it is the same.”
“However, this entire truth of the mind, body and soul being one
entity varies for the people who are ignorant or not enlightened enough
where they need to get closer to their true inner-self to understand this
ultimate truth.”
Pallavi: “Could you please talk more about belief?”
Babaji: “One should al ow the energy of belief in one’s life. I
have seen many centuries on this Earth out of which “HUMAN” is
such a being or you can say the only beings, who need to get educated
about themselves and especial y about belief energies because this
whole existence lives in this energy only.”
“Our Mother Earth who has offered this beautiful creation to
manifest, basical y exists on this ‘belief energy’. The human mind
has always wondered how the Earth is a ball hanging in space.
Now you have found the scientific answer to it but the truth is that
The ‘Belief’ Energy
she is living only on this invisible energy cal ed belief.”
“She believes she can live. .
She believes she can create. .
She believes she can feed. .”
“Just imagine, what will happen if Earth just loses this belief?
You cannot even imagine ……hahaha!”
“The power of belief is always an ever-expanding process. Just
al ow this energy inside you and you will get to see the miracles
happening all around. How does a seed turn into a plant? How
do birds leave their babies as soon as they know how to fly? How
do clouds know that plants need water? This is all happening just
because they never stopped believing in themselves and others too.
But humans have lost this miraculous and powerful energy. Now
the whole game is to re-build this again and again. . till you live in
this truth completely.”
“It is alive deep down in everyone but the human mind needs to
understand this with absolute awareness. You carry this energy of
belief on and off but cannot achieve success until you seek and begin
spiritual practices. Now let’s see what happens when you al ow this
energy of belief inside of you.”
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
“This energy you are born with, lives within as a child but
you lose it as you get the capacity to think, entering into the world
of thoughts. You get occupied in building your thoughts and desires,
losing the belief energy.”
Pallavi: “What do you mean here by losing belief energy?”
Babaji: “Good question. Losing belief energy means losing the
sense of seeing the world inside out. You believe by taking external
perceptions and their effects inside, which is mostly dealing with
both truth and untruth. no mat er even if al the time you may think
it to be the truth. In short, you are developing some belief system al
the time, in all your different incarnations.”
“All the time you play this game of belief. Many of you don’t
even believe that you have developed a false belief system. As one
meets their self they break their old pat erns of beliefs and build new
ones… again breaking the old one and building the new one. This
process just goes on and on.”
“This is how you walk the path of truth by developing your
belief system based on the realization of your soul.”
Babaji: “Is it that your belief fol owing your thoughts or is it
that your thoughts are fol owing your belief?”
Pallavi: “Our thoughts fol ow our belief system.”
The ‘Belief’ Energy
Babaji: “Right!”
“The development of belief energy happens more with the
knowledge of soul and you will find this energy becoming very strong
by experiencing the truth of one’s life. You can call this as a form of
‘SURRENDER’. Now this energy of surrender has many degrees.
To experience this journey, one should become a Yogi.”
Pallavi: “Please give your message for the youth to at ain their
true ‘Divine Self’.”
Babaji: “Right from our childhood, we pray to God and we
remember the Almighty in every situation. As we grow up, it becomes
more as a cal ing game. .we give a lot of cal s to God most of the
time unknowingly. When you are in youth it becomes a process, a
subconscious act. Here, we need to sow the seed in the right manner
to awaken their own God rather than cal ing an external God whom
you never know. Present era is the digital era. It is the age where
everyone has become aware of new things very quickly and any news
spreads like a wildfire.”
“The time has come now for Earth where divinity of everything
wil take everyone close to their soul-knowledge. Especial y the youth
are waiting for their own divine call from their own God within.
Humanity has preserved the ethical culture of their ancestors but
forgot en to understand the depth. However, now you can see youth
have gained wonderful insights from within and from the creations
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
which were predicted even centuries back in ethical texts.”
“If you would have observed saints or spiritual leaders, they
got this divinity of self during the period of their youth and not at
old age. It shows how important the time of young age is. The first
message for the Youth to at ain the divine nature is Sajjan-sangatya
(company of self-realized, like-minded people). The youth are lost
in the environment they are living in, confused in choosing between
right and wrong. Only the company of self-realized minds will help
them get closer to their own divine nature.”
Pallavi: “Why are you named as Mahavatar? Is it because of
the Siddhis you have at ained or is there more to this story?”
Babaji: “Who is an Avatar?”
Pallavi: “One who takes a human form for the sake of humanity,
to teach and to show them the path; incarnation of a supreme divine
soul in a physical form on Earth.”
Babaji: “Well said. As I have mentioned earlier that I am
Shiva consciousness. Shiva is known as ‘Mahadev’ which means
God of the Gods, one who has achieved the greatness of the great. I
am an incarnation of his beloved snake, Vasuki.”
“I am the Avatar of Vasuki who is the very part of Shiva himself.
This is the major reason why people on Earth who have seen me or
The ‘Belief’ Energy
had experiences with me, feel impossible to achieve what I have and
find it unusual. I am like a Hero to them, their Superman. The
power I gained, the siddhis, sounds like magic to people. However,
it is not magic, it is metaphysical science. To understand it, one
must gain knowledge on metaphysics.”
Pallavi: “True. But it is truly a wonder to see you are living
for the last 1800 years in the same body. Have you not felt bored in
it ever?”
Babaji: (laughing) “Bored with what? The same body you
mean or life?”
Pallavi: “Both. ”
Babaji: “I have no time to get bored. I live in No Time concept.
I am a Soul, a higher consciousness who stepped in the physical
system and this system runs in my mind and soul, I never think of
the body except to take good care of it. There is tremendous work
ahead to raise the consciousness of Earth. Not only for me but it is a
responsibility of all beings to walk towards the light.”
“However, only self-realized beings will understand this
responsibility in its depth. Therefore, my purpose is to help mankind
in the process of self-realization. After this, whatever one at ains
in due course, they will walk on their own path towards truth and
Himangi Belsare, Pune
Himangi: “What and when will be the turning point
for humanity in the direction of the long awaited Golden
Babaji: “You are in Golden Age itself. What happens
when you leave your house and go for a long vacation?
When you come back, you have to clean your house so that
the new energies can enter. Golden Age has already begun,
but it will take time to come to the forefront because of the
process of ongoing cleaning.”
Q & A with Babaji
Himangi: “What about the rest of the world? When
will their transition begin? Any message for me?”
Babaji: “They are in the process of transition which is
negligible as of now, work is happening behind the scenes.
There are several groups working to make it happen on
the other side. Yes, it is a little difficult for all to reach the
higher state and understand the same.. but the goal is
ultimately self-realization for every human on Earth, which
will happen for sure and those who cannot come to terms
with it, cannot stay in this vibration.”
Babaji: “And yes, no guidance as you are already doing
everything perfectly.”
Himangi: “Thank you so much.”
Swathi Ponnala, Chandigarh
Swathi: “Babaji, I now knew that the purpose of my life
is to share what I know. How can I get more clarity about
the same?”
Babaji: “The whole game of life is to seek clarity in
whatever we do. That’s a part of the process which is never-
ending. One must understand that, once you get clarity
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
about what you do then you should continue to work in that
discipline.. and that discipline will take you closer to your
higher life purpose. What you are doing is already perfect;
just keep doing your work to gain more depth.”
Swathi: “How to balance physical and spiritual life?”
Babaji: “There is no need to ‘balance’ as such. Are you
trying to ‘balance’ Earth and Sky? No, you can’t. Because
those energies will take care of themselves. In the similar
manner, physical life will take care of itself and spiritual
life on its own. Don’t differentiate them because it is not
so. For a Yogi everything is spiritual. Every act you do or
perform becomes spiritual due to the expansion of your
consciousness. Just fulfill your hunger for knowledge by
sharing with others what you have experienced in different
lives and in different roles. That is all.”
Swathi: “Thank you for this deep clarity.”
Alisha Netalkar, Goa
Alisha: “How can I heal completely from my mental
illness (OCD, Depression and Anxiety) that I suffer from?”
“I have been unable to detach from my past lover who
Q & A with Babaji
was very dear to me and helped me initially in my recovery.
Is our relationship over for good? If so, how can I move on?
I feel discomfort in my solar plexus while I am saying this.”
Babaji: “Hmm… There is no physical illness as such.”
Alisha: “No physical illness?”
Babaji: “Everything is born from mental illness. It’s not
about detachment but learning... how will you detach till
you know why you have attracted such an experience in
life? Life always has a new plan and if you believe this you
have to leave old energies behind to accept new energies.
This is understanding about love in true sense. He gave you
this enriching experience which might be full of happiness
and sadness in your life. In reality, however, he helped you to
move on. Thank his soul and move on; find the right person
for your life. When you heal past wounds and welcome your
new life all your discomforts will disappear too.”
Alisha: “Hmm... I will remind myself of this. Thank
Babaji: “Will you cry when the show of a movie is
Alisha: “Hahaha… I don’t think so.”
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
Babaji: “Then why now? It is over, get ready to see new
Alisha: “Great! I needed to know this.”
Babaji: “Forgive and forget.”
Alisha: “Thank you so much, I will apply this in my
Bhargav Reddy, Andhra Pradesh
Bhargav: “From past one month I am feeling that my
body does not need food. Even after two days of fasting I
am not feeling hungry. Why am I feeling like this?”
Babaji: “Hmm… Your soul is working hard on other
planes and less conscious on the physical plane because
your physical body is trying to support your astral learning.
It will demand food on its own as your consciousness comes
back completely in this physical body. So be it.”
Bhargav: “Thank you, Babaji.”
Q & A with Babaji
Rajesh Khele, Pune
Pallavi: “Hello Sir I Just received a message from Babaji
that he will be with you this Thursday!”
Rajesh: “I am desperately waiting to be with Babaji.
What do I have to do? Please guide.”
(Babaji comes instantly and start conversing,)
Babaji: “Have faith… be with me. Have faith in such a
way it will not have a single spark of unfaithful thought. It
will reach your soul’s core where everything and anything
is possible.”
Rajesh: “Any message for me Babaji?”
Babaji: “Put all your heart in me and you will have no
worries even to think about... This project will give you
ideal ways to work with your highest intelligence with a
strong emotional background within. What will you offer
me? (smiles)”
Rajesh: “Whatever I have in this life and all my past
lives are yours.”
Babaji: “Just offer me your faith.”
Conversations with Mahavatar Babaji
Rajesh: “Fully, always. I am in deep gratitude.”
Shubham Tripathi, Patna
Shubham: “I meditate every day for 30 minutes and I
love to meditate. But after meditation my body gets pain
in some parts and I feel very uncomfortable. When I stop
meditation for a few days I don’t feel that pain or discomfort.
I began to feel that spirituality does not want me to dive in.
Please guide me Babaji.”
Babaji: “What happens when a woman carries her baby
for nine months, doesn’t she go through all the pain and
discomfort during that period? The new energy which she
carries in her womb grows day by day and she handles all
of this with great patience. She knows how much she needs
to face the pain. She knows about the struggle to grow new
energy in her body that will grant her a great fruit soon
after this period.”
“This is also the same with Dhyanam. When you
meditate you are receiving new energy in your body system
and this energy is doing the work of cleansing your different
body parts. Have patience to see this pain and be free.”
Shubham: “Ji Babaji!”
Q & A with Babaji
Radhika Mehrotra Taunk, New Delhi
Radhika (to Pallavi): “Di, as you share this one particular
incident that you had mentioned about Babaji leaving for
Kailas where he sat under a particular tree which protected
him for the years where he practiced to do his ‘Sadhana’...
I dreamt about it yesterday, exactly as you were describing
it a few moments ago...”
“Snowcapped mountains surrounded the tree. I could
see a huge form of Shiva, which was nothing but that tree
whilst I saw Babaji sitting under that tree in the form of
someone really close to me. Could you please throw some
light on it? I cannot believe my ears; you had just shared an
experience I saw in my dream…”
Babaji: “Yes, you are my little Champ!”
Radhika: (astonished as Babaji speaks to her directly
through me) “I did not get you, Babaji?”
Babaji: “In your past life, you were ‘Sarah’, my disciple.”
Radhika: “I bow down to you Babaji!” (tears of
gratitude and recognition)
In this digital world, everyone is getting more awareness
about the things happening around the globe. However,
in this process we have forgotten to take care of ourselves
spiritually. On one side many people are getting inspired to
know more about themselves; to find their purpose in life
and on the other hand, people are also going astray.
When I started my journey towards truth and my life
Conversations With Mahavatar Babaji Page 6