His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1)

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His Student (Forbidden Series Book 1) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  I wanted her to myself all the damn time.

  She let out a little sigh, and her eyes slid open. When her gaze landed on me, there was a smile on her lips. “Hey,” she said.


  “Is it morning?”

  I checked the time. “Nope, not even three yet.”

  “I feel so tired.” She rubbed at her eyes and sighed. Her hand cupped my cheek. “Why are you even awake?”

  “Watching you sleep?”

  “That’s not creepy at all.”

  I chuckled. “It’s super creepy, but I can promise you I like all of your body parts attached to you and your skin.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re weird.”

  “It keeps me fresh.” I winked at her.

  “You’re the best there is.” She sighed, dropping her hand to land on mine that rested against her stomach, which started to growl.

  She gasped. “That is so embarrassing.”

  “And it only reminds me that I’ve got a one-track mind. The moment I get you alone, I can’t think.” I kissed her cheek. “I’ll go and make you a sandwich.”

  Getting to my feet, I padded downstairs to the kitchen. Pulling out the chicken I’d roasted in my slow cooker, I placed it on the counter, followed by some lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber.

  I was already buttering a couple of slices of bread when she walked in, wearing my shirt. She was rubbing the back of her head, and as she stretched the shirt rode up her thighs, giving me a tempting glimpse of her pussy.

  “What have I told you about clothes?” I asked, going to her side and removing the shirt she wore. She looked cute in my clothes, but I preferred her naked, completely so. Tossing the shirt on the back of a chair, I leaned down and kissed each of her nipples. “These shouldn’t be put away.” Cupping their weight, I pressed my face against them until she moaned.

  “What are you doing to me?”

  “Turning you on?” I winked at her.

  “You know exactly what you’re doing.” She cried out as I bit down hard on one of her tits.

  “You’re right.” Letting her go, I went back to finishing our sandwiches. She came to my side and took some chicken.

  “This is really good.”

  “I know.”

  “You certainly don’t lack confidence.”

  “There’s no need to lack anything when I know what I’m doing.”

  I cut our sandwiches in half and carried them through to the sitting room. At first, Mona was too nervous to sit on my sofa, but I didn’t care. This was our place, and as I pulled her down to my side, she snuggled against me, taking the food I offered to her.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.

  “How long have you lived in the trailer park?”

  “All my life. I don’t know anything else. Mom always has her boyfriends coming and going. Of course, when Dad is around, that’s not happening. Not that he’s always around.”

  “He’s not?”

  “Nope. He comes and goes as he pleases.” She shrugged. “I’m used to it.” She took a big bite of the sandwich, and I watched her.

  “What are your plans for after you graduate?”

  “I’m hoping to get a full scholarship, but I don’t even know if that’s possible. Either way, come graduation, I’m gone.”

  “You’re gone?” I didn’t like how I felt at the thought of never seeing her again.

  I mean, I knew this wasn’t supposed to be a permanent thing, but in that moment, I didn’t even want to consider a day without seeing her. Even if the moments at school were not enough, they were something.

  “Yeah, there’s nothing here I want. I’m tired of being known as the trailer trash kid or just the whore’s daughter. My mom has quite the reputation around town, and I’ve got no intention of joining it. Besides, it’s the only way I’m going to be able to one day get a place like this. Maybe have a family.”

  “You’re not close to your mother?”

  Chapter Six


  So, for the first time in my life, I told him everything. I told him about my mom and dad, what happened that night all those years ago. I know it annoyed him, maybe even pissed him off. He didn’t want me to go back home, so he made me show him where I’d disappear to when things at home got too bad.

  “This is where you sleep?”

  I nod. “Yeah. It’s not so bad after a while. It beats being back home, you know.”

  “You’re not staying here ever again.”


  “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for a young woman to be here, like this? It’s … no, it’s not happening. I’m not going to have you endanger yourself.” He stepped up close to me, cupping my face. “You’ll come to my place.”

  “Elijah, you and I both know this is not going to last forever. You’ve got your life, and I want to leave here.”

  “Do you need me to put you over my knee and spank that ass? I don’t give a fuck what is going to happen. None of us know the future, so you better come to me, otherwise I’ll punish you.”

  With that, he slammed his lips down on mine, and I couldn’t help it. I fell a little more for him.

  I think what scared me the most was I wasn’t falling anymore—I was already in deep.

  “Come on, let’s go.” He took my hand.

  Instead of heading back to his place though, he parked outside the tracks near the trailer park. “Go and get your stuff.”


  “No. I need to know that you’re safe at all times, and the only way to do that is for you to be with me.”

  “What about … everyone?” I asked. “We can’t keep it secret.”

  “We’ll figure it out, but I’m not having you live like this. Not with those bastards who think they can put their hands on you. You’re mine, Mona. Make no mistake about it.”

  So I had no choice but to go and gather the few belongings that I had.

  When I entered the trailer, Mom was passed out on the sofa. Several bottles of cheap whiskey were on the floor, empty.

  This place had never been a home for me.

  It had always been a prison.

  Stepping over the bottles so I didn’t make a noise, I gathered the few items of clothing and books I’d been able to keep over the years. With a drunk for a mother and deadbeat for a dad, you didn’t exactly get presents for birthdays or Christmas.

  Once I had everything, I left the trailer. With every step I took, I felt lighter, as if I was finally breaking free of all the pain that had been thrust upon me.

  Climbing into Elijah’s car, I smiled at him.

  He nodded, and we headed back to his place. He didn’t allow me to take my own bags in.

  I waited as he brought in my two bags. My entire eighteen years of life, in two bags. It could be worse.

  He closed the door, and I followed him back upstairs to his room.

  I was a little stunned as he started to take out spare hangers and put my clothes on them, placing them carefully in his closet.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “You’re here now, with me. You can still do your waitressing job, and we’ll be careful. Either way, I’m not letting you sleep out in the dark or alone anymore.”

  After he put everything away, we made our way downstairs for dinner.

  “You’re sure your mother wouldn’t phone the cops to report you missing?”

  “No. The only thing she cares about is being at the bottom of a bottle.” I wasn’t bitter. You couldn’t be bitter when you didn’t care. My parents, they were not perfect, and I didn’t want perfect, not even a little bit.

  I made Elijah go and sit down in the living room as I finished washing the dishes. Running my hands across the counter, it was surreal to actually be at home and to feel like I was. Once graduation came, I’d be gone. That day, I intended to leave.

  Making my way into the living room, I saw he was watching an action flick. I went to walk past him
, but he grabbed my hand and drew me in. I straddled his lap, feeling the hard length of his cock. Going on instinct, I reached inside his pants to start touching, teasing, to make him feel good.

  “I love it when you put your hands on me.”

  He didn’t stop there. He lifted up my shirt, pulling it over my head, and his hands were on my tits, his thumbs teasing across the hard peaks of my nipples.

  I moaned his name.

  Within seconds, my skirt was up around my waist, panties pushed to one side, and his cock was there, teasing through my already wet slit. Whenever I was around him, I was turned on. He always had the ability to get me wet, to make me ready to take him.

  Slowly, inch by inch, I sank down onto his length and marveled at the feel of him inside me.

  He was so big, and, as he cupped my hips, drawing me down, I cried out his name. He filled me to the point of pain.

  I arched my back, and his lips took one of my nipples as he started to thrust up inside me, going deeper still.

  Rocking on his cock, I fucked him back.

  “Touch yourself, Mona. Let me feel you come all over my dick.”

  So I did.

  Teasing my clit, I drove down harder on him, needing him to fuck me as I strummed my clit, each thrust making me wetter for him.

  I needed this.

  I needed him.

  Just him.

  No one else.

  Over and over, he pounded inside me, and when I finally came, Elijah joined me.

  Our cries of pleasure surrounded the two of us.

  It was perfect.



  I made it work.

  Every single day after school, Mona would walk home, or she’d go to the library, study hard, or even work. I’d wait until late, pick her up, and bring her back home. We settled into a routine, and when I was away for work, I’d call her all the time.

  She was in my blood.

  My need for her was very fucking real.

  In fact, I’d never felt this way about anyone before.

  Mona wasn’t supposed to mean anything. She’d been a one-night stand that I had reluctantly let slip through my fingers. Only now, she was my student, and watching her when she was in my class, it was hard to take my gaze off her.

  No one suspected anything.

  Even when I wanted to pull her into my office and fuck her pussy raw, I held back. I noticed the friend she hung out with didn’t stick around much anymore and I caught her with one of the guys on the football team.

  Most of the time, Mona was on her own. In the school hallways, she still stood out to me, but she didn’t seem to mind that she didn’t have Lucy anymore.

  From what I understood, Lucy was now Taylor’s girlfriend, and as such, couldn’t hang out with Mona.

  It pissed me off that people judged her by where she came from.

  So, when we were alone, I made sure she realized she was cared about.


  Not just cared about but fucking loved. I loved this woman.

  She let out a moan as she licked the spoon clean.

  “This is so good,” she said. “You want some?”

  Rolling my eyes, I moved in close, opening my mouth, and she fed me some chocolate ice cream. She let out a giggle as I pretended that my eyes rolled back in my head.

  “You’re such a goofball.”

  She ate more ice cream, and I just couldn’t handle her lips wrapped around the spoon.

  Picking her up in my arms, I lifted her up, and she had no choice but to let the ice cream go.

  I dropped the spoon on the floor, and carried her back upstairs to our bedroom.

  The months had all blended into one. At times, it was surreal to me to think of the fact I’ve been living with a woman for nearly five months.

  Not only was I not bored, but I fucking loved it.

  Waking every single morning beside her had the ability to make me smile.

  She made me a much better man than I thought it was possible to become.

  “You drive me crazy,” I said as I dropped her to the bed.

  She let out a little giggle. “I do no such thing.”

  I turned her over so that she was on her stomach, and began to work off her body the clothes she wore: a pair of shorts that were far too big and one of my shirts. Throwing them away from her, I ran my hand down her back, stroking down the curve of her ass. Spreading her cheeks wide, I saw how wet she already was, but that puckered entrance was calling to me. I wanted to fuck her there, to take it, and make every single part of her mine.

  She is mine.

  In every single way that counted.

  I settled between her thighs and reached over to grab some lubrication.

  Opening the cap, I smeared plenty of the gel onto my cock, massaging it into my length so that it glistened. With my dick fully coated, I then placed lube on her asshole. At first, she tensed, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Have a little faith.”

  “I will,” she said.

  So trusting.

  I couldn’t believe she was a student.

  I couldn’t believe I fell for her.

  I was a fucking idiot, but still, I wouldn’t give her up, not ever.

  With the tip of my cock to her anus, I slowly worked past that ring of muscles. She was so incredibly tight, and I had to reach between her thighs to tease her clit, to draw her close to the edge of an orgasm to give her more of my cock.

  Slowly, inch by inch, she took me.

  I sank into her asshole, relishing the sight of her opening up over my cock and taking all of me. It was so fucking sexy, and it drove me insane with need.

  Pulling out of her, I began to rock within, waiting for her to get accustomed to the feel of me. Still, I stroked her pussy with each thrust of my cock inside her ass.

  “You have no idea how fucking sexy it looks, seeing my cock inside you. I can’t get enough of you, Mona.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “I need to come. Please.”

  “My pleasure.” I teased her clit, pinching it just the way she liked and how I knew would make her come.

  She cried out my name, and the sound was sweet music in my ears.

  Over and over, I stroked her, feeling her asshole tighten around my dick. She was so close, and as I threw her over the edge and kept on teasing her clit, I had to grit my teeth because it was like her ass was trying to milk my cock.

  I waited until the ripples of her release subsided, and then I grabbed her hips and started to fuck her. I took her in long and slow thrusts, driving my need higher. I was not going to last. It felt so good, and she was too perfect.

  When she cried out my name, I lost it, and, thrusting deep in her ass, I filled her with my cum. She took every single drop, and when I finished, I collapsed over her, panting for breath. “You’re going to be the fucking death of me, woman.”

  She let out a little giggle, and I relished it.

  This woman, this sweet woman, had my fucking heart.

  Chapter Seven


  “We don’t have to watch this movie. I’m happy to do whatever you want,” I said to him, holding out the remote for him to take.

  He shook his head. “You pick.”

  “I don’t know what to watch.”

  “Just watch what you were. I don’t mind.” He handed me a cup of hot chocolate that I took from him. He’d gotten home three hours ago, and between grading papers and making plans, I’d been too busy studying to talk with him.

  He sat right beside me, lifting my legs before placing them in his lap. “How was school?”

  I couldn’t help the blush that filled my cheeks. I loved that he cared enough to ask me. What we were sharing right now was so wrong. So wrong on many different levels, but when his hand rested on my ankle, I felt so happy, so … full of joy that I was here, right in this moment.

  “I know it’s kind of weird,
me asking that,” he said.

  “It’s not, really it’s not.” Resting my head against the sofa, I smiled at him. “This is nice. School was great. Lots of classes. Lots of homework. You know, the usual.”

  “If you need help with anything, let me know. I will.”

  I clicked the romantic movie I’d been watching back on. Part of me expected him to groan, but he didn’t. We sat in comfortable silence, his hand caressing my ankle but making no other move.

  “I was thinking next week we could go shopping, if you’d like. Go and get some new clothes. I saw some of your stuff has holes and looks a little worn.”

  “It’s fine. You don’t need to do that.”

  “I know I don’t need to. I want to.”

  “You think we should go out?”

  “We’ll go into the city. It’s a couple of hours out of the way, but it’ll give us privacy.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “I’d do that for us.” He took my hand, pressing a kiss to my fingers. “Watch. Enjoy. Relax.”

  He snuggled up against me, and I couldn’t recall a time I’d ever been so happy.



  I had a feeling Mona wasn’t used to being taken care of. She was used to doing everything herself, but I enjoyed taking over. She wasn’t on her own anymore. I was here. Between cooking, doing laundry, and helping her with her homework, I showed her in many different ways how much I appreciated her. How I wanted to take care of her.

  I even took her shopping.

  For a woman, she had to be one of the most stubborn shoppers I’d ever encountered. She hated trying on clothes, and doing anything that spent money. It didn’t matter. I loved spending time with her. Behind her stubbornness was a very sweet, beautiful woman. I adored her.

  I loved waking up on weekends and seeing her dance around the house. Even when she spotted me watching her, she’d make me join in, and I loved that. I loved seeing the sparkle in her eyes.

  When we were not dancing, shopping, studying, or working, I loved watching movies with her. She tried to pretend that she didn’t care about romance, but her eyes brightened each time we watched one. I didn’t mind. I’d do anything to make her feel happy, even if it meant sitting through every single romance in my collection.


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