With Robert Adams."

  She looked up. "I had wondered where Mark had gone."

  "Surely with Isaac in the hospital you hadn't expected him to come back here?"

  She shrugged, "It doesn't matter now. I'm done with them.. .all of them."

  "Well, I'm not!" Andre was still seething over Katie's marriage. "There was no reason for her to marry so quickly especially to Fletcher."

  "You're not going to pursue this any further?" she condemned.

  Andre slanted her a dangerous look. "You needn't concern yourself with what I intend to do, my dear."

  Suzanne fought down the urge to feel insulted. "Of course not, but surely if she's gone ahead and married Christopher, that's some indication of her feelings."

  "Not necessarily. Circumstances..."

  "You're a fool if you believe that!" she drilled the words at him with emphasis. "Need I remind you that during the storm she fought you off so she could get to his side?"

  "Shut up, Suzanne."

  "Leave, Andre!" she shouted. "I refuse to be your substitute for Katie. If and when you decide that you want me, I'll be here. Until then, don't waste my time."

  Morning came far too soon for Katie's wishes. Having made love for the better part of the night, she wanted to spend the entire day in bed, but Christopher roused her early. After sharing a light breakfast in their rooms, they left for Robert's house. Katie met Mark so that together they could go to the hospital to visit Isaac and Christopher went with Joel to meet with their factor and to take care of some other business arrangements.

  Cherie, worn and exhausted from a night of waiting for the end, looked up dully as Katie and Mark entered the room.

  "Cherie?" Mark worried.

  "Thank heaven you've come." She stood wearily and hugged Mark. "They say he could go at any time now...I've been here with him all night."

  "Do you want to rest? Katie and I will stay."

  "No...I can't leave him now." Her voice was pitiful as she glanced at Isaac's inert body.

  Mark walked her back to her chair and held her hand supportively.

  "Has he been conscious at all?"

  "Off and on. He always asks for Denis..." Cherie began to cry softly. "I'm sorry ...I just hate to see him suffering so."

  "We feel the same way, Cherie." Katie came to stand by the bed.

  Isaac's eyes flickered open and he stared at them unknowing for a moment before sanity appeared in his gaze.

  "Cherie?" he whispered, his breathing shallow and labored.

  "Yes, darling. I'm here..."

  "Good." He sighed as she quickly moved closer to him and took his hand.

  "Katie and Mark are here too," she told him, trying to sound cheerful.


  "Yes, Uncle Isaac?"

  "Did he do the right thing by you?" The question drained him.

  "We were married yesterday," Katie answered honestly.

  Isaac nodded. "I need to talk to Mark... alone"

  Cherie looked at Mark questioningly but he motioned for her to go on outside with Katie.


  "Yes Isaac."

  "You'll take care of Cherie.. .and Denis?" his voice faded.

  "I will," Mark choked.

  "Thank you," Isaac wheezed, paling. "I'm so tired ... so tired..."

  Isaac closed his eyes and Mark quickly called Cherie and then ran for a doctor. But it was too late. Isaac had left them.. .his tortured look of pain erased by death's peaceful release.

  The Murder

  Andre stood with his parents near the ballroom doorway watching the festivities going on around him. He had not wanted to come, but his father had insisted. It didn't matter that his last encounter with Mark had destroyed all friendship between them. What was important was that the Montards were lifelong friends of the La Zears and it would be a snub if Andre did not attend their daughter's engagement party... even if he did hate the man she was to marry.

  He had been waiting for over an hour now for Christopher and Katie to arrive. Somehow, tonight, he was going to discover the truth behind their marriage. Andre had even enlisted his mother's help in finding out the latest gossip about their sudden wedding. He had been patient for a month now but he could wait no longer, he had to know.

  As Andre watched Mark greeting the guests with Jacqui on his arm, Suzanne suddenly crossed his mind. He hadn't visited her since the night they'd exchanged heated words over Katie and Christopher. He had seen her at Isaac's funeral and after observing her success, playing the grieving widow, he had privately complimented her on her performance.

  Suzanne hadnt been able to reply to his observations, but instead had flashed him a triumphant smile. Then, as others bad approached, she had quickly masked her pleasure at being single again and had resumed the role of mourning wife.

  Andre had heard later that Isaac had altered his will and that the changes had so upset Suzanne that she had retired to Kingsford House in a fury. He'd never found out the whole truth, but he
was curious and hoped he could learn more about it tonight.

  Christopher put Katie from him reluctantly as the carriage slowed.

  "We're almost there," he explained as She looked at him questioningly.

  "But I was enjoying myself," she pouted happily, loving the fact that her kisses always had the power to arouse him, even after an entire month of being together constantly.

  "So was I, too much. We have a party to go to."

  "Do we have to?" she flirted.

  "He's your brother." Christopher's eyes glinted with good humor at the thought of forgetting the party and going back to their suite to make love.

  He had been delighted to discover that their relationship had only improved with time. Many couples he'd known had grown bored with each other. But not them. Katie was constantly surprising him. She was like a blossom unfolding and each day he discovered a new facet of her love.

  "You're tempting, but we're very late already," she smiled and then paused in thought. "We don't have to stay late, though, you know."

  "I know," he said with emphasis and regretfully they left the carriage to attend Mark and Jacqui's engagement party.

  The evening passed in a pleasant blur for Katie. It was her first social outing since Isaac's death and she enjoyed renewing her acquaintances.

  Christopher was always near, his presence protective and much appreciated for they had both caught sight of Andre earlier in the evening.

  It was during Christopher's dance with Jacqui that Andre made his move, cornering Katie in the main floor hall.

  "Katie." His tone was sincere as he greeted her. "I was overjoyed when I heard that you'd been rescued."

  "Thank you Andre." She tried to end the conversation, but he persisted.

  "I need to talk to you, Katie. Somewhere where we wont be interrupted."

  "Andre, I'm a married woman now."

  "That's precisely what I want to talk with you about."

  Katie looked at him questioningly. "Why?"

  "Come with me for just a moment." And when she hesitated, he added, "Please."

  "All right. For a moment," she finally agreed and went with him into the deserted study.

  To Katie's dismay, he shut the door behind them.


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