All Shook Up

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All Shook Up Page 3

by Ashley Bostock

  She suffered alone and that was always going to be on him.

  As would be all the burning questions on why she hadn’t confided in him. What kept her from even hinting that something was going on? He had ample resources to put a stop to things. He could have gotten her out of the situation. She would still be alive.

  Now, all he had left of her was her memory. And the drive to do something to help other women get out of abusive relationships. Which was why he was breaking ground on a ten-acre piece of land that was going to be turned in to apartment complexes – solely for women who were victims of abuse, as well as their children.

  The other investors—his closest friends—had agreed to work as a team and get the complex up and running no later than next spring or fall, at the latest. It was his first big venture outside of the women’s fashion industry, but he was determined to make it work.

  It had to work.

  As his Maserati purred to life and he headed back to his penthouse on Downing, he slipped into reverie about what the complex would be called and how many women and children—families! —he would help.

  Francesca’s Hope.

  Or maybe Francesca’s Freedom.

  The Francesca Project had a pleasant tone to it, too. He wasn’t sure, but he knew with all his heart that his sister’s name was going to be in there somewhere.

  Chapter Three

  Using the Daisy Blue Cornstalk was a dream come true. I enjoyed that it looked real and not like it was technologically advanced into the Space Age era. When the vibrations came out with the simple press of a button, it took me to ecstasy in less than a minute. It’s entirely waterproof and easy to clean. The vibrations are quiet—almost soundless—making it discreet and easy to use anywhere. I can’t say the name is aesthetically pleasing but for the pleasure it gave me, it could be ignored. I would definitely recommend this product to a friend.

  ~Ms. Winters

  * * *

  Jillian submitted her review which was the last for the day, and checked her phone for about the hundredth time. With The Peekeasy closed for good, Jillian had plenty of time to worry about her sister. Arabella was supposed to have called twenty minutes ago and she hadn’t yet which made Jillian uneasy.

  Not only was Arabella freakishly irresponsible, she was living with a monster. A man she swore over and over that she was going to leave. Which was why Jillian was dead set on continuing her job as a sex toy reviewer. For every dollar she made, she was using it to help her sister get out of her nightmare of a relationship with her fiancé Derrek. Derrek the asshole. Derrek the bully. Derrek the abuser.

  Jillian had so many names for him, she couldn’t decide which she liked best. She laughed humorously out loud, Derrek the good guy – that might be her favorite. Because yeah, right. That was what Arabella swore to her time and time again. He was upset because of work. It was Arabella’s fault. No, she was just clumsy; that was where she got the bruise beneath her eye. Derrek is a good guy, Jillian. Most of the time.

  Jillian was sick of Arabella covering for that monster. And it never seemed like it was going to end. How could it? Arabella didn’t have a job which meant every dollar she had, she got from Derrek. Jillian had harped and harped on Arabella to get a job of her own but Arabella always put her off. Deep down, Jillian believed it was because Derrek refused to let her have one.

  True to his word, Cole Carrington had not renewed her lease and to Jillian’s dismay, she’d been unable to find another store front that was as affordable as what she had been paying Tasha. Sure, if she wanted to open a place in some Podunk shopping strip to the east of town where the days were sketchy at best and the nights were far worse, she could have.

  Living up to the standards and mission statement of The Peekeasy though, relocating to a less-than-desirable location wasn’t what her business had been about. It had been about luxury. Luxury mixed with some naughty. It had been about meeting the personal needs of each client who walked through her doors. And making them walk out feeling like their money had been well-spent because they felt like a million dollars.

  “Come on, Arabella.” Jillian prayed as she glanced at her phone again. She kicked her feet up onto her loveseat and watched the traffic go by outside her living room window. Living in Five Points was what she could afford and in reality, wasn’t that bad. It hadn’t always been the best of neighborhoods – in fact, had someone asked Jillian five years ago to live there it would have been a hell to the no. But not so much now.

  Like a lot of this area in the heart of the city, buildings were being refurbished while other buildings were being torn down. Jillian’s townhouse had been completely updated inside and out. She didn’t have to worry about the lease on this place expiring any time soon. After stupidly assuming she’d had a yearly lease on The Peekeasy, she’d made it a point to make sure she still had this baby under wraps.

  She couldn’t complain about the place. Before she’d moved in two years ago, it’d had new A/C, wood floors and new windows and appliances put in. Granted, it was small and she shared the row of townhomes with three other families, but it was hers. She paid the bills and she loved it, all the way to its brightly painted yellow front door even though yellow wasn’t her color.

  She caught sight of Arabella walking past her front window; surprised at seeing her, Jillian jumped from her seat. Just as her little sister knocked, Jillian yanked the door open in a rush.

  “What have you been doing? You said you were going to call me twenty minutes ago!” Jillian yelled.

  “Mom, chill. I was on the Light Rail headed here. It was easier to stop by.” Arabella pulled Jillian into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Look, I’m fine.”

  Arabella smiled and twirled in a circle with her arms in the air for Jillian to check her out. Unlike Jillian’s long brown hair, Arabella had cut hers just above her shoulders and if Jillian remembered correctly, Derrek hadn’t been pleased when she’d done it. “All’s well. Promise. What do you have to eat?”

  “Roasted chicken. Leftover from last night. Help yourself.” Jillian pointed to the fridge. Her living room shared the space with the small kitchen.

  “Nice. Hold on while I go to the kitchen.” Arabella joked and turned her back on Jillian to face the half-wall where her stackable washer and dryer, fridge and stove were all located.

  “Very funny. What have you been out doing today? Aside from ignoring me,” Jillian asked.

  “Not much.” She shrugged. “Derrek’s been working at the tech center.”

  “So you have the day to do as you please,” Jillian said.

  “Yep,” Arabella answered, shoving bits of the cold, roasted chicken into her mouth. “And there’s something I want to show you. Get your shoes on.”

  “What is it?” Jillian asked warily.

  “It’s a surprise. Come on. I don’t have all day.” Whereas most people used that term sarcastically, Arabella really didn’t have all day. Because Derrek the asshole expected Arabella to be at home when he was home. Because he loved her and wanted to spend all the time in the world with her.

  Jillian mentally rolled her eyes. One day, she was going to get Arabella to see him for the controlling, abusive man he was.

  One day.

  Hopefully soon.

  There were times when her sister did see it and in those times she pleaded for help from Jillian. Then, miraculously Derrek would apologize for whatever it was he did wrong, or Arabella did wrong, and they were fine. Which meant Arabella had the wool pulled over her eyes once again.

  “Fine. Let me get my shoes and my purse.”

  “Don’t sound so pouty. I’m doing you a favor,” Arabella yelled after her.

  Ready, Jillian came back out to her sister lying on the couch. “Make yourself at home,” Jillian said.

  “I am, thanks.” Arabella smiled. “Let’s roll.”

  “Why can’t you ever clean up after yourself?” Jillian asked as she put the chicken back in the fridge.

  “Because I hav
e you, Mom.” Arabella blew her a kiss and the two of them went on their way.

  It wasn’t long before Jillian began to suspect where Arabella was taking her. “We aren’t going to The Peekeasy, are we?”

  “You’ll see,” Arabella said.

  “No, Arabella. I don’t want to see the place. He’s probably made it into a glorious store front that I could never do. Even though it’s been weeks since I closed down and moved out, it still hurts.”

  “Come on. Please. There’s something that will make you happy. Well, I think. It should anyway. It will get you to stop moping around. It’s perfect for you. Once you can get over the initial sting,” Arabella added.

  “Initial sting of what?” Jillian asked.

  “You’ll see. You need a job.”

  Jillian shook her head. “That’s the last thing I need right now is to work in this area. Across the street or otherwise.”

  Crap, her heart hurt now. Five weeks after having vacated the store front and closing down The Peekeasy, pain radiated through her chest and bloodstream as they walked past all the familiar buildings and stores. The sounds. Her place. Not his. It felt like home as she avoided the broken concrete along a small chunk of sidewalk that had been there forever. She clenched her stomach as it growled from the good smells that came from the steakhouse on the corner. She’d tactfully avoided the area since she’d handed over her key to Raymond, and had been making a fairly decent effort not to think of Cole Carrington at all.

  Keywords being fairly decent.

  There was something about him that touched her in all the right ways. His parting words replayed themselves over and over in her mind at least once a day and she’d be a liar if she didn’t agree with them. I have no doubt we’d be great friends. Oh, yeah. Friends with benefits was what she was thinking.

  Maybe it was wishful thinking, but that naughty glint in his eyes had her thinking that maybe he would have liked that too.

  The reality was, Jillian should hate Cole Carrington. A lot. But she wasn’t ever one to hold a grudge and it was hard to hate a man who walked around her store smoothing out her panties with his strong, thick fingers. He was downright sexy—all male, in a beautiful suit—even if his image was becoming fuzzy in her mind from so long ago, she hadn’t forgotten the way he’d made her feel.

  And for that, it was hard to hate him.

  “No, sweetheart. Not across the street, but here.” Arabella pulled Jillian out of her daydream and turned her toward the store front.

  She blinked.

  Her store front. But it was no longer the baby blue paint that chipped every time someone leaned on it with their backpacks and handbags. It was a brilliant Amethyst with striking white borders along the edges of the windows. She ran her hand over the vinyl lettering that had been set in cursive.

  Lacie’s Lingerie.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed, just above a whisper. The beauty and change was surreal. It was so fancy. She loved it actually. It warmed her heart and made it hurt worse all at the same time.

  “Look.” Arabella pointed to the little white sign below the lettering.

  “Apply Within.” Jillian read.

  “Come on. You’re applying,” Arabella said as she pushed Jillian toward the door.

  “What?” Jillian dug in her heels. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not? This kind of thing is your dream, Jilly Bean. That you’re currently putting on hold. Think of all the knowledge and experience you could gain. You could still open your store, once you’ve got everything figured out. You do so many things for me, it’s time I do something for you. Not to mention, it’s so your style. All high class, just like The Peekeasy. Come on.”

  “But it’s not the same. It’s not my store…it’s not The Peekeasy,” Jillian said.

  “Jillian, get over yourself, would you? Go.” Arabella effectively pushed Jillian into the store. “Atta girl. In you go.”

  The changes stole Jillian’s breath. All the white paneling and shelving were newly painted in a dull violet color that complemented the exterior paint just right. Like the chandelier that was upstairs, three more were hung on the main level. Instead of the two dressing rooms there were before, there were now three and she just bet they were every bit as glamourous as the rest of the place.

  “Where is everyone?” Arabella said. “It’s freaky quiet in here.”

  “It needs some music. I don’t know where they are,” Jillian said absentmindedly, as she paid attention to all the details of the place. She had to give it to Cole; he sure spruced it up. It was heartbreakingly beautiful. She always thought she’d done a great job on The Peekeasy—her clients even commented on how warm and welcoming it had felt—but this, this was above par. Gosh, she could admit it. It looked better than The Peekeasy ever had.

  Whoever he’d hired was clearly doing an amazing job with the place.

  “If you need anything, I’m back here,” a voice yelled at them.

  “My sister needs an application for the job,” Arabella yelled back.

  “I do not!” Jillian said through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, you do!”

  “They are on the table near the register,” the female voice said.

  Arabella gave Jillian a dirty look. “Gee, is she that busy she can’t come out and help us?”

  Paying no mind to her sister, Jillian gazed wistfully at the beautiful lingerie—not as beautiful as what she’d stocked—but nice enough. Most of the pieces were bright and exotic, which Jillian felt contradicted the entire essence of the store itself. After years of catering to the rich, she’d long since learned what their style was—the colors they liked, the cuts—what was currently shelved wasn’t what her clients usually went for. The calming paint colors and sultry chandeliers, the fabulous paintings of half-naked women that surrounded the store all lent itself to a sense of high-class beauty. But as Jillian unfolded some of the undergarments, they were anything but.

  “That’s dirty, girl.” Arabella pointed at the crotchless panties Jillian held out in front of her.

  “Easy access,” Jillian muttered, still dumbfounded at the two very different extremes she was seeing – all trying to be thrown together.

  “Here. Here’s the app. Do you want me to fill it out for you or can you do it?” Arabella asked, holding a pen and the application out in front of Jillian.

  For some unexplainable reason, this place was calling to her. Well, it wasn’t that unexplainable. It was probably because this was her place. Her home away from home. It used to be anyway. She felt a strange sense of belonging as she looked around this awkwardly set up store – like it needed her. It was calling to her. Whispering to her as gently as the fabric whispered against her skin. It didn’t matter that the man behind the scene had evicted her. She didn’t hate him for it. That was such a strong word. She belonged here. She felt like she belonged here. An epiphany! She could learn here. Being under a successful billionaire while enhancing her craft—a lingerie store—it was a no-brainer. It actually couldn’t get any better than that.

  “Fine,” Jillian said. She took the application and began to fill it out. It didn’t take long and once it was done, she walked it to the back of the store where the woman’s voice came from before.

  “Hello?” Jillian asked. “Are you there?”

  “I’m here. Did you fill it out?” The woman was older than Jillian. Late fifties, if Jillian had to guess. The woman sat in a chair and didn’t even glance at Jillian as she was so engrossed on whatever it was that was going on with her phone.

  “Yes, here it is.”

  The woman put her hand out and Jillian put the app into her palm.

  “I’m Rebekah. When can you start?” she asked.


  “She can start immediately,” Arabella said from behind, nudging Jillian in the back with her elbow. “Right, sis?”

  “Yeah, I can pretty much start immediately.”

  Finally, Rebekah looked up from her phone. She gave
Jillian the once over and briefly perused her application.

  “Fine. Be here tomorrow. Ten sharp,” she said.

  “Really?” Jillian said just as Arabella elbowed her again. “Er, I mean, okay. Ten works. I’ll be here tomorrow at ten.”

  “Great,” Rebekah said, her attention already back on her phone.

  “Okay, well. See you tomorrow then,” Jillian whispered as butterflies soared through her tummy.

  “Yep. That’s what I said,” Rebekah replied.

  Arabella tugged Jillian’s arm and pulled her through the shop. They made their way outside and Jillian stopped.

  “Wait,” she said.


  “Did that seriously just happen? Is she even going to recognize me tomorrow? She barely looked at me.” Jillian’s emotions were all over the place. She wasn’t over the hurt of closing The Peekeasy. However, a small part of her was excited to be back in the lingerie business – even if it wasn’t her own. She was excited to be employed and learning from one of the industry’s leading businessmen.

  By getting back in there, she could she why she failed. Not because of Cole and his unwillingness to renew her lease, but because of her finances. Had she been financially savvy enough, then shouldn’t she have had enough funds in her account to afford another decently located place? Wasn’t that part on her? Sure, she’d love to place blame on Cole Carrington but had their positions been reversed, Jillian would have done what was best for her. Not a tenant. Not someone she hadn’t even known.

  Another small, really small, part of her was weirdly excited at the idea that she was going to be under Cole Carrington.


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