A Vow for an Heiress

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A Vow for an Heiress Page 4

by Helen Dickson

  Coming to a halt at the foot of a low flight of stone steps, she dismounted. As she looked about her, a young man she assumed must be a groom hurried towards her.

  ‘Is Lord Ashurst at home?’

  ‘Yes, miss. Would you like me to take your horse?’

  ‘Yes—thank you.’ She watched him walk away leading her horse before climbing the steps. When she stood facing the door, she experienced her first signs of genuine apprehension. As if on cue the door was opened by a middle-aged male servant attired in black jacket and knee breeches.

  ‘I am here to see Lord Ashurst.’

  He nodded. ‘Who shall I say, Miss...?’

  ‘Ingram,’ Rosa provided.

  Waiting for the servant to return and removing her bonnet, Rosa looked about the large panelled hall. It was sun filled, polished and scented. She stood in awe of her surroundings. Beautiful artefacts reposed on a gleaming table in the centre, and on the walls were paintings of long-dead family members in gilded frames. The house exuded an indefinable quality—a sense of order, centuries of happiness and disappointments, memories of men and women who had lived and breathed within these walls—all folded into the fabric. The house was living, breathing, but empty of life.

  Her eyes shone and she felt a peculiar excitement. It was unlike anything she had felt before and she found herself ensnared, as if this wonderful house was trying to wrap itself around her. She wanted to claim it for herself—she felt it was part of her destiny.

  An elaborately carved oak staircase rose on one side of the hall to the upper floors, forming a gallery. She was conscious of a small contingent of curious maids lurking there. Open to their searching scrutiny, she was aware they stole lingering looks down at her. She managed to direct a self-conscious smile at them, but her mind was braced on the meeting with the Earl of Ashurst.

  The servant reappeared.

  ‘Lord Ashurst will see you now. Please come this way.’

  Keeping her eyes straight ahead of her, Rosa followed in his wake along an assortment of corridors, taking note of everything she saw. The house was awe-inspiring and, despite the crippling debts that the Earl was desperately trying to meet, the atmosphere was of comfort and luxury, of elegance and a style of living she could never have imagined in her island home. The servant swept open a pair of carved oaken doors and stepped aside to admit her into the study, a comfortable, tastefully furnished room lined with books and discerningly furnished. Large French windows were open, the scent of freshly mown grass drifting in.

  The servant closed the door behind him as the man she assumed to be the Earl got up from his desk with a welcoming smile on his face, clearly expecting to see Miss Clarissa Ingram. He halted in surprise, staring instead at a vaguely familiar, beautiful young woman wearing a stylish riding habit.

  Rosa was equally surprised when she recognised him. In that moment she noticed the startling intensity of his light blue eyes and again she thought how extraordinarily attractive he was. His tall frame was clad in impeccably tailored dark blue trousers and coat and white shirt and neckcloth at the throat. He stood, his shadow stretching across the room. Then he was striding towards her. The room jumped to life about him as his presence filled it, infusing it with his own energy and vigour.

  Her heart seemed to suddenly leap in her chest in a ridiculous way. ‘Oh! It’s you! You are the man I met at the inn the other day. Are you the Earl of Ashurst?’

  Momentarily stunned, William continued to stare at her. His blood stirred as she came into the light thrown by the sun through the leaded windows. The young woman was a beauty, her hat dangling by its ribbons from her fingers, a riding crop in her other hand. The rich vibrancy of her chestnut curls framed a heart-shaped face and the green eyes beneath long dark lashes that had caught his attention previously held his gaze now. She had a healthy and unblemished beauty that radiated a striking personal confidence. There was about her a kind of warm sensuality, something instantly suggestive to him of pleasurable fulfilment. It was something she could not help, something that was an inherent part of her.

  ‘I am Lord Ashurst, the Earl of Ashurst.’

  On discovering the identity of her hoped-to-be husband and recalling their contentious previous encounter, she remembered that as she had walked away from him he had made a strong impression on her. And now here he was and the irony of it was that if her grandmother had her way then he was about to become betrothed to her sister.

  Her momentary shock gave way to a cold anger. ‘Had I known who you are I would not have come here. You were very rude to me.’

  His mouth curled into a thin smile. ‘After spending my entire adult life as a soldier, Miss Ingram, I’m afraid I shall have to relearn the art of gallantry. But as a matter of fact, I agree with you. My behaviour towards you was unmannerly. Believe me when I tell you that my conscience smote me and I wanted to do the right thing and apologise to you properly, but when I looked for you, you had left. Can I offer you refreshment?’

  ‘No, thank you. I have not come here to make polite conversation, but on a matter of the utmost importance. I realise you are a busy man so I will be brief and take up as little of your time as possible.’

  He lifted an eyebrow. Tilting his head to one side, he gave her his whole attention. ‘What brings you here with such urgency?’

  There was something in the depths of his eyes that Rosa could not fathom. Blue and narrowed by a knowing, intrusive smile, they seemed to look right past her face and into herself. For that split second she felt completely exposed and vulnerable—traits unfamiliar to her, traits she did not like. His direct, masculine assurance disconcerted her. She was vividly conscious that they were alone. She felt the mad, unfamiliar rush of blood singing through her veins, which she had never experienced before—not even with Simon. Instantly she felt resentful towards the Earl of Ashurst. He had made too much of an impact on her.

  ‘I am Rosalind Ingram—everyone calls me Rosa. I have come to speak to you about my sister, Clarissa. I don’t quite know how to begin. I have never done this sort of thing before, you see, and...my grandmother knows nothing of this visit. When she does I will feel the full force of her displeasure, but it will be worth it if you agree to what I propose. I have come to ask your help. I realise it is very presumptuous of me, and of course you are quite free to refuse, but the matter is urgent.’

  ‘Is there no one else who can help you?’

  ‘No—I’m afraid not. If I had...’

  ‘Because of what transpired between us on our first encounter you certainly would not have come to me.’

  ‘No, that’s not right. I’m afraid you are the only person I can ask to help.’

  A muscle twitched in his cheek and his light blue eyes rested on her ironically. ‘My curiosity is aroused as to why you have come here without your grandmother’s knowledge to visit a man you don’t even know.’

  Crossing to the fireplace, he draped his arm across the mantel and turned, regarding his visitor with a cool and speculative gaze. He could not help but admire the way she looked. Her overall appearance was flawless and he was quickly coming to the conclusion that she would set the standard by which all other women have to be judged, at least in his mind.

  Her hair had been arranged artfully about her head and several feathery curls brushed her cheeks, lending a charming softness to her skin. The appeal in her large, silkily lashed green eyes was so strong that he had to mentally shake himself free of their spell. Something stirred within him that he was at a loss to identify.

  * * *

  ‘I am intrigued. Please—sit down,’ he said, indicating a chair placed at an angle in front of the fireplace. ‘Now, tell me, what can I do for you?’

  Now she knew the identity of the Earl of Ashurst, Rosa’s regret at coming to Ashurst Park increased a thousandfold as she perched stiffly on the edge of the comfortably upholstered chair. Never had she fe
lt so unsure of herself.

  ‘So, Clarissa is your sister. I thought there must be some connection. She is well, I hope?’

  ‘She is perfectly well—only...’

  He waited a moment, studying her with those strongly arched eyebrows slightly raised. When she wasn’t forthcoming he prompted, ‘Only? Only what?’

  ‘She—she does not want to marry you and I recognise that I must lend her all my support.’

  ‘I see. Do you mind telling me why?’

  ‘Because she’s in love with someone else.’ Apart from a tightening to his jaw, his expression remained unchanged.

  ‘Then that is as good a reason as any. Why was I not told this earlier—and why has your grandmother not thought to inform me?’

  ‘I’m sorry. She was following my father’s wishes in arranging Clarissa to marry a man with a title. Clarissa has never defied our father, sir. She loved him dearly and understands perfectly why it was so important to him that we both make suitable marriages.’

  ‘And you have ridden all this way to tell me this?’

  ‘Yes. I—I thought you should know.’

  ‘Thank you. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, nothing has been signed so there is nothing to bind us.’

  ‘You—will not pursue her?’

  ‘No, Miss Ingram, I would not do that. To force the issue when she is in love with another man would make her loathe me.’

  ‘If you discerned anything in her manner when you met in London—which, she has told me, was brief—you would know that she does not loathe you. Clarissa is the most gentle person you could wish to meet.’

  ‘That is the impression she gave me,’ he said, remembering that when he had met Clarissa Ingram how he had admired her refinement of character, her charm and sensibility—in fact, there was nothing about her with which he could find fault and he could not deny that he had been tempted by her grandmother’s proposition that she become his wife. But that had been in London.

  As a soldier, he listened to his head and not his heart in all things. Nothing in his life was accidental or unplanned and everything was carefully thought out.

  He’d agreed to consider his lawyer’s suggestion that he marry a wealthy woman, which would enable him to retain Ashurst Park, but his abhorrence to doing such a thing was as strong as ever. Miss Rosa Ingram’s revelation had come as something of a surprise to him and also a relief that he would not have to do battle with his conscience.

  ‘However, it is clear to me that your grandmother made the proposal without a thought to her finer feelings. It changes things considerably and has helped me with my decision. I will go and see your grandmother and tell her that I have changed my mind about marrying Clarissa—which is the truth. I would not contemplate marrying a woman whose heart is elsewhere.’

  ‘Not even to save your estate?’

  ‘No. Not even to save Ashurst Park,’ he answered with icy calm. ‘Since I agreed to consider marriage to your sister I, too, have had a change of heart. So you see, Miss Ingram, I am not as mercenary as you think.’

  Taken by surprise, Rosa stared at him. ‘I see. What did you intend doing about it?’

  ‘I was going to see your grandmother to explain.’

  ‘But—I have come here to offer a solution to your problems.’

  ‘And how did you intend doing that?’

  ‘I—have come to offer myself in Clarissa’s place. I wondered if you would consider marrying me instead.’

  His eyes flashed unexpectedly. ‘Good Lord!’ The words were exhaled slowly, but otherwise, he simply stared at her. ‘Have you taken leave of your senses?’

  She tossed her head, causing her hair to shimmer. ‘I assure you I am quite sane.’

  ‘Are you serious?’ he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘I am perfectly serious,’ she replied, thinking everything about him bespoke power and control. He was much too in command of himself to toy with.

  ‘Yes, you are,’ he replied coldly, ‘and the answer is no.’ It was an instant response. Unconsidered. Automatic. Already William could feel his pride and self-respect being stripped away bit by agonising bit. Her proposal unsettled him. The feeling was something complex and disturbing. Instinct told him he’d be best served not to prolong Miss Ingram’s visit, for he was quite bewildered by his own interest in this young woman. Her manner was forthright, but there was a vulnerability about her. She had no flirtatious wiles and her candour threw him somewhat, so what was it about her that disturbed him—and how was it possible for her to have made such a strong impact on him on so short an acquaintance? Her eyes seemed to search his face as if she were looking into his soul.

  Suddenly he found himself wondering what it would be like to have her as his wife. Would she light up his life with warmth and laughter? Would she banish the dark emptiness within him? He caught himself up short, dispelling any youthful dreams and unfulfilled yearnings he had consigned to the past. He had experienced them once before and realised his mistake in the most brutal manner. He scowled darkly as he realised Miss Ingram was suddenly bringing all those old foolish yearnings back to torment him. He would have none of that. After his turbulent relationship with Lydia he had reconciled himself to a life of transient affairs, which satisfied and relieved his body and left his emotions intact, but he suspected that if he were to take Rosa Ingram as his wife she would be a threat to everything he had determined never to feel again. His hurt went too deep. However difficult his life had been since Lydia’s betrayal, he had not deviated from his determination never to fall into the same trap again.

  What might this woman do to him if he let her?

  * * *

  Disappointed by his response, forcing herself to ignore the fluttering in her stomach, Rosa ploughed on before her courage and confidence deserted her. ‘Please—hear me out. I have given the matter a great deal of thought and I have decided that it is a solution that would suit us both. I should mention that my father left both Clarissa and me a substantial inheritance.’

  ‘My lawyer has made me aware of that. Whatever you have heard about me and expected to find when you came here, I am not a charity case, nor am I a beggar who is so impoverished that I will grab the offer of a proposal of marriage from a woman I do not know and sink to my knees with gratitude.’

  ‘Not for one moment would I expect you to do that. It would be ridiculous.’ Seeing how one well-defined dark eyebrow shot up in annoyance, she plunged bravely on. ‘I would like to point out that marrying me instead of Clarissa would make no difference to the money. A large dowry I am sure would make marriage to me palatable...’ She fell silent when he held up a hand and halted her.

  ‘Miss Ingram, let me assure myself that I understand you,’ he said, recovering from the shock her proposal had caused. ‘You are asking me to throw over your sister for you? Is that right?’


  ‘You must excuse me,’ he said, controlling his ire with difficulty. ‘I have never before been engaged in such a conversation, and to be frank I do not know the rules of the game.’

  ‘Neither do I,’ she admitted. ‘But let me assure you that it is not a game, Lord Ashurst.’ Rosa flushed violently and stiffened with indignation. She refused to retreat now she had come so far. ‘I know it may sound mad to you, but it is not like that at all. You are not the first Englishman who finds himself down on his luck and required to marry a wealthy woman as an answer to his financial difficulties. I am not ignorant of the fact that in the upper classes large sums of money and extensive estates are involved in such marriages.’

  With surprise, she was conscious that he was studying her with a different interest. She sat and returned his look. His expression did not alter, yet she felt the air between them charged with emotion. He cocked an eyebrow at her and for a moment it seemed as if he would agree, then he looked away.

  ‘You are ve
ry sure of yourself, Miss Ingram.’

  ‘I have always been sure of myself, Lord Ashurst. It is other people that often puzzle me.’ When he looked at her once more, his eyes hard and direct, she sighed. ‘You don’t want to marry me, is that it?’

  ‘Miss Ingram, I don’t want to marry anyone,’ he said, going to sit in a large winged chair opposite her, propping his right ankle on his left knee and steepling his fingers in front of him. ‘I find the manner of your offer a cold-blooded business arrangement—in fact, some might call it vulgar for a lady to discuss money matters and propose marriage to a complete stranger.’

  Mentally chiding herself for lacking the poise and behaviour of the lady she had been brought up to be, Rosa lifted her chin, undaunted. ‘Yes, I suppose they would, but I have no time for such niceties. I came here to make you an offer since I have no one else to speak for me.’

  ‘You do have your grandmother.’

  ‘She does not always see things my way and I know she was hoping you would marry Clarissa.’

  He was silent for a full ten seconds and then he gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. ‘How old are you, Miss Ingram?’

  ‘I shall soon be twenty.’

  ‘I see. Why are you so intent on marrying me?’

  Uncomfortable with both his question and the penetrating look in his eyes, Rosa tried to smile and make light of his question.

  ‘One of the reasons is that I have fallen in love with your house. One cannot fail to be impressed by it. Ashurst Park is beautiful.’

  ‘I cannot disagree with that. The fabric of the house is as it was when I was here as a youth. My inheritance is both ancient and beautiful, and I consider it a privilege to call it my home. Although,’ he said, his mood somewhat despondent and thoughtful, ‘in this present financial climate one cannot fail to observe unavoidable signs of wear and tear here and there. Countless tasks await me to be done in order to restore the estate to its former glory. I have not yet had time to discover the full extent of the neglect. The lawyer has kept on a skeleton staff even though there was no family member living here. According to my lawyer, a great deal of money is needed to put things right.’


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