The Agreement: Book two in the Seattle Billionaires Series

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The Agreement: Book two in the Seattle Billionaires Series Page 4

by Nora Ford

  “Yes, I've been protecting you for three years,” I said, trying not to lose my patience.

  Tessa clenched her fists. “This has to stop. Now.”

  “Sorry, I can't,” I said with forced calm.

  “Why? So, you can be sure that I'm not fooling around,” she challenged.

  “Tessa!” I warned.

  “What? Wasn't that what your men were doing for the past three years? They were reporting everything to you,” she was more furious than I’ve ever seen her.

  “Tessa, please be reasonable.”

  “How? You know when, where and with whom I’ve had sex in the past three years.”

  “Tessa! Stop it!” I warned her, but she went on, “Every time I did it, one of your men was waiting for me to finish.”

  “That's enough,” I clenched my jaw.

  She ignored me and went further. “Were they filming me, too?”

  “Tessa, don't push me,” I warned for the last time.

  “Or you'll do what?” she provoked.

  “This,” I cupped her face with both my hands and slammed my lips to hers. Tessa's eyes widened and inhaled sharply, but she didn't pull back. So, I pulled her closer and pressed my tongue to the seam of her slightly parted lips and delved into her mouth. She responded with hesitation, and I continued, driving deeper, wanting more. Within seconds, she surrendered. I should have stopped. This kiss aimed to calm her down and make her listen. But the seductive scent of her femininity and her eagerness made me forget my initial plan. Tessa moaned as my hand slid down her spine and landed on her curvy butt.

  When she wrapped her arms around my neck offering more, I plundered her mouth until she was gasping desperately.

  Instead of giving in to the vigorous need to rip off her clothes and take her right there, I ended the kiss while I still could. When I pulled away, Tessa looked at me confused. She took tiny breaths that didn't seem to steady her pounding heart.

  “You've got three seconds to run, or I'm going to finish what we've started.”

  Tessa was shocked when she realized what I meant. She jumped to her feet and rushed to her room.

  I was sure that if I hadn’t given her a choice, she wouldn’t have stopped me. But she’d probably hate herself and me in the morning and I didn’t want that. I could handle her hating me - hating herself for letting me inside her was something else. I couldn’t live with that.

  Sure, I wanted her more than anything but not tonight and not like this. Tessa wasn’t ready for me yet.

  She will be, very soon, I assured myself.

  Chapter Six


  I was utterly confused about what had just happened. I rushed to my bedroom, closed the door behind me and let my shoulders collapse against the door. I needed a moment to calm down.

  I just let Aron kiss me. Again. No, this time it was different; this time his kiss was sensual, primitive and possessive. It made me forget for a while how mad I was at him. I had every right to be furious. He had been spying on me for the last three years but the way his mouth demanded and his tongue plundered made it impossible for me to concentrate on anything other than what he was doing to me.

  The worst part was that I could have pulled away at any moment, but I didn't. I didn't want it to end. Unfamiliar desire had crawled through me. I've never been aroused like that. If he had ripped off my clothes and taken me right there on the couch I would have let him. This was so unlike me, I never allow myself to be so vulnerable.

  I realized that my heart was still racing and my skin was both hot and flushed. I gave myself another minute to pull myself together before I made it into the bathroom and took a cold shower.

  I went to bed unsettled but fell asleep anyway. It was a huge mistake because I just dreamt of Aron. His hands were touching me everywhere. I could feel his warm breath against my ear as he whispered how much he wanted me. He slipped his hand under my lace panties and smiled when he realized how wet I was for him.

  I gasped when he tore my panties and lowered his face down toward my center, kissing and licking my thighs. His fingers pressed and whirled around the hard bundle of nerves at the apex of my pleasure making me ache for more. Aron knew exactly what I wanted; he spread me wide open, and with his tongue, he brought me to ecstasy. When the pressure built at my core, he lifted my hips up and plunged into me with deep hard strokes. I cried his name as I came fast and hard.

  Shocked, I woke up to the awareness that I had had a wet dream. That was new; aside from the occasional nightmares about the accident I didn’t often dream. I slept like a rock.

  Confused and still dazzled from the mind-ripping orgasm that I just experienced in my sleep, I turned on the water for another shower, removed my clothes and stepped in. The cold water helped me to pull myself together. I tried to analyze what happened last night and this morning. I asked myself two simple questions: Did I like sex? The answer was yes, who didn't? Did I need it? On occasion sure. Hence, the long list of one night-stands. But I'd never been swept away by lust before.

  I was convinced that the way I reacted to Aron was due to a combination of lack of sleep and sexual frustration. I hadn’t had sex in two months and that was a long time for me. I reassured myself that what happened was normal. Besides, I didn't even like him.

  Satisfied with that conclusion, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and French toast frying in a hot skillet drifted into my room. I threw a bathrobe on and eased into the fragrant kitchen.

  The sight of Aron made me gasp. He was standing preparing breakfast in nothing but a towel hanging loosely on his hips. His damp hair had fallen across his forehead. Drops of water shone over his broad shoulders and chest. I knew he was strongly built with his clothes on, but I had no idea how much. Aron must have noticed that I was staring at him. He looked up from the cooking and gave me a sexy grin. “Morning.”

  “Morning. I didn't know you could find your way around a kitchen,” I said as I squeezed my legs together trying to take a hold on my hormones but it was too hard not to stare at his bare chest.

  “I am a very handy man, you know,” he said suggestively.

  I felt myself go three shades of pink. Images of my dream popped into my mind. Straining to stay focused on our conversation and not what I thought those hands could do to me in bed, I ignored his remark. “Smells good.” I helped myself to a steaming cup of fresh coffee before I took a seat at the table.

  “Tastes even better,” Aron said as he set a steaming plate in front of me. I waited for him to sit then we both started eating. Aron didn't mention what had happened last night and I didn’t either, but I knew that there was a lot left unsaid between us. I was still upset that two of his men were watching me, even if it was for my safety, I didn't like it.

  Then there was this sexual tension that was growing between us. I didn't see it coming. Although I couldn't ignore how his kiss turned me on, I couldn’t do anything about it either. Sleeping with Aron would be against all the rules that I set for myself. Simple one-night-stands with nameless men; an enjoyable heartless release. The man in front of me didn’t fit that bill. I knew him too well to place him in that category.

  I was wrapped up in my thoughts when he asked, “Want some more?”

  “Oh, no thanks I am good. I didn't realize how hungry I was. I don't usually eat breakfast, but I emptied my plate. Thanks.”

  “Well, tomorrow, it's your turn.”

  “You'll have to wait until next week. I'm working the night shift starting tonight. I'll do the dishes though,” I said and started clearing our plates.

  Aron's eyebrow cocked up at my statement. “You're taking the night shift on our wedding night?! Aren't you worried what your colleagues are going to say?”

  “Let's clear up a few points here. One, this is not my wedding night. Two, I work at a hospital and happen to take night shifts. Three, I never give a damn about what others say or think,” my tone was sharper than intended.r />
  “Noted,” he said bluntly and went to his room.

  After I cleaned the kitchen, I went to my room and lay on the bed for a while. I knew that Aron was angry, but I was irked too. The way he spoke about the wedding night infuriated me. He made it sound as if our marriage was real. It wasn't. Aron had to understand that.

  I took the night shift on purpose. I wanted some space. Things changed so fast; I needed a few days to digest everything. Whether Aron liked it or not, I was going to take all the time I needed.

  A look at my watch told me that I had an hour to get ready. I reluctantly entered my walk-in closet to decide what I was going to wear for the occasion. I chose a simple, yet elegant grey pantsuit. After I applied my makeup, I dressed and wore my hair up in a tight knot.

  Aron was waiting for me in the living room. Although he didn't comment on the way I dressed, he knew what I was trying to say. However, he wasn't intimidated by my distant and untouchable look.


  I nodded, “I'll take my car,” I said as we reached the garage.

  “Fine, but I'll drive.” His tone left no room for discussion, so, I gave him the keys and opened the passenger-side door. Aron told his driver to follow us before he drove off.

  Half an hour later we stood in the private quarters of a justice of the peace and exchanged empty vows. Then it came. Aron's kiss. I was expecting it, yet again I wasn't ready for it. Aron wrapped his arm around my waist and his gaze met mine. His brown eyes glistened. I stiffened, but he drew me closer. The heat of his breath made my body loosen into his embrace.

  Then his lips were there, wet, rough and utterly electrifying. His arm pressed my body to his. My breasts pushed against his tight chest. I panted as his tongue slid into my mouth. For a moment I forgot about the judge, the witnesses and yielded to the pleasure Aron stirred up inside me.

  When someone cleared his throat, Aron lifted his head, but he didn't step back. “That ought to be a promise,” he paused, “No one else will ever make you feel that way.”

  This was a threat, not a promise. I swallowed hard, but I didn't respond.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Please, sign here so the two of you can begin your life together.”

  After we signed the marriage certificate, I rushed to my car. When I was inside with the doors locked, I exhaled. I sat there a few more minutes to pull myself together.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I was confused; I didn't know what to think anymore. How come my body was reacting to Aron the way it did. I was sure at that moment the part of my body governing my actions wasn't my mind - it was centered further south.

  But what could I do? No man had ever kissed me like this before. Not even Seth.

  Seth's kisses were never possessive and demanding; they were always tender and sweet. Although I was perplexed, I knew one thing for sure: keeping my legs shut around Aron Hamilton was going to be very difficult. If not even impossible.

  Chapter Seven


  The drive from the courthouse to my parents wasn't long, but it gave me a chance to regain my composure. I called my sisters, Liv and Talia to let them know that I got married. Although they both had an idea about the whole situation, they were disappointed because they weren’t there for me. I joked about it and promised to invite them to my divorce party. They didn’t like my joke, but they understood why I didn’t ask them to attend. Liv and Talia knew that having a wedding was a hard limit to me.

  My parents were a different story, I knew my mom wouldn't take the news well. I had to tell her though. I needed her to explain everything to my dad. I didn't want to tell him myself. I knew he would be disappointed. I was his baby girl, and he dreamt of walking me down the aisle.

  When I parked in my parents' driveway, I was relieved to find that my dad's car wasn't there. I took a deep breath and went to find my mom.

  As I guessed, I found her in the garden. Mom was a perfect Doctor's wife; she was wrapped up with my dad and how making everything around him look flawless. What I admired most about her was that she did nothing out of duty, only out of love. She and dad had been married for over thirty years now, and they were still madly in love.

  She was weeding a flower bed when I approached her, “Hi, mom. Need help?”

  “Tessa? Why aren’t you at the hospital? Has something happened? Are your sisters okay?”

  “Mom, nothing happened. I am fine; we’re all fine. I will be working the night shift all week. So, I thought I’d drop by and give you a hand in the garden. That’s all.”

  Mom looked me up and down and frowned, “Give me a hand? In this outfit? Nice try.”

  “No really, I can go up and change. Just give me a minute.”

  “No need, honey. I have finished here anyway. There is a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge. Would you get us some and bring it into the living room? Then we can sit down and talk. I will go up and change and be with you in a few.” She gave me a warm smile.

  After I poured two glasses and added a small plate of cookies, I carried the tray to the living room. When I didn’t find mom there, I decided to go outside and chat a little with Mark and Kevin, the two bodyguards Aron had introduced me to when we left the house earlier.

  I still couldn’t believe that I agreed to have security, but Aron insisted that it was necessary. The sincerity in his voice left no room for doubt. I believed him. I knew Jacob presented a threat, but I had no idea he wasn’t alone.

  Aron told me that he could be more dangerous now especially when he finds out about the will. However, he assured me that they were going to get him soon. “Police are chasing a strong new lead in their investigation. They promised that they’re going to put him behind bars for Seth’s accident,” Aron told me. I hope he was right. I wanted justice. What Jacob did to me was unforgivable.

  Mark and Kevin were sitting in the car outside when I carried the tray out. They instantly got out of the car as they saw me approaching. Mark took the tray from me. “Thanks, Mrs. Hamilton.”

  “Please, call me Tessa,” I gave them a cocky smile.

  “I…I don’t think that’s appropriate ma’am,” Kevin answered hesitantly.

  “Come on guys; you’ve been following me for three years. You know everything about me worth knowing.”

  Mark cleared his throat, “We were doing our job ma’am.”

  “I know. Do whatever you’ve been doing for the last three years. I don’t want anyone at the hospital to know that I have or need security,” I forced a smile.

  When they both nodded, I added. “And one more thing; I don’t want you to report every breath I take to Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Mr. Hamilton is only concerned with your safety ma’am,” they said together.

  I cocked my head and then shook it. “Well, I don’t think how I drink my coffee, eat my pizza or what my favorite Chinese take-out is are relevant security issues.”

  Mark’s ears turned red, and Kevin rubbed the back of his neck. They both stuttered. “We…we didn’t mean it that way. We weren’t spying on you. It…it was for security purposes. We had to know your routine.”

  “Fine, now that you both know it, you don’t have to report every move to Mr. Hamilton?” I raised my brows in question.

  “No, ma’am, we don’t.”

  “Good. Then we understand each other.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Before I turned around to leave, I gave them a wide grin and said, “Please, don’t ma’am me. It makes me feel old. You can say, Dr. Jones, if you’re uncomfortable calling me Tessa.”

  They both looked perplexed when I left them, but I was satisfied with myself. I was sure Aron would know about this conversation in no time. I didn’t care though. I made my point, and he had to respect my limits.

  Back in the house I prepared another tray and I found mom already seated on the couch. She gestured for me to sit next to her.

  “Who are those men?” I took my place next to her. Apparently, she saw m
e talking to them from the window.

  “My security,” I tried to sound as casual as possible.

  “Since when you need security?”

  “Since this morning. It’s no big deal, mom,” I shrugged.

  Mom leaned back and studied me for a moment, then she finally asked, “So, are you going to tell me what’s really going on?”

  I shifted in my place and tried to find the right words. This wasn’t going to be easy. “Um, I…I got married this morning. Aron, Aron Hamilton. Do you remember him?”

  “Of course, I remember him, but I didn’t know that you two were together.”

  “Actually, we’re not together. We just got married. We had to.”


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