His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1)

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His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1) Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-844-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To all those taboo lovers out there.


  Forbidden Series, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018



  Fucking a student was never part of the plan.

  In fact, I didn’t have any kind of plan.

  All I wanted to do was start this new job, work hard, and at the end of the day, not worry about a single thing. Only, that wasn’t going to happen because I made the biggest mistake of all.

  Not only did I fuck a student, I fell in love with her as well.

  Chapter One


  Three weeks earlier

  “Did you hear they totally replaced Mr. Peters?” Lucy said as she leaned against the locker next to mine.

  “Nope. I have a life. I don’t go around listening to teacher gossip.”

  “Dude was old. I mean, how can they have anyone teaching gym who couldn’t even walk the entire length of the football field without needing to take a rest?” Lucy rolled her eyes, and I just chuckled.

  “He wasn’t old.”

  “Please, he was seventy easily.”

  I didn’t have the first clue what age our old gym teacher was. With everything that went on in my life, people’s ages were the last thing I cared about.

  “You coming out to the game tonight?” Lucy asked. She popped her gum as she watched the rest of our peers come and go. The halls were full, but as it was the end of the day, it wasn’t exactly a surprise.

  “Nah. I’ve got to work.”

  “Shit, I totally forgot about that.” Lucy hit her head. “You know if you’re hard up for cash, I can ask my dad. He’ll give me anything.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t mind working at all.” The truth was, it got me out of the damn trailer where Mom kept bringing all of her crackhead boyfriends. They were always so loud and so gross. Honestly, I really didn’t understand what anyone ever saw in a guy.

  Why the hell would a woman give herself to a loser like that?

  Beats me.

  Most of the time I slept outside or down by the creek, far away from any wandering boyfriend who thought they were getting a two-for-one deal.

  They seemed to be under this bullshit impression that because I wasn’t super-thin, I’d love their attention.


  A size zero, or even eight or twelve, I might not be, but I certainly didn’t want their creepy hands all over me.

  “I got to go.”

  I had to get back to the trailer, change into my uniform, and head out to the diner where I worked. I’d work ’til late, and then head back home. If everyone was passed out, I’d finish my homework, and then fall asleep.

  “If you want, I can stop by the diner tonight and bring you to the party.”

  “My shift ends at eleven, Luce.” I doubted she’d stop drinking long enough to remember I exist. Lucy was a really good friend. Whenever I needed her, she was always there. Yes, she was a little fickle at times and wished to be part of the in crowd, but I was more than okay with that. We were friends. End of. “Do not worry about me. Go to this party. Have a great time. Maybe hook up with Taylor. I know you want to.”

  Lucy went bright red. She covered my mouth and demanded that I shush. “Please, don’t. No one can know.”

  We were already heading out of the school as I laughed. “How are you going to catch his eye if you don’t tell him how you feel?”

  “I’m never telling him. He’s, like, the hottest boy in school and I’m just not, okay.”

  “Well of course you’re not a hot guy. You’re a hot girl instead, and he would totally love to have you.”

  “Please, he’s all over Sheryl.” Lucy’s head slumped down as she stared at the pavement.

  “That’s only because you’ve not shown him your shiny self.” I slapped her ass. “Go for it.”

  “What if he’s an asshole?” Lucy asked.

  I snorted. I couldn’t help it.

  The truth was Taylor was a grade-A dick. There was nothing nice about him once he opened his mouth.

  Sure, he looked good without a shirt with all those tight abs on display, but everything else was a big, giant mess. I didn’t like him. I had three classes with him, and all I could envisage doing was throwing stuff at him. Anything. His voice grated on my last nerve, but I put up with all the cheering, fun conversation from Lucy because she’s my friend.

  “We’ve got to find you a boyfriend.”

  “Nope, don’t need a boyfriend.”

  Lucy put her hand through my arm, and I just knew where this was going. “I don’t believe you when you say there’s no one in this school you fancy.”

  We stopped by her car. The parking lot was still full as everyone made their plans for the weekend. I had no plans other than work and study. The only way out of this shithole of a life and from my mom was if I worked hard, studied hard, and got a scholarship. To get a scholarship I had to have good grades.

  There’s no way I’d ever get one doing sports because the truth was, I hated anything other than walking.

  I could walk for days, weeks, and months. I found it really therapeutic, and whenever life sucked a little too hard one day, I walked. It was what I lived for.

  “Look around us, Lucy. You’ve got the nerds, and I hate to say this, but none of them even appeal to my intellectual side. You’ve got the jocks, who can barely carry on a conversation, no offense to your boy, of course. The rich assholes. The gangs, then of course the occasional druggie or user. There’s no one here that I want.”

  Lucy sighed. “You suck big time. You make me feel like a horrible friend.”

  “How the hell do I do that?”

  “Because, all I can think about is Taylor’s hands and dick while you’re always working or studying.”

  “It’s why we work, my friend. Now, stop being a loser and go after your man candy. Me, I’m heading to work.”

  I hugged my friend, and Lucy gave a little moan. “I wish you were coming.”

  “You have fun. Tell me all about it and take dozens of pictures for me. I’ll be there in spirit.” Pulling away, I winked at her before heading home.

  It was not surprising my home was part of the wrong side of town, literally past the train tracks that ran just off the side of town.



  New town. New beginning.

  My leg seemed to taunt me as it pulsed. Three months ago, I’d worked at a city school, one of the tough ones that had a bad reputation, a lot of violence. I was the kind of guy who was used to being able to handle himself. Nothing bothered me. Then one day, I didn’t know if the kids were all on crack or some shit, but they just went fucking crazy. Knives came out, fighting erupted, and as I was trying to break up three kids, I got one to the side, one in the back, and the other fucking stabbed me in the leg.

  Nearly died and after that, I was so fucking done.

nbsp; So, moving to a town that had decent statistics for getting boys to scholarships through ball seemed a pretty good way to go. I’d intended to move at the first opportunity, but having the school pay for me to relocate was a bigger bonus.

  They got me a house and all the necessary stuff to make it as smooth as possible.

  Monday was the day I got to see the kids, and then everything would settle in smoothly.

  As I pulled up outside the diner in town, it was dark, and I glanced through the windows to see it was busy, even though it was past seven.

  Several women were walking around, dressed in uniforms and wearing fake smiles. So far, it was exactly like home, only not as busy.

  I didn’t want to cook tonight, and takeout wasn’t something easily found in such a small neighborhood.

  I’d visited the principal today, and he’d warned me that even though this place was small, there were bad parts as well. He even pointed it out on the map for me, telling me not to pass the damn tracks as that was where the trailer park was.

  The town’s “rough folk.”

  I’d gotten through the entire description of why they were bad people without rolling my eyes.

  Stereotyping I was used to. It didn’t matter where you went in this world, people were always more than happy to tell you what they thought.

  I never judged anyone by where they came from.

  Most of the time, people were wrong.

  Climbing out of the car, I locked the doors, pocketing the keys as I made my way inside.

  There were a spare couple of seats in private booths, and seeing as I already noticed a lot of people watching me, I headed right to one of them.

  I was the shiny new toy in this town, and people were curious.

  Taking a seat, I grabbed the menu, buried my head, and just waited. Some time passed and I’d already looked over the menu.

  “Hello, welcome to Randy’s Diner. What would you like to order? Or would you like a drink first?” The voice sounded chipper, and as I glanced up, it took me a moment.

  The woman I was looking at was so fucking beautiful. Her raven hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, and some strands of hair had escaped and fell around her face. She had nice blue eyes, and they seemed to sparkle. The uniform she wore was tight against her body, highlighting large tits and wide hips.

  Fuck me if my dick didn’t get hard just by looking at her. She was the kind of woman you could take home to Mom, but you also loved to have her in the bedroom and fuck until you couldn’t remember your own names.

  Her cheeks were flushed, which again only made me think of what she’d look like when I bent her over a table and fucked her hard.

  “Sir?” she asked.

  Oh, this woman with her “fuck me” lips.

  I was taking her home tonight, no doubt about it. Checking her hands, I saw no ring, and if she had a boyfriend, well, that wasn’t my problem.

  “Erm, what’s good here?” I asked, watching her.

  She licked those lips, and just that quick peek made me think of her fuckable lips wrapped around my dick. I’d love to have her hair twined around my fist as I fucked her face. I wondered if she’d be able to take me to the back of her throat or if I’d have to wait patiently for her to open those sweet lips of hers to take me as deep as she could.

  “You’ve come to one of the best places in town. Burgers of any kind are all good. His pies are fantastic. Any pasta. Just look at the menu, start at the top and work your way down. Skip the breakfast menu though. He serves that from six to eleven.”

  “You’ve already tempted me this much.” I looked at the top of the dinner menu, and sure enough, cheeseburger and fries were at the top, so that’s what I ordered.

  “Would you like dessert?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. You got something to tempt me with?” She turned a little, so I glanced at her butt, and yes, it was curvy.

  What can I say, I love a woman with a good pair of tits and a nice, round ass.

  Some men might not like a woman with some weight on her, but not me. There’s nothing better than giving a juicy ass a good spank as you filled her tight, wet cunt, or seeing those big tits bounce as you rode her.

  I loved curves, and this woman was rocking them.

  “We’ve got some chocolate pies that are good, or even a pecan one if you’d like.”

  “I’ll see what I fancy.”

  I wanted the raven-haired waitress for dessert. I tended to get what I wanted, and she, as far as I was concerned, was just what I needed to get me through the next couple of hours.

  Once I set my sights on something I wanted, I worked to get it. I was not afraid of putting in a lot of hard work. I’d been doing it for years. My reputation was the best there was, and I’d brought the best out in all of my students that wanted it.

  This woman, I’d seen her name tag. Mona. She was going to belong to me by the end of the night. I couldn’t wait to hear what she’d scream as I drove my cock balls deep inside her.

  Chapter Two


  Stepping out of the diner, I paused as I caught sight of the man who’d been eating alone. His arms were folded, and he was staring right at me.

  He was new around these parts, and I didn’t know why I stepped toward him. He could be an axe murderer, rapist, kidnapper, sex trafficker, and yet I kept on moving until I stood in front of him.

  Going home wasn’t exactly high on my list of things to do.

  “You look a little lost?”

  “I do?”

  “Yep.” Glancing around the parking lot, I smiled. “You need me to point you toward a motel?”

  “I actually own a house here.”

  This was a surprise. “You do?”

  “Yep, comes with the new job.”

  I didn’t want to know anything else about him. At this moment, I liked that we were just two people. I wasn’t the trailer trash, and he was not someone of importance. How did I know he was important? He owned a house.

  The divide in our town was so damn clear and so damn stupid.


  “So, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my place to celebrate?” he asked.

  This was the first time in my entire life I’d been propositioned.

  He was a good-looking guy. Over six foot, muscular, and he looked in control.

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “Unless you’d like to take me home?”

  There was no way in hell I’d take him back to my mom’s trailer. Besides, should I even be thinking about going with this man?

  What else was I to do?

  Biting my lip, I glanced across the parking lot where I’d have to walk. It was Friday night. There was a party I could go to, a trailer full of my mom and her booze, or a place down by the creek.

  This man looked really appealing.

  “Okay, but it doesn’t mean anything,” I said.

  “Babe, it’s Friday night. I’m looking for a good time, and I got no problem with you being the one to share it.” He reached out, grabbed my hand, and pulled me against him.

  This was so surreal.

  Did men really do this?

  Was I about to lose my virginity?

  All of the questions I had flew right out of my head as his lips brushed against mine. At first, it started out soft and sweet. I could handle that, and then one of his hands sank into my hair. For work, I’d had it up in a ponytail whereas now, it was down. I couldn’t stand to have my hair up all the time. I liked the wind rushing it, and I loved the way he was touching me.

  His other hand was at my hip, pulling me in close.

  I’m a high school student.

  I’m a virgin.

  I hate my fucking life.

  But with feeling the length of his dick pressed against my pussy, and how amazing he kissed, I didn’t care.

  I wanted this.

  I wanted him.

  The only crazy thing I’d ever done was g
et in his car, which I did the moment he broke the kiss.

  He closed my door, and the scent of leather filled the air. As I buckled my seatbelt, neither of us spoke as he pulled out of the parking lot, going straight to his home.

  I recognized the neighborhood.

  All of the houses were the same, all lined up, and not a piece of trash to be seen. At the trailer park, trash lined up around the barbed wire fence.

  Climbing out of his car, he took my hand, leading me to the front door.

  The moment we were inside, I dropped the bag as he pushed me against the wall.

  “I’ve been watching you for most of the night, and do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? What I’ve been thinking about doing to you?”

  He cupped me through my jeans. I’d put a spare change of clothes in my bag, and after my shift finished, I’d changed into them.

  I gasped as he rubbed me.

  It felt so good to have his hand on me. With his other, he cupped my cheek, tilting my head back, and nibbled on my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth.

  “I want to fuck you, Mona.”

  “I don’t even know your name,” I said.


  “That’s all I need to know.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I released all my pent-up need, kissing him back, lifting my leg over his hip. My body answered my need.

  All of my life I’d been exposed to sex, to seeing what people did. A couple of my mom’s boyfriends loved to watch porn, and they’d thought it was funny to make me watch it.

  He gripped my ass, and his cock pressed against my pussy.

  I was so overwhelmed by how much I wanted this.

  How I craved his touch and to feel him filling me.

  Suddenly, he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, not caring. My weight didn’t bother him, and I didn’t bring it up.

  We were walking up some stairs, and he didn’t stop kissing me. Not that he had much of a choice, as I was pretty much attacking his mouth.


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