Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank

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Fight For The Highest Wolf Rank Page 13

by Valery C. Kincade

  I perk up at the idea of meeting my real family. What if they are still alive and have been looking for me all along, what if I have brothers and sisters? The thought of having some family out that could potentially take away the pain of me being rejected by my adoptive family and then by my mate, makes my lips curl up in a small smile. I wish the Moon Goddess was that good to me. It would make all the pain I've been experiencing be worth it.

  With that prospect in mind, and with the clock striking half past 3 in the afternoon, I get out of bed and put some casual clothes on. Getting my worn out shoes and bag, I leave the small apartment that I am so proud of calling my own.

  It has been a somewhat quiet evening at The Hound, but I had enough to do for my mind to be occupied. Jen and Ryan stopped by earlier and Carla covered my tables while I took a break and joined my friends. I started telling them about finding my mate, because Jennifer kept asking if I found him or if I can smell any different scents, but I chickened out. They are so happy and I didn't want to cause them to be even more worried about me.

  “OK, come on. out with it.” An angry Jen is pointing her spiky fork at my shocked face.

  I look around for Ryan or Carla or even Rudy, to save me from my friend's inquest, but they're all too busy to notice my pleading looks.

  I turn my gaze back to Jennifer who is sitting there not so patiently waiting for me to spill on the secret I've been obviously keeping.

  “I have no idea what you're talk....”

  “Oh, come on, cut the crap. I know you, so spill. You found him, didn't you?” My eyes widen as I look around to see if anyone heard her. “Who is he and why is he not here with you? And why on Earth don't you bear his mark yet?”

  “Shhttt, lower your voice, will you? Somebody might hear us.”

  “Oh My Goddess!!! So you did find your mate. Oh, Sam, what happened?” I think she knows already, but still wants to hear it from me.

  “Is it really that hard to figure out?” I snap at her but quickly realise it's not her fault, so I apologize.

  “Who is he? Is he from Crescent Moon?” I only nod but don't tell her who he is. Jennifer's voice is soft and lulling, as she was trying to ease my pain.

  Now that I know we're still bonded, I don't want to cause unnecessary drama, so I leave Jason's name out of it. I only vehemently deny that it's Timothy, when Jennifer asked if it was him, and started laughing like I haven't in days. Jennifer breathes out relieved that it's not him. I have to say, that would have been one cruel joke to have Timothy as my mate, but it would have been easier to reject him dumb face.

  After Jen and Ryan leave, with Jennifer making a solemn promise not to tell Ryan I found my mate and got rejected, I help Carla and Rudy in tidying up the pub. That didn't take so long and Carla strongly suggested I should go home and rest. Bidding them both goodbye, I take my bag and some leftovers and head towards the door.

  In my attempt to save money I often walk home instead of taking the bus, which is what I am doing now.

  The cold air of the night is soothing and the smell of upcoming rain eases my pain. It's like aromatherapy for poor people. I chuckle in my mind at that explanation.

  I'm about half way home and I can't shake this feeling of being watched. I glanced around me a couple of times, trying my best to be inconspicuous, but I can't see anyone. Thinking that it may be just my imagination, I carry on walking, picking up the pace a bit.

  I can see the building that houses my apartment and start running towards it. I don't know why, but I just feel the need to get inside as soon as possible. I reach the building's main door and fumble unnecessarily with my access card. I snort at my own clumsiness, cursing under my breath, and thinking that this is how the killer catches the girl in a horror film. And in real life, apparently, because I feel someone approaches me, and before I can make any move, some piece of cloth is pushed over my mouth and nose. My brain knows I shouldn't, but my air depraved lungs expand as I breathe in, inhaling whatever substance was the cloth drenched in. The last thing I hear is an angry, yet oddly familiar voice. “Time to go night - night, bitch!”


  OK, OK. I can spin this, I can make it all work in my favour. Fuck my life, why did they have to be mates?

  I go back to where we usually meet. I knew I could count on them. They are fierce fighters and more than fair people. When I went to them for help, they understood that this has to be done. That, and the promise of blinding wealth. I offered the Baileys half of my fortune, which is more than enough for them to go off into the sunset and buy their own island, or something like that, hell Mr Bailey can buy his own fucking pack for all I care.

  What I really care about is that they do not agree with what happened any more than I do.

  My uncle Jaxon failed. He might have killed those bastards, but he failed to kill their spawn. He did the worst thing ever by bringing her into his pack and having her raised like one of our own, we were practically sisters. But since he at least killed the animals who murdered my parents, I will spare his life and the life of my aunt. I do have a soft spot for my aunt. She is my late mother's sister and has truly raised me as her own. Dare I say, I even love her.

  When I turned 18, I already knew about Samantha and who she is. I overheard my aunt and uncle crying about what they did. Oh, boo fucking hoo. I already had my plan on making that bitch's life miserable. I can't believe I treated her like a sister all these years. After I overheard my family talking about what they did, about who Samantha is, I almost shifted and went in there to kill both of them. I'm glad I didn't, because on my actual 18th birthday, a letter was handed to me. It came with the solicitor who granted me access to my late parents' fortune.

  My aunt accompanied me to meet with the solicitor, but she was not permitted to take part in our discussion, because I had turned 18, so I didn't need a legal guardian any more. Yay, me!

  To say I did not expect the letter would be a big understatement. From what my aunt and uncle said, both my mom and dad died at the same time, I knew as much. The official story, the lie they've been telling everyone and me all my life, said that they died in a plane crash. Their recalling of the actual events, that I eavesdropped in, said they were killed by Alpha Derrick Stone at the border of Crescent Moon. I had come to terms with that. Both stories state that my parents died at the same time, but that was not what actually happened. I understood that Jaxon and my aunt didn't know the full story either.

  I took my time reading the letter over and over again. It was written by my grief stricken father after his mate, my mother, had been murdered by Alpha Stone. I swear I missed it at first, but because I went on to read the letter more than once, that name suddenly stood up to me. Alpha Jerrick Stone. It can't be a typo, because the name is written in that letter a total of 8 times, I counted.

  “I'm going to kill all his family for what he did to your mother” my father wrote. “If you are ever reading this, my cherie Marie, it means I have failed.” another paragraph stated.

  “It's your duty, your legacy to finish them off. Do not fail as I did. Kill every single member of the Stone family. Do not leave a single one.” and I intend to honour my father's wish.

  Finally, the girl I had loved as my sister, has finished her shift. She is walking all alone, surely headed to her apartment, unaware of her biggest nightmare lurking in the shadows close to her. The first couple of times I set her up, I expected to feel guilty at least a little bit, but I didn't. It felt really good seeing Samantha get in trouble, and it felt better for her to never suspect me. It's kind of fun crying wolf to my uncle and seeing him take everything I tell him without ever questioning it.

  After I read my father's letter, it felt even better to cause her pain. I felt like I was finally able to connect with the parents I lost when I was far too young. Every time I try to remember my mother's face and fail, I get angrier and even more determined to exterminate the entire Stone lineage. At least my father left me enough money to hire the best mercenaries

  I watch her expectantly as she tries to open the door and fail. She fumbles with her keys, and taking advantage of how distracted she is, I approach her from behind. I came prepared. I have a cloth dripping with chloroform that I quickly place over her mouth and nose. I smile satisfied, imagining how I'm making my parents proud. Her body starts to relax and I have to keep her up to prevent her from collapsing.

  “Time to go night - night, bitch!”

  26 - Captive

  I'm slowly coming to my senses and it's not at all fun. Ouch, my head. I'm basically waking up from what seemed like a deep sleep, but feel more like I've been hit by a runaway train. Yep, that's an accurate depiction. My head is throbbing and I can't open my eyes as fast as I would like. It looks like I'm alone in this room. It's not a place I remember even being to, yet there's a familiar feeling lingering in the air. I might just be confused, I don't even know how long I've been out for or if it's day or night time. A few minutes after I first opened my eyes I start remembering flashes of what happened. The flashes start to paint an ugly picture of me getting kidnapped. I can't help but wonder is this is Timothy again, making good on his promise to end me, literally.

  It's impossible not to notice the silver coated shackles on my feet and wrists. I pull on them a bit but the pain is too much for my weak body to try and break free from them. How long have I been in here for? I just groan in pain and resume observing my surroundings. After what I can only estimate as being a few hours, the door to the room opens and Marie enters slowly. I flinch both in excitement and in terror.

  “Marie, what are you doing here? Did anyone see you? We have to leave, now.” I blurt everything out, holding my tied hands for her to help me out of them. My rush of enthusiasm quickly disappears as I notice my friend's face contort in the most evil smile I have ever seen on anyone.

  “Marie, wha... what it is going on? My shaky voice demands an explanation and my brain seizes in it's attempt to understand and grasp the situation.

  “Oh, cut the act, will you?”

  “Marie, I don't know what you are talking about. What the hell is all this?” I ask lifting my arm and dangling the shackles to make my point, but she just smiles, shaking her head. I get so angry at her smirking face that for a second I forget that she's one of my best friends, that we used to share everything and act just like sisters.

  “You don't actually know, do you?” Marie's wicked smile widens showing me her teeth who were elongated signalling that she has partly shifted.

  “Know what? What the hell are you talking about? What has gotten into you, Marie?” I have questions, so many questions that only seem to anger and amuse her at the same time.

  “My oh my, this is even better that I expected. I get to be the one that has the honour of telling you the story of your life. Well, the story of OUR lives, actually.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask her, my eyes filling with tears already. I have never done anything to hurt Marie. I loved her like a sister and never meant any harm. I would have died for her and Jennifer.

  “You'll learn soon enough. Bottom line is that I will kill you, but I need to make sure your uncle gets word of existence and comes to find you, so I can kill him also.” I frown so hard that my eyebrows are now touching. That was a lot of information that doesn't make any sense. My uncle as in Brian's dad? My poor brain is buzzing from the confusion. I have a slight feeling Marie might either be on drugs or someone has messed with her in a great way. I don't understand what she's talking about.

  “Why would you want to kill Mr Richards? Is it because Brian is not your mate?”

  “Don't be stupid, Sam. I know you can do better than that.” She spat the words at me. After taking a few small steps, she sighs annoyed before grabbing what looks like a wooden crate and sitting on it. “I meant your REAL uncle, Jerrick Stone, or Julian Bolder, as he prefers to go by nowadays. I just found out myself, quite clever actually. Stone, Bolder, you get it.” She snickers, but I don't share the moment with her. I don't see anything even remotely funny about this setup. Could it be that I have an uncle out there? Instant panic sweeps into my mind as it dawns upon me that this man is in great danger. He probably has no idea I even exist, yet he is about to die because he is biologically related to me. I wonder if he's my uncle from my mother's side or my father's.

  I soon get the answer to my quest, I get the much needed answer to a lot of questions I didn't even know I had. I learned from Marie about the horrible people that gave life to me, my biological parents. She told me how my family murdered her mother and then her father, with young Marie barely escaping from them with her life. She even told me how Jason't father killed my parents as punishment, and despite my conflicted feelings I agreed that he was right to do it. Alpha Jaxon proved he wasn't as heartless as the ones that brought me into this world. He proved that by sparing my life, and giving a chance to live and have a family, when I probably didn't deserve it. But I wasn't guilty of anything, was I? I was just as innocent as Marie was, caught up in the middle of a fight we knew nothing about, mear war casualties.

  “I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that my parents ever did to you, I'm sorry you have lost your family and I'm sorry you are in this whole mess right now. I'm so very sorry, but I was only 3 years old at the time. I never did anything to hurt you, Marie. As much as I understand your hurt and your pain, I hope you understand I had no part in it, ever.”

  “I made a promise to my father and I intend to keep it. That was his last wish and I intend to fulfil it. Truly, Sam. It's nothing personal, it's just that my parents, or their memory mean more to me than you will ever mean.”

  And with that she gets up and heads to the door. Turning to look at me on final time, she smiles again that wicked and deeply disturbing smile. “Now I just need Mr Bailey to track down your uncle so we can get this party started.” My jaw drops. the man that has raised me as his own for the past 15 years is helping her? As if sensing my next question, Marie opens her mouth to hurt my heart again with her words. “Everyone has a price, Sam. Keep that in mind.”

  “You know Jennifer and her mate are going to turn the Earth inside out to find me, right? Carla, Rudy and the Alpha of Blood Moon will know if I'm missing. they will all come looking for me.” A desperate move from my side, I know. But my family of friends has proven time and time again that they will protect and help me when I need them. They are good people, good wolves. Marie turned around and came back near me, a smirk playing on her lips.

  “Oh, don't worry, sis.” The way she said 'sis', disgust and hate dripping from that word made me shudder. What happened to Marie that she hates me so much? Is she really so unreasonable?

  “I've already talked to our dear Jennifer and told her a cute little story about how your mate took you away.” My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I don't understand. Is Jason in on the kidnaping? Is he doing all this because the rejection didn't work? “I've got to admit, I didn't expect you to tell Jennifer you got rejected by your mate, but it worked out in my favour. You see, I only had to tell that love sick girl that your mate regrets his initial decision, and he is currently begging for your forgiveness. All this while you too are cooped up away in a romantic cabin in the Lake District. She fell right away for that wowing crap and that's why nobody is coming to look for you. Well, nobody that I don't want to come, anyways.” I'm more scared than ever of what she might do to me, especially since the only people I could count on to come save me, aren't worried about me, thinking I'm in the safe arms of my mate. This is bad, really bad.

  Marie leaves the room and I'm left alone to stare at the walls. My wolf is very weak and I can just partly feel her, but not enough to speak to her. I have gone through all the scenarios I can think of, and can't seem to find a feasible solution to escape. My only chance is that someone comes for me, and they come prepared. If Marie managed to get my adoptive parents on board with killing me, then she can buy herself an army. I have no idea where I am or what's behind the d
oor she just went out of.

  I pondered on it for a while, making sure there is literally no other way for me to escape, and I decided to do the only thing I can in this impossible situation. Against my better judgement, I concentrate as hard as I can on mine and Jason's mate bond. Yup, I'm going there. I hate that I'm the weak, unwanted mate, who seems she can't take a hint and still reaches out asking for help. I know it's a long shot, firstly because he's literally in a different part of the world, and second because our bond is faint and barely there, due to him trying to reject me and me not bearing his mark. Even if I somehow manage to get my message across to Jason, he most likely won't pay any attention to my pleas for help. But I do it anyway. My survival instincts are way too strong to allow me to be stubborn and not use the small chance I have to ask for help. This could make the difference between me continuing my life or losing it.

  27 - Team


  After listening to Alpha Bolder tell his side of the story, and piecing things together, I was left even more frustrated because I didn't manage to graduate early and start my quest. I was lost in my thoughts when someone clears their throat, obviously demanding attention from the rest of us.

  “Do you think Marie knows about all this?” Brian dares to say out loud the question I've been too scared to ask.

  “Who is Marie?” Both Tison and Bolder ask at the same time, their faces sporting confused looks. For a split second they remind me of Brian and I, and I almost smile.

  “Uhm.. she's the daughter of Alpha Gaston, Jason's cousin.” Brian explains to the 2 men after I opened my mouth to speak but there were no words coming out.

  I see Bolder's face drop. So obviously he was oblivious to my cousin's existence.


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