Found at the Rock Concert

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Found at the Rock Concert Page 22

by Christi Snow

  Luke had taken offense and said that Daniel only liked him for his six-pack and when Daniel had tried to reassure him about his devotion, no matter what his shape, his mother had suddenly ordered him out.

  His clothes were comfortable enough that his mom shouldn’t have been able to see his hard-on, but she’d acted like he and Luke were about to throw down and have sex right in the middle of the room. That might have been true if Austin had been with them, but he was still avoiding them, something that continued to drive Daniel insane. Luke told him to give Austin a little time to come around to the idea of others knowing about them. While he understood that, the idea that Austin was slipping away from them tore into his gut.

  But tonight wasn’t about the perils of his love life. No, it was Christmas Eve, and tonight was all about the Gresham children. The main lodge living room buzzed with their excitement. Of course the pile of quickly disappearing sugar cookies on the coffee table probably wasn’t helping anything.

  He scanned the room, hoping to find Austin. He’d missed dinner, so Daniel didn’t know why he expected him to show up here, but his mother had hinted that she thought he still might show.

  He didn’t find Austin, but he saw his cousin, Ashley with a miserable looking three-year-old Kinsey in her lap at a round table in a quiet corner of the room. He headed that way and slipped into the chair beside Ashley. His focus stayed on Kinsey who looked even worse up close with rosy-red flushed cheeks overlying a pale complexion and glassy eyes. She clutched a blanket to her chest and sucked on her thumb, even though she gasped around it every few seconds because her nose was so stuffy.

  “Heya, pumpkin,” he said softly to her when she glanced up at him. “You don’t look like you’re feeling so hot.”

  “Santa...” the little girl said on a sob and cuddled into her mother’s chest tighter.

  Ashley pushed Kinsey’s sweaty hair off her forehead and blew out a breath as she kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “Yeah, she probably shouldn’t be down here, but she wants to see Santa so bad, she won’t let this awful flu keep her away. I couldn’t make her stay in bed and miss everything tonight. It would have broken her heart.”

  Daniel leaned down in front of Kinsey. “Well, the good news I just saw some reindeer outside, so I think Santa will be here real soon.”

  “Unca D...” Kinsey reached for him. “Santa?” All the littles called any adult not their parents or grandparents by aunt or uncle. With all the cousins, it was simply easier than trying to explain family trees to the smaller kids.

  Daniel tried to take her from Ashley, but his cousin raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? She just came down with this today, so she’s probably contagious.”

  “It’s okay. I have a great immune system. Give her to me and I’ll be sure she’s first on Santa’s lap. I may have an ‘in’ with the big guy.” He winked at Ashley as he took Kinsey out of her arms. “That way she can get right to bed and sleep so she feels better tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, D.” Ashley’s face softened as she swiped at Kinsey’s forehead, but then she focused in on him. “I heard an interesting rumor about you. I’ve heard you have a new love interest or two floating around here.” She raised an eyebrow. “I definitely want to hear more...later, when little ears aren’t around.”

  Daniel smiled. “I can do that.” He just hoped there was something left to talk about. He hated that Austin continued to avoid them.

  The hair on the back of his neck prickled.

  “That doesn’t look like the normal guitar in your arms, Daniel.” Just as the voice registered in his ear, his shoulder electrified from the touch of his missing lover.

  His breath caught as he turned toward his missing man. “Austin...” he breathed out the word as relief rushed into his chest. Oh god, he’d come. Daniel hadn’t even noticed him enter the room. “Sit down.”

  Austin followed his instructions, but his focus remained on Kinsey. “Oh no. Someone isn’t feeling well, is she?”

  Kinsey shifted slightly, her sweaty body radiated heat in every direction. She’d grown lax in his arms, so he thought she might have drifted off to sleep, but now she lifted her head to look at Austin.


  Daniel grinned at Austin. “No, but he has the same gray beard, doesn’t he?” None of the three of them had shaved while they’d been snowed in and it had surprised them when Austin’s thick beard came in almost completely snow white. The hair on his head had only a couple of pieces of silver shining through, but his beard told a different story.

  God, it was sexy on him.

  “That’s it,” Austin said as he stroked his beard with a grimace. “I am definitely shaving tomorrow.”

  “It looks very distinguished on you,” Ashley said before she reached a hand across to Austin. “I’m Daniel’s cousin, Ashley, and that little rug rat he’s holding is my germ-incubating offspring, Kinsey. She’s only here contaminating us all until Santa arrives and then we’ll go back into quarantine.” She studied him with more mischief in her expression than Daniel was comfortable with. “I’m guessing you’re one of Daniel’s new friends?” Both eyebrows went up.

  Daniel internally cringed at the insinuation Ashley loaded into those words. While she was just giving him a hard time, like all his family did, he didn’t want that to send Austin running.

  But instead of escaping, Austin shook her hand and grinned. “I think you probably have me pegged correctly. I’m Austin.”

  Oh god. Did that mean Austin would give them a chance?

  Kinsey began to wiggle in Daniel’s lap. “Santa.” She reached for Austin.

  “No, baby girl. This is my friend, Austin. Santa should be here soon.”

  She hiccupped a little sob, but didn’t stop reaching toward Austin.

  “It’s okay,” Austin cooed to the distressed three-year-old. To Daniel, he said, “Don’t upset her any more than necessary. I can take her.” Then he stole her right out of Daniel’s arms.

  Just as he did that, a loud, “Ho-ho-ho,” boomed from the doorway. All noise in the room suddenly went silent as every eye went to the man wearing the red-velvet suit at the doorway of the lodge.

  Austin’s gaze swung to Daniel, his eyebrows arched high. “I don’t remember Santa having such green eyes.”

  Daniel smiled. He wasn’t the only one fascinated by the distinctive shade of jade of Luke’s eyes. “Oh, yeah.” He stood and tugged Austin up by the arm. “Green and red... They’re Santa’s favorites. That’s why those colors are symbolic of Christmas. Come on. Let’s get Kinsey over there before the rest of these hellions get over their shock of his arrival and mob him.”

  Luke’s eyes widened when he saw Austin approach, but then he noticed the miserable Kinsey practically crying his name in Austin’s arms and his expression softened.

  “Santa, Kinsey here is really sick,” Daniel said. “But she really didn’t want to miss meeting you tonight.”

  “Hello, Kinsey.” He reached for her and took her out of Austin’s arms, but managed a wink at Austin, too. He settled into the chair they’d set up for him and cuddled Kinsey in close. “Have you been playing too much with my elves outdoors?”

  Kinsey’s eyes widened. “Your elves?” Her voice was barely there, but the wonder in her question made her words shine through.

  “Oh, yes,” Santa said, his eyes sparkling as he glanced around at the crush of kids who’d all pushed in close. “They know all about the Gresham children who come into these woods at Christmastime, so they like to sneak away from the North Pole and join in with the fun.” Santa grimaced. “But sometimes they get too carried away and forget to come inside when their feet and clothes get wet.” He blew out a sigh and made a big frowning face. “Then they get sick and can’t play anymore.”

  Kinsey nodded mournfully.

  “But the way for them to get better is to take their medicine and get lots of sleep so that they don’t miss out on anything else. Think you can do that for Santa, Kinsey?”
  She nodded quickly.

  A huge smile broke across Luke’s face. “Wonderful news. In the meantime, I think I have just the thing to make you feel better.” He reached behind him where some single cousins were working to organize the presents from Santa. His hand came back with a stuffed reindeer. “Tonight I want you to snuggle in with my friend, Banner. He’s one of my backup sleigh reindeer, but I think tonight you need him to keep you safe and warm. He’ll help you so you feel better in the morning. Sound good, Kinsey?”

  She nodded solemnly as she hugged the reindeer close. “Thank you, Santa,” she said politely and then reached for Austin again.

  It looked like Unca D had been replaced in Kinsey’s eyes. Not that he could blame her for that. He would choose to be snuggled in Austin’s arms if he had the choice, too.

  But as Santa passed her across to Austin, he met Austin’s eyes, his gaze piercing. “And what about you, Austin? Do you have any special requests for Christmas?”

  For a moment, Daniel didn’t think Austin would say anything, but then he nodded. “Yeah, but this may be more of a request for a Disney princess rather than Santa. Think you can do anything about finding me a happily ever after?”

  Daniel’s breath caught in his chest. Santa appeared similarly afflicted, but Luke recovered faster than Daniel. When he answered, his voice sounded lower and quieter. “Yeah, I think I have just the thing in my bag for that. Catch me after I’m through here.”

  Then Santa sat back down and was mobbed by the other kids who had waited patiently while Kinsey had his attention, but now they wouldn’t wait for anything else.


  Luke watched Austin and Daniel walk away with the sick toddler in Austin’s arms. He hoped Austin’s request to ‘Santa’ meant that he was ready to give the three of them a chance.

  Seriously, that was a Christmas wish he could get behind one hundred and ten percent.

  But first, he had to fulfill some wishes and dreams for the Gresham children surrounding him.

  Almost two hours later, Luke wasn’t sure he’d be able to peel the sweaty Santa suit off his back without some help. Who knew lifting what seemed like one hundred kids onto his lap would give him such a workout?

  He glanced back at Sabrina, who’d been his main assistant all night. “Is that all of them?”

  She nodded, her eyes sparkling. “Yep, wave your goodbyes. I think you’ve left a couple of men waiting.”

  He glanced over to where Austin and Daniel had been sitting closely on a couch ever since Kinsey and her mother left the room. All evening long they’d watched him.

  And while they hadn’t been overt in their PDA, he’d noticed, they’d inched closer and closer until their thighs pressed tightly together. The sight caused his groin to tighten.

  His two men.

  Just the fact that they sat there together waiting for him felt like something miraculous. If he was reading this all right, Austin was giving the three of them a chance.

  They couldn’t blow that.

  He’d never get so lucky again.

  “Merry Christmas, everyone.” He waved to the parents and children who continued to linger. “I have a busy night ahead of me, so you need to all be asleep soon, so I can get my job done.” He winked. That was the one thing his ‘team’ had coached him on, the need for Santa to urge the kids to go to sleep tonight. He couldn’t leave gifts if that didn’t happen.

  He stepped into the mudroom, but someone called behind him. “Oh, Santa!”

  He turned.

  Sabrina rushed over to him and handed him the velvet red bag they’d been pulling gifts out of all night. “Don’t forget this, Santa,” she said with a wink. “I know you promised someone a happily ever after, so the cousins included a, aids in getting you there.” She bit her lips to keep from smiling.

  “I think I’m scared,” he said as he took the bag from her. The bag had some heft to it, and he didn’t think that was from a stuffed animal.

  “Oh, no. This is Christmas. It’s not a scary holiday. Only good things included, but wait to open the bag until you’re far, far away from young eyes.”

  “Sabrina, why does Santa look frightened?” Daniel asked as he walked up to join them.

  “I think Sabrina is trying to get put on the naughty list,” Luke said with a laugh as he shook his bag. “Your cousins have seen to it that we have some gifts.”

  Daniel’s alarmed gaze shot to his cousin. “You didn’t raid the white elephant gifts, did you?”

  She shrugged innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Merry Christmas, boys!” She waved over her shoulder as she walked away.

  “Do I even want to know?” Austin asked.

  Daniel shook his head. “Let’s just say that the cousin white elephant gift exchange has taken a rather “R” rated turn the last few years. It’s become a challenge over time to find the kinkiest toy sites online. I’m thinking whatever is in there came from that pile of gifts.” Daniel shrugged, even as he bit the edge of his lip. “I’m not judging anyone’s kink, but I have to say the white elephant pile has given even me an education the last few years.”

  Austin’s eyes widened as he looked at the bag like it might hold rattlesnakes. “This is coming from the rock star. I think I’m concerned.”

  Luke laughed. “Well, I’m itchy and I want to explore a few other things with you two tonight. Let’s get out of here.”

  By unspoken agreement, they left the main lodge and headed toward Daniel’s. Because the falling snow made it slippery, they used a couple of snowmobiles to get there.

  Once inside, there was a moment of uncertainty as no one knew exactly how to proceed after everything that had happened.

  Luke took charge. “Listen, I need to get out of this suit and take a quick shower. Austin, there’s firewood by the fireplace. You have fire duty. Daniel, it’s Christmas Eve. Make us something festive to drink.” He took a deep breath. “Then we can all talk.”

  While his body thrummed with low-level arousal at the idea of having his two men in bed with him again, they knew that aspect of their relationship worked perfectly. It was everything else that they needed to work out.

  Because neither Daniel nor he could deal with Austin running again.

  FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, all three of them reconvened in the living room.

  Daniel passed each of them a mug full of steaming liquid that looked and smelled like hot cocoa, but had a candy cane hanging over the edge.

  “What is it?” Luke asked.

  “It’s something the cousins started making a couple of years ago,” Daniel said. “The girls call it Peppermint Kahlua Hot Cocoa. There are three different types of alcohol in it, so it feels benign when you’re drinking it, but it packs a pretty good punch.”

  Luke took a sip. It tasted just like a liquid Andes mint and didn’t have even the hint of alcohol to the flavor. He could see how this drink could be deadly. “It’s good,” Luke said.

  Austin hummed in agreement as he took several quick gulps of the hot drink.

  That didn’t bode well. Luke wasn’t sure if he wanted to follow Austin’s lead and get hammered so that this would hurt less or put his cup aside so he could retain his logic in case he needed to argue his and Daniel’s case.

  Regardless, he sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace and pulled Daniel down beside him. Austin sat on the hearth in front of the fire, patiently trying to get it going good. When he turned toward them, Luke waved his hand at him. “You know what we both, with us, all together.”

  Austin’s eyes flared and darkened.

  “What we need to know now is what you’re thinking,” Luke continued. “Ever since the real world intruded on that cabin, you’ve been distant. And I think I can speak for both of us when I say that while we understand that, this is hard. Being apart from you hurts.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement and placed a comforting hand on Luke’s thigh.

  “I’m sorry.”
Austin stood and began to pace. “I never wanted to hurt either one of you. That was the last thing I meant to do.” He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration broadcasting loud and clear.

  Daniel tensed beside him as if he planned to stand to go offer Austin some support, but Luke held him still with a grasp to his arm. They needed to know exactly where Austin stood and if any of them started touching with him, he had a feeling it would all devolve into sex before they talked everything through. They needed the words first.

  “You all know my history and why I’ve made the choices I have, even when I wanted something different, when I wanted you. I won’t rehash all that.”

  Luke frowned. “If that’s the case, then nothing’s changed.”

  “No.” Austin lunged forward, his gaze pleading. “Everything’s changed. Daniel, I spoke to your dad today, and he pointed out some things.”

  “My dad?” Daniel’s voice cracked. “You talked to my dad about my sex life?” His voice had risen at least a couple of octaves.

  “Oh, my god. No!” Austin laughed nervously. “Believe me, I have no desire to talk to your dad about what happens between us, and he doesn’t want to hear it, either.”

  “Okay.” Daniel nodded quickly like he wanted to skirt past that issue as quickly as possible. “That’s good. Sorry to interrupt. Go on.”

  Austin dropped to his knees and situated himself between Daniel and Luke on the floor. He grabbed hold of a hand from each of them. “You have to know that there’s never been a more perfect time in my life than what we’ve had between the three of us for the past week. But I have other loyalties that I have to consider. What your dad pointed out to me, though, was that I’m older now. I have a history at Hodges Media and a record that I’m proud of. I’ve earned the respect of the board and my peers through a lot of hard work and years.”

  He took a deep breath and squeezed both their hands. “But I’m thirty-nine years old. That reputation doesn’t keep me warm at night. Hell, my life the last few years has honestly been damn lonely. I don’t want to live alone anymore. And I sure don’t want that after getting a glimpse of how good things could be between the three of us. So...” he took a deep breath, “I want to give us a try.”


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